Electrization of the surface of low-orbiting small spacecraft “AIST”
- Authors: Syomkin N.D.1, Bragin V.V.1, Piyakov A.V.1, Telegin A.M.1, Ryazanov D.M.1, Matviets M.G.1
- Samara State Aerospace University
- Issue: Vol 14, No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 46-57
- URL: https://journals.ssau.ru/vestnik/article/view/2592
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18287/1998-6629-2015-14-1-46-57
- ID: 2592
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The article presents the results of a space experiment that analyzed the process of electrization of low-orbit satellites. The research of the process of electrization took place on the small spacecraft "AIST-L" (flight) and "AIST-T" (technological) using the "Meteor” scientific equipment. The equipment includes multi-sensors that measure the temperature, illumination and electrification. The experiment revealed significant correlation between the process of differential charging of the apparatus and the external factors of space environment. The influence of both controlled and uncontrolled flight modes on the electrization of low-orbit satellites was estimated. The mode of micro acceleration compensation is controlled by three orthogonally arranged solenoids. The data obtained make it possible to assess the density of the flow of electrons falling on the surface of the sensor, and confirm the mathematical model of spacecraft electrization proposed in the article and based on the method of integral equations. The model takes into account the effect of shielding the redistribution of charges on the surface of the spacecraft by plasma.
About the authors
N. D. Syomkin
Samara State Aerospace University
Author for correspondence.
Email: semkin@ssau.ru
Doctor of Science (Engineering)
Professor the Department of Design and Technology of Electronic Systems and Devices
Russian FederationV. V. Bragin
Samara State Aerospace University
Email: bragin_vv@inbox.ru
Engineer, Department of Design and Technology of Electronic Systems and Devices
Russian FederationA. V. Piyakov
Samara State Aerospace University
Email: piyakov@ssau.ru
Candidate of Science (Engineering)
Russian FederationA. M. Telegin
Samara State Aerospace University
Email: talex85@mail.ru
Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics)
Associate Professor
Russian FederationD. M. Ryazanov
Samara State Aerospace University
Email: drfleard@gmail.com
Engineer, Department of Design and Technology of Electronic Systems and Devices
Russian FederationM. G. Matviets
Samara State Aerospace University
Email: mihailmatviets@gmail.com
Graduate student
Russian FederationReferences
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