Synthesis of dynamic modes of attitude motion of spacecraft with solid propellant rocket engine

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An attitude motion of a spacecraft (SC) with variable structure around mass-center is considered. The qualitative method for the phase space analysis is applied. The analysis of motion and synthesis of modes of SC motion with variable structure is carried out. Possible evolutions of the SC motion are defined. Numerical modeling of the SC motion for nonlinear cases of inertia-mass parameters dependences is carried out.

About the authors

V. L. Balakin

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Professor of Space Mechanical Engineering Department

Russian Federation

A. V. Doroshin

Samara State Aerospace University


Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Associated Professor of Space Mechanical Engineering Department

Russian Federation

M. M. Krikunov

Samara State Aerospace University


Post-graduate Student of Space Mechanical Engineering Department

Russian Federation


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