
Results of conjugate modeling and analysis of the thermal state of a high-pressure turbine blade
Matveev V.N., Melnikov S.A., Popov G.M., Zubanov V.M., Kudryashov I.A., Shcherban A.I.
Substantiation of the criteria for evaluation of the efficiency of the fuel supply system of the gas turbine engines
Smurova N.A.
Mathematical models for evaluating the energy efficiency of ultralow power turbine drives
Kalabuhov D.S., Grigoryev V.A., Rad’ko V.M.
Efficiency of complex cycles of a gas turbine unit with varying degrees of heating in the first and second stages
Ivanov V.A.
Survey of the flight efficiency of a long-haul aircraft under uncertainty of tasks
Markiewicz P.
3D investigation of heat exchange and hydrodynamics of high pressure turbine nozzle block platforms with different cooling schemes
Gorelov Y.G., Ananyev V.V., Zolotuhina D.A.
Influence of energy separation and vortex tube geometry on the flow turbulence
Piralishvili S.A.
Design and development of combustion chambers for gas turbine engines based on calculations of various levels of complexity
Aleksandrov Y.B., Nguyen T.D., Mingazov B.G.
Experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion process in vortex gas burner
Yevdokimov O.A.
Some issues of research and development in aviation industry
Korchak V.Y., Kuznetsov V.V., Borisenkov I.L., Leonovich G.I., Lukachev S.V., Biryuk V.V.
Research of toxic substances emission during water injection into a combustion chamber
Mingazov B.G., Mukhametgaliev T.H.
Common properties of hydrocarbon combustion products and Brayton cycle
Mikheenkov E.L.
Improving the efficiency of gas turbines by regenerating heat
Kulagin V.V., Sokolov M.A.
Experimental study of a power absorber of accelerated fluid flow in pipelines
Gimadiev M.A., Gimadiev A.G.
Device for rejection of semiconductor diodes
Tyulevin S.V., Piganov M.N., Chopin G.P., Arhipov A.I.
Experimental research and selection of design parameters of the onboard microaccelerations state and compensation monitoring equipment on the low-orbit space microgravitational platform
1 1.
Analysis of temperature separation efficiency in vortex gas flows
Biryuk V.V., Kurnosov N.Y., Tarnopolsky A.V.
Formation of film cooling on the turbine blade back and pressure side in the case of using V-shaped dimples
Lebedev V.V., Lebedev O.V., Remizov A.E.
Methodology of optimization of parameter of matching the combustion chamber and turbine joint operation
Grigoriev A.V., Golubchikov P.P., Ilushin M.Y., Rudakov O.A., Solovieva A.V.
On the efficiency of a radiant heating regenerative system
Panchenko V.V.
Functional analysis of periodic disturbances during intermittent cutting
Kolodyazhny D.Y.
Vortex cleaning of fuel tank pressurant gas
Biryuk V.V., Shimanov A.A., Onoprienko D.A., Smorodin A.V., Shepelev A.I.
Computation of tip clearance effect on characteristic of low pressure compressor of engine RD-33
Abdelwahid M.B., Fedorov R.M., Fedechkin K.S.
Pressure pulsation dampers as a means of improving the inherent vibroacoustic charateristics of hydraulic test rigs
Berestovitsky E.G., Gladilin Y.A., Kryuchkov A.N., Fyodorov A.Y., Frantov A.A., Shakhmatov Y.V.
Problems and prospect of microgasturbines development for unmanned aerial vehicle propulsion
Zhdanov I.A., Staudacher S., Falaleev S.V.
Assessment of technicaland economical efficiency of developing carrier rockets with first-stage reusable units
1 1., 1 1.
The community of the ideal and complex cycles of the gas-turbine installations
Ivanov V.A.
Methods of validation of the ballistic structure of space surveillance system orbital segment
Fadin I.A., Yanov S.V., Samokhvalov O.A.
Increasing the capacity of engine intake system
Kozin A.M., Rusakov M.M.
Modeling of process energy supply and consumption of energy resources industrial enterprises
Biryuk V.V., Myatishkin G.V., Uglanov D.A., Klentak A.S.
Methods of protecting unpressurized compartments of spacecraft from the penetration of electromagnetic field
Syomkin N.D., Balakin V.L., Bragin V.V.
Modelling of an ejector for turbine aeroengines for application in performance synthesis tools
Georgi J., Staudacher S., Falaleev S.V.
Influence of the loading parameter on the efficiency ofa three-stage turbine of turbojet bypass engine
1 1., 1 1.
Choice of materials for making inductor systems
Barvinok V.A., Palamartchuk Y.Y., Kirilin A.N., Samokhvalov V.P., Vershigorov V.M.
Justification of the architecture of an interactive information model of the process of space-mission vehicle launch preparation
Privalov A.E., Bugaichenko P.Y.
Proposals for improving the efficiency and service life of the turbines of turbo-pump assemblies in liquid-propellant rocket engines by using double-sided crest-type radial labyrinth seals
Levochkin P.S., Chvanov V.K., Vasiliev V.S., Timushev S.F.
Peculiarities of computer modeling of the working process in small gas turbine engines
Kuz'michev V.S., Tkachenko A.Y., Ostapyuk Y.A.
Research of the process of cleaning gas from mechanical impurities in a direct flow centrifugal separator
Glebov G.A., Hazbulatov A.I.
Development of methods of designing modern gas turbines
Inozemtsev A.A., Khairulin V.T., Tikhonov A.S., Samokhvalov N.Y.
Switched-reactance control of pressure and flow as a way to increase energy efficiency of hydraulic drives – a state-of the-art review
Sverbilov V.Y., Stadnik D.M., Iliukhin V.N., Shamin D.V.
Design and research of characteristics of a pressure fluctuation damping device for electrocontact manometers
Gimadiev A.G., Gimadiev A.A., Ermochkin A.Z., Ilyuchin V.N.
Investigation of thermal conditions nozzle blades with a cyclone-vortex cooling system
Veretennikov S.V., Khasanov S.M.
Research of laws of interaction of components in a liquid phase self-igniting liquid rocket fuel
1 1., 1 1.
Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in a hydraulic drive with a discrete regulator of liquid flow
Shakhmatov Y.V., Gimadiev A.G., Sverbilov V.Y., Sinyakov A.F.
Preliminary study of principles of effective efficiency change of turboshaft engines of various schemes with heat recovery and intermediate cooling of working medium
Sokolov M.A., Kuzmichev V.S., Kulagin V.V., Krupenich I.N., Tkachenko A.Y.
Theory and calculation of parameters of the detonation engine thermodynamical cycle
Grigoriev A.V., Mitrofanov V.A., Rudakov O.A., Solovieva A.V.
Methods and means of accelerating particles of natural and technogenic origin
Semkin N.D., Sukhachev K.I., Dorofeev A.S.
Method for calculating shipping costs in transporting heterogeneous cargo
Saveliev G.L.
Analysis of the thermal state of aircraft engine supports
Vinogradov A.S., Badykov R.R., Fedorchenko D.G.
Problem of multistage compressor optimization while designing perspective gas turbine engines
Shabliy L.S.
Methodological aspects of estimation foundry design and technology process efficiency for aircraft companies
Levkina O.Y.
Prospects for the forcing of gas turbine and steam power plants
Pavlova A.A.
Features of designing gas turbine of complex cycle GT24
1 1.
Verification of a complex of mathematical models of aerodynamics and dynamics of Savonius rotor motion
Sizov D.A., Onushkin Y.P., Krasnova O.A., Dzhanibekov O.T.
Heat engine cycle limitations imposed by fuel properties
Mikheyenkov E.L.
Estimating the efficiency of a bypass turbojet engine on the basis of a serial gas generator as a part of the power plant of a high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle
Zinenkov Y.V., Lukovnikov A.V., Popov A.V., Nechaev V.N.
Procedure of accomodation of earth remote sansing satellite external devices with regard for the satellite target operation
Akhmetov R.N., Shilov L.B., Kurenkov V.I., Yakischik A.A.
Experience of operational development of starting characteristics of the APU combustion chamber
Chechulin A.Y.
Peculiarities of Earth observation space vehicle control in contingencies
Akhmetov R.N., Makarov V.P., Sollogub A.V.
Improvement of efficienсy of the automated control system of nonrigid shafts surface contour in lathing
Kravchenko S.A., Nabilkin A.U., Birukov V.P.
Use of the dynamic programming method for solving tasks of GTE management optimization using the aircraft efficiency criteria
Tkachenko A.Y., Kuzmichev V.S.
Research of the mechanism of shock-inertial deposition of dispersed particles from a gas flow
Usmanova R.R., Zhernakov V.S.
Way of increase in efficiency of cycle gas turbine units
1 1.
Integrated assessment of the efficiency of an orbital inspection space system based on small satellites
Tkachenko I.S., Kaurov I.V.
Aircraft engine design based on unified gas generator
Vinogradov A.S., Parovay Y.F., Mordvinov A.G., Popov D.V., Shirokov M.A.
Service-oriented distributed software complex for evaluation and multi-criteria analysis of reliability and survivability of on-board equipment of small satellites: Russian and Belarusian segments
Zelentsov V.A., Potryasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Skobtsov V.Y., Korenyako S.A., Kim D.S., Vakulchyk E.N., Kulbak L.I., Nikolaenya E.D., Lapitskaya N.V., Saksonov R.V.
The use of mathematical optimization means to increase the efficiency of a seven-stage axial flow compressor
Baturin O.V., Popov G.M., Gorachkin E.S., Novikova Y.D.
Characteristic of energy efficiency index and drawing intermediate conclusions on the reduction of consumption of energy resources at SSAU
Anishchenkova E.I., Biryuk V.V., Anisimov M.Y.
State of the art analysis in the automotive hybrid drives
Sinyiakov A.F., Gimadiev A.G., Ilukhin V.N., Sverbilov V.Y.
The analysis of real thermodynamic cycle of bypass engine with mixing
Medvedev V.V.
Investigation of effects of multistage compressor final stage blading shape on compressor performance and flow pattern
Popov G.M., Krivcov A.V., Kolmakova D.A.
Models and methods of optimizing the procedure of measuring gas turbine engine parts using coordinate measuring devices
Bolotov M.A., Lyozin I.A.
Pressure-gain combustion and its potential for gas turbine engine enhancement
Lutoschkin E.V., Rose M.G., Staudacher S.
Limit values of the Brayton cycle with the use of reduced fuel characteristics
Mikheenkov E.L., Nekrasova S.O.
The possibilities of engine volumetric efficiency increasing at the expense of self-closing inlet valve
Kozin A.M., Rusakoff M.M.
Estimation of functional efficiency of the air transport service system at a regional airport terminal
Koltsov I.V., Romanenko V.A.
Optimization of the workflow of multistage axial turbines with platforms
Matveev V.N., Baturin O.V., Popov G.M., Goryachkin E.S.
Rail electromagnetic accelerators with an external magnetic field
Sukhachev K.I.
Ways to improve the workflow of liquid rocket thrusters on hypergolic propellants
Nigodjuk V.E., Sulinov A.V.
Anode dissolution of a nickel-chromium alloy ЖС6У in various electrolytes
Sayapova V.V., Amirchanova N.A., Ustyuzhanina S.V., Gordeyev V.Y.
Designing a seal as an element of air secondary system in aircraft engines
Vinogradov A.S.
Criteria for selecting categories of efficiency of soundproof materials used for car noise reduction
Fesina M.I., Krasnov A.V.
1 - 82 of 82 Items

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