Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology

Peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal.

Publisher & Founder

  • Samara National Research University


  • Petr S. Kabytov
    Samara National Research University (Samara, Russian Federation)


The mission of the journal is to disseminate in Russia and abroad new scientific ideas and the results of original research in the field of history, pedagogics and linguistics as the basic sciences of the humanitarian cycle, which have traditional heuristic relationships that create a special synergistic research effect both in mastering new trends in the development of these sciences and in revealing the features of various languages, history, culture, educational traditions in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad.

Aims and objectives of the journal: attraction of authoritative authors to the journal; publication of the results of original scientific research (articles, surveys, reviews and reports on scientific literature) in the field of historical and pedagogical sciences and linguistics; creating conditions for the development and strengthening of integration of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social and humanitarian research; promotion of the journal in the Russian and international markets, including by expanding the possibilities of disseminating and indexing scientific papers in the main databases in Russia and abroad.

Journal research fields

  • Domestic history
  • General history
  • Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research
  • General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
  • Methodology and technology of vocational education
  • Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia
  • Languages of the peoples of foreign countries (indicating a specific language or group of languages)
  • Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics
  • Media communications and journalism


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Since 2003, the journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the List of leading scientific journals and publications in the Russian Federation, where basic scientific results of doctoral theses should be published (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science).


  • Only original articles and reviews (all manuscripts are undergone for plagiarism checking)
  • Article selection process is based on the independent external double-blind peer-review.
  • NO APC, NO ASC from authors
  • Open Access with CC BY International license
  • Russian & English, German and French


Current Issue

Vol 30, No 4 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue


Discussion on the article by Babashkin V.V., Tolstov S.I. «Collectivization as a page of history and its place in the national ideology of modern Russia»
Kondrashin V.V., Verbitskaya O.M., Busygin A.E., Goncharova I.V., Marchenya P.P., Tomilin V.N.

This article presents the opinions of a number of leading Russian researchers, the subject of discussion of whom were the provisions expressed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Babashkin and Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor S.I. Tolstov. The authors of the article «Collectivization as a page of history and its place in the national ideology of modern Russia» published in the previous issue of the journal focused their attention on studying the formation of the «Soviet» version of collectivization of the peasant village. Based on the concept that the national ideology of the modern Russian Federation should be based on adequate ideas about the main events of the Soviet period, they come to the conclusion that it was peasant studies that should have become one of the most significant tools for historical and sociological research into the history of the country. The vivid and polemical presentation of the material and the undoubted demand in such a series of publications aroused the active interest of a number of well-known historians, primarily those involved in agrarian issues. Despite a number of serious critical comments during the exchange of opinions, the majority of researchers participating in the discussion recognized the significance and urgency of raising such issues and the need to develop a specific position for the development of modern historical science

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):8-22
pages 8-22 views

Scientific review

Linguistic research at Samara University: traditions and perspectives
Ilyukhina N.A., Cherkunova M.V., Dubinin S.I.

The article provides a thorough description of the scope, the content and the results of the research carried out at Samara University by the three linguistic departments of Philology and Journalism Faculty. The authors offer an exhaustive insight into the 50 years’ history of language studies performed by the lecturers of the Russian Language and Mass Communication Department, the English Philology Department and the German Philology Department. Long-standing research traditions, current trends as well as future prospects are summarized within the scientific framework of each department. The formation and development of scientific schools are traced alongside the overview of the main current research fields and the most significant results of the cooperative work. Synergistic and integrative character of inter-departmental collaboration is specifically highlighted as the means of promoting the joint scientific result to the highest degree. Large-scale work in the sphere of linguistic science popularization is showcased. Besides, systematic process of nurturing highly qualified scientific personnel is presented. When analyzing research in the field of Russian studies, special attention is paid to the input of T.P. Romanova into the study of Russian onomastics.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):33-51
pages 33-51 views
Ethical and legal aspects of using generative artificial intelligence technologies in preparing qualification and scientific papers
Ivanov V.V., Nesterov A.Y., Yanchenko I.P.

The article is devoted to the issue of using generative AI in the higher education system of the Russian Federation. The relevance of this issue is due to the avalanche-like growth in the use of generation by students and postgraduates in the 2023/24 academic year, the heated discussions that arose in this regard within universities, a series of publications in the media, the lack of development of the legal aspects of the use of generation, the ambiguity of its ethical grounds and consequences. The goal of the authors' collective is to formulate a collective position of teachers of classical humanitarian knowledge, which consists in the inadmissibility of using generative AI in the preparation of qualification and scientific papers. The work examines the regulatory aspects of the use of generation, conducts an experimental study of generative systems popular in the Russian-speaking space, and formulates a fundamental threat to subjectivity at the level of the individual and the collective, arising in connection with the use of generative AI. The general conclusion of the work is the need for careful legal and ethical regulation of the areas and methods of using generative systems in higher education.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):23-32
pages 23-32 views


Memorial culture of modern Hungarian monarchism
Kyrchanoff M.W.

The author in the presented article analyzes monarchism as a form of memorial culture and historical politics of society in modern Hungary. The purpose of the study is to analyze monarchism as a form of historical memory. The author analyzes the role and place of monarchical intellectuals in the development of historical politics and the memorial culture forming and developing in monarchical political imagination. The novelty of the study lies in the study of the current (modern) stage in the development of monarchical ideology in Hungary not as a form of political participation, but as a version of the development of historical memory and memorial culture, based on the principles of historical revisionism and Hungarian political and ethnic nationalisms. The article shows that; monarchism forms and cultivates its own ideas about the past and history; the historical imagination of Hungarian monarchism is a form of historical revisionism, since the monarchical past and heritage is subject to consistent positive mythologization and ideologization in the political imagination of supporters of the monarchy; monarchism in its historical imagination forms alternative versions of historical memory and memorial culture, different from those versions of national historical memory that are offered by civic identity. The article shows that monarchical forms of historical memory contribute to further transformations of the Hungarian memorial culture, stimulating the parallel co-development of alternative counter-memories operating in the political and ideological coordinates of monarchism. It is assumed that the visualization of the collective historical memory of the unique historical experience of the monarchy, including visual, narrative and discursive tactics and strategies of modern monarchists, contributes to the actualization of the heterogeneous nature of the memorial tradition of modern Hungarian society, stimulating the consolidation of unique ideas about the past that form the basis of the monarchical historical imagination and memorial culture as forms of alternative memory.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):52-58
pages 52-58 views
The theory of «pairs of cities» in Old Russian state genesis (using the example of the «pair» Chernihiv – Shestovitsa in Ukrainian historiography)
Kovelya V.V., Shinakov E.A.

The article is devoted to the problem of «pairing» of cities during the formation of the Old Russian state using the example of the «pair» Chernihiv-Shestovitsa. Particular attention is focused on the Ukrainian historiography of the Soviet and post-Soviet period, presented in the works of such historians as F.A. Androschuk, D.I. Blifeld, V.P. Kovalenko, A.P. Motsya, P.P. Tolochko, Yu.Yu. Shevchenko and others. Each of them directly studied this topic in the context of the settlements under consideration, both on the basis of gradually expanding archaeological material and on the basis of new studies that arose in the process of studying such urban «couples». Рresents the positions of Ukrainian historians regarding the relationship between Chernigov and Shestovitsa in the period of the IX–XI centuries, traces the evolution of their views in connection with the expansion of the area of archaeological study of both settlements, shows the current state of the problem in the light of the emergence of new search methods.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):59-67
pages 59-67 views
Ironfounding production in the second half of the XVIII – XIX centuries (on the example of Temnikov district of Tambov province)
Bikeikin E.N., Guseva T.M., Kursheva G.A., Pershin S.V.

Modern economic problems have generated increased interest among researchers in the problems of economic development of pre-revolutionary Russia and its individual regions. In the second half of the XVIII century, an industry not typical for the region – ferrous metallurgy – was developing on the territory of modern Mordovia. The purpose of this article is to analyze the activities of iron founding and ironworks during their formation in the second half of the XVIII century and development in the XIX century. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: establish the dynamics of the development of manufactories; identify the features typical for enterprises in a given area; show their structure and degree of mechanization; consider the situation of workers. Scientific novelty is determined by the insufficient study of the issues determining the nature and pace of the processes of formation and development of ferrous metallurgy, taking into account regional characteristics. The source base of the study was made up of published sources, such as News of Scientific Archival Commissions, Commemorative Books, Journals of Manufactories and Trade. As a result, the following conclusions were made: iron founding and ironworks created on the territory of the city and county were an important component of the economic development of the region; the ore that was mined in this area had a low iron content, so the main reasons for the creation of such enterprises in the second half of the XVIII century on the territory of modern Mordovia were the excess of wood fuel needed for smelting metal, and cheap labor.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):68-75
pages 68-75 views
On the question of the features and effectiveness of police supervision in the provinces of the Russian empire in the second half of the XIX century
Radchenko M.L., Efremova I.S.

The article focuses on the question of the organization of police supervision in the Russian Empire, its types, features of application and, most importantly, the effectiveness and likelihood of using public and secret police supervision to minimize the number of politically «dangerous» elements that increased in Russian society in the second half of the XIX century. The attached archival materials make it possible to clearly show the level of organization of supervision and note the features of the organization in the provinces of measures to ensure control over the implementation of the «Regulations on Police Supervision». Maintaining special register books, collecting data, establishing regular public and secret surveillance, viewing correspondence and other preventive measures were supposed to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks to ensure the protection of order in the Empire.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):76-83
pages 76-83 views
«Have fear of God! I am suffering»: mentally ill everyday life of the era of A.F. Kerensky. Anthropology of emotions
Kobozeva Z.M., Kabytov P.S.

The article analyzes the emotional community of the Russian public, agitated by the pre-revolutionary sentiments, whose reaction was expressed in letters from citizens to A.F. Kerensky in 1917. The letters do not carry political ideas. They are all focused on the immediate emotions of the senders. During the formation of the file preserved in the GARF funds, all letters from citizens were divided into 2 groups. Letters from crazy people and letters from ordinary citizens. It is difficult to understand how and by whom this watershed was drawn between the mental norm and deviation from the norm. Therefore, this incident draws us not only to the problem of the «history of emotions», but also to the issue actualized in the works of M. Foucault: society and madness. Which was perceived as madness in one era or another. How clearly was insanity diagnosed in Russian society in 1917, as a disease, if any radical socio–political change forces people to live in a situation of a kind of insanity, when the norms of the old collapse and completely new texts of behavior and circumstances of life are created. How can a layman not go crazy? Or the letters to A.F. Kerensky are just a manifestation of the so-called «culture of the political», by which the «new social history» understands the daily political activity of the masses. This article actualizes the approach coming from the «history of emotions» to the analysis of the incident – letters of citizens to A.F. Kerensky.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):84-89
pages 84-89 views
Technical standardization work in Leningrad industry (1928–1937)
Kolobova A.V.


Abstract: The question about the planned nature of the Soviet economy, as well as standard of living of production workers in the late 1920-ies and early 1930-ies remains controversial in science. Despite the fact that the establishment of standards and prices for certain types of work depended on technical regulation, scientists paid little attention to this aspect of organizing the activities of industrial enterprises. However, the required amount of work and the cost of its implementation could not be ignored when drawing up long-term production plans and determining the amount of remuneration. The purpose of the article is to analyze technical standardization work in Leningrad industry in 1928–1937. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to study the organizational and personnel aspects of technical standardization work, to establish the basic methods of standardization used in Leningrad factories and plants, to determine the quality of established standards and to monitor the presence or absence of a relationship between the state of technical standardization work at the enterprise and the implementation of production plans. Using a specific problem method, a systematic approach and structural-functional analysis, the management documentation of production associations and their subordinate enterprises, departments of the secretariat of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the city committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was studied. As a result, it was concluded that, despite the relationship between the successful implementation of target figures and the quality of technical standardization work, the establishment of standards and prices contributed little to the development of feasible plans and target figures. Technical standardization was used as a tool to solve the financial problems of enterprises and achieve compliance between real and planned indicators.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):90-98
pages 90-98 views
Measures taken by the Soviet government to create the social infrastructure of aviation industry enterprises in the 1950-ies and 1960-ies
Romanova V.B., Kabytova N.N.

The article shows the process of infrastructure development of enterprises of the Ministry of Aviation Industry in the 1950-ies and 1960-ies based on documents from federal and regional archives. It was during this period that the social sphere became one of the priorities of the internal policy of Soviet state. An important role was assigned to industrial enterprises, which acted as a guarantor of social benefits determined by decrees, laws, decisions of the government and local authorities. Ministry of Aviation Industry was responsible for creating infrastructure for employees of controlled enterprises. The aviation industry needed qualified and permanent staff. The article analyzes the situation of creating housing and cultural conditions for workers of the plant № 24 named after M.V. Frunze in the post-war years. The process of creating infrastructure can be divided into two periods. At the first stage, in conditions of shortage of construction materials, difficulties with supply and financing, the process was regulated through the publication of administrative documents of the highest authorities, which gave directive instructions. At the second stage, the task of equipping workers required large-scale solutions to create a full-fledged infrastructure based on the application of standard projects and the use of industrial methods, which were carried out in 1950–1960 by the factories of the Ministry. It was possible to quickly establish the process of building social infrastructure. Significant funds were allocated to the Ministry for capital construction.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):99-108
pages 99-108 views


Teaching the basics of Life Safety according to the specifics of the subject of educational material
Kretova I.G., Belyaeva O.V., Koscova Е.А.

The authors studied possibilities of using modern technologies in the process of teaching the discipline «Fundamentals of health and safety», identified specific factors for optimizing the mastery of the discipline in higher education in the context of digitalization of education. 339 students from the 1st to the 4th year of education who finished the study of «health and safety» and «Fundamentals of health and safety» in autumn semester of 2023–2024 were polled with the usage of Google Disc questionnaire. Student`s attendance of classes, results of student`s assessment of organizing of educational process were analyzed by authors. Authors revealed the difference in perception of information by students of the 1st educational year and students of 3rd and 4th educational year. It must be taken into account when choosing teaching methods and technologies. All students agree that practical classes of «Fundamentals of health and safety» should be held offline and give preference to having tasks in mini-groups. The vast majority notes the insufficient number of classes for studying the discipline. Periodic monitoring of the quality of education, considering student`s surveys helps in time to identify difficulties in students’ mastery of the material and carry out corrective measures not only in the educational process, but also directly in the classroom. The universality of the disciplines of «health and safety» and «Fundamentals of health and safety» allows to use effectively modern technologies, including digital ones in the process of teaching in higher education, considering the specifics of the subject matter of the material being studied.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):109-115
pages 109-115 views
Methodological basis for the formation of digital competence of a personnel management specialist
Ezhkov D.O.

The article deals with the problem of professional training of a personnel management specialist. The source base of the article was presented by pedagogical research, the object of which is the formation of professional competencies of future specialists during their studies at the university. The digitalization of the educational process necessitates a revision of the means of forming a dominant personal characteristic that contributes to the adaptation of university graduates in the professional space. The factors generating the need for digital transformation of the educational process are noted; the importance of professional competencies in a competitive environment is proved; based on the analysis of the results of pedagogical research devoted to the formation of professional competence of specialists in various fields, which concludes that it is necessary to form the digital competence of personnel management specialists, its structure is revealed.

Its methodological basis is considered as the main problem of professional training of personnel management specialists.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):116-123
pages 116-123 views
Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among future teachers
Sokolova V.Y.

In educational institutions, much attention is paid to educational, physical education and health work, focusing on optimizing and maintaining the health of students. And such an aspect of influence on the formation of health-preserving competence of children as the health and psychophysical state of the teacher himself is underestimated. However, insufficient understanding of the future teacher of the value of their own health, the lack of skills in applying health-preserving technologies on their own life experience leads to a low level of culture of their own health, which will have negative consequences during future professional activity. This article considers the issue of the need to create a special educational environment for students of pedagogical universities, which will promote both motivation for a healthy lifestyle and the formation of practical skills in health preservation. The work describes the experience of teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Health Protection of the Donetsk State Pedagogical University named after V. Shatalov in reorganizing the content of classes in order to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle as an integral part of the general and professional culture of a teacher by future teachers.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):124-129
pages 124-129 views
Features of legal regulation of patriotic education of students: regulatory and legal aspects of the «Russia in the World» program
Aslaeva A.A.

The article explores the features of legal regulation of patriotic education of students: regulatory aspects of the program «Russia in the World». Relevance and novelty. The main goal of the course «Russia in the World» is to develop civic feelings and patriotism among high school students, as well as to instill a clear understanding of national interests of the Russian Federation. This course is uniquely structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of life in Russia and to present them in a modern context, which is not offered by any other training program at the moment. Based on the results of the study, a review of scientific and practical information on the formation of the regulatory framework, which is the basis for the preparation of the educational program «Russia in the World» and defines the ideological basis, goals, objectives, structure, learning outcomes formulated in the program. It is necessary to take into account all the recommendations of state documents in the field of patriotic education and upbringing.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):130-135
pages 130-135 views
Professional training of students by means of teaching reading in large classes model
Ashraf M., Memon R.A., Ahmed A., Shevchenko V.D.

The students of Sindh University, Campus Dadu have a generally low level of English competence, notably in reading. This is primarily due to the large number of students in each class, more than sixty. The study aims to learn more about large courses and the teaching of reading in those classes in order to better understand and analyze the difficulty of teaching reading in large classes. This study is qualitative research. Simple convenient random data were collected via interviews, observations and field notes. Six teachers were interviewed and twelve classes were observed, each class of 50 minutes totaling 10 hours. Besides, field notes were taken and twenty-five students were interviewed. Coleman created a coding system that was used to examine the data in his investigation into huge classes in Indonesia. The educational environment of Sindh University is similar to that in Indonesia. The information was thematically examined. According to the data, the primary issue is class size, which encourages professors to take a dominant position and leaves pupils mostly passive. Observations of the classes showed that the professors carried out and explained the reading, while the pupils only remained on the receiving end. The teachers continued to have authority over the text. Further evidence from the study points to teachers’ ignorance of reading theories and instructional strategies. Additionally, this calls for assessing the class size, upgrading the instructional materials, and giving teachers professional development opportunities. All public sector degree-awarding institutions where the large class phenomena is popular would benefit from the study’s findings.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):136-147
pages 136-147 views


Metaphors in the dictionary of German football language
Beliutin R.V.

The article is devoted to comprehensive analysis of metaphors in German football language found in an extraordinary specialized dictionary, which was edited by a German linguist A. Burkhardt. Metaphor is viewed as a vitally important conceptual and language mechanism that helps understand the essence of complex objects, phenomena, events – in this very case belonging to football discourse, emphasize new dimensions of football concepts, introduce imagination and evaluation in the speaker’s utterance. The conducted analysis makes it possible to conclude that the German football discourse is highly metaphorical, capable of correlating with diverse conceptual spheres serving as source domains («war», «religion», «mechanisms», «flora», «fauna», «medicine», «arts», «construction» and others). Resources of sports discourse itself are also actively employed, which entails import of concepts inside the discourse – for example, boxing or track-and-field athletics terms are applied to determine football realia. The status of metaphors in the German football language and their firm position in this communicative space are distinguished through an outstanding network of synonymous constructions and variations, multifarious word-building patterns (mainly compounding) in developing new metaphoric units. The linguistic insight into the metaphoric football language is complemented by translation and linguodidactics planes: typology of variants for relating football metaphors from one language to another (by the example of the German and Russian languages) allows to reveal zones of similarity and difference in metaphoric conceptualization of football realia in different world views, to identify the nature of possible difficulties for interpreters working in this professional sphere and those studying football language for communication, to understand the contents in sports media and so on. The methods used are discourse analysis, modeling, classification, lexicographic, distributive, comparative and contrastive methods.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):148-155
pages 148-155 views
Thematic marking of the anthropological corpus: a methodology for classifying miners’ narratives
Mazitova L.L., Panteleeva L.M.

The article describes the methodology for creating an anthropological corpus of texts that are united by belonging to the mining profession. The content of the work correlates with three research tasks: development of a thematic classification, introduction of conventions for highlighting narratives in the text, 3) determination of principles for organizing the corpus according to the themes of narratives. Thematic classification of narratives was the result of the analysis of several «control» texts. It represents a multi-level systematization of topics of cultural and professional nature: when the main (basic) topics can have internal detail, which leads to the emergence of micro-topics. The number of such microtopics can be different and is determined by the specifics of the topic itself, i.e. the ability to characterize the corresponding phenomenon of reality in various aspects. Fragments of text in which a particular topic or subtopic is implemented are highlighted with square brackets. On both sides of the brackets, the numerical designations of the corresponding topic/subtopic from the previously given thematic classification are indicated. During thematic marking, the principles of compliance of the narrative with the main theme of the corpus, incompleteness of the thematic classification, integrity of the narrative, non-rigid marking, taking into account «zero» topics are maintained. The article describes particular problems of marking, when a particular topic is not developed by the informant, despite the fact that the context allows for different interpretations of the topic of the narrative. In such situations, during the marking process, the topic purposefully represented by the informant is separated from facts that may have only an indirect relation to any topic, but may not have any. Thus, the described methodology represents the first approach to developing a meta-markup standard. The type of marking used can be called extra-linguistic based on the specifics of the subject information, analytical based on the method of identification, narrative based on the object, multi-level based on the depth of classification, manual based on the method of assigning labels, and neutral in relation to a certain theory.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):156-164
pages 156-164 views
Generation of utterances based on the turns «N-дно» and «reach a new low» in modern speech: on the issue of stability and variability of the component structure of a phraseological unit
Budaragina E.I.

The subject of this research is the characteristics of phraseological units, specifically their stability and reproducibility. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that these characteristics are not essential for identifying phraseological units. The study is based on a functional-semantic approach to phraseology (V.N. Teliya and Yu.P. Solodub). The material for analysis is composed of phraseological expressions derived from the phrases «reach a new low» and «N-дно». These expressions were collected from the speech of various speakers, including journalists, bloggers, politicians, and writers. Using discourse analysis, the grammatical variants and semantic transformations of these units were examined, particularly those related to the intensity category. The following conclusions were reached: the use of phraseological units often involves creativity, the variety of forms does not hinder the identification of phraseological variants as a unified whole, if there is a common image, based on, for example, the realization of a single cognitive metaphor, stability and reproducibility in the study of phraseological units should be attributed to substantive categories, rather than formal ones, when discussing the stability of phraseological units, it is important to take into account the stability of the core prototype, which allows for the unification of lexical-grammatical variants within a single phraseological unit.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):165-171
pages 165-171 views
Cynonyms of the space squad
Ostroverkhaia I.V.

The current paper introduces a certain layer of zoonyms, including the proper names of mongrel dogs participating in the Soviet Space Programme (1950–1960-ies), into scientific circulation. The study is aimed at recreating the onomastic portrait of the space squad cynonyms. The research corpus consists of 76 cynonyms obtained from documentary sources, scientific and popular science articles, and Internet publications applying a continuous sampling method. Examination of empirical material is carried out by general scientific methods (analysis, comparison, generalization, observation) and a descriptive method involving quantitative calculations. Derivational peculiarities of cynonyms are determined through morphemic and word-formation analysis. The study reveals the main onomastic characteristics of the space squad cynonyms: predominant object-evaluative motivation actualising the dogs-cosmonauts’ external features, behaviour and participation in the space mission; predominance of Russian folk onyms built according to characteristic Russian nominative models; pronounced manifestation of the appellative onymization process resulting in extremely frequent appellative substantives and adjective names formed by direct and associative methods of nomination; presence of transonymization onyms formed in a symbolic way through intercategorial and intraspecific transonymization; prevailing diminutivity, which determines the meliorative evaluation of referents by nominators; memorability explicated through memorial cynonyms with a numerical indicator; presence of single occasional cynonyms, which turn to be a symptomatic manifestation of the nominators’ onomastic creativity; polyonymy due to extralinguistic factors. It is concluded that the cynonyms of the space squad represent a unique scientific, cultural and historical onomasticon, which has significant information potential that reveals the peculiarities of the Russian linguistic world picture. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using its materials and conclusions to cultivate a stable civic and patriotic position among our country’s younger generation with the help of onomastic means. Further prospects lie in the study of other cultural and historical zoonymic onomasticons.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):172-180
pages 172-180 views
Interference in English managerial discourse exemplified by business cases
Gabets A.A.

The article studies the aspects of discourse interaction in the field of managerial discourse from the perspective of linguosynergetics. The author examines 75 case studies published in Harvard Business Review from 2006 to 2024. The aims of the research are to reveal the types of discourses that are included in managerial discourse of case studies most often, to describe their qualities, lexical markers and the reasons for inclusion, to analyze their influence on the development of discourse in general. Discourse interference is analyzed through the prism of the linguosynergetic approach, which is based on the principle of non-linearity, and sense multiplication effects as a result of interaction of discourses and which describes the appearance of new senses and new opportunities for development of the discourses based on their coexistence and interaction. Their typical lexico-semantic fields, key words and clichés mark the genres of discourses. Methods of descriptive, discourse, context and pragma linguistic analysis are used in the research. The author concludes that discourse interaction is typical of managerial discourse in general, and elements of educational, medical, political and ecological discourses appear in the managerial genre more often than others, however, the reasons for the inclusion are unique for every type of discourse, and qualitative and quantitative variety of lexical markers is also different. Despite the biggest number of inclusions (45 %) the elements of educational discourse make little impact on the managerial discourse pragma semantic system, whereas medical (27 %), political (14 %), ecological (14 %) genres can destabilize the system of discourse in its initial mode and change the direction of its development.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):181-188
pages 181-188 views
Syncretic constructions with the pronominal adverb «как» in the Russian language: determination of grammatical status
Sineleva A.V., Zaitseva A.S.

The article is devoted to the study of the syncretic constructions with a pronominal adverb «как» in the Russian language. These constructions are analyzed in the lexico-grammatical aspect in comparison with introductory sentences and subordinate clauses. The material for the study consists of the texts of printed and electronic media included in the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NCRL). During the study, based on a diachronic approach, the classifications of constructions with a pronominal adverb «как» presented in the authoritative publications of the Russian language grammar are analyzed. As a result, within the framework of structural-semantic classification, a conclusion is made about the possibility of classifying constructions with an adverb «как» a subordinate clause, which makes it possible to minimize transitional cases while differentiating certain syntactic categories.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):189-195
pages 189-195 views
Privacy invasion strategy in media interview
Zhupinskaya A.V.

Nowadays questions of privacy violation and its protection gradually spreads from the problem belonging to the field of sociology and psychology to the major interest of linguistic researches, first of all it concerns theory of communication, pragmatic linguistics and dialogue studies. This article is devoted to the study of initiating communicative strategy of interlocutor’s privacy invasion (strategy of personal borders violation) which is investigated on the basis of English and Russian media interviews, due to the wide representation and variability in realization of the specified strategy in this particular genre of media discourse. In media discourse and in interview as one of its central genres two tendencies are widespread: the tendency to frankness within the concept of “new sincerity” and the tendency to conflict and provocative behavior. It generates a large number of inconvenient private questions. In this article, a set of tactics included in the strategy of privacy invasion is described with the help of contextual analysis. Three types of invasion tactics are distinguished: preparing tactics, tactics of direct invasion and tactics of insisting on the answer on the basis of such parameters as a position in dialogue (initiating and reactional) and the contribution to the achievement of communicative aim (main and additional). Illocutionary characteristics (form of interrogation, suggestion, request and representation) and typical means of verbalization are established for each type of the mentioned tactics. Various degree of representation in dialogue of the specified tactics allows to single out two main types of privacy invasion: marked and unmarked.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):196-204
pages 196-204 views
Evocative properties of precedent proper names in the newest German-speaking fictional discourse
Blinova Y.A.

The article based on the works of the second decade of the XXI century of the modern German-speaking authors analyses and describes the realization of the evocative function of precedent proper names in the newest German fictional discourse as a mechanism for creation of extra implicit meanings. Precedent names possess the evocative property and act as evocative shifters that allow for shifts between various conceptual fields and actualization of lingua-cultural concepts on the level of content. In the capacity of figurative analogies, metaphors and metonymies they act as evocative triggers, creating implications. Carrying deep associative meaning, they allow for thinking out and speculating about information that is omitted or implied by the authors. Usage of precedent names in fictional discourse is a cultural and intellectual communicative strategy that allows authors to control the perception and interpretation of the information read. Thus they can be considered as markers for both culturally important and implicit types of information. In general, precedent names realize the tendencies for implicity, fascinativity and suggestivity that contribute to the increase in expressiveness, emotionality and aesthetic impact of a fictional text.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):205-213
pages 205-213 views
Representation of the linguistic and cultural type of «ECO-ACTIVIST» in modern English-language media
Samsonova L.S., Shevchenko V.D.

The article focuses on some of the results of the study of linguocultural types as composite images that exist in society. Linguocultural types (LCT) are significant for research within modern sociolinguistics and linguistic culture studies, as they express the common beliefs and values of society. The object of study is the linguocultural type «ECO-ACTIVIST». This choice is linked to the particular social significance of eco-activists for contemporary society. The authors of the article are especially interested in the positive and negative characteristics of the chosen LCT. They employ a combination of methods, including linguistic and cultural analysis and modeling of LCTs, and highlight the characteristics of «savior» and «terrorist» which are dominant for this LCT.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):214-219
pages 214-219 views
NMT-translation – basic models, quality assessment
Borunov I.A.

This article is devoted to the topic of evaluating the quality of NMT-translation models, as well as methods of evaluating the quality of the obtained translations. The research we have conducted in the field of comparison of NMT-based translations of special texts is of high relevance in today’s translator work environment, where modern technologies are used to facilitate work processes and improve the quality of services. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of current neural machine translation (NMT) models and methods for assessing the quality of translated texts produced using them, with a focus on the application of these models to the translation of legal and legislative literature. The study aims to identify the advantages and limitations of existing NMT technologies, as well as to identify areas for their further improvement. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: to review and analyze the main NMT models, including Seq2Seq, Transformer, BERT and their variations, in order to identify their peculiarities and applicability to the translation of different types of texts; to study and evaluate the quality of translation made with the help of modern NMT systems; to carry out a comparative analysis of the translation of legal texts using the methods of contextual analysis, structural-semantic and comparative-comparative analysis; to determine the limitations of the existing NMT models; to identify the advantages and limitations of the existing NMT models for the translation of legal texts. The paper analyses modern NMT models, including Seq2Seq, Transformer, BERT and their variations, investigating the features of each model and their applicability to different language pairs. Special attention is paid to the evaluation of NMT translation quality using BLEU, METEOR, TER metrics as well as human evaluation of translation quality. The texts of translations of specialized literature in various fields and publicistic texts on relevant topics made with the help of NMT systems were studied using contextual analysis methods, as well as structural-semantic and comparative-semantic methods. The research conducted allows us to conclude that modern NMT models are highly effective and capable of generating high-quality translations in different languages. However, despite the success achieved, some limitations have been identified that require further research and improvements. The study provides a better understanding of current NMT translation models, their applicability and translation quality. The results and conclusions of the study can be useful for both the academic community and practitioners in the field of (machine) translation and linguistics. Furthermore, the results and conclusions of this paper emphasize the importance of further research to improve the quality of automatic translation and to extend its field of application.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):220-227
pages 220-227 views
Medical terminology of patients’ medical cases: structural and semantic analysis
Andreeva M.I., Shaekhova R.R.

The research focuses on the pivotal issue of human-related nominations of medical terminology. The scrutiny is given to the terminology of patients’ medical cases and complete management. The work attempts to fill in the research niche of structural, semantic analysis and specifics of interlinguistic equivalents of English and Russian medical terminology of patient cases. The nominations of human body, conditions, triggers and medical manipulations are studied. The research material, followed methods and approaches contribute to the research relevance implemented within human-oriented paradigm. The study aims at clarifying and specifying the semantic and structural features of medical terms elicited from the subcorpora of patient cases presented in the ‘House M.D.’ TV series, compiled by the authors. The aim is achieved through the study of semantic components, contextual features, lexical valency and derivational features of 168 terms. The corpora-based approach combined with text proces sing tools and techniques used by the authors make the research novel. Moreover, the developed algorithm provides a solid base for further investigations alike. The research was implemented in four stages. The word frequency analysis of the words in the compiled corpora showed the prevalence of medical terms. The number of terminological word combinations equals to one-word terms. Among the former word combinations with prepositions are not frequent. The latter exhibit clear derivational patterns with a marked set of word formation suffixes. The distribution of the terms into semantic groups revealed the prevalence of the semes ‘diagnosis’, ‘symptoms’ and ‘pathology’. The need for transliteration of English-Russian equivalents of medical terms arises due to the Latin origin of the most part of the terms which may be regarded as international medical vocabulary.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):228-234
pages 228-234 views
Between «domestic» and «hidden»: semantics of the adjective heimlîch and its derivatives in Gottfried von Straßburg's «Tristan»
Golovkova A.D.

The article is focused on the semantic analysis of the Middle High German adjective heimlîch «domestic», «close», «trusted», «hidden», «secret» and its derivatives in Gottfried von Straßburg's Tristan. The very idea of concealment in medieval literature is well studied, but the lexical side of the issue remains practically neglected. This study examines the etymology of heimlîch and its derivatives and analyses the contexts in which these lexemes are used. The Old High German adjective heimlîh could have the meaning «domestic, native», from which «close, trusted» developed in Middle High German, and only in the XII century the meaning «hidden (from strangers), secret» is found for the first time. In «Tristan», this adjective is mostly used in the meaning of «trusted, close». The noun heimlîсhе derived from it is also mostly used by Gottfried in the sense of «trust, closeness». In both cases, «trust» can be interpreted as the feature of the bond between lovers, which, according to Gottfried, is inherent in true love. The verb heimlîhen in 'Tristan' can mean not only «to become trusted», but also «to make homely». The adverb heimlîche(n), on the opposite, belongs mostly to actions performed in secret. Thus, the use of the adjective heimlîch and its derivatives in «Tristan» reflects the European medieval context, where the «open/public» is opposed not yet to the «private» but to the «non-public/hidden».

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):235-244
pages 235-244 views
Functional characteristics of English professional linguistic markers in the practice of medico-legal support
Golubykh A.A., Isaeva O.N.

The purpose of the study is to highlight and analyze functional characteristics of professional linguistic markers used in providing legal service protecting the rights of patients and doctors. The relevance of the paper is explained by the growing tendency to medical lawyers’ services on the one hand and an appeal to mass media discourse as an information media which forms conceptual and linguistic worldview on the other. The article examines language units which help to build professional discursive space in the field of medicine and law covering lawyers’ professional activity in the medical sphere and healthcare professionals in particular. The authors analyze current trends in legal assistance to doctors in their professional activities providing legal protection to injured patients. The scientific novelty of the article is that the language professional units within mass-media discourse by the material of The Patients Association and Doctors Defence Service in the framework of Medical Law concept permitting to study linguistic markers, their interaction and functional potential are described. The empirical study includes such methods as observation, description and classification, functional and pragmatic analysis, discourse analysis, linguistic and semantic analysis. As a result of the study, language units reflecting problem areas and modern vectors in medico-legal sphere of Great Britain are systematized and analyzed. The authors’ observations showed that the professional linguistic markers under analysis represent emerging trends in British medical law characterized by the establishment and maintenance of the patient's right to quality medical care; popularization of private medical services by general practitioners and the National Health Service; and increasing popularity of professional liability insurance for private dentists, etc. The conclusion about language functions – informative, communicative, general-cognitive and pragmatic – realized by verbal units is made.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):245-253
pages 245-253 views


Monograph review: Kabytov P.S., Fedorova N.A. «Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: personality and time» (Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo universiteta, 2024, 224 p.)
Tyurin V.A., Leonov M.M.

The review is an analysis of the second edition of the monograph by Kabytov P.S., Fedorova N.A. «Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: personality and time». Professor I.M. Ionenko is a prominent Kazan historian, one of the founders of the study of the events of 1917 in the Volga region, a specialist in the field of agrarian history, head of the Department of History of the USSR at Kazan State University. The second edition of the monograph was prepared on an updated and expanded source base, including materials from central and regional archives, periodicals, numerous memoirs of students and colleagues, and new data about the scientist’s personality. The monograph presents a reconstruction of the main stages of the scientist’s life path. The main directions of scientific activity of I.M. Ionenko: problems of the Great Russian Revolution, agrarian history of the Volga region, history of the Great Patriotic War are analyzed. Pedagogical and administrative activities of the scientist and his family environment have been thoroughly studied.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):261-264
pages 261-264 views
Review of the almanac: Balyuk N.A., Vychugzhanin A.L. (еds.) Tobolsk and all Siberia: historical, cultural, literary and artistic almanac: in 2 books. Tyumen – the capital of villages. Tobolsk: Izdatel’skii otdel TROBF «Vozrozhdenie Tobol’ska», 2023. Book 1. 480 p.; Book 2. 536 p.
Kondrashin V.V.

The article presents a review of the historical and cultural literary and artistic almanac «Tyumen – the capital of villages». This publication is relevant and socially significant in the context of modern problems of the Russian village and the agricultural sector of economy as a whole. In the almanac, the history of Russian village is shown at the regional level of the former Tobolsk province (now Tyumen region) and the micro level of selected villages of this region using an interdisciplinary approach by the authors’ collective. The authors are professional historians, ethnographers, and local historians. The almanac is one of the successful examples of understanding the history of peasantry of Russia at the regional level.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):265-268
pages 265-268 views

My universities

In the beginning of linguogeography of the Middle Volga Region: scientific contribution of professor E.S. Skoblikova (on the 100th anniversary of the Samara scientist)
Bazhenova T.E.

The article assesses the scientific contribution of a prominent representative of the Samara Linguistic School, Professor of Samara State University Elena Sergeevna Skoblikova to the study of the dialects of the Middle Volga region. Her passion for dialectology provided her with her first successful steps into big science and remained throughout her subsequent scientific activity. For many years, she was a participant and organizer of dialectological expeditions to study the dialects of Penza, Ulyanovsk, Samara and Orenburg regions. In the late 1940-ies, even before the appearance of generalizing works on linguistic geography, E.S. Skoblikova in her Ph.D. thesis described the patterns in the geographical distribution of the features of dialectal forms of personal pronouns in the dialects of the vast territory of the European part of Russia. A number of her articles highlight the functioning and history of formation of the features of dialectal vocalism, which are important from the point of view of the typology of the Volga dialects. In the works of E.S. Skoblikova, the basis for the classification of Middle Russian dialects and methods for determining the genesis of secondary dialects is laid, taking into account linguogeographical data on phonetic and morphological features. Her scientific research in dialectology is characterized by attention to the synchrony and diachrony of linguistic processes in dialects, the study of individual links of dialect systems in connection with the system of the Russian language as a whole. The results of E.S. Skoblikova's dialectological research contributed to the clarification of the regional picture of the dialect landscape in the Middle Volga region. The attempt to analyze the scientific heritage of E.S. Skoblikova is interesting and significant both in terms of linguistic historiography and in terms of analyzing the achievements of regional dialectology and the entire Russian linguogeography.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(4):254-260
pages 254-260 views