Vol 29, No 3 (2023)

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Konev V.A.


July 21, 2023, Department of English Philology, Samara University, Social Sciences
the humanities institute and the entire linguistic world of the Samara region suffered unrecoverable
loss - a candidate of philological sciences, professor, professor of the department passed away
English philology Antonina Aleksandrovna Kharkovskaya. It was she who stood at the origins
development of English studies in Kuibyshev / Samara. She created her own scientific school and made it
known not only within the Russian Federation, but also far abroad.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):8-10
pages 8-10 views 475


Penza serif line: history of creation and study

Lebedeva L.V., Stavitsky V.V.


The article is dedicated to the history of the study of the Penza fortress line, which accounts for more than two and a half centuries, but has not yet become the subject of historiographical analysis. There are three main stages can be distinguished in the study. The interest to the fortifications of the saddle line appeared in the last quarter of the XVIII century, when the information about them appeared in the notes of travelers and writers: P.S. Pallas, P.I. Sumarokov. Since the second half of the XIX century archivists and regional ethnographers began to collect archival documents on the Penza fortification line. Their efforts were aimed at localizing the earth ramparts, establishing the time of creation of military settlements, and publishing the texts of ancient acts. Along with documents, they used the data of legends and local legends. The beginning of the second stage refers to the middle of the XX century, when the studies of the Penza fortification line acquired a systematic character. V.I. Lebedev becomes its main researcher. Along with a wide use of the archival data, he turned to the field research, which allowed to fill the gaps in the documents, lost as the result of fires in the archives of the Prikaz Kazan Palace. Great work in search of the ancient acts was carried out by Penza archivists and local historians: G.V. Eremin, S.L. Shishlov and V.M. Sharakin in publication’s preparation: «The Fortress-City of Penza», by order of the Second Secretary of Penza Regional Committee of the CPSU G.V. Myasnikov. As a result of common efforts, the fortifications of the Penza Line were localized on the ground, the exact dates of their construction were established, and the composition of the servicemen was determined. The results of the research were summarized in the two editions of V.I. Lebedev’s monographs of 1986 and 2006. At present the studies of fortifications of serfdom are carried out mainly by archaeological methods, but their results are rather modest.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):11-16
pages 11-16 views 562

Experience in the treatment and prevention of cholera in the XIX century (based on reports and publications of doctors of the Saratov province)

Varfolomeev A.Y.


The article is devoted to the study of medical practice and treatment methods used by Saratov doctors in the fight against cholera epidemics in the XIX century. The relevance of the study is determined by the increased interest of the broad strata of Russian society and representatives of government structures in the search for effective practices in the treatment and counteraction to the spread of dangerous infectious diseases (including cholera). Epidemics and pandemics of infectious diseases pose a serious potential danger to human life and health, as well as create increased risk and socio-economic threats to modern humanity. These challenges actualize the appeal to the chosen topic. This article discusses a multidimensional problem concerning the methods of treatment that doctors used in the fight against the terrifying and deadliest disease of that time – cholera. This problem is considered on the example of the cholera epidemics of 1847 and 1892 and the fight against them on the territory of the Saratov Volga region. The main research perspective is focused on the analysis of archival sources identified by the author – the diaries of Saratov doctors, on the pages of which they not only presented an official report to the provincial medical board, but also shared their experience in treating cholera patients. The results of the study allow us to conclude that as a result of many years of medical practice of city and county doctors of the Saratov province, as well as generalization of empirical materials based on their diary entries, optimal solutions for the prevention and control of cholera epidemics were developed, and at the same time, general methods of treating cholera patients were gradually formed in the XIX century. not only on the territory of the Saratov Volga region, but also throughout the country.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):17-23
pages 17-23 views 532

Organization and composition of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party at the beginning of the XX century

Leonov M.I.


The idea of the organizational state and composition of one of the most significant parties in pre-revolutionary Russia – the party of Socialists Revolutionaries – gives a lot to understand its essence. The agreement on the creation of the party was made in the spirit of traditions of illegal conspiratorial organizations. The party appeared as an extremely amorphous formation. Until the turn of 1905–1906, its organizational principles were not formulated and were not approved by the general party forum. The competencies of the structural divisions, the criteria for membership were not clear to everyone. The party structure evolved spontaneously, in the spirit of the traditions of the revolutionary organizations in Russia in the 1970-ies and 1990-ies of the XIX century. Simultaneously existing «non-party» and «party» committees and groups characterized two dimensions: a socio-political movement and a political party. Consolidation in general terms was completed by the end of 1905. At the beginning of the XX century. the main part of the Socialist-Revolutionary organizations was located in the provinces of European Russia. Basically, the Socialist-Revolutionary organizations operated in the intellectual and industrial centers of the country, areas of concentration of the intelligentsia. A significant part of the party leadership was made up of representatives of the generation of the 40–60-ies of the XIX century of birth. The committees were dominated by young people of the 70–80-ies of the XIX century of birth. The party included representatives of various social groups, first of all the intelligentsia, then workers and peasants. Intra-party ties were weak and intermittent; the main unifying center was «Revolutionary Russia». Theoretical, tactical and organizational problems were discussed behind the scenes. In the structure of the party, the features of an illegal circle organization were clearly manifested.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):24-31
pages 24-31 views 584

Film work of the Samara Provincial Community of Consumer Cooperatives in 1926–1928

Dianova E.V.


The article deals with the film work of the Samara Provincial Community of Consumer Cooperatives in 1926–1928. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that, using the example of the activities of the regional cooperative union for film services to the population, it is possible to identify social factors and mechanisms of sociocultural dynamics. As a source, the materials of the magazines «Sower of Truth» of the Samara Provincial Community of Consumer Cooperatives and «Cooperative Way» of the Middle Volga Regional and District Union of Consumer Cooperatives were used. The magazines published announcements of films, announcements about the route of film shifts, instructors’ reports on film flights, and reviews from viewers. The main scientific problem is to study the ways of organizing cinema services and the results of the work of cooperative movements of the Samara Provincial Union of Consumer Cooperatives. The research methodology is based on the theory of communication. For an objective quantitative analysis of the content of communication, content analysis is used. Narrative, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, typological methods of scientific knowledge were also used. In the course of the study, it was possible to find out that the Samara cooperators used a competent strategy to attract viewers, relying on active shareholders who fully paid their share contributions, subscribers of the Sower of Truth magazine. During film screenings, before and after the films were shown, new members of the cooperatives and subscribers of the Sower of Truth magazine were recruited, and share contributions were accepted. This policy of the Gubernia Union provided a return on the rental of tapes and film flights. The organization of movie nights was linked to various socio-political and cooperative educational campaigns.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):32-39
pages 32-39 views 462

Problems of economic effi ciency of state farms in 1940–1952 (based on materials of declassifi ed archive materials)

Chirkov M.S.


The article, based on archival sources that have been under the heading of secrecy for many years, analyzes the problems of economic efficiency of Soviet farms (state farms) in the first years after the end of World War II. The huge human and material losses suff ered by agriculture predetermined the diffi culties of the restoration period. Analysis of various statistics showed the following results. The yield of feed, technical and grain crops grew weakly, it was not possible to significantly increase the number of livestock. The increase in wages on state farms was not accompanied by an increase in labor productivity. Despite the improvement in the technical equipment of state farms, it was not possible to achieve the application of the achievements of agronomic science; signifi cant losses were observed in harvesting. The existing system of pricing agricultural products gave rise to a significant difference in the planned and actual cost, which, in turn, exceeded government prices. The most important mechanism for eliminating this discrepancy was the subsidy of state farms at the expense of budgets of different levels. More than 80 % of agricultural enterprises were on state subsidies, of which about 60% of farms had losses that could not even compensate for the allocated funds. At the same time, the state received economic benefi ts from the activities of state farms. The funds allocated to finance the activities of state farms were half as much as the state gained from the sale of agricultural products. Despite certain successes in agricultural production, state farms were unable by the beginning of the 1950-ies to increase labor productivity, significantly increase yields and multiply livestock, actively implement the achievements of agronomic science and rationally use technology.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):40-50
pages 40-50 views 600

Commemoration in the management practices of the Soviet elite in 1960–1970-ies (on the example of the Penza region)

Sukhova O.A.


The aim of the study is to analyze the practices of commemoration and memorial culture in the Penza region in the 1960–1970-ies. The issues of periodization of development of memorial culture and historical politics, the content of collective memories, transformation of social reflection, forms and means of commemoration are considered. An assessment is made of the possibility of using the methodological tools of the «new political history» at the regional and local levels of problem development. The high source potential of materials of personal origin in the study of commemorative content in narratives, symbols and signs is noted. In the course of the analysis of historiography of the problem, a pluralism of value judgments regarding the «instrumentality» of Soviet historical policy was revealed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for an objective analysis of national specifics, including in relation to the memory of the past, in the search for universal content in the structures of memorial culture. The evolution of functionality and content of historical politics in the 1960–1970-ies is traced: the general trend of the process is the decline in interest in the symbolic practices of the revolutionary era and the establishment of a new «organizing» idea as a manifestation of social demand for solidarity and common identity. The memory of the victims of the struggle for Soviet power as a tool of legitimization is giving way to socially significant experiences (memory of the Great Patriotic War) and the idea of restoring the unity of memory, a tolerant attitude towards the past as a whole, which united both the imperial and Soviet heritage. The factor of traumatic order is the memory of Stalin. The period under review also saw the institutionalization of the system of socio-political interaction in the field of memorial culture.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):51-58
pages 51-58 views

Representation of male and female family roles in Soviet magazines of the late 1960-ies – 1970-ies

Gubanova T.S.


The social institution of the family as an environment for the formation and evolution of gender roles is of particular interest for the study of Soviet society. The government controlled the private sphere of public life even in the late USSR. The media were an important social institution that influenced the construction of ideas about gender and reproduced images of desired models of family relations and the gender structure of society. Gender analysis can be used to identify popular stereotypes about masculinity and femininity, as well as gender family roles in the late USSR. In this paper, the author analyzes the materials of Soviet magazines and newspapers published from the late 1960-ies to the 1970-ies: the magazine for parents and teachers «Family and School», the popular science magazine «Health», the advertising magazine «New goods», the children’s magazines «Murzilka» and «Funny Pictures». These publications are aimed at different readership. This allows us to get a more complete picture of the real and desired models of masculinity and femininity in late Soviet society. As a result of the study, conclusions are drawn about significant discrepancies between the declared equality of women and men in Soviet society and the real gender structure. The representation of stereotypical models of family relations indicates contradictions in the peculiarities of male and female gender socialization, as well as in the gender differentiation of family and household functions of men and women.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Development trends and main aspects of language policy of Soviet state in the autonomous regions of the North Caucasus (1920-ies – early 1930-ies)

Kokorkhoeva D.S.


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that Soviet state purposefully formed legal and socio-cultural norms of language policy, achieving mass literacy in regional languages and a qualitative increase in the status of these languages. The tasks of language policy in the autonomous regions of the North Caucasus are particularly difficult. The purpose of the work is to determine the development trends and the main aspects of language policy of Soviet state in the autonomies of the North Caucasus Region in the 1920-ies – early 1930-ies. The article is based on the methodology of constructivism, systematic and comparative analysis. The source base of the article includes unpublished documents of party and state authorities, the results of censuses, speeches of political figures, articles by publicists. The novelty of the article consists in a systematic study of such aspects as the formation of writing and literature in the languages of the North Caucasus peoples, the elimination of illiteracy in their native languages, the replacement of the Arabic alphabet with Latin, the translation of office texts from Russian into regional languages, the unification of the alphabets of the languages of the North Caucasus, quotas for speakers of regional languages in government bodies. The activity of organizations implementing the Latinized alphabet: the National Commission of the North Caucasus Regional Committee of the VKP(b), the National Council under the Regional Executive Committee of Councils, the Regional National Publishing House, etc. is evaluated. The results of the language reform in the North Caucasus were contradictory and not efficient. Resources for the introduction of regional languages as the main ones in the education system, propaganda, and official records are limited. The causes of this problem were: the low level of literacy of the population, the weakness of publishing houses, the lack of educated teachers and journalists with knowledge of regional languages.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):65-73
pages 65-73 views


Digital competence of a human resource specialist

Ezhkov D.O.


The relevance of the study is determined by the need to develop digital competence among HR specialists. Various approaches are considered to the definition of the concept of «digital competence» and the selection of the content of the professional activities of HR specialists to perform new labor functions in accordance with its specifics and features, which implies certain changes in the educational environment in the digital economy. Due to the lack of programs to build the readiness of a personnel management specialist, it is difficult to perform such a function as strategic management of the workforce. An attempt was made to resolve the contradiction between the request for these specialists and the uncertainty in the strategy for determining the totality of competencies as an integrative property of a person.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Optimization of methods of teaching technical translation to aerospace engineering science students

Vlasova S.V.


The article is devoted to the proof of the need to train students of aviation and rocket specialties in technical translation in the modern conditions of global challenges and new state requirements for the training of a competitive engineer. Based on the analysis of scientific works of researchers of the theory and practice of translation, as well as the generalization of methodological experience of the author of the article, the current trends in teaching the translation of aerospace vocabulary in a technical university are considered. The didactic, educational, social aspects of teaching technical translation are considered in the context of a practice-oriented approach to the formation of communicative competence among students of engineering specialties. Exercises for the development of technical translation skills based on the principles of a differentiated approach to learning are proposed. Methodical recommendations are given.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Mentoring system in an educational institution of higher education

Perminova O.M., Ustinova N.P., Trefilova E.A.


Today one of the most strategically important directions of improvement of the activity of educational institutions becomes the implementing of technology of mentoring in the educational system. The need for mentoring is due to the fact that rapid changes in the education system, transformation of organizational processes require that all participants of educational relations flexible and instant reaction. Mentoring allows to connect professional development, resistance to change, the formation of new competencies, as well as mutual social exchange in an integrated approach to each participant of the educational process. Despite discussions of scholars and practitioners concerning mentoring problems, there is no single methodological approach to the organization of mentoring system in an educational institution of higher education as a unit of innovative educational system. The article analyzes the history of development, principles and types of mentoring, reveals the content of mentoring system; presents the results of the author’s research and suggests a mechanism for organizing a mentoring system in an educational institution of higher education. As a tool for the development of the mentoring system at the university, it is proposed to create a community – a club for the development of meta-skills within the educational institution.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):84-90
pages 84-90 views

Target approach in the formation of future workers’ professional readiness

Danilova T.V.


Continuous updating of labor market requirements for the results of future workers’ professional training actualizes the need to specify the process of forming professional readiness as a key quality of an employee. The purpose of the article is the procedural characteristic of the formation of professional readiness of future workers from the position of the target approach that performs two interrelated functions. The first involves the formulation of a goal that corresponds to a set of certain requirements: terminological unambiguity, conciseness, reality, diagnostics, processuality, concreteness. The second function is characterized by professional and industry specifics. It is provided by the relationship between the ideal goal and the result achievement. The outcome is formed professional readiness of future workers. This quality is diagnosed by criteria and indicators for monitoring its formation. From the target approach point of view, the content vector of the formation of future workers’ professional readiness is expressed in the procedural characteristics of this phenomenon. It is dependent on the main goal of future workers’ professional training, which is decomposed into sub-goals that determine its stages: orientational, operational and activity. The first of them is related to pricing, the objective basis of which is the requirements for labor activity fixed in professional standards. The second one is focused on goal-attainment, which includes the formation of practice-oriented skills of students. The third stage involves reflection by future workers of their own actions, their choice and evaluation from the position of expediency of application in a specific professional situation. One of the means to assess the effectiveness of the process of forming the professional readiness of students is pedagogical monitoring. It is implemented on the basis of criteria and indicators determined by the professional training goals. Accordingly, the result of mastering the orientation stage by future workers and the monitoring criterion is pre – readiness, operational – reproductive readiness, and activity- productive readiness. The results of decomposition of the professional training main goal into sub-goals, the corresponding criteria and indicators of future workers’ readiness formation are presented in a tabular version.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Improving the grammatical competence of future English teachers based on authentic texts

Danko Y.V.


The article discusses the grammatical competence in the English language of future teachers in the undergraduate program as a component of effective foreign language teaching in the form of ability to correctly apply the morphological, syntactic and lexical norms of the English language in solving practical problems. Taking into account the teaching of English as a pedagogical specialty, it is necessary to take into account the communicative and pedagogical components of professional competence. Based on theoretical provisions in the form of an analysis of pedagogical conditions of the organization of education, the current study views the specifics of improving morphological grammatical skills in the form of teaching tense forms of English verbs on the material of authentic texts from classical literature. As part of the study, as part of a pedagogical experiment, according to the results in the experimental group, difficulties in mastering the tense forms of verbs were identified. Increasing the level of foreign language communicative competence will contribute to the improvement of theoretical and linguistic knowledge, to the formation of practical skills in the form of teaching the norms of the literary language.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):98-103
pages 98-103 views


Specifics of objectification of the social exclusion, social inclusion categories (territorial aspect) in German

Shamne N.L.


The article deals with specific features of objectification in German related to the categories of social exclusion and social inclusion in the territorial aspect on the example of the concepts «Kaff» and «Einöde». As a result of the definitional analysis of the similar lexemes, denoting these concepts, the author establishes nuclear semantic features – the absence of appropriate social conditions, low-population density area /uninhabited area (Einöde) and its small length, aimlessness of the subject’s existence (Kaff). These notions are described as the semantic field. The study found that the core of the semantic fields of the concepts «Einöde» and «Kaff» are the linguistic units directly indicating the nuclear semantic features and the periphery – the units actualizing the processes of social exclusion and in separate (rare) cases of social inclusion. The author identifies   the units expressing spatial remoteness from the center, as well as static, absence of movement, changes as common leading language means expressing the category of social exclusion; as different – the units indicating a small spatial extent, verbs of socially determined movement with certain efforts of the subject (semantic field «Kaff»); verbs of unnoticed, aimless existence of the subject within the given object (semantic field «Einöde»).The results of the research suggest that the lexeme Kaff to a greater extent as compared to the lexeme Einöde objectifies the processes of territorial social exclusion in the context. The author notes that the language units Kaff and Einöde do not have unambiguous equivalents in Russian. As a result of the contextual analysis the author reveals additional semantic features, specifying these concepts, which are not reflected in the glossary of the German language.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):104-113
pages 104-113 views

Derivational peculiarities of the high style vocabulary in the lyrics of I.A. Brodsky and A.A. Tarkovsky

Karpenko L.B., Dmitrieva T.V.


The article is devoted to the word-formation features of high style vocabulary on the material of I.A. Brodsky’s and A.A. Tarkovsky poetry. The author shows the continuity of the poetic language of Brodsky and Tarkovsky with the heritage of Pushkin, and links lexical resources used by these poets with the corpus of Slavic words in the Russian literary language. The productivity of book word-formation type of nominative and objectifical names with abstract feature with suffixes -ость/- есть, -ство/-ество, lexical apophathisms, formed by prefix-suffixal method with prefixes без- and не-; the productivity of book-poetic verbal nouns with suffixes --ениj-/-ниj-, verbal derivatives of nouns with the suffix -тель; poets’ active use of participial forms. The conclusion is made about the commonality in the representation of stylistic synthesis by I.A. Brodsky and A.A. Tarkovsky. Along with the widely represented book vocabulary, their poetry reflects common and expressive vocabulary of colloquial style. Style synthesis testifies to the syncretism of the author’s perception of reality: subjective experience is combined with collective, value beginning.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):114-120
pages 114-120 views

Linguistic means of creating the image of the anti-hero in W. Ayguals de Izco’s novel «El Tigre del Maestrazgo»

Tereshchuk A.A.


The article is focused on the analysis of linguistic features of the «history-novel» by W. Ayguals de Izco «The Tiger of Maestrazgo», published in 1846–1848 and dedicated to R. Cabrera, one of the leaders of the Carlist movement in Spain in the 1830-ies. The relevance of this article is due to both the lack of scientific publications about W. Ayguals de Izco in Russian, and the relevance of «The Tiger of Maestrazgo» in the anti-Carlist political discourse in Spain in the middle of the XIX century. A brief review of recent publications on the writer’s work is offered as well as the history of the book creation. It is concluded that the publication of «The Tiger of Maestrazgo» was a reaction to the apologetic biography of R. Cabrera, written by B. de Cordoba, as well as to the uprising of the Carlists in Catalonia, which began in 1846. The anti-hero of the work is R. Cabrera, who in the novel personifies Carlism. The article analyzes the vocabulary used to create his image. 66 adjectives and 116 nouns and substantive combinations related to Cabrera and having negative connotations are registered in «The Tiger of Maestrazgo». There are 4 categories of lexemes that are used by the author to describe the anti-hero of the work: designations of social belonging; ethnonyms; names of animals; words related to the religion. W. Ayguals de Izco focuses the attention of readers on the unprofessionalism of R. Cabrera, who does not have a military education. The anti-hero is compared to «savages» from Africa and the New World and to predatory animals. W. Ayguals de Izco emphasizes that R. Cabrera has a «satanic» nature. Describing the birth of R. Cabrera, the writer parodies the gospel story about the birth of Christ. W. Ayguals de Izco not only creates a negative image of the leader R. Cabrera, but also criticizes the entire Carlist movement.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):121-128
pages 121-128 views

Frustration vs provocative strategies: the efficiency of use during a pandemic

Ismailova O.I.


The article deals with the features of news headlines during the period of high prevalence of coronavirus, Ebola fever and monkey pox. The purpose of the study is to identify the most common speech strategies and tactics, linguistic means which are used to influence the addressee. The author pays special attention to such expressive speech strategies as frustrating and provocative ones. The frustration strategy involves influencing the psychological condition of the addressee, affecting his biological, social or existential fear. This speech strategy is implemented through the tactics of mongering negative emotions and shocking with «facts», the intimidation tactics, the tactics of appealing to statistical data, etc. The provocative strategy is investigated as the intentional conduct of the addresser towards the recipient, destabilizing his emotional state and inciting him to the actions desired by the author. The described strategy is often implemented with the investigating information tactics or the emotionally destabilizing tactics. The article analyzes examples of news headlines demonstrating the use of frustrating and provocative speech strategies, as well as tactics and linguistic means that are used to implement these strategies. In the research the author comes to the conclusion that the authors of newscasts or news articles use such linguistic means that affect the audience as homonyms, paronyms, occasional words, epiphora, metaphor, personification, antithesis, polysemy, precedent phenomena, idioms, proverbs, parcellation.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):129-136
pages 129-136 views

Loss of the vocative case and its reflection in Old and Middle Russian monuments of business writing

Khadyeva T.V.


The purpose of this article is to describe the loss of the vocative case in Russian language on the material of Old and Middle Russian monuments of business writing. A study of four text corpora and quantitative analysis of the vocative forms, which has not previously been proposed, allowed us to conclude the following. The vocative case was lost in the late Old Russian period with the preservation of the forms of individual common nouns (господине ‘lord’, брате ‘brother’, княже ‘prince’, господо ‘lords’). Presumably due to the frequent use in documents of certain genres, these forms became cliched expressions. In addition, it was concluded that, for the listed lexemes, the choice of the vocative or nominative case could depend on the syntactic environment, specifically the presence of subordinate word or words. Thus, the vocative case is more often preserved for single appeals, whilst the nominative case is chosen for appeals that have an agreed attribute or an apposition. This observation has led to the assumption that a dependent part of the sentence specified the appeal and turned a formulaic expression into an appeal in the literal sense. Since the grammeme of the vocative case was already in the process of destruction, such an appeal took the form of the nominative case. Based on the studied material, it was concluded that the vocative case was lost by the end of the Middle Russian period.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):137-143
pages 137-143 views

Discursive realization of the verb «would» as a marker of epistemic modality in English publicistic text

Morozova А.N., Karaulshchikova Y.V.


The article presents the results of the empirical study aimed at revealing epistemic modality realization in utterances with the verb would in English publicistic texts of analytical political articles. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that discursive characteristics of modal syntagms with epistemic meaning in speech act are one of the least studied aspects of text modality. The basis of the research is the idea of epistemic modality being different from «root» modality expressed by the «material» meaning of the verb. Epistemic modality is expressed in lexico-syntactic mode which implies its study in terms of speech act syntagmatics. The results of the analysis demonstrate low frequency of the verb would as a lexical means. At the same time instances of its functioning in syntagms as a lexico-syntactic means of expressing modality are numerous. Discursive realization of the verb would is characterized by the category of polarity which is reflected in the opposition of the expected and the real. Illocutionary markers of the opposition are syntagms which contain lexical units with epistemic meaning or modal verbs with functions contrastive to those of the verb would. The main rhetorical model of speech acts organization is symmetry backed up by syntactically, lexically and phonologically similar text units. This principle of text organization is most clearly manifested in parallel word-combinations with the verbs would, «could», «should», and paronymic attraction.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):144-152
pages 144-152 views

Linguocreative word-formation devices in political anthroponyms (the case of English internet memes)

Kanashina S.V.


The article looks at the linguocreative word-formation devices in political anthroponyms within the context of English internet memes. The research is relevant due to the existing necessity to thoroughly research linguistic creativity at the level of word formation in English internet communication. The methods used in the research include collecting and analysing empirical material, word formation analysis, definitional analysis, linguocreative analysis, discourse analysis, linguocultural analysis, semantic analysis. The results of the research show that such linguocreative word formation devices as the generation of linguocreative occasional telescopic lexemes derived from two derivational bases, linguocreative transformations of anthroponyms based on paronymic attraction and language game with abbreviations are widely spread in English memes. Telescopy is a word formation process which involves generating a linguocreative occasional lexeme derived from two anthroponyms. Linguocreative transformations of anthroponyms based on paronymic attraction entail the deformation of an anthroponym in order to show resemblance to a similar word for creating a pragmatic effect. Language game with abbreviations functions as a linguocreative ‘decoding’ of a political anthroponym, as a result of which the author provides the recipient with an original and usually humorous interpretation of the precedent name. According to the research, the derivatives, generated with the help of the above mentioned devices, have broad semantics, connotations and pragmatic underpinning. To conclude, English internet memes act as a platform for linguocreative word formation processes, furthermore, political anthroponyms have a strong linguocreative potential. The results obtained in the research can be successfully applied in the educational process on the theoretical level and in English language teaching.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Realization of cognitive models of situations through phraseological units in English-language articles on culture

Asabina A.A.


Currently, in the media discourse, the authors of articles actively realize their pragmatic intentions through the pragmatic potential of phraseological units. The relevance of the study can be proved due to the fact that at the moment there is no information about the components of cognitive models of situations which can be most effectively used by the authors of articles to realize their pragmatic intentions through the pragmatic potential of phraseological units in articles of certain thematic groups. The purpose of the article is to determine the components of cognitive models of situations that are actualized and brought to the fore through the pragmatics of phraseological units in the texts of the English-language media discourse on the topic «culture», the reasons for the actualization of these components of cognitive models of situations by phraseological units, as well as to establish what pragmatic goals of the authors this is due. The study was conducted on the material of media texts – the texts of articles posted on the website of The Guardian newspaper. The research used methods of discourse analysis, semiotic analysis, observation and description techniques. As a result of the analysis of the articles on the topic «culture», it was identified that in the most of the examples the components «situation» and «circumstances» of cognitive models were brought to the fore through the pragmatics of phraseological units, also there was determined the cause of this phenomenon.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):160-169
pages 160-169 views

Rhythmic and syntactic structure of means to create material world image in V. Nabokov’s novel «Машенька» and its English translation «Mary»

Borisova E.B., Daineko M.V.


The present article attempts to analyze the rhythmic and syntactic structure of the original fragments involved in creating the image of the pension in V. Nabokov’s novel «Машенька» and its English version «Mary». The relevance of the research stems from the fact that despite the abundance of works devoted to the study of artistic image and individual writers’ style, they do not cover all possible aspects of analysis. In particular, there exist practically no contrastive studies revealing specific means to create material world image on the rhythmic and syntactic level based on the works written by bilingual authors. In addition, Russian and foreign philology lack studies devoted to considering the peculiarities of rhythmic and syntactic analysis of V. Nabokov’s literary works. The aim of the present article is to analyze the rhythmic as well as syntactic structure of the original fragments, creating the image of the pension as part of the material world in V. Nabokov’s novel «Машенька» and its English version «Mary». The objectives of the study include identifying the characteristics of the rhythmic as well as syntactic structure of the fragments in question to define the extent to which the translator manages to convey the features of the original structure. The following research methods are used: the method of slicing and splicing, structural-functional method, descriptive method and comparative method. In conclusion it should be emphasized that rhythmic and syntactic structure of the analyzed fragments is characterized by both extended and non-extended sentences, compound sentences with conjunctive, subordinate and non-conjunctive links, parenthetical insertions, homogeneous sentence members and adverbial participial phrases. The rhythm of the fragments in question varies from monotonous to gradual and alternating. To conclude, the results suggest that rhythmic and syntactic features of the original are not always taken into account by the translator, which is explained by the differences in the syntactic structure of the Russian and English languages.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):170-176
pages 170-176 views

Phraseological nomination in the terminological system of international law: semantic cognitive approach

Pugachevskaya I.A.


The article considers the types of phraseological nominations of the terminological system of international law, and also determines the type of connection between the components in their structure. The relevance of the work stems from the need to develop the professional language of international relations, which is one of the most important social areas of legal regulation. The study of terminological units as part of the terminological system of international law in the cognitive aspect allows to establish the prerequisites leading to the method of verbalization of professional knowledge in this area. Connecting the term with real-life realities helps to understand the thought process of the actor who chose the nomination. The terminology of international law, developed taking into account the rapidly changing reality, contributes to the effective solution of the tasks faced by specialists in the field of interstate interactions. Phraseologisms are recognized as a special form of terminological nomination. The problem of interpretation of term- phraseological units is caused by the specificity of lexical units, which combine in their semantics, on the one hand, features of phraseological units, and on the other hand, professional lexicon. The combination leads to the representation of professionally relevant information by combining ordinary (contained in phraseological units) and professional knowledge. With the help of the methods of definitional analysis and component analysis, it was possible to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of the semantic structure of term-phraseological units of international law, as well as to reveal the connections of various types of knowledge in it. Phraseological terms of international law are formed by means of three models, where the components in the structure of phraseological units enter into various types of relations: association, intersection, imposition. At the same time, the most frequent type of communication is the combination of professional and common knowledge in the structure of terms-phraseology. The conceptual analysis showed the presence in the professional lexicon of international law units, formed by means of a visual-image perception of an object or phenomenon, which indicates the absence of a clear boundary between two types of knowledge – ordinary and professional.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):177-185
pages 177-185 views

Multimodal perceptual image and linguistic means of its manifestation in an English-language literary text

Kucher V.V.


The article discusses the problem of multimodal perceptual image in the literary text as a language means of conveying the interaction and reciprocity of perceptual sensations obtained through several senses and manifesting an integral multimodal image. The language manifestation of the multimodality of perception is understood as a way to express in a language the results of the perception by several senses at the same time. The purpose of the article is to identify language means of manifestation of the processes of multimodal perception in a literary text. The study is carried out from the perspective of cognitive stylistics, i.e. considering stylistic devices that manifest multimodal perception as a means of knowledge representation. «The Pebble in the Sky» by A. Azimov served as an example of a literary text characterized by an abundance of perceptual vocabulary per text unit. The component analysis, lexical definition analysis, contextual analysis and linguo-stylistic analysis result in the classification of perceptual vocabulary and stylistic means manifesting multimodal perceptual image.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):186-194
pages 186-194 views

Demonstration of the politician’s national identity with the help of culture-bound elements

Yelizaryeva M.A., Nagumanova V.A., Chigasheva M.A., Goncharova N.A.


The article is devoted to the actualization of national identity of a political individual subject with the help of linguistic means (based on the government statements of the former German Chancellor A. Merkel). Given that the construction of national identity takes place in the language, it is proposed to consider culture-bound elements as the main marker of national identity. The purpose of the study is to reveal the relationship between the demonstration of ethnic identity in the speech of an individual political subject and the use of language means that reflect national specifics. General scientific (description, continuous sampling method) and linguistic (linguoculturological and discursive analysis) methods were used in the research. Statistical methods (Chi-square, Cramer’s coefficient) were used to obtain more accurate results and test the hypothesis about the presence or absence of a relationship between language markers and the demonstration of the politician’s national identity. The material of the study was the texts of 34 government statements of the former chancellor of Germany A. Merkel in the period between 2014 and 2021. The chronological framework is determined by extralinguistic factors (the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis and the end of the chancellor’s term), which must be taken into account when analyzing political discourse. This genre of political communication has not been subjected to thorough linguistic analysis, so this study has a certain novelty. The selected lexical units were classified according to the onomastic principle (toponyms, anthroponyms, polytonyms, official names, geortonyms, ethnonyms) and divided into two categories: units denoting German and other realities. A total of 1902 units and 5823 cases of use. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis and indicate the presence of a dependence, but indicate a weak degree of correlation. The proposed approach seems to be innovative, since it allows us to comprehensively consider the phenomenon of identity and can help to correctly interpret and demonstrate the intentions of a political individual subject in public speeches.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):195-204
pages 195-204 views


Review of the monograph: Shirokov G.A. War years of Kuibyshev region: 1941–1945: monograph. V.I. Dorofeev, O.N. Soldatova (Eds.). Samara: OOO «Nauchno-tekhnicheskii tsentr», 2022, 336 p.

Kabytov P.S., Kabytova N.N.


The review analyses the main problems reflected in the generalizing study by G.A. Shirokov. Relying on a diverse corpus of archival and published documentary sources, periodicals, statistical materials, as well as scientific literature on the problem under study, the author distinguishes two stages in the development of the Kuibyshev region. He presents a reconstruction of the mobilization measures carried out during the first stage (1941–1942). The author reconstructs the process of formation of new branches of regional economy on the basis of industrial equipment of evacuated factories, shows the restructuring of industrial production, which led to the formation of diversified economic potential of the region. Factors that had a negative impact on the development of agricultural production are revealed. New materials are given about labour everyday life and adaptation of the population to the conditions of the war years. Characterizing the second stage (1943–1945), the author provides information on measures to introduce new technologies and conveyors at industrial enterprises, to provide qualified workers and employees, to develop agriculture and transport infrastructure. The monograph focuses on the development of health care, public education and higher education, shows social and political life of the population during the Great Patriotic War. The central problem of the monograph is the labour feat of the population of Kuibyshev region, which ensured the unity of the front and rear and the victory in May 1945.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):205-211
pages 205-211 views

Monograph review: Kabytov P.S., Fedorova N.A. Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: personality and time. Samara: Samarskaya gumanitarnaya akademiya, 2023, 144 p.

Tyurin V.A., Leonov M.M.


The review is an analysis of the monograph by Kabytov P.S., Fedorova N.A. «Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: personality and time». Professor I.M. Ionenko is a prominent Kazan historian, one of the founders of the study of the problems of the events of 1917 in the Volga region, a specialist in the field of agrarian history, head of the Department of History of the USSR at Kazan State University. The book was prepared on a diverse source base, including materials from central and regional archives, periodicals, and numerous memoirs of students and colleagues. Let us especially note the appeal to the extensive personal archive of Ionenko and his publications. The monograph presents a reconstruction of the main stages of the scientist's life path: childhood and youth in the Smolensk region, training at the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute, front-line years, work in the Kazan State Pedagogical Institute, Kazan State University. The review provides an analysis by the authors of the monograph of the scientific activity of I.M. Ionenko – problems of the Great Russian Revolution, agrarian history of the Volga region. In addition, the family environment, pedagogical and administrative activities of the scientist are shown.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):212-216
pages 212-216 views

Review on the monograph: Evgrashkina E. The semiotic nature of semantic uncertainty in modern poetic discourse, based on the material of German and Russian poetry. NEUERE LYRIK. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Studien. Herausgegeben von Henrieke Stahl, Dmitrij Bak, Hermann Korte, Hiroko Masumoto und Stephanie Sandler. BAND 5. Berlin: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2019. 173 S. ISBN 978-3-631-78193-7

Kuchumova G.V.


The monograph by E. Evgrashkina examines the semiotic possibilities of the language of contemporary Russian- and German-language poetic texts. Instrumental tuning of the theoretical field of research requires detailed coverage of the concepts of «language games», «poetic discourse», «semiotic reality», «semiosis». Poetic discourse is identified with a semiotic process in which a special kind of semiosis is realized – «mobile semiosis», involving the reader in the game of appearances and «flickering of meanings». The development of the semiotic potential of individual lyrical texts of German- and Russian authors is traced. Their poetic texts of these authors reveal a complex composition of signs, syntax decay, rejection of rhyme, lexical «innovations», changes in conventional graphics, playing with punctuation marks etc. The main significance of the monograph by E. Evgrashkina is determined by the theoretical understanding of individual poetic practices, the study of the semiotic potential of language and the field of its functioning in modern Russian- and German poetic texts.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):217-220
pages 217-220 views

Review for a set of textbooks for masters, focusing on the development of independent and research skills

Solovova N.V.


Глобализационные процессы во всех сферах жизнедеятельности современного человека задают ситуации неопределенности при выполнении профессиональных задач. Выбор адекватных способов их решения требует от специалистов способностей к научному поиску, получению эмпирического материала, его осмыслению, критической оценке и внедрению в практику.

Трансформационные процессы в образовании вызвали ряд противоречий, их разрешение требует исследований, результат которых задает стратегию профессиональной подготовки обучающихся в вузе. На основе комплексного исследования, проведенного в научной школе профессора Т.И. Рудневой, доказано, что специалист любого направления подготовки должен обладать методологической культурой, предполагающей навыки грамотной работы с научной информацией, реферования научных источников.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(3):221-222
pages 221-222 views

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