
Recurrent matrix form of the optimal elimination method
Zhdanov A.I., Yablokova L.V.
Experimental method for evaluating the balance of high-speed small-sized internal combustion engines
Rekadze P.D., Sychugov S.Y., Melentiev V.S., Rodionov L.V.
Technological processes simulation incomplex parts production of aerospacetechnical equipment: problems and the ways of their solving
Bolotov M.A., Zhidyaev A.N., Surkov O.S.
Method of singular integral equations (SIE) in theory of dish antennas
1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Comparative research of algorithms of measuring the geometry of complex profiles of gas turbine engine compressor blades
Pechenin V.A., Bolotov M.A., Ruzanov N.V., Stepanova E.R.
Solving the polynomial approximation problem with use of the iterative kachmazh method
Ivanov A.A.
The effect of the way of setting boundary conditions on the results of modeling a flow at the flameholder outlet
Kolomzarov O.V., Anisimov V.M., Zubrilin I.A.
Applying Lagrange’s approach to solving a one-dimensional problem of wave propagation in gas in linear formulation
Nikonov V.V., Shakhov V.G.
Substantiation of the criteria for evaluation of the efficiency of the fuel supply system of the gas turbine engines
Smurova N.A.
Doppler method for measuring fluctuations of elements rotationg parts power
Danilin A.I., Gretskov A.A.
Models and methods of optimizing the procedure of measuring gas turbine engine parts using coordinate measuring devices
Bolotov M.A., Lyozin I.A.
Investigation of the edge effect in composites using the ANSYS software in a two-dimensional formulation
Skvortsov Y.V., Evtushenko M.A.
Modeling non-through surface cracks in the thin-walled structures
Skvortsov Y.V., Glushkov S.V.
Topology optimization of a load-bearing structure via the method of convex linearization
Kishov E.A., Komarov V.A.
Method of orthotransformation of space images in conditions of lack of cue
Spirin A.V., Rudnev N.I., Pastuh N.K., Shuklin I.I.
Development of a model for determination of preloads on blade shrouds
Pechenina E.Y., Kudashov E.V., Pechenin V.A.
Identification of scale factor of a pendulum compensating accelerometer during an orbital spacecraft mission
Fominov I.V.
Optical characteristics of a multilayer solar sail and their effect on its heliocentric motion
Rozhkov M.A.
Optimal stabilization of small spacecraft angular motion in the process of deployment of an orbital tether system
Zabolotnov Y.M., Lobankov A.A.
Experimental study of air flow in axisymmetric diffuser output section with rotating wall
Kurkin E.I., Ivchenko A.V.
Methods of organization and evaluation of the results of planning economic activity of industrial enterprises based on IPF-technologies
Khaytbaev V.A., Nemchinov O.A.
Three-dimensional periodic thermoelastichydrodynamic modeling of hydrodynamic processes of a thrust bearing
Sokolov N.V., Khadiev M.B., Fedotov P.E., Fedotov E.M.
Method for optimizing mass and size characteristics of a high-pressure turbine disk
Siluyanova M.V., Grunin A.N., Alendar A.D., Kandaurov S.K.
Transducer of fluid and air consumption and temperature in pipelines
Nikolayev V.N., Kabanov Y.N.
Internal combustion engine some cooling system components detailed calculation
Kolomin I.V., Ajukov A.A., Birjuk V.V.
Determination of large-size liner impedance based on numerical simulation of sound propagation in a duct with specified azimuthal modal structure
Korin I.A., Palchikovskiy V.V., Pavlogradskiy V.V.
Optimization of space vehicle trans-atmospheric motion by using the method of sequential linearization
Balakin V.L., Ishkov S.A., Khramov A.A.
Numerical method for determining the parameters of a creep curve on the basis of Soderberg law
Makarov R.Y.
Algorithm of planning operational and financial activity of a manufacturing enterprise
Bogatyryov V.D., Yesipova O.V.
A simplified method of thermoacoustic engine analysis
Zynovyev E.A., Dovgyallo A.I.
Nonparaxial iterative calculation of diffractive optical elements focusing in a subwave light spot
Bogdanova E.Y., Khonina S.N.
Discrete phase converters moving elements rotating units power units
Danilin A.I., Grechishnikov V.M.
Integral probability metrics for texture image analysis
Plastinin A.I.
Discrete-phase movement transducers for the determination of turbine blade vibration parameters
Danilin A.I., Grechishnikov V.M.
Analysis of buckling of supported aircraft module skin under compressive load
1 1., 1 1.
The flowing reactor as the tool of an experimental research of processes of transformation self-igniting liquid rocket fuel
1 1., 1 1.
Computer simulation of thin-walled tube sink drawing
Kargin V.R., Kargin B.V., Pastushenko T.S., Yerisov Y.A.
Computer-aided-design system for calculating adsorption thermodynamic characteristics
Zelenko L.S., Varfolomeyeva V.V., Kuznetsov V.Y., Fed’kayev A.V., Terentyev A.V., Buryak A.K.
Method of pipeline system designing taking into account complex interaction of static and dynamic processes with strength characteristics
Mironova T.B., Prokofiev A.B., Rodionov L.V.
Method of reduced fuel characteristics and parameters of the operating cycles of heat engines
Anastaseev V.V., Belozertsev S.V., Mikheenkov E.L., Nekrasova S.O.
Application of gas analyzers for the control of fuel in the air environment of rocket and space industry enterprises
Bulgakov A.B., Vashchuk S.P., Panshin R.A.
Comparative estimation of the accuracy of methods of autonomous navigation of small spacecraft in formation flying
Golyakov A.D., Richnyak A.M., Kalabin P.V.
Development of numerical models of working process in fuel auger-centrifugal pump
Gafurov S.A., Miheev M.G., Rodionov L.V., Kruchkov A.N., Shahmatov E.V.
Method of design calculation gas-liquid jet duplex fuel nozzle with internal mixing
Egorychev V.S.
Optimization of space vehicle combined orbital plane change maneuver on the basis of the successive linearization method
Balakin V.L., Ishkov S.A., Khramov A.A.
Safety front shock damper (shock absorber) to protect containers in emergency falling
Samokhin P.A., Bakhareva E.A., Potanin D.V.
Methods of modeling the work process of hydrogen screw-centrifugal pumps using ANSYS CFD
Sulinov A.V., Shabliy L.S., Zubanov V.M.
Use of differential equations in the form of Encke for the study of motion small solar system bodies
Zausaev D.A.
Dimensions of controlled on CMM flat surfaces as an influencing factor of their coordinate-positional parameters measurement errors
Cheveleva A.O., Bolotov M.A.
Stochastic method of investigating perturbed motion of a space vehicle in the atmosphere
Sokolov N.L.
Features computer simulation cluster charactiristics electromagnetic converters
Merkulov A.I., Lavrov A.Y., Burkov D.S.
Analysis of the applicability of laser stereolithography technology for the production of turbodrives
Shabliy L.S.
Design of led spotlight secondary optics producing required irradiance distribution
Belousov A.A., Moiseev M.A.
Мethod of design calculation of centrifugal emulsive duplex fuel nozzle
1 1.
Developing an electronic reference book on thermogasodynamic properties of rocket engine fuel combustion products taking into account non-ideal character of the working process
Silyutin M.V.
Solving the least squares problem using the method of an extended set of equations with sparse matrix
Gogoleva S.Y., Zoteeva O.V.
Rectangular cantilever plate bending with regard to transverse shear deformation
Sukhoterin M.V.
Optimal design of an induction heater of minimum length
Mednikova V.A.
Assessing the strain-stress state parameters of cutting tools and parts during machining
Stepanov A.A., Haimovich A.I.
Three-dimensional inhomogeneous thermal fields of the “Photon-Amur 2.0” payload electronic board developed for nanosatellites
Fomin D.V., Barulinа M.A., Golikov A.V., Strukov D.O., German A.S., Ogorodnikov A.A.
Methods of validation of the ballistic structure of space surveillance system orbital segment
Fadin I.A., Yanov S.V., Samokhvalov O.A.
Research of the workability of special materials electroerosive method
Koshelev V.V., Smirnov G.V.
Backstepping synthesis of the height control system of an unmanned aerial vehicle
Akhramovich S.A., Barinov A.V., Malyshev V.V., Starkov A.V.
Prospective lines of improving the process of evaluating the technical condition of aircraft hydraulic system working fluid
Koptev A.N., Gareyev A.M., Popelnyuk I.A.
Calculation of the performance of a coulomb friction damper of a crown bevel gear wheel for different forms of resonant oscillations
Kozharinov E.V., Temis J.M.
Calculation of displacements in a viscoelastic square plate with a round cut
Ivanov E.Y.
Method of plastic structure formation
Grechnikov F.V., Popov I.P., Demyanenko E.G.
Numerical simulation of separation processes in mechanical working
Ivanov K.M., Vinnik P.M., Ivanov V.N.
Structure of arterial blood pressure monitors
Fedotov A.A., Akulov S.A., Akulova A.S.
Analysis and assessment of efficiency of measures to stabilise the situation in the mortgage market
Kirillov A.V., Korostlyova T.S.
Analysis of the structure of the third variation of roll moment coefficient during hypersonic flow about bodies of revolution with small spatial surface variations on the basis of differential locality hypothesis method
Danilkin V.A., Kostin G.F., Mokin Y.A., Tikhonov N.N.
Features of calculation of hydraulic characteristics of capillary spray jets of is liquid-stnyh rocket engines of small pull-rod
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A parallel algorithm in the cyclic counter-sweep method for a two-dimensional domain
Loganova L.V.
Method of calculating currents of a group of parallel electric arc steel melting furnaces
Saltykov A.V.
Analysis of ablation process method errors for the definition of the temperature profile of high-temperature gas flows
Shustov S.A.
Forming the conceptual structure of a dimensionally stable platform by numerical optimization
Peresypkin K.V., Kozhichenkova M.S.
Calculation of flow characteristics of liquid fuel supplied through pressure jet atomizers of small-sized gas turbine engines
Gurakov N.I., Zubrilin I.A., Hernandez Morales M., Yakushkin D.V., Didenko A.A., Matveev S.G., Komisar Y.V.
Disturbed motion of the hypersonic first stage of an aerospace system in climb
Balakin V.L., Krikunov M.M.
Disturbed motion of a hypersonic vehicle in climb
Balakin V.L., Krikunov M.M.
Analysis of information characteristics of a dynamic displacement doppler transducer signal
Danilin A.I., Gretskov A.A.
Dynamic modelling of non-linear vibrations in cylindrical tooth gearing of aircraft drive systems
Kalinin D.V., Temis J.M.
Improving the accuracy of assessing the position deviation in coordinate measurements of GTE compressor and turbine blade profiles
Bolotov M.A., Pechenin V.A., Ruzanov N.V.
Research of possibilities to obtain high-alloy aluminummagnesium alloys
Grechnikov F.V., Popov I.P., Bibikov A.M., Demyanenko E.G.
NC machine tools contact measuring devices uncertainty when products geometrical parameters control
Bolotov M.I., Zhidyaev A.N., Surkov O.S., Tiapaev N.V., Papsuev I.V.
Methods of protecting unpressurized compartments of spacecraft from the penetration of electromagnetic field
Syomkin N.D., Balakin V.L., Bragin V.V.
Primary converters for the implementation of Doppler method for measuring blade oscillation power unit
Danilin A.I., Gretskov A.A.
Research of errors of measuring angular location parameters of holes in turbine and compressor discs of gas turbine engines
Bolotov M.A., Zhidyaev A.N., Shitarev I.L., Cheveleva A.O.
Processing of experimental data by the method of the least squares
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Analytical approximation of aircraft dynamics model in problems of approximate optimal control synthesis
Blinov A.O., Gurman V.I., Fralenko V.P.
Method of calculating of the load characteristics of cylindrical support with a discrete location of elastic damping elements of the MR material
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Criteria of discrete phase control of blade working condition and their feasibility in systems of turbine driven set automatic control
Danilin A.I., Tchernyavsky A.Z.
Germanuim monocrystals growing system based on contact method of measurement
Sahanski S.P.
Choosing the form of space vehicle designed for descent in the rarefied atmosphere of Mars
Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S.
Experimental research of wall boundary flow formation in the combustion chamber of a small gas generator with self-igniting fuel components
Shustov S.A.
Influence of deviations in manufacturing of electrothermal propulsion system on nanosatellite maneuvering accuracy
Sinitsin L.I., Belokonov I.V.
Analytical determination of motion parameters of the center of mass of an uncooperative orbiter on the basis of measurement information provided by on-board systems of a space robot in a coplanar orbit
Ananenko V.M., Golyakov A.D., Kalabin P.V.
The concept of generalized method of calculation and design of wet cleaning duct GTD
Silaev B.M., Malcev E.N.
Analysis of control programs and climb paths of the hypersonic first stage of an aerospace system
Balakin V.L., Krikunov M.M.
Metrological analysis of a device rof nondestructive control of flight vehicle fuel tank current conductive coatings
Samsonov A.S., Blinov D.I., Skvortsov B.V., Zhivonosnovskaya D.M.
Primary assessment of the effects of temperature drop on the mechanical properties of a protective oxide layer obtained by microarc oxidation on alloy AK9
Krishtal M.M., Ivashin P.V., Pavlov D.A., Polunin A.V.
1 - 100 of 168 Items 1 2 > >> 

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