Vol 30, No 1 (2024)

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Between the king and the emperor: the epistles of the popes to the bishops of Arles during the Three Chapters Controversy

Vladimirov K.A.


The discussion surrounding the posthumous condemnation of Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyrus and Iva of Edessa occupies an important place in the church history of the VI century. The attempt at reconciliation with the Monophysites, undertaken by Justinian, not only failed to achieve its original goal, but also led to a new schism. To support his initiative, the emperor turned to the Roman bishops, which put them in a difficult situation: on the one hand, Justinian demanded from the popes support for the condemnation of the Three Chapters, on the other – the churches of the western provinces reacted to this initiative with condemnation and distrust, seeing in it the undermining of the authority of the Roman Church and the entire institution of ecumenical councils. One of the episcopal sees closely associated with Rome was Arles (Arelate), an important ecclesiastical center of Gaul. An analysis of the papal epistles to the bishops of Arles, as well as to the Frankish kings, allows us to conclude that the Gallic clergy were rather poorly aware of the essence of the contradictions that developed around the condemnation of the Three Chapters: the popes repeatedly sent messages confirming their adherence to the canons, but without touching on the very essence of the differences. Such a streamlined position also testifies to the difficult position of the Roman see, which was forced to take into account the position of both Justinian and the Western churches. To convey their point of view to the Gallic clergy, the popes used the bishops of Arles, who had serious regional influence, which Vigilius and Pelagius further strengthened by granting them the status of papal vicars. The appointment and activities of the vicar were actively discussed with the secular authorities – the Byzantine ruling couple, as well as the Frankish kings – which also indicates the weakness of the papal positions during this period

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):8-14
pages 8-14 views 625

Origins of Russian fishing business in the Lower Reaches of the Volga region (late XV – early XVII century)

Dubman E.L.



Abstract: The article considers peculiarities of development of Russian commercial fishing in the Lower Reaches of the Volga region in the epoch of formation of the united Russian state. To study this process, the water area of the river from the influx of Bolshoy Cheremshan in it to the Volga-Don Portage. Researchers of fish resources of the European Southeast of Russia believe that in terms of their riches valuable species of fish these fishing grounds were inferior only to the lower Volga and Northern Caspian. The chronological framework of the work covers the period from the first attempts of penetration of Russian fishermen into the Volga in the late XV century. and continued until the appearance of regular fishing business after the annexation of the Middle and Lower Volga region to the Moscow state. The source for the study of the topic are archival materials from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, as well as written sources already introduced into the scientific circulation and published. The latter include descriptions of foreign and Russian travelers, chronicles, legislative and act material, business and production documents, etc. This problem was practically not subjected to special systemic study in the selected chronological framework. The author concludes that even in the second half of the XVI and early XVII century in the coastal zone of the river, there has been little or no permanent development of fishing and farming populations. The State has only just begun to regulate the allocation of fishing grounds and the regulation of their exploitation. The conclusions obtained during the course of the work provide an initial evolution of the fishing development of this vast region

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):15-23
pages 15-23 views 485

Foreigners and representatives of the old aristocracy in the Russian ruling elite during the reign of Anna Ioannovna: the problem of the dynamics of the quantitative ratio

Stolyarov O.D., Zavodyuk S.Y.


The article examines the internal structure of the Russian ruling elite during the reign of Anna Ioannovna. Criteria are proposed according to which certain statesmen of a given era should be classified in this group. Two key parts of it are identified – foreigners and representatives of the old nobility. It is shown that in the 1730-ies, the increase in the number of the former occurred mainly at the expense of the latter. Based on quantitative data, the dynamics of this process were determined. In addition, a numerical relationship was revealed between foreigners and people from the old aristocracy within a number of groups adjacent to the ruling elite – the military generals, holders of the orders of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called and Alexander Nevsky, as well as the chamberlain corps. It is shown that the number of foreigners increased to the greatest extent among, firstly, representatives of the upper layer of the ruling elite, and secondly, holders of the highest orders, moreover, in the latter group the number of foreigners increased while maintaining the positions of the old nobility. At the same time, within the ruling elite as a whole, as well as the generals, the process of growing influence of foreigners was more moderate. Thus, two sides of the development of the trend under study have been identified, one of which was an increase in the number of foreigners in the highest echelons of the state apparatus, the army, and also at court, while the other was the growth of the influence of foreigners within the narrow upper layer of the political elite and associated with this prestige enjoyed by foreigners, who received corresponding awards as a result.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):24-33
pages 24-33 views 529

Alexander and Mstislav Tolstoy: attempt at biographies

Perepelkin M.A.



Abstract: The article attempts to reconstruct the biographies of two prominent historical figures of the first decades of the XX century – Counts Alexander and Mstislav Tolstoy, older brothers of the writer A.N. Tolstoy. Having begun their career path in Samara and in the Samara province, where both alternately headed the Samara district nobility, they made excellent careers (one of the brothers met the 1917 revolution as governor of Vilna, and the other as vice-governor of St. Petersburg), many and productive worked for the benefit of their hometown of Samara and the country as a whole, but after the revolution they were forgotten and erased from Russian history, a slow return to which began about three decades ago, but has not yet fully taken place. This article is an attempt at such a personal return, where, on the basis of rare and unique documents from the family collections of the descendants of Count Tolstoy, memoirs, newspaper publications, etc., their biographies are restored, including both official, public, and personal, family moments. The attempted biographical reconstruction is interesting and significant both in historical and local history terms, and in historical and literary terms – as a context for the historical trilogy of the younger brother of the heroes of this article by A.N. Tolstoy – the trilogy «The Road to Calvary».

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):34-43
pages 34-43 views 469

Pioneer organization in Samara: from incident to sign

Titova O.A.


The article, based on previously unpublished archival sources, examines the process of organizing the first pioneer detachments in Samara, as well as their activities in 1922–1923 using the comparative historical method and microhistorical approach, methods of social constructivism, political-legal and systemic approaches. The study is based on the study of individual incidents. Firstly, the authors prove that in the early 1920-ies there were many «disorganized» children on the streets of Samara, who made up the bulk of the first pioneer detachments of the city. The pioneer movement was formed by order of the Central Committee of the RKSM, had an ideological content and was introduced «from above». In Samara, children from the streets were attracted by playing on sports grounds, singing songs, and then by the external attributes of the children’s pioneer – a flag, a red banner, badges, and drumming. Secondly, behind the apparent simplicity of the children’s attitude towards the pioneers, a significant result was hidden: along with the red tie, over time, the names of leaders and politicians, revolutionary attributes, conversations about communism, a clear organization of collective detachment activities, wall newspapers, and socialist competitions became a habit, becoming part of life. The pioneer provided children with a space of expression and independent existence – within certain boundaries, strictly prescribed in the Charter and the oath that the children took when tying a red tie. The value system of the «new man», designed by the government, has acquired a dualistic character. It combined the values of sociocentric and anthropocentric nature. Also, thirdly, due to the lack of methodological support from the party, the guidance for the instructors-counselors was provided by random books and pamphlets about Boy scouts released in pre-revolutionary times. Many of these books were taken to the pioneer organization, both on methodological and practical issues. The conclusion is drawn about the importance of these three aspects in the formation of a pioneer organization in Samara.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):44-48
pages 44-48 views 606

Closure of the Tsaritsyn Gun Factory in the summer of 1918

Shumakov M.D.


In this article, using comparative historical and historical-genetic methods, a study of the history of the Tsaritsyn gun factory was undertaken at the turning point of its existence - the summer of 1918. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were put forward: to consider the circumstances of the decision to close the plant, to monitor its implementation, and also find out whether the plant was used in the future and whether it contributed to the defense of Tsaritsyn in the summer-autumn of 1918. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that since key government figures of the first decades of Soviet power took part in the closure of the plant, and the plant as a whole was an important strategic object , to the extent that studying this issue is important for understanding the political processes of the Civil War. The main material was the plant documentation stored in the Volgograd regional archive; a number of materials from collections of documents were used, as well as personal sources, for example, the memoirs of A.G. Shlyapnikov. During the study, including on the basis of new archival materials, clarifying circumstances of the closure of the Tsaritsyn plant were established: the decision-making process was traced both in Moscow and in Tsaritsyn, the exact date of A.G. Shlyapnikov’s departure was established, due to which he was unable to take part in the process of closing the plant, a conflict was revealed during the closing of the plant between I.V. Stalin and P.V. Filippov, in which S.K. Minin became an intermediary. Finally, accurate data has been found that allows us to talk about the contribution of enterprises established on the basis of the Tsaritsyn plant to the defense of the city in 1918.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):49-54
pages 49-54 views 545

History and features of formation of the system of civic-patriotic education in Trans-Dniester in condition of an unrecognized state

Sprinchan A.A., Tretyakov A.V.


Civic-patriotic consciousness and education is an integral element of any state claiming sovereignty and independence. With its help, the self-awareness of the population is formed, trust in the authorities and the state, and the legitimacy of power is ensured. The imperatives of the concept of civil-patriotic education in states with a “deficit” of international recognition, history of statehood, and financial resources actualize the mobilization nature of civil-patriotic ideology and its differentiation into the mother state and the patron state. This ideological position is relevant for Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Trans-Dniester, where the patron state (represented by Russia) is the support of the unrecognized state in ideological opposition to the mother state. In the article the history of formation and development of the system of civic-patriotic education in Trans-Dniester is viewed. It is closely connected with the history of the development of state, the construction of national security system and emerging threats to the statehood of the self-determined republic. The research was carried out using methods of historical, historical-political analysis, essential-substantive, chronological and system-structural methods. Analysis of civic-patriotic education in Trans-Dniester showed that it is a complex system of legal, institutional and functional elements that are closely included in the national security system of the Trans-Dniester Moldavian Republic.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):55-62
pages 55-62 views 526


A systematic approach at the development and assessment of functional literacy of the students of professional educational organizations: regional aspect

Akopian V.A.


Functional literacy as a pedagogical category is considered in the context of its development in the system of secondary vocational education. It is known that for the successful development of the personal characteristics of students, the teacher needs a deep understanding of its essence and context. In this article, a description of the process of development and evaluation of functional literacy of students of professional educational organizations is presented, based on a systematic approach, which is considered as a methodological basis for the development and functioning of the process of developing functional literacy among students of vocational schools. The experience of professional development of vocational education teachers for the implementation of a systematic approach is also presented. The emphasis is on the development of general professional competencies, which are based on the key components of functional literacy and are related to the characteristics of the future activities of students of secondary vocational education. The content of the educational community work in the Samara region in the field of functional literacy at the secondary school level, described by the author, reflects the stages of the process, regional specifics, features of the professional development of secondary school teachers and the implementation of the principles of a systematic approach (integrity, hierarchy, planning, dynamism, adaptability and structuring) in the formation and assessment of functional literacy of students of professional educational organizations.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):63-70
pages 63-70 views 558

Conceptual frameworks of integration processes in education

Protsenko E.G.


The relevance of the topic is connected with the urgent need in modern socio-political realities to use integrative technological tools in solving educational problems. According to the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly on February 21, 2023, “a synthesis of all the best that was in the Soviet education system and the experience of recent decades is necessary”. Higher education teachers have been given serious goals to develop effective practices for integrating new regions of the Russian Federation into the cultural and educational space of Russia. Integration is the process and result of the formation of integrity, which plays a priority role in relation to its parts. The emergence of integration is closely related to the need to satisfy the fundamental human need to inherit the experience of previous generations, and subsequently transfer it, which is the mechanism of pedagogical activity: the integration of the experience of generations and the integration of pedagogical and production activities. In the article, the author examines the definition of the main research term; relies on the classification of sources for studying integration processes in pedagogy proposed by Professor N.K. Chapaev; the analysis of modern integrative pedagogical concepts is carried out. In these rapidly developing times, we need specialists who are open to interaction and ready to integrate professionals from seemingly completely different areas into their specific activities: integration becomes the basis for the development of the educational sphere.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):71-76
pages 71-76 views 603

Blended learning with digital didactics in higher education

Shirokolobova A.G.


The article presents blended learning organization at the university during digital transformation of education, which poses new educational challenges. The purpose of the study is to describe implementation of blended learning «Flipped classroom» with digital didactics principles at the university. The research gives the analysis of foreign and Russian researchers on the issues of blended learning. The relevance of the research is in using of blended learning technology in higher education with digital didactics, which is due to the weak organizational and didactics support of the educational process. The article presents the author’s definition of «Blended learning» concept. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the author’s definition of «Blended learning» technology and in the implementation of blended learning into the educational process with digital didactics for a teacher and for administration of an educational organization. The principles of digital didactics are analysed from the point of view of their expediency. The choice of blended learning technology «Flipped classroom» for the educational process at the university is justified. The algorithm of integration of blended learning with digital didactics at the university for a teacher and for the university administration is described.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):77-86
pages 77-86 views 541

Student`s innovative professional competence in the context of the implementation of an individual educational trajectory

Kalmykova D.A.


The problem of student`s innovative professional formation in the context of the implementation of an individual educational trajectory in a higher educational organization is considered in the paper. The relevance of the study is determined by the transformation of the conditions of functioning of higher education in the knowledge society; an increase in need of employers for graduates with a set of necessary beliefs, knowledge, skills and abilities for the development and implementation of innovations, taking into account existing features and changing trends of the professional environment. The main research methods are the analysis and synthesis of scientific data, research results in the fields of transformation of higher educational institutions and individualization of the learning process; generalization and systematization of scientific facts and statements. As a result of the research, the authors have revealed the concept of student`s innovative professional competence and proposed the structure in the context of the implementation of an individual educational trajectory, integrating value-motivational, instrumental-technological, research, creative-reflective, interactive-communication and academic-entrepreneurial components. The indicators highlighted by the authors in the competence structure will allow assessing the formation of each of the components for their further development.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):87-95
pages 87-95 views 669

Forming professional reliability of railway power supply specialists

Belov D.O.


The high level of technological, technical, logistics, organizational and economic changes occurring in the railway industry determines the trajectory of development of professional training of specialists. The priority of safety issues in the context of the complex influence of occupational risks actualizes the scientific understanding of the problem associated with the substantiation of effective characteristics that allow one to withstand the cumulative influence of occupational risks, effectively develop in the professional community, maintaining a stable equilibrium state of the “man – technology – production environment” system. Analysis of research and methodological literature, experience of professional applied physical training at railway universities of the Russian Federation made it possible to identify areas of research aimed at bringing the indicators of psychophysical fitness of specialists into line with the conditions for the implementation of their professional activities. In the structure of professional competence of railway transport specialists, researchers highlight readiness for professional activity. At the same time, in today’s rapidly changing conditions of the professional world, it is necessary to form not only the current (basic) professionally significant qualities of a future specialist, but also to create conditions for the development of potential professional abilities, which will allow effectively confronting risk situations and ensuring the formation of self-regulation mechanisms. The quality that ensures the mobilization and activation of available funds, reserves, sources to achieve set goals, solve problems, and unlock opportunities in a certain area is reliability. In the article it is shown that convergence of play with learning determines the developmental effect of the game method. The complex nature of the gaming method allows to form indicators in the structure of professional reliability of railway power supply specialists.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):96-102
pages 96-102 views 367

Fostering students’ creative thinking when teaching poetry writing in a foreign language

Gradaleva E.A., Polukhina M.O.


The article is dedicated to studying and developing strategies for fostering creative thinking among students through the teaching of poetry writing in a foreign language. In professional activities, creative thinking is evident when one must act in situations of uncertainty, lack of standard problem-solving methods, and rapidly changing conditions. A set of exercises for preparing students to create poetic texts has been proposed and tested. Both standard methods and new ones, based on the theoretical principles of D. Hanauer, are applied, ensuring a high-quality preparatory stage that motivates students to self-discovery and self-expression. The experiment showed that 100 % of the participants not only demonstrated their ability to independently complete the final task using literary techniques but also displayed deep involvement in the process of writing poetry. They were able to merge the content of the novel with their own memories and emotions, creating unique and emotionally rich poetic works. The obtained results have practical applications in the field of developing students’ creative thinking when studying a foreign language.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):103-112
pages 103-112 views

Genre studies as an effective tool for increasing the communicative competence of an education manager

Yangirova V.M., Yakovleva E.A., Akhmad J.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of optimizing programs related to the training of an education manager in order to increase his communicative competence, as well as a “plot” explanation of the importance of the genre studies course in this process. Having analyzed the textbooks and educational management course programs existing in modern pedagogical science with a view to developing the communicative competence of managers, the authors noted that the analysis of their speech behavior remains unexamined. Thus, there is a certain imbalance between the increasing needs for qualified personnel and the lack of innovative approaches in training managers capable of managing tasks, resources, people, information, quality, projects and organizational changes in this area. In terms of speech development of a manager, at best, such disciplines as «speech culture», «pedagogical rhetoric», or training in certain types of speech genres in pedagogical discourse are offered. It is concluded that from a methodology perspective, the mandatory inclusion in management education programs of a genre studies course related to improving the manager’s speech activity and increasing the status of his linguistic personality as the main tool of his information, analytical and practical activities should help correct the current situation.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):113-121
pages 113-121 views 432


Impact of prominence type on the coarticulation of vowels following palatalized consonants

Batalin S.V.


The quantitative impact of prominence (neutral vs emphatic stress) on the coarticulation of the Russian low [æ], mid [e] and high [i] front vowels is evaluated in CV sequences with palatalized consonants of various places of obstruction. The research is conditioned by the aims of speech synthesis and recognition of the Russian language, the current data in the field being insufficient. First order linear equations (locus equations) are used to evaluate the degree of CV coarticulation. The experiment is performed on CjVCjV nonsense words imbedded in the middle position of a carrier phrase «Vyros CVCV sjyljnym» («CjVCjV has grown up strong»). The first syllable of the target words was uttered both with neutral and emphatic stress. The Praat software was used to measure F2 formant values at vowel onsets and central parts. It was established that linear regression slopes are similar both in the Y-intercepts and slope coefficients for the palatalized consonants of various places of obstruction uttered with the same prominence. The degree of coarticulation was different depending upon the type of prominence (neutral or emphatic): the coefficients were lower in case of the emphatic stress compared to those of the neutral one. ANOVA analysis and Student’s t-test were performed to reveal the difference in F2 values of vowel onsets and middle parts as a function of the vowel openness and type of prominence. The results obtained were interpreted based on the degree of the openness of the vowels under study: an open vowel under emphatic stress tends to expand its vowel space by a backward displacement while close vowels tend to move forward in the mouth cavity when pronounced with emphatic stress.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Semantics of the lexemes «freedom» and «will» in the Old Russian language as a reflection of the value dominants of the historical era (based on the material of dictionaries)

Kiseleva L.A.


The article is devoted to identifying the connection of meanings within the semantic structure of the words «freedom» and «will» in the Old Russian language, indirectly reflecting the system of values and beliefs of the corresponding historical era. The relevance of the research is due to the insufficient study of the patterns of interpreting abstract concepts in the Russian language of the older generation. Uses a complex of linguistic methods, such as analysis of dictionary definitions, semantic field method, contextual analysis, etc. The semantics of the lexemes «freedom» and «will» in the Old Russian language is characterized by syncretism, which determines the complex connection of the meanings of these units. Thus, the word «freedom» reflects a number of correlated ideas about this phenomenon: 1) the internal (psychological) state of freedom; 2) social state of freedom; 3) causation of social freedom; 4) causation of internal freedom; 5) a person is a carrier of a state. The corresponding semantic field, the core of which is the word «freedom», in the Old Russian language has an isostructural organization. The semantic structure of the word «will» is less extensive, but it also represents the connection of this concept with the internal (mental), social and religious spheres. It is shown that freedom and will are interpreted in the Old Russian language as significant axiological phenomena that determine the self-awareness of an individual and the norms of his behavior in various spheres of life. The semantics of the words «freedom» and «will» reflect ideas about the close interaction of two principles: sacred (religious) and profane (psychological and social). At the same time, these lexemes emphasize one or another specified aspect: «freedom» primarily correlates with the social and religious spheres, while the «will» turns out to be associated with the internal (psychological) sphere of desire.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):131-138
pages 131-138 views

Geographical component of the chronotope of the English scientific discourse and the forms of its representation

Tserkovnov S.A., Svoikin K.B.


The article deals with the geographical component of the chronotope of the English scientific discourse. The authors identify the forms of geographical representation of the chronotope of scientific discourse, determine the degree of identifiability of these forms, and also explore the significance of the geographical component of the chronotope in the categorization of scientific discourse. 112 English scientific articles from 4 disciplinary areas (linguistics, literature, economics, biology) published in scientific periodicals are used as practical material. In the course of the study, the authors discover three types of geographical markers used in the texts of scientific discourse: the topos of publishing a scientific work, the topos of writing a scientific work, and the topos of the object, subject and material of the study (intratext topos). The authors analyze the degree of identification of each type of markers in scientific texts, and also conduct a comparative analysis of these markers. The level of coincidence of the topos of the publication, the topos of writing and the topos of the object of study is investigated. As a result of the analysis, the authors observe a low level of interdependence of geographical markers, which suggests that the geographical component of the chronotope is of little importance for the categorization of a scientific text. On the basis of the data obtained, the authors believe that the geographical markers of a scientific text should be perceived as elements of the formal and technical design of a scientific text, and not as its constituent characteristic. In conclusion, the authors give a number of directions for further considering the constituent topos in the chronotope of scientific discourse, in particular, its disciplinary and thematic component.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):139-148
pages 139-148 views

Linguistic representation of the concept BERLIN WALL in German eonyms

Tumanova E.E.


The article is devoted to the study of linguistic representation of the concept BERLIN WALL in modern German. The main goal of the article is to identify and describe eonyms (key words of the epoch) that preserve the historical memory of the Berlin Wall in modern German. The material of the study was eonyms selected from the rating lists of the linguistic action of the German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache e. V.) «Word of the Year» for the period from 1978 to 2020, verbalizing the concept BERLIN WALL. The application of comparative-historical and descriptive methods made it possible to identify eonyms representing the result of linguistic reflection of the most important political phenomenon in modern German history. The article provides a linguocultural analysis of the selected eonyms in synchronic and diachronic aspects. The author describes the influence of the BERLIN WALL concept on the perception of East and West German citizens of each other, analyses the linguistic reflection of changes in political and social life in Germany in the critical era after German reunification. The description of the socio-historical contexts of the emergence of eonyms as representatives of the BERLIN WALL concept allows us to characterise the existing linguistic stereotypes in the German language. The analysis highlights the eonyms and their derivatives, which appear with certain cyclicity, linking historical events with each other and characterising the dynamic development of society and language. The unfolding of the meanings projected in the eonyms allows us to identify the most significant historical events reflected in the concept of BERLIN WALL, to interpret the differences in communicative behaviour between the inhabitants of East and West Germany.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):149-160
pages 149-160 views

Ideology of rap music and its linguistic representation in the lyrics of English song discourse

Plotnitskiy Y.E.


The article gives characteristics of rap as a music style and considers the process of its birth and formation of its ideology in late 1970-ies – early 1980-ies within the framework of a wider subcultural trend known as hip-hop. The main ideological principles of the early rap in the interpretation of one of its principal ideologists Africaa Bambaataa, as well as their linguistic representation in song lyrics are given. Further on, the article discusses such an important principle of rap ideology as its protest nature, which is also illustrated with fragments from song lyrics. Special emphasis is laid on anti-commercial nature of rap, which is also reflected in its lyrics. After that the principle of reliance on one’s community, also extremely important for understanding the ideological foundation of this music style, is discussed and provided with examples. Then the article presents and illustrates the principle of freedom, which has a very broad understanding in rap ideology. Distinction between «conscious rap» and «gangster rap» is made and the ideological principles of «gangsta rap» are presented and illustrated with examples from song lyrics. The final part discusses the reasons for rap’s popularity and the conclusion summarise the main points of the article.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):161-166
pages 161-166 views

Discursive characteristics of negative manipulative communicative demonstrativeness

Tislenkova I.A.


The article is devoted to the concept definition of negative manipulative communicative demonstrativeness and the identification its implementation means in speech. In the course of the work, the interdisciplinary approach and the method of psycholinguistic analysis of the communicants’ speech output were used. The material for the analysis was the characters’ statements from Russian literature of the XIX century. It is established that the negative manipulative communicative demonstrativeness is a tonality of communication characterized by exaggerated negative self-presentation in the process of self-explanation, accentuation of the dominant destructive emotion, implemented to benefit from the recipient expressed by means of semiotic polymodality. The study shows that the negative manipulative communicative demonstrativeness performs attractive, expressive, influencing, entertaining, pragmatic and conative functions, implements communicative strategies of self-pity, outrage, foolishness, buffoonery, self-abasement and self-flagellation. Linguistic means of expressing this tonality are revealed: metaphorical litota, synecdoche with negative connotation, increasing negative gradation, intensifying particles-phraseological units of religious content, negative adjectives in a diminutive form, emotive interjections with the component «God», prayerful ritual utterances, rhetorical questions, antithesis (self-pity); paradox with negative connotative meaning, enhanced antithesis (shocking); negative hyperbolic tropes, reiteration, exclamation sentences (foolishness); hyperbolic comparison (buffoonery); negative epithets and prosodic units, including a quiet voice, speech with pressure, an elevated tone and frequent pausing (self-abasement); negative nouns, imperative sentences and cliched phrases with negative connotation (self-flagellation). The paralinguistic means of actualizing this tonality are indicated: phonational and kinetic demonstratives. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the unexplored nature of the phenomenon under consideration.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):167-174
pages 167-174 views

Composition of the Russian armonymic field and its dynamics

Romanova T.P.


The article is devoted to the study of the history of the formation of Russian proper names of aviation and armored military equipment. Our research has shown that the main function of Russian armonyms – the proper names of Russian weapons – is the representative identification of types and brands of weapons produced at state-owned enterprises or unique mechanisms. Armonyms as verbal identifiers of complex military-technical mechanisms function in professional or publicistic discourse. The structure of the armonymic field includes verbal index signs marking types and series of weapons that correspond to the term pragmatonyms (T-90M «Breakthrough»), and proper names of unique weapons objects - chrematonyms (Tu–160 «Ilya Muromets»). The nominations of individual combat units can form armonymic complexes, for example, one of the Tu-160 strategic bombers of the White Swan series has an individual name «Nikolai Kuznetsov». In the process of the official naming of Russian high-tech combat units, the conventionally symbolic and commemorative principles of nomination traditionally occupy a central place. The composition of the armonym is dominated by the conditionally symbolic type of names, as a rule, not motivated by the properties of the named object (UAV «Geranium»), although some names retain an associative connection with the objects of the nomination (UAV «Lancet» – a high-precision kamikaze drone); the memorative type of names is characteristic of individual names of military vehicles (Tu-160 «Igor Sikorsky»). Official nominations occupy the main place in the Russian field of armonymy; however, some of the names may have an unofficial status, for example, the nicknames of the T-80BV tank Alyosha – «Ded Moroz», or «Ded». Armonyms are not a tool for the advertising promotion of weapons, they do not have an attractive and pragmatic function, however, the choice of words is far from accidental – in general, it reflects the symbolic value orientations of the nominating team.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):175-185
pages 175-185 views

Abbreviations in medical records: arguments for and against

Barbasheva S.S., Rozhkova T.V.


There is often a need for fast and effective communication in modern medicine. Time is often critical when providing care to multiple patients. Medical abbreviations are a form of shorthand that allows healthcare professionals to communicate with one another easily. However, the time and expense of writing acronyms are reduced in case they are clear and familiar to every person involved in communication. Misunderstanding between members of the medical staff often lead to misinterpretations of acronyms and hazard to patients’ health and lives. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze such interrelated phenomena as positive and negative sides of using abbreviations as a way of terminology in medicine, arguments of each of the positions, in order to reduce negative consequences of using abbreviations in modern medical documentation. The material of the study is abbreviations used in modern medical practice. The method of continuous sampling of medical abbreviations from scientific literature and medical documentation was used. The results of the study showed that the most common errors associated with the use of medical abbreviations were the ones in prescribing, incorrect dose/quantity and incorrect preparation of medication. About 80 % of the abbreviations contained in the notes and statements that were handed out were unclear to patients and required clarification by health care providers. Medicine must be based on accurate and correct information, literacy of professional actions, and a sense of the highest responsibility. In this regard, it is necessary to use only standard abbreviations and introduce a ban on the use of abbreviations with ambiguous interpretation. Information in prescriptions, instructions, and statements should be clear and unambiguous, in order to avoid awkward and mundane situations affecting the quality of patients’ perception of the information. All of these factors can contribute to the improvement of the quality of medical care and the patient’s quality of life accordingly.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):186-191
pages 186-191 views


A study of secondary vocational school in the context of the realities of modernization changes in late imperial Russia. Review of the book: Magsumov T.A. Secondary vocational school of the Kazan educational district in the conditions of modernization of domestic education at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. Kursk: Zakrytoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo «Universitetskaya kniga», 2022, 535 p.

Astafyev D.A., Godovova E.V.


A review of the book by T.A. Magsumov: «Secondary vocational school of the Kazan educational district in the conditions of modernization of domestic education at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries». The authors concluded that this study is a worthy scientific contribution to the study of secondary vocational education of late imperial Russia. The relevance of the work is determined not only by the insufficient knowledge of a number of issues relating to the field of vocational education in the context of modernization changes, but also by the potential opportunity to use the educational experience accumulated in the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries to solve currently existing problems in the field of vocational education. T.A. Magsumov consistently and thoroughly presents the development of secondary vocational education in the context of imperial modernization processes during the period under study.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):192-197
pages 192-197 views

Description of A.N. Minh’s trip from Volga to the Caucasus in 1868 as a source on the history of Russian regions and everyday life

Smirnov Y.N.


A review of the publication «Trip to Pyatigorsk in 1868» by the famous local historian, cultural and educational figure A.N. Minh is presented. The manuscript is stored in the State Archives of the Saratov Region. Before publishing, it was available only to a narrow circle of researchers. Now, thanks to the efforts of the workers of the State Archives of the Saratov Region and their assistants, numerous historians and specialists in other fields of scientific knowledge, employees of museums, libraries and other cultural institutions, students of higher and secondary schools, all those who are interested and fascinated by history Russia and its regions can familiarize themselves with it in detail. Minh’s work combines the characteristics of a personal diary, guidebook, statistical, geographical, historical and ethnographic researches. It is an interesting source and gives food for thought to everyone involved in the history of Russian regions (Saratov and Volgograd regions, Don and Stavropol territories, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yessentuki and all Caucasian Mineral Waters), the history of everyday life and culture (especially related to travel, spa treatment and relaxation). There is extensive literature on the issues raised in the new publication, but Minh’s book clarifies and supplements the accumulated information with important details. The information was obtained as a result of personal observations, conversations with contemporaries, attention to materials of folklore, «oral history», archival documents, books and periodicals, inspection of museum collections, historical and natural attractions. The publication provides an opportunity for a wide range of specialists and readers to study “Trip to Pyatigorsk in 1868” by Minh.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):198-203
pages 198-203 views

Review on the materials of a comprehensive study of pedagogical activity in the context of innovative changes

Agureeva A.V., Anikeeva I.G., Aryutkina A.N., Bakanova I.G., Berishvili O.N., Vandysheva L.V., Vaseltsova I.A., Zarubina O.B., Karnikova O.P., Kozyreva M.P., Kurylenko L.V., Kurina V.A., Merkulova L.P., Nikulina I.V., Ovsyannikova M.N., Podnebesova M.I., Podublybina O.I., Pomelnikova E.A., Rodina L.I., Savelyev A.I., Sanko A.M., Sokolova Y.A., Solovova N.V., Strekalova N.B., Troitskaya Y.V., Shikhanova E.G., Yudina O.V., Povetyeva L.I., Sysoeva E.Y., Rudneva T.I.


A review of the materials of a comprehensive study of the factors of successful teaching activity during the period of reform and modernization of Russian education is presented. At a round table meeting dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of scientific heritage of the Department of Theory and Methods of Vocational Education, Samara National Research University (February 28, 2024), its results were discussed. Theoretical significance of the results for the development of pedagogical science is noted, the patterns of which serve as the basis for determining means of solving pressing problems for the development of modern education in Russia. The authors pay special attention to the practical significance of scientific materials containing evidence of the implementation of the developed didactic systems in educational institutions by participants in a comprehensive study.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(1):204-211
pages 204-211 views