Vol 11, No 6 (2012)

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Full Issue

Modeling competitive environment by the level of reliability and prices of products

Grishanova A.D., Yezhov S.Y., Tyulevina Y.S.


The paper presents models of choosing product equilibrium prices and reliability levels by the sales volume criterion. Parametric conditions of the stability of the solutions obtained are determined. Complying with these conditions assures maintaining the market competitive environment.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Choosing quality levelcompetitive strategies by the sales volume maximization criterion in duopoly marketing conditions

Grishanova A.D., Kolychev S.A., Klentak L.S.


A model of competitive interaction between two market participants, differentiated by the production quality level, is proposed. The equilibrium conditions and treatment of their choice under uncertainty are determined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Models of competitive interaction between enterprises and formation of parametrically stable equilibrium states

Grishanov G.M., Kolychev S.A., Klentak L.S.


The paper deal swith the choice of a competitive strategy between two market participants by the profit maximization criterion. Equilibrium conditions of the solutions obtained by Baumol, Baumol-Kurno and those for cooperative strategies of enterprises are determined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):19-25
pages 19-25 views

Algorithm of planning operational and financial activity of a manufacturing enterprise

Bogatyryov V.D., Yesipova O.V.


Two algorithms are proposed for the solution of discrete models of planning operational and financial activities of a production enterprise - the iteration algorithm and its modified version. The modified algorithm makes it possible to reduce the complexity of calculations by splitting a task into four independent procedures.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):26-36
pages 26-36 views

Control over the financial and economic activity of a joint-stock company carried out by the board of directors

Bogatyryov V.D., Khakimova A.K.


The paper presents a classification of types of control of financial and economic activities of a joint-stock company by the subject of control, a monitoring system is proposed. Control of the board of directors, the subject, the rights and duties, the creation of auxiliary internal bodies-the committee on audit and the control and auditing service of the company are analyzed. A system of powers of the board of directors on the basis of interaction with the internal bodies of the company and third-party organizations is proposed.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):37-47
pages 37-47 views

Optimization ofwarehouse and transport activity of a machine-building enterprise with regard to individual supply functions of providers

Bogatyryov V.D., Yurchenko K.A.


The paper presents an economic-mathematical model of supply and procurement activities of an industrial enterprise. The model includes four elements –purchasing costs, transportation costs, storing costs and bank lending costs. It takes into account the discrete nature of production, storage and transportation of raw materials, which makes it possible to optimize the supply and procurement activities by selecting the volume and timing of purchasing from suppliers as well as reassigning the volumes among the kinds of raw materials in stock.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):48-56
pages 48-56 views

Modeling changes in a monopolist’s prices in the transition from a single price to discriminatory practices on the basis of spectral analysis

Bolochev S.A., Sitnikova A.Y.


The article presents an economic-mathematical model that makes it possible to detect the direction of changes in prices as the monopolist company moves from pricing based on a single price to the practice of thirddegree price discrimination on two independent markets of the final product. The practical implementation of the model implies the application of the authors’ algorithms for the detection of functional dependence on the basis of spectral analysis.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):57-71
pages 57-71 views

Mechanism for the development of an organization process control system

Gerasimov K.B.


A mechanism of constructing a system of organization process management based on reengineering is developed. It takes into account the formulation of a methodology of organization management system development, determination of the state of the process control system and the construction of a universal system of process control. The procedures of reengineering and correction of the process control system are described.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):72-81
pages 72-81 views

Models of discrete multycriterion optimization for hierarchical systems of corporations

Geraskin M.I.


The paper presents a method of modeling discrete choice of the control vector on the basis of an aggregate criterion (metacriterion), which is the minimum of aggregate relative losses of the agents of hierarchical organizational-economic systems of the vertical-integrated type. Models of criteria priority account based on comparative analysis of the system agents’ profitability are developed.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):82-92
pages 82-92 views

Economic-mathematical model of optimizing financial cycles of bearing industry enterprises

Geraskin M.I., Yegorova V.V.


The paper presents an economic-mathematical model of the problem of forming the production program of an enterprise taking into account the optimization of industrial-financial cycles. The composition of optimality criteria is justified, control actions in the form of balance of assets and liabilities are specified, a complex of practically important restrictions is formed.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Choosing the law of distributing request input flow in the modeling of a trade enterprise queuing system

Duplyakin V.M., Knyazheva Y.V.


The paper is devoted to the research of queuing systems (QS) of a trade enterprise in nonstationary conditions. The results of analyzing the influence of the request input flow distribution on the statistical characteristics of the system’s output parameters, namely, on the profit and the queue of the QS are outlined.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):102-111
pages 102-111 views

Decision-making in the deposit and credit market on the implementation of a mortgage deal in case of coordinated money flows

Korostelyova T.S.


The paper presents models of decision-making in a deposit and credit market when a mortgage deal is implemented in case of coordinated money flows. The target function characterizing the final result of realizing the operation of buying and selling deposits and mortgage loans is formulated. Restrictions are established taking into consideration the two-level model of mortgage lending operating in the Russian Federation. Situations of involving the deposit in a mortgage loan in full measure or partially are considered taking into account the formation of an emergency fund in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):112-116
pages 112-116 views

Matrix format of management interactions in the organization of enterprise development

Osmankin N.N.


The paper presents a concept of buildinga logic model of enterprise development management. Three modules are recognized in this matrix version of the model. The first one shows the dynamic properties and structure of the market-network format of industrial and economic cooperation. The other two modul esreproduce the structure of senior management. The stability of management interactions and the dynamics of relations in the system of state regulation in these modules are reflected by the coordinate characteristics and the arrangement of management subjects in the modeledcomplex.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):117-125
pages 117-125 views

Numerical solution of a production planning problem in case of dynamic labor input reduction

Pavlov O.V., Ryasnaya T.N.


The production planning problem in case of dynamic labor in putreduction is defined and solved. The problem is considered as an optimal discreet system management problem. The numerical solution is found using the Bellman's optimality principle of dynamic programming.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):126-132
pages 126-132 views

Defining the majorant for the size of the fund of preventive measures of an insured event

Rostova Y.P.


The paper presents an analysis of correlation between the value of damage caused by an unexpected event and the volume of expenses on the preventive measures. As a result of the study, a preventive costs limitation formula has been developed, which allows assessing the advisability of preventive measures by comparing alternatives with and without raising funds for such measures.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):133-139
pages 133-139 views

Methods of organization and evaluation of the results of planning economic activity of industrial enterprises based on IPF-technologies

Khaytbaev V.A., Nemchinov O.A.


The paper presents a method developed and tested for the evaluation of the results of planning economic parameters of industrial enterprises based on the authors’ technology of IPF-planning. The result of the proposed technique is the selection and justification of the proposed approach to planning, providing economically viable planned indicators.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):140-146
pages 140-146 views

Method of choosing a source of funds for project implementation by means of a project financing method

Shcheglov S.V.


The paper deals with the problem of choosing sources for project financing. The author proposes a system of choosing a source of funds for project financing which optimizes project inputs and provides permanent financing for putting the project into operation in time.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):147-156
pages 147-156 views

Models of economic agents’ interaction in conditions of an asymmetric information structure

Yakunin A.M.


The paper presents a complex mechanism for the coordination of economic agents’ interests in the chain of interactions «firm-worker-consumers» designed on the basis of the contract the ory. All the models and mechanisms developed by taking into account the asymmetry of information are presented, with a distributor pharmaceutical firm taken as an example. The application of the models developed provides the conditions for the internal and external coordination of economic agents’ interests in conditions of discrete probabilistic indefinite enessand increases the efficiency of the firm’s functioning.

VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2012;11(6):157-165
pages 157-165 views

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