
Power plants of the first aircraft
Drygin A.S.
Theoretical aspects of designing the components of an aircraft onboard cable network
Myasnikov A.Y.
The problems of creating a propulsion system of a new generation supersonic passenger aircraft (review)
Alendar A.D., Lanshin A.I., Evstigneev A.A., Yakubovsky K.Y., Siluyanova M.V.
Assessment of the possibility of shortening the landing distance of maneuverable aircraft
Strelets M.Y., Tarasov A.Z., Grishin I.A.
Results of conjugate modeling and analysis of the thermal state of a high-pressure turbine blade
Matveev V.N., Melnikov S.A., Popov G.M., Zubanov V.M., Kudryashov I.A., Shcherban A.I.
Method of first-approximation calculation of take-off weight of a light aircraft with a hybrid propulsion system
Sychev A.V., Arbuzov I.V., Ravikovich Y.A.
Joint works of Ilyushin design bureau and general designer N. D. Kuznetsov
Novozhilov G.V.
Aircraft electric power plants
Kondryakov A.D., Leontiev M.K.
Main approaches and features of the design of aircraft hydro-mechanical control systems
Petrov P.V., Tselischev V.A., Kuderko D.A.
Development of ordinary harness for aircraft onboard cable networks
Koptev A.N., Myasnikov A.Y.
Evaluation of the influence of the number of blades and diameter on propeller noise
Moshkov P.A., Samokhin V.F.
Designing of control and expulsion equipment for the pitot-static system of passenger airplanes
Zotin N.A., Lisman E.P.
Some issues of research and development in aviation industry
Korchak V.Y., Kuznetsov V.V., Borisenkov I.L., Leonovich G.I., Lukachev S.V., Biryuk V.V.
The relevance of introducing a requirements management system in the production process of the aircraft engine construction industry
Malinovskiy I.M., Starodumov A.V., Myagkov K.A., Yusipov B.K.
Methodological support for the training of UAV designers and operators
Lukyanov O.E., Zolotov D.V.
Experimental analysis of instability and self-oscillations in an electrohydraulic servo drive
Petrov P.V., Sunarchin R.A., Mashkov M.A., Krivosheev N.S.
Survey of the flight efficiency of a long-haul aircraft under uncertainty of tasks
Markiewicz P.
Design and technical characteristics of transport airplane for arctic exploration
Kuprikov N.V., Dolgov O.S., Kuprikov M.Y., Ivanov B.V.
Analytical model for determining allowances for elastomer constrained bending of aircraft parts
Moiseev V.K., Gromova E.G., Lomovskoi O.V., Mantusov M.N., Plotnikov A.N., Sharov A.A.
Sales training methods based on through the use of CAD / CAM / CAE systems for aero engines
Balyakin A.V., Ermakov A.I., Pronichev N.D., Chempinsky L.A.
Determination of large-size liner impedance based on numerical simulation of sound propagation in a duct with specified azimuthal modal structure
Korin I.A., Palchikovskiy V.V., Pavlogradskiy V.V.
Increasing the efficiency of rotary piston engines by the use of the diesel cycle
Okorochkov V.V., Okorochkova V.M., Ravodin A.I.
Research of a sleeve connection of the aircraft pipeline under the influence of dynamic loading
Agafonov V.M., Pykhalov A.A.
Investigations for landing gear rational parameters selection
Garin A.M., Vorobyev V.I.
Improving the quality parameters of serial debug two spool mixed flow turbofan
Volik A.A., Gumerov K.S., Khabibullin R.Z., Khayrullin R.B.
Analytical approximation of aircraft dynamics model in problems of approximate optimal control synthesis
Blinov A.O., Gurman V.I., Fralenko V.P.
Adjustment of the pneumatic drive of a ground catapult to the permanent law of tractive force
Sereda V.A.
Aspects of simulating stable low-cycle fatigue crack growth in the main parts of aircraft gas turbine engines
Ryabov A.A., Mokhov K.Y., Voronkov O.V., Kudryavtsev A.Y., Museev A.A.
Optimal command control of hypersonic aircraft flight path in conditions of atmospheric disturbances
Krikunov M.M.
Problems of modern aircraft maintenance
Kovalev M.A., Poddubniy I.V.
Metrological analysis of a device rof nondestructive control of flight vehicle fuel tank current conductive coatings
Samsonov A.S., Blinov D.I., Skvortsov B.V., Zhivonosnovskaya D.M.
Analysis of low-thrust liquid rocket engines with a methane air pump unit
Ivanov A.I., Kositsin I.P., Borisov V.A.
Research of gas turbine engine operation in dust-filled atmosphere
Abdullin B.R., Akmaletdinov R.G., Goumerov K.S., Nigmatullin R.R.
Design of reinforced specified fatigue life capability airframe panels containing notches
Bespalov V.A.
Command control of hypersonic cruising aircraft during climb
Balakin V.L., Kotchyan A.G.
Generation of control programes for disposable unmanned aircraft vehicle propulsion system by means of dynamic characteristic
Mikhailov A.Y., Akhmedzyanov D.A., Akhmetov Y.M., Mikhailova A.B.
Experience of using the end-to-end design systems for engineering of high-speed and high-efficiency machining in aircraft industry
Kazakov A.A., Konuhov A.V.
Characteristics of the sampling instrument for measuring emissions of an aircraft gas turbine engine
Okhlobystin A.V., Lyubimov R.V., Sokolova N.N.
Artificial intelligence in aircraft design and the role of professor V.G. Maslov’s scientific school in the process of its development
Borgest N.M., Grigoriev V.A., Kuzmichev V.S.
Ensuring permissible level of gas turbine dynamic loading in operation by means of standard engine control devices
Chervonyuk V.V., Korovin B.B.
Set-theory model of the aircraft hydraulic system working fluid state
Koptev A.N., Gareyev A.M., Popelnyuk I.A.
Mathematic simulation of AL-31F powerplant radiation in the IR range
Filippov G.S.
Procedure of calculating efforts of blank stretching without corrugation in stretch forming
Dementyev S.G.
Organization of go-ahead engineers training for aircraft industry at the example of the strategic alliance of Ulyanovsk state university and CJSS “Aviastar-SP”
Polyanskov Y.V., Shabalkin D.Y., Evseev A.N.
Construction of a promising face gas-dynamic seal of the aircraft engine
Bondarchuk P.V., Falaleev S.V.
Command control of hypersonic aircraft angle of attack during acceleration and climb
Kotchyan A.G.
Analysis of basic concepts of advanced engines for supersonic civil aircraft on the basis of foreign designers’ experience
Alendar A.D., Grunin A.N., Siluyanova M.V.
Verification of a design model and evaluation of a technique of manufacturing aircraft engine composite parts on the basis of dynamic tests
Zinin A.V., Arkhipov A.N., Kholobtsev D.P., Ravikovich Y.A., Shevjakov A.O., Kholmanova M.A.
Influence of the geometry fidelity of resonant sound-absorbing liner samples on their acoustic characteristics
Kustov O.Y., Khramtsov I.V., Bulbovich R.V.
Influence of turbulence models on calculated values of aircraft aerodynamic properties
Elisov N.A., Ishkov S.A., Shakhov V.G.
Empirical metod of predicting aviation piston engine noise
Moshkov P.A.
Assessing skills level of flying cadets
Kuatov B.Z., Kurtaev S.Z.
Seal designing as element of aircraft engine systems and engine units
Vinogradov A.S.
The interactive system for collecting data of technical condition of aircraft components
Blagorazumov A.K., Kirpichev I.G.
Flight-navigation complex diagnostics at the aircraft manufacture stage
Koptev A.N., Kirillov A.V.
Simulation of automatic systems of controlling space vehicle drives
Zhuravlyova Y.V.
Application of dynamic programming for path planning for observation of mobile ground targets in the controlled area
Lebedev G.N., Efimov A.V.
Imitation models of aircraft hydraulic units with account for typical faults
Gareyev A.M., Popelnyuk I.A., Stadnik D.M.
Nominal motion control program in a supersonic carrier aircraft
Balakin V.L., Potapov V.I.
Parameters study in the electrothermal and jet protection of the airliner cockpit windows from fogging
Nikolayev V.N.
Oxygen-hidrogen liquid rocket engine using turbo-pump developed for aviation hidrogen liquid two-spool turbo-jet
Ivanov A.I., Borisov V.A.
Methodological aspects of estimation foundry design and technology process efficiency for aircraft companies
Levkina O.Y.
Analysis of economic and organizational problems in aircraft engine construction
Nikitin N.F., Cherner N.V.
The phase characteristic of force cutting and its role in occurrence and development of self-oscillations at sharpening not rigid details of aviation engines
Burmistrov E.V., Basyrov M.N., GiniyatuIIin R.R.
Research of restrained bending of aircraft parts with curved sides
Gromova E.G., Moiseev V.K., Sharov A.A., Lomovskoi O.V., Mantusov М.N., Plotnikov A.N.
Prospects of application of additive technologies to develop parts and components of gas turbine engines and ramjets
Magerramova L.A., Nozhnitsky Y.A., Volkov S.A., Volkov M.E., Chepurnov V.Z., Belov S.V., Verbanov I.S., Zaikin S.V.
Conducting corrosion resistant nickel coating for contacts of the system of aircraft underwater locator beacons
Krivina L.A., Тsareva I.N., Tarasenko Y.P., Fel’ Y.A., Levanov Y.K.
Complex approach to aerodynamic design of inlet ducts with submerged vortex-free air intakes
Kornev A.V., Boychuk I.P.
Research of repeatability of characteristics of multilayered corrugated dampers of aircraft and rocket engines using the Monte-Carlo method
Ponomaryov Y.K.
Using computer models spatial dimension chains and database of virtual assemblies for improvement of assembly operations performance
Sibirsky V.V., Chotchaeva S.K.
Models of reliability and determination of acceptable periodicity of maintenance of ageing aircraft fleet
Pisarenko V.N.
Use of the dynamic programming method for solving tasks of GTE management optimization using the aircraft efficiency criteria
Tkachenko A.Y., Kuzmichev V.S.
Theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermal state of transport aircraft compartments thermal state
Nikolayev V.N.
Optimizing the propulsion of a hypersonic accelerator aircraft of a two-stage aerospace system
Balakin V.L., Bebyakov A.A., Kotchyan A.G.
Mathematical model for calculating the mass of a heat exchanger in problems of optimizing the parameters of the working process of aircraft gas turbine engines
Kuz'michev V.S., Omar H., Tkachenko A.Y., Bobrik A.A.
Engines for domestic drones: past, present and future
Cherkasov A.N., Legkonogikh D.S., Zinenkov Y.V., Panov S.Y.
Prospective lines of improving the process of evaluating the technical condition of aircraft hydraulic system working fluid
Koptev A.N., Gareyev A.M., Popelnyuk I.A.
Tribodiagnostics of aircraft reduction gear elements
Shabalinskaia L.A., Golovanov V.V., Bubnova E.S., Milinis L.V., Prodanov E.S.
Curing agent for regulation of anisotropy mechanical properties of fibreglasses
Bazheryanu V.V., Zaychenko I.V.
Conceptually logical model of an integrated data system (software & hardware) for the control of individual and small-scale production of aviation components
Prilepsky I.V.
Optimization of strength characteristics of lighting devices aircraft by construction of virtual models
Abulkhanov S.R., Goryainov D.S., Skuratov D.L.
Heat exchange parameters of units and pipelines of the aircraft hydraulic system
Nikolayev V.N.
Determination of aircraft part masses based on a parametric 3D model at the stage of technical proposals
Borgest N.M., Gromov A.A., Tarabaeva A.I.
Designing of minimum mass airframes under several loadings
Danilin A.I.
Efficiency of technical workings out in batch production GTE
Aleksentsev E.I., Shitarev I.L., Kurbatov V.P., Gritsenko E.A.
Use of phase portraits of hydro-mechanical units for diagnosing aircraft hydraulic systems
Gareyev A.M., Popelnyuk I.A.
Fiber-optical pressure transducer for the UA engine control system
Leonovich G.I., Matyunin S.A., Glushkov A.I., Livochkina N.A., Solovyov V.I.
Thermoplastic strengsening of blades aircraft gas turbine engines
Krotinov N.B.
Hierarchical and associative relations between the terms in the thesaurus in a designer’s dictionary taken as an example
Borgest N.M., Shustova D.V., Gimatdinova S.R.
Approaches to the evaluation of fuels for hypersonic engines
Sergeev S.M., Petrukhin N.V.
Problems of mathematical programming in optimization of controlling air transportation on the basis of a hub airport
Potapov I.V., Romanenko V.A.
The main trends of aviation science development
Alyoshin B.S., Chernyshev S.L.
1 - 92 of 92 Items

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