
Classification and comparative analysis of methods for limiting technogenic pollution in the near-Earth space
Klyushnikov V.Y., Zakharova A.P., Usovik I.V.
Simulating the process of retargeting of optoelectronic Earth observation spacecraft during object shooting
Kurenkov V.I., Pupkov E.A., Kucherov A.S.
Models for determining the orientation of the solar battery of an observation spacecraft relative to the Sun during object survey and retargeting
Kurenkov V.I., Pupkov E.A.
Digital model of the drag force of the Earth’s upper atmosphere for the design of low-orbit spacecraft
Volotsuev V.V.
Ballistic analysis of a mission to Jupiter’s moon Callisto with landing on the surface
Kovalev V.V., Marchenko A.D., Starostina T.V., Sharipova A.R.
Features of the use of directional fixed antennas of a high-speed radio link on a small spacecraft AIST-2T
Eremina V.V., Erkov I.O., Zhuravlev A.A., Maslov I.V., Pyrinov N.I.
Basic aspects of topological technology of automated on-board equipment layout in space vehicle compartments using the example of “Yantar-2k” Earth remote sensing space vehicle
Belyakov A.A., Shulepov A.I.
Analysis and improvement of characteristics of power supply systems for the small space vehicle of the AIST-2 type
Mordanov M.R., Safronov S.L.
Iteration procedure of choosing a low-thrust rendezvous transfer control program in problems of space debris disposal in the geostationary orbit
Philippov G.A.
Small spacecraft for the registration of micrometeorites and space debris
Semkin N.D., Telegin А.М., Vidmanov A.S.
Choice of design characteristics of «garbage collector» spacecraft with a low-thrust electrojet engine
Ishkov S.A., Filippov G.A.
History of small space vehicle progress and development at Plesetsk cosmodrome. Current problems of further development
Korotkov V.V., Vinogradov A.V.
Influence of space vehicle remote power supply on thermal regimes of solar batteries
Steganov G.B., Beznyakov A.M., Nemirov A.V.
Control program for noncoplanar heliocentric flight to Venus of non-perfectly reflecting solar sail spacecraft
Khabibullin R.M.
Development of methods for ensuring energy balance for the operation of mission equipment of “AIST”-series small satellites under conditions of power limitations
Ivanushkin M.A., Salmin V.V., Tkachenko S.I., Tkachenko I.S., Volgin S.S.
Procedure of comparative assessment of the efficiency of Earth remote sensing satellites with different optoelectronic telescopic complexes
Stratilatova N.N., Kurenkov V.I., Kucherov A.S., Egorov A.S.
Estimation of the required thrust impulse for small spacecraft (SSC) control system with a propulsion system using fuel gas components
Titov B.A., Koltsov I.V.
Device for monitoring radiation situation on spacecraft
Syomkin N.D., Plokhotnichenko P.G., Ilyin A.B., Kalaev M.P., Ryazanov D.M., Pomel'nikov P.A.
Synthesis of dynamic modes of attitude motion of spacecraft with solid propellant rocket engine
Balakin V.L., Doroshin A.V., Krikunov M.M.
Methods of protecting unpressurized compartments of spacecraft from the penetration of electromagnetic field
Syomkin N.D., Balakin V.L., Bragin V.V.
Constructive actions for decreasing the acoustic pressure inside space-rocket products
Popov P.A., Sindyukov A.A.
The design shape and basic performances of small satellite of SSAU and SRP SRC “TSSKB-Progress”
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Dependence of the extent to which the space vehicle’s own atmosphere and plasma generated by stationary plasma engines affect the space vehicle on its structural lay-out
Testoyedov N.A., Smirnov V.A.
Peculiarities of acoustic loading of the space vehicle in the nose fairing launched as part of a «Soyuz»-type rocket
Popov P.A., Sindyukov A.A., Kryuchkov A.N.
Isotopy of spacecraft compartment hull shapes
Belyakov A.A., Shulepov A.I.
Refinement of operable state recovery algorithms for “AIST” small satellites on the basis of telemetric information
Volgin S.S., Salmin V.V., Tkachenko S.I., Tkachenko I.S., Ivanushkin M.A.
Locally optimal control of space tug motion between the libration points of the Earth-Moon system
Starinova O.L., Fain M.K.
Metodological basis of the development of a problem-oriented system for selecting design parameters of space vehicles
Stratilatov N.R., Kurenkov V.I., Kucherov A.S., Yakishik A.A.
The analysis of methods of protection of onboard equipment of space vehicles from influence of factors of the electrostatic discharge
Kostin A.V.
Electrization of the surface of low-orbiting small spacecraft “AIST”
Syomkin N.D., Bragin V.V., Piyakov A.V., Telegin A.M., Ryazanov D.M., Matviets M.G.
Method of choosing spacecraft design characteristics on the basis of creating task-oriented systems of computer-aided design
Kucherov A.S., Kurenkov V.I.
Simulating electromagnetic field distribution due to electrostatic discharge on the spacecraft surface
Syomkin N.D., Balakin V.L., Bragin V.V.
Problems of unmanned spacecraft reengineering in abnormal flight situations and their knowledge-based solutions
Akhmetov R.N., Makarov V.P., Sollogub A.V.
Ways of the development of the radar space systems of the remote sensing of the Earth
1 1.
Experiments aboard the space vehicle “Photon-M” NO.3 and some reseelts of the mission
Abrashkin V.I., Shatokhin S.M., Kovalyova T.B., Safronov S.L.
Determination of optimum plans of Earth Remote Sensing spacecraft detailed survey by the use of a graph
Buzuev K.V.
Analysis of characteristics of electric propulsion systems intended for carrying out maneuvers of maintenance of low Earth working orbit of small satellites
Salmin V.V., Volotsuev V.V., Nikitin A.V.
Reduction of angular velocities of AIST-2D spacecraft using a system of kinetic moment dumping
Shipov M.G.
Modal analysis of the dynamic mockup of “AIST–2D” small spacecraft
Igolkin A.A., Safin A.I., Filipov A.G.
Peculiarities of using additional low-power energy sources in the power supply system of small spacecraft
Kargu D.L., Beznyakov A.M., Nemirov A.V., Radionov N.V., Chudnovsky Y.A.
Application of simulation modelling in static tests of space-rocket vehicles
Grebnev D.N., Duplihin V.K., Zuperman J.A., Aistov A.I., Kukushkin V.E.
Research of small spacecraft dynamiсs taking into account the influence of elastic vibrations of asjacent solar panels and aerodynamic moment
Yelenev V.D., Titov B.A., Davydov E.I., Davydov I.E., Kochyan A.G., Yudintsev V.V.
Adaptive algorithm of determining low altitude spacecraft orientation on the basis of processing instant diverse-type measurements
Grigoryeva M.Y., Kramlikh A.V.
Choice of design parameters of universal platforms of small space vehicles
Volotsuev V.V., Tkachenko I.S., Safronov S.L.
Optimum programs of correction of quasielliptical and circular orbits of spacecraft with the limited-thrust engine
Khramov A.A.
The rotation maneuvers and synthesis of gyromoment guidance laws for land-survey spacecraft
1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Ground testingresults of loop heat pipe used to maintain thermal conditions of equipment
Biryuk V.V., Kitaev A.I.
Design of control moment gyro electric drive with strict requirements on ensuring desired rotational velocities
Polozhentcev D.S., Davidov A.A., Shipov M.G., Kazakov E.P., Malykh B.I.
Determining the dynamics of spacecraft rotational motion with the use of information provided by global navigation satellite systems
Belokonov I.V., Kramlikh A.V., Lomaka I.A.
Modeling external thermal influence of infrared radiation sources during tests of rocket and space equipment in VK-600/300
Dobritsa D.B., Ushakova A.A., Shabarchin A.F., Yashchenko B.Y.
Analysis of the accuracy of Earth remote sensing satellite angular motion control and track guidance during route observation intervals
Galkina A.S., Platoshin I.V.
Optimization of spatial turns of «AIST-2» small spacecraft on the basis of the principle of minimum control
Petrishchev V.F., Shipov M.G.
Analytical evaluation of the accuracy of spacecraft autonomous navigation according to the results of flight altitude adaptive measurement
Golyakov A.D., Fominov I.V.
Dynamics of spacecraft landing in the area of its contact with the surface
Voronin V.V.
Optimal program of controlling continuous low thrust in the flight between noncoplanar elliptical and geostationary orbits
Fadeenkov P.V., Ishkov S.A.
Choosing the structure of power-supply systems for low-orbit space vehicles
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
System of artificial intellect support of low-thrust spacecraft interplanetary mission optimization
Starinova O.L.
Method of calculating self-capacitance in planar structural elements of a spacecraft
Syomkin N.D., Bragin V.V., Pomelnikov R.A., Balakin V.L.
Reducing the influence of interference of spacecraft magnetic field on magnetic measurements
Beznyakov A.M., Guriev I.S., Ryzhova I.P.
Determination of spacecraft antenna directivity pattern with the use of an Earth-based station
Vasyutkina O.V., Vopilin A.V., Raduchev S.V., Khalilov R.R., Yakunin V.S.
Flight development tests and attempted operation of «AIST» small satellites
Kirilin A.N., Tkachenko S.I., Salmin V.V., Semkin N.D., Papkov A.P., Abrashkin V.I., Tkachenko I.S., Zheleznov Y.E., Galaeva E.Y.
Development of a solar battery orientation robot system for small spacecraft
Beznyakov A.M., Vlasov V.A., Malenin E.N.
Peculiarities of Earth observation space vehicle control in contingencies
Akhmetov R.N., Makarov V.P., Sollogub A.V.
Visual approach to verifictaion of real-time control software
Tyugashev A.A., Bogatov A.Y., Shulyndin A.V.
Creation of infotainment support of designing of control algorithms logic of spacecraft onboard control complexeses
1 1.
Solving the problem of stabilizing program deployment of an orbital tether system taking into account limitations on the rotary motion of the tip body
1 1., 1 1.
Approximate methods of calculating optimal flights of space vehicles with low-thrust engines. Part II
Salmin V.V., Vassiliev V.V., Ishkov S.A., Romanenko V.A., Sokolov V.O., Starinova O.L., Yurin V.V.
Influence of the reliability of Earth remote sensing spacecraft onboard systems on the monitoring of imaging periodicity
Kirilin A.N., Akhmetov R.N., Kurenkov V.I., Kapitonov V.A., Stratilatov N.R., Lokhmatkin V.V.
Bringing spacecraft into solar-oriented attitude by the measurements of a single-axis angular-rate sensor and an optical solar sensor
Shipov M.G., Steklova A.A., Davydov A.A.
Russian-Azerbaijani space project of a small satellite for science and technology experiments
Samedov A.S., Panasyuk M.I., Abdulaev P.S., Bogomolov V.V., Gasanov R.A., Ibragimov R.A., Iyudin A.F., Mammadzada T.G., Musaev A.A., Osedlo V.I., Petrov V.L., Podzolko M.V., Popova E.P., Rustamov R., Svertilov S.I., Seiidov H., Yashin I.V.
Сonceptual design of small spacecraft with a high resolution P-VHF band bistatic SAR system
Goryachkin O.V., Maslov I.V., Zhengurov B.G.
Ion source of DMS-01 scientific equipment for «AIST no 2» small spacecraft
Semkin N.D., Piyakov I.V., Rodina M.A., Rodin D.V.
Results of operation of scientific hardware «Space system of microacceleration compensation»
Semkin N.D., Piyakov I.V.
Procedure of accomodation of earth remote sansing satellite external devices with regard for the satellite target operation
Akhmetov R.N., Shilov L.B., Kurenkov V.I., Yakischik A.A.
Development of a prototype of a multi-loop closedbrayton cycle gas turbine power system
Arbekov A.N., Novitskiy B.B.
Selection of sites and angles for placing star coordinators of remote sensing satellites
Akhmetov R.N., Kurenkov V.I., Stratilatov N.R., Fedorenko O.G., Shilov L.B.
Calculation of power dissipation in corps of onboard equipment of space vehicle in direct electrostatic discharge
Kostin A.V.
Usage of the graphical languages in lifecycle of embedded software for spacecrafts
1 1., 1 1.
Vibration resistance problem for a space vehicle with single-degree-of-freedom powered gyroscopes
Filippov Y.I., Peresypkin K.V.
Orbital tether system motion equations considering space vehicle vibrations
Aslanov V.S., Stratilatov N.R.
The usage of high power supply capacity transport spacecraft
Ivanovich S.N.
Protocols of stitching image strips formed by optoelectronic converters and their application
Kuznetsov P.K., Martem’ianov B.V., Miatov G.N., Yudakov A.A.
Spacecraft power supply system using additional low-power sources of energy
Kargu D.L., Beznyakov A.M., Nemirov A.V.
Efficiency of using electric propulsion engines for the task of keeping in a near-circular orbit
Ishkov S.A.
Computational algorithm of forming program motion in a scheduled turn of small spacecraft
Salmin V.V., Filatov A.V., Tkachenko I.S., Tyugashev A.A., Sopchenko E.V.
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of perspective types of electric propulsion thrusters in the small spacecraft
Kulkov V.M., Obukhov V.A., Yegorov Y.G., Belik A.A., Krainov A.M.
Technical approach for estimation of engineering level of universal launch complexes for space launch vehicles witn use of overal parameter
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Choosing the form of space vehicle designed for descent in the rarefied atmosphere of Mars
Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S.
Software and algorithmic support for the ground-based complex for small spacecraft attitude determination
Grigoryeva M.Y., Kramlikh A.V.
Two-channel optimal discrete law of control of spacecraft with aerodynamic and inertial asymmetry during descent in Mars atmosphere
Lyubimov V.V., Bakry I.
Optimal control of spacecraft motion in the vicinity of Eros 433 asteroid
Shornikov A.Y.
Investigation of the technology of mutual navigation and orientation of small space vehicles flying in formation
Nebylov A.V., Perliouk V.V., Leontieva T.S.
Development of small satellite structure taking into account the use of laser measuring systems
Shaposhnikov S.N.
Thermal control of spacecraft star sensor attitude control system based on the solution of a coupled thermoelasticity problem
Tsaplin S.V., Bolychev S.A.
Optimal stabilization of small spacecraft angular motion in the process of deployment of an orbital tether system
Zabolotnov Y.M., Lobankov A.A.
Concept of multilevel adaptation of integrated navigation systems of small spacecraft
Fominov I.V.
Calculation of the electromagnetic field in homogeneous hull of on board equipment of space vehicle under influence of electrostatic discharges
Kostin A.V.
Stochastic method of investigating perturbed motion of a space vehicle in the atmosphere
Sokolov N.L.
Sensor equipment “Shtil-M” for carrying out experiments on the “Resource-P” spacecraft
Semkin N.D., Voronov K.E., Pomelnikov R.A., Shatrov S.A., Piyakov A.V., Bragin V.V.
Optimization methods of design-ballistic characteristics circumterraneous and interplanetary space vehicle with electrojet engines of low thrust
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
1 - 100 of 103 Items 1 2 > >> 

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