Vol 27, No 2 (2021)

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Regional dimension of Russian history: to the 80th anniversary of P.S. Kabytov – researcher and citizen

Kondrashin V.V.


The article is dedicated to the anniversary of the head of the Department of Russian History of the Samara National Research University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation P.S. Kabytov. It analyzes the scientific achievements of the hero of the day, his social activities. On the basis of the material presented, the author made a conclusion about the phenomenon of P.S. Kabytov in modern Russian and foreign historiography from the point of view of his contribution to the study of the history of the Samara Volga region, the agrarian history, and other problems.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):8-16
pages 8-16 views 891

Features of construction of fortification in the forest-steppe Zavolzhie region of the first third of the XVIII century

Dubman E.L.


The article examines the significant changes observed in the early decades of the 18th century. during the construction and use of defensive systems on the southern and southeastern borders of European Russia. The question of how the new fortification theories and technologies, adopted from Western Europe, turned out to be suitable for the natural and geographical conditions of our country and for successfully resisting the attacks of nomads, was studied. An analysis of historiography of Russian defensive architecture that has developed to date, has made it possible to obtain fairly complete answers on the issues under consideration. For a special study of individual aspects of the topic, published and archival documents from the central archives were used. The revealed materials on the design and construction of the New Zakamskaya line allow us to conclude that the leadership of the Military Collegium and the Office of the main artillery and fortification tightly controlled the projects prepared in the borderlands, the proposed routes of the defensive lines.
It paid particular attention to checking the provision of fortifications to them, as well as to the use of standard samples of such fortifications prepared in the Office. At the same time, the commanders and engineers of the expeditions involved in the construction of lines and the deployment of the Landmilitia regiments on them showed a certain independence in all these matters. A study of the activities of the leadership of the Zakamsk expedition shows that they often entered into disputes with their higher authorities and often emerged victorious from them. During the period under review, Western European concepts of fortification were fundamental. It was they who were guided in the Military Collegium and the Chancellery of the main artillery and fortification. However, officers and engineers working in the borderlands were well acquainted with the peculiarities of military threats from the nomads, the strategy and tactics of their attacks. During the design and construction work, they showed common sense and knowledge of the basics of military engineering. This was most evident during construction in the first half of the 1730-ies of New Zakamskaya Line, which was later replaced by Samaraskaya line. The transitional period in the defensive architecture of the forest-steppe borderland ends in the
1730-ies. At this time, there was a gradual adaptation of Western fortification approaches to Russian realities. The transition from continuous systems of fortifications to «live» lines becomes obvious. Their builders are increasingly using various, applied to the peculiarities of the terrain and natural conditions, methods of erecting defensive structures. However, even in the middle – second half of the century, when creating defensive lines, the "rational-geometric principle" prevailed, which corresponded to the Western European principles of fortification.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):17-26
pages 17-26 views 869

Foreign organization and the Foreign Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party at the beginning of the 20th century. (On the path of party institutionalization)

Leonov M.I.


The article examines the organization and activities of the Foreign Organization and the Foreign Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party at the beginning of the XX century.  It is the institutional history of political parties, in the author’s opinion, that is of interest, since the structural analysis and the comparative historical method provide no less for an idea of ​​their nature than the analysis of party programs.  In the first period of its existence, the structure of the conspiratorial party of the Social Revolutionaries was surprisingly simple: a few Central Committee members traveled around Russian organizations and corresponded with them.  After the arrests of the late 1902 - early 1903.  the first, the «Gershunev» Central Committee, ceased to exist.  In August 1903, through the efforts of E.K.  Breshko-Breshkovskaya, the Foreign Organization and the Foreign Party Committee were created.  Until late autumn 1905, they played the role of central party institutions: the Foreign Organisation was the main reservoir of cadres of party functionaries, its congresses, in essence, played the role of general party forums.  The Foreign Organization concentrated many functions of the Central Committee: publishing and distribution of literature, communication with Russian organizations, business trips to Russia of party functionaries, etc. Thanks to the Foreign Organization and especially the Foreign Party Committee, a relatively ramified network of party leadership was formed.  The Foreign Organisation was an amorphous union, squabbles and squabbles tore it apart.  The Foreign Party Committee, along with the «orthodox» Socialist-Revolutionaries, included dissidents.  In November 1905, the Foreign Party Committee ceased its activities, and the Foreign Organisation was disbanded.  At the end of 1906, the Foreign Organisation and Foreign Party Committee were reanimated.  The new Foreign Organisation did not want to be considered party, and the Socialist-Revolutionary leadership dissociated itself from it.  The sphere of activity of the Foreign Party Committee was limited to the limits of emigration.  Beginning in 1909, the process of demoralization embraced both the Socialist-Revolutionary Party as a whole and the emigration.  In the spring of 1909, the delegates of the most numerous Parisian «group for the promotion of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party» left the III Conference of the Foreign Federation.  After the Fifth Party Council (May 1909), the Paris «assistance group» withdrew from the ranks of the party.  In 1910–1914.  the decline of the Overseas Organization progressed.  Disputes intensified, the Regional Foreign Committee was in conflict with the Central Committee.  Thus, by the beginning of the First World War, the Socialist-Revolutionary emigration was a collection of scattered and warring factions.  During the war years, the Central Committee finally broke up into opposing groups and as a whole ceased to exist.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):27-36
pages 27-36 views

Elections to the Third State Duma in the Samara province

Eliseev A.I.


The article is based on the analysis of the periodical materials, memoirs of contemporaries, published statistics and archival documents. It is devoted to the history of the election campaign to the State Duma of the third convocation which took place in the Samara province. This problem is of particular importance for the history of the socio-political development of the region. The elections to the Third Duma were held in quite different social and political conditions than to the First and Second Dumas. Simultaneously with the dissolution of the Duma of the second convocation, a new Regulation on Elections was published, which significantly changed the ratio of electors from different social groups in electoral assemblies. The author analyzes the influence of the electoral law of June 3, 1907 on the electoral process and, in particular, on the alignment of political forces. He traces the changes in the procedure for holding electoral meetings in the peasant, land-owning and urban curia, which were mainly associated with the division of electoral congresses into branches. Special attention is paid to how these changes weakened the influence on the elections of some social groups and strengthened others. The author examines the attitude of the electorate and individual public and political figures to the election campaign to the Third State Duma, characterizes the role of various party organizations in the election campaign and the course of the elections, and analyzes the results of the elections in the Samara province. Сontains brief information on the political orientation, social and class characteristics of the deputies elected in the Samara region. The author acquaints the scientific world with previously unknown information about the conduct of elections in the Samara Region.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):37-43
pages 37-43 views 1042

«Parallelism» in the biographies of the pagan princes-Ryurikovichi of the IX–X centuries according to the «Tale of Bygone Years»

Fogel A.S.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the features of the biographies of pagan princes of the IX–X centuries and the specifics of their reflection in the initial Russian chronicles. The article pays great attention to the methods of working with information and clarifying the author's position in the main source of the initial Russian history – the «Tale of Bygone Years». The relevance of studying the biographies and places of the main pagan princes – Oleg of Novgorod, Igor of Kiev and Sviatoslav I Igorevich in the process of revealing the topic of the formation of statehood, as well as individual state institutions and ways of governing the country during the early Middle Ages – is emphasized. Also, this work is important for the disclosure of tools and methods of forming state ideology in the Old Russian state at an early stage of its development. The key differences of the princes' figures, their «roles» in the work and the significance for the chronicler and the development of his conception of the origin and strengthening of the Old Russian state and the princely dynasty of Ryurikovichi are highlighted. Also, a lot of attention is paid to the allocation of general motives and coincidences in the biographies of Kiev princes of the initial period. The author's ambivalent attitude towards pagan princes is emphasized – on the one hand they are the ancestors of the dynasty and the ruling family in general, and on the other hand they remain persistent pagans and a kind of «anti-examples» for future generations of princes. On the basis of their life and death, the chronicler traces the beginning, development and natural completion of the pagan tradition in the Kiev state. The problem of displaying the Ryurikovichi family in the historical source is considered on the basis of modern achievements of national science.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):44-50
pages 44-50 views 1197

Formation of provincial assemblies in France in 1787

Koutseva E.A.


Administrative reform in France begins in an economic crisis. Calonne, then Loménie de Brienne proposed to introduce a new local administration to improve the collection of taxes, new local authorities were asked to entrust control over their distribution and collection, as well as the management of public and road works. A three-tier system of elective assemblies was introduced in the municipality, in the district or department, and in the province. The article examines the process of the formation of provincial assemblies and the identification of their functions in the summer of 1787. For this, the adoption of regulations of provincial assemblies and their reflection in the press will be considered, the functions of assemblies according to the rules and functions noted in the minutes of assemblies in different regions will be compared and analyzed. The article analyzes the edicts on the creation of provincial assemblies in the kingdom in the summer of 1787, regulations of the provinces of Champagne and Rouen, regulations on the functions of assemblies, minutes of meetings of provincial assemblies, the French and Dutch press. In the course of writing the article, comparative and problem-chronological methods were used. The events of the end of the Ancien Régime were developed in Russian historiography, but the issues of transformation in the administrative sphere were less studied, which will be discussed in this article. Provincial assemblies, created to improve the situation, have not fully fulfilled their task. Despite the delineation of functions between the old and the new administration, conflicts will arise that worsened the situation in the country. The new administration did not have enough time, already in 1788 elections to the States General began.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):51-60
pages 51-60 views


Professional development – factor of professional success

Rudneva T.I.


The training of a specialist at a university is predetermined by the quality of the educational process, which is caused by the development trends of the entire education system in accordance with globalization and integration into the world educational space. Professional success largely depends on the success of training, which forms the readiness of students to achieve professional success. Success is represented by an integrative assessment of the totality of student characteristics (result) and external psychological and pedagogical characteristics (learning process), which affect the process and result of the formation of professionally significant competencies. Significant external conditions are the quality of the educational process and the professionalism of the teacher; internal conditions – personal characteristics of students. A group of students – future information security specialists – was taken as a sample for a study conducted at Samara National Research University. Employers are showing a demand for specialists focused on achieving professional success in the face of increasing information threats, illegal actions, and computer crime. The study confirmed the need for students to develop not only professional competencies, but also a set of properties for the successful solution of professional problems. The structure of readiness of an information security specialist for successful professional activity was determined by the researchers taking into account the specifics (multidisciplinarity) and features (a set of meaningful characteristics for achieving success) of professional activity. Readiness criteria are as follows: professional and social orientation, ethical consciousness, acmeological orientation. The results of a comprehensive study conducted at the Samara National Research University confirm the dependence of the quality of the educational process on the readiness of teachers to organize the conditions for successful student learning.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Moral education in the era of transitive society

Chetyrova L.B., Slashchinina A.P.


The authors consider the importance of moral education in transitive society. The problem of moral education in conditions of pedagogical ethics violation is analyzed. The relevance of the study stems from the fact that although the problem of the impact of the emotional intelligence of the teacher on the development of emotional intelligence of students has been considered, the significance of incorporating educational ethics and emotional intelligence into courses of professional development of teachers has not yet been considered. Much attention is paid to the development of emotional intelligence of teachers through the system of social-emotional-ethical learning – SEE Learning in order to improve the pedagogical culture of the teacher.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):66-69
pages 66-69 views

Development of communicative competence through distance learning

Troitskaya Y.V.


The author defines the meaning of the term «communicative competence», presets the structure of this characteristic and considers the development of its basic components by means of distance learning technologies. Relevant distance learning technologies are listed on the basis of teaching experience; the author evaluates their educational potential taking into consideration the fact that communicative competence includes speaking, writing, listening and reading skills, and the training process should involve the development of normative language aspects as well as skills in appropriateness of language use (on the level of perception and utterance production) in the specified context. Speaking skills are supposed to be the most significant in assessment of communicative competence development. The author shows that distance learning potential varies depending on the form of speaking (individual / pair / group / whole class interaction), describes current problems and the ways to solve them. The article considers educational principles which help to optimize the process of teaching and facilitate the efficient use of distance learning technologies for the development of communicative competence components. Distance learning prospects are analyzed on the ground of instrument potential, teachers’ and students’ experience. The following methods are used for the research: analysis and synthesis of scientific data, analysis of empirical data, questionnaire survey and participant observation. The results of the research can be applied for teaching foreign languages in organizations implementing distance learning courses.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):70-76
pages 70-76 views

Trends in the professional training of railway electrical engineers of railway transport

Belov D.O.


The article deals with the main trends in the professional training of railway electrical engineers, which determine the relations between railway universities and production. The trend of integration due to the unification of the content of education and the determinism of academic disciplines ensures the professional mobility of a specialist both within the profession and in related areas of production. Teaching at a sufficiently high level of difficulty, stimulating the active cognitive and creative activity of students, requires an intensification trend due to the compaction and increasing volumes of information flows, the rapid development of the technical and technological foundations of production. The trend of cooperation determines the main directions and forms of interaction of vocational training with production and other institutions of higher vocational education. The gradual development of the main functions of professional activity (production and technological, operational and managerial, administrative and regulatory), in the process of personnel development of railway electrification engineers, contributing to the progressive development of specialist competencies, increases the adaptation period to the conditions of professional activity, characterized by the complex impact of professional risks. The study of the experience of professional training of railway transport specialists revealed the need for the formation of professional and personal characteristics of railway electrical engineers, which ensure the reduction of the impact of professional risks set by the factors of danger, uncertainty and alternativeness.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Principles of military pilots’ professional interaction

Kirina E.A.


The article is devoted to the professional interaction of future military pilots in a foreign language. The author studied the works of various authors devoted to the problem of interaction in the professional sphere. The article gives a definition of the concept of «professionally oriented interaction». The purpose of the study is to highlight the principles of professional interaction of military pilots. Having studied the features of the profession of military pilots, the author singled out two groups of principles that reflect the specific features of this profession. The first group of principles (the principle of situationality, the principle of authenticity, the principle of taking into account the difficulties of professional communication in the conduct of radio exchange, the principle of regulation of radio exchange) reflects practical experience, the requirements of the international civil aviation organization and reflects the specifics of radio exchange. The profession of a military pilot is not limited only by the framework of radio exchange, the pilot needs to interact in the professional field with representatives of foreign states. The article defines another group of principles (the principle of taking into account the professionally oriented vocabulary, the culturological principle or the principle of the dialogue of cultures), which reflects the specifics of professionally oriented interaction in a foreign language for both military pilots and representatives of another profession. All the principles set forth in the article lay the norms and rules in the professional activity of the future specialist and determine the benchmark in the training of future specialists.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):82-88
pages 82-88 views


The Specificities of English Accentuation in the Genre of Lecturing

Decheva S.V., Kopaneva A.V.


This article focuses on the phonetic specificities and localization of accentual highlighting in the genre of lecturing. Although the phenomenon of accent in the English language has always been in the limelight, some of its aspects still remain uncovered and need further explanation and elaboration in class. The processing of the material with respect to pragmaphonetics and cognitive syllabics seems to be rather promising and problem-solving. It shows most convincingly that to gain a deeper insight into the underlying processes of English accentuation we can by no means confine ourselves only to the phonetic or prosodic means behind the effect of prominence. All the sociocultural-historical and psychological antecedents of the phenomenon in question are to be studied in greater detail. Besides, to eliminate the discrepancies in accentual highlighting between British anglophones, on the one hand, and Russian anglicists, on the other, the innovative trends in modern British English speech culture and the new rhetoric of intellective communication are also to be taken into account.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):89-94
pages 89-94 views

Dynamics of Functional Aspects of Verbs of Movement in English Drama

Krivchenko I.B., Savina I.V.


Drama reflects everyday life of a certain linguistic community. It reflects all the changes which occur either in the language itself or in the society. Any play is based on the notion of action which is represented through verbs of movement. The functional approach towards analyzing such verbs seems to be reasonable as it may result in acquiring the knowledge of the models according to which communication is built. Once synergetic approach is applied, one will learn the way the two main parts of a play – the dialogue and the author’s remark – interact. The research is based on 300 verbs of movement which are distributed into several periods. The first period under consideration is the Renaissance of the English culture (1475–1660). The second period is the Restoration and the Age of Normalization (second half of XVII – XVIII). The third period starts with the XIX century. In this paper the XXI century is analyzed separately due to the tremendous changes it has brought both to the English language and the English-speaking community. The diachronic approach allows to see how verbs of movement developed their functions from being secondary to becoming essential for expressing emotional, axiological and aesthetic aspects. The material of the recent century being scarce, it is possible only to see the main tendencies of further dynamics.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):95-102
pages 95-102 views

Intertextuality as a modern linguo-cognitive practice: new forms of linguistic expression in the German postmodern literature

Linnichenko S.I.


The phenomenon of intertextuality requires deep rethinking in the postmodern era, because determines the formation of a new type of creative thinking that allows going beyond the limits of a work of art. At the same time, it is extremely important to study German postmodernism, which has both common European features and its own specificity, due to cultural and historical characteristics. The prose and poetry of German postmodernism is a unique material for the study of a new intertextuality language. The first part of the article analyzes the problems of definition and typology of intertextuality based on the works of J. Kristeva, R. Bart, M.M. Bakhtin, U. Eco, etc. The author states that intertextuality should be understood as not only dialogue, but also multiplicity of perception, a kind of game between the author and the reader, as well as a special cognitive practice. The classifications of intertextuality are based on the principles of intertext relations and location, structure, text stylistics and authorship. The second part presents the results of the study of new intertextuality forms based on the novel by M.-U. Kling «Kangaroo Manifesto» and modern German lyrics of R. Döhl, G.K. Atrmann and E. Yandl. The author uses the methods of stylistic, contextual and cognitive analysis and concludes that in each individual work of art, intertextuality acquires new meanings, the emergence of which is due to the author's special vision; among them – falsification of intertext, imitation of cinematic text, graphic representation of intertextual images, etc. Thus, postmodern literature and intertextuality open up new opportunities for research.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):103-111
pages 103-111 views

Verbal reflection of the concept «insularity» as part of the British conceptual worldview (based on the material of «The Economist»)

Baranova L.L., Mishina L.F.


In modern research, works dealing with peculiarities of various cultures and the connection between concepts and cultures are becoming more and more topical. British mentality inevitably finds its linguistic representation in British English. This statement is supported by examples from mass-media language. Furthermore, definitions of “insularity” from authoritative monolingual dictionaries are adduced. It is noted that «insularity» is manifested in a special, suspicious attitude towards foreigners. As a result, such words as «foreign» or «foreigner» evoke negative associations in British people’s minds. However, this is not reflected in lexicographic sources in any way, apart from the fact that the adjectives «alien» and «strange» are given as synonyms for the above-mentioned lexical units. The main methods of the research are lexical-semantic, contextual, linguocognitive and discursive analyses. Concrete examples of lexical units which are used in mass media language and reflect British insularity are studied. Linguistically the concept of insularity is represented by lexical units with positive and negative connotations, for example, the adjectives «powerful» and «abrasive», as well as tropes and figures of speech, for instance, metaphors («liberal grit in the unctuous continental oyster») and oxymoron («romantic self-destruction»). These lexical means not only confirm that the concept of «insularity» is an integral part of linguistic and conceptual worldviews of the British but also help the author of the analyzed article to express the idea that unlike other European countries Britain is an example to follow. The research results contribute to the theory and practice of teaching English language and culture and better understanding of the peculiarities of British English.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):112-121
pages 112-121 views

Nomination and characteristics of a person in the aspect of creative attitude to activity

Golovan N.V.


This article is devoted to the analysis of a group of lexemes that name and characterize a person by the presence / absence of talent, creative abilities in the Russian language. The material for the study was a sample of lexemes that name the actor himself, determine the nature of his activity, and reveal the result of a person's work. The article shows that among the lexical units that name a person who creates a fundamentally new product, the central place is occupied by lexemes indicating the presence of talent in a figure whose work is associated with creative activity in its broad sense, including lexemes that metaphorically designate a person in this aspect in certain contextual conditions, and antonymously opposed to them lexemes denoting a person (more often a sign of such a person), incapable of creative activity. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the semantic structure of lexemes that characterize a person in terms of special abilities, giftedness, talent in relation to his activities, and the structure of the semantic group under consideration, are organized by several main features that emphasize different aspects of evaluating a creative worker: on their graduation, the presence of a creative component, dissimilarity from other figures in this field of activity, the origin of abilities, the presence of major significant results.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):122-130
pages 122-130 views

The functions of metonymy as a genre-forming mean

Gainutdinova A.A.


Metonymy as the instrument of language and mechanism of conceptualization is one of the fundamental questions in scientific literature. Besides that, advertising is a rapidly growing sphere of activity and communication. For this reason, linguistic, marketing and cognitive characteristics of advertising become another area of modern researches. However, few academics have addressed the issue of the role of metonymy in the creation of advertising text. The main purpose of this article is to study the functions of metonymy in advertising slogans. Metonymy is not just a trope in slogan as many authors state. We make the hypothesis that it is also one of the key instruments in advertising communication, especially in slogan. 1000 slogans have been analyzed and the following methods have been employed: statistical, descriptive and contextual. We adopt the cognitive interpretation of metonymy and its classification into frame, propositional and script metonymy by N.A. Ilyukhina. We examine the most productive models in slogan: the characteristic of goods onto goods under frame metonymy and models of script metonymy. The organization of information about advertising denotatum (goods, service, consumer or producer) determines the peculiarities of metonymic functions. The following functions of metonymy in slogan: the function of economy, of imagery and expression, accenting, evaluative, euphemistic, manipulative ones are described by the author. The findings of research illustrate that the economy and accentuation are main functions of metonymy for this genre of advertising text. Due to these functions metonymy ensure the most important qualities of slogan, such as brevity, conceptuality and imagery. We conclude that metonymy is one of the most important genre-forming means and in slogan it realizes its key characteristics as cognitive and language phenomenon.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):131-138
pages 131-138 views


Goncharova M.A., Nikitin V.N.


The article features a comparative analysis of the traditional pedagogical and modern educational discourse. The central aspect of this comparison is the institutional factor in the context of digitalization. Pedagogical discourse traditionally belongs to institutional types of discourse where participants act within the framework of certain social roles: the teacher transfers knowledge and norms of social behavior to the student. In modern educational discourse we are talking about the transfer of information. The authors consider the following forms of modern educational discourse: the use of digital media in classrooms, online courses with tutors, online courses with trainers, educational accounts on social networks, online classes in zoom interactive program. The study revealed that in the first case, digitalization does not affect the degree of institutionalization. Online courses with tutors, which are characterized by a rather rigid structure and clearly defined functions of tutors, demonstrate higher degree of institutionalization compared to traditional pedagogical discourse. In other cases, digitalization has led to a lower degree of institutionalization: learning using Internet technologies is generally more personalized, participants use rather informal language, use smiles and emojis to express their emotions. The authors believe that this trend will remain, since the emotional component is an important factor in maintaining motivation to learn.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):139-145
pages 139-145 views

‘Word play’ as an instrument for creating comic effects (based on Tom Sharp’s novels)

Kharkovskaya A.A., Chekhova K.A.


Various approaches to theoretical interpretation of the concept ‘word play’ are considered in the present article. The research project is aimed at describing the nature of the phenomenon mentioned above and summing up various means and ways of its verbal implementation within the genre of a comic novel. At the initial stage of the article there is an attempt to find the most frequently applied verbal markers of the concept ‘play’ in reference to stylistic and philosophical aspects of the phenomenon while the next step is devoted to the analysis of specific language means for creating a comic effect in the textual space of novels. The attention is focused upon identification of the most frequently applied strategies for creating ‘word play’ effects within a comic novel. Our research is based on the novels written by a well-known modern English satirist Tom Sharp («Porterhouse Blue» & «Blott on the Landscape»). The results obtained contribute to the adequate interpretation of a large variety of language means and devices used by the author for creating comic effects. Besides the word play role in intensifying the comic effects is also shown (at the lexical level they comprise the so-called ‘speaking names’ represented by toponyms, a number of the individual author's puns in the format of a dialogue, the deformation of phraseological units and the similar language units. The most frequent language means applied by the author include the characterological names and comic dialogues with puns incorporated. The novelty of our work is provided by the unique character of the language material on the one hand and by the introduction of some erotic motives reflecting modern trends in literature free from strict censorship, on the other.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):146-153
pages 146-153 views


Book review: Morozova E.N. N.A. Milyutin: plans and results (from police reform to the creation of effective local government projects). Saratov: Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta, 2019, 208 p.

Barinova E.P., Leonov M.M.


In a peer-reviewed monograph, an attempt was made to create an analytical biography of a reformer from
a galaxy of new statesmen ‒ N.A. Milyutin, whose name is inextricably connected with the Great Reforms of the 1860-ies. The author's focus is on the spiritual world of the reformer's personality, formed by the intellectual culture of the era.
The peculiarities of professional practices and views of the ideologues of the political course, their interpersonal interaction during the discussion of local government reform projects, were analyzed. It was noted that the author paid special attention to the analysis of the problem of interaction between the authorities and the public in the process of preparing reforms. A significant contribution of the author to the coverage of the discussion problems of the preparation of the Zemstvo reform, the effectiveness and potential of projects in the development of which N.A. Milyutin participated was revealed. New data are given to characterize the conceptual views of the reformer. A significant interest is the narrative analysis of memoir sources, which allowed the author to identify mythologies in the image of a reformer.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):154-158
pages 154-158 views

Review of the collection of documents and materials: Under the banner of Komuch: (Samara Region, June-October 1918). Kalyagin A.V. (Ed.). Samara, 2018

Matveev M.N., Turganova O.V.


A review of the collection of documents and materials «Under the banner of Komuch» published in 2018 in Samara by a team of employees of the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library and the Central State Archives of the Samara Region is presented; its structure, content and the array of historical documents introduced into scientific circulation are evaluated. The study of the short but bright period of the summer-autumn of 1918, when the power of the Bolsheviks was overthrown on a large territory of the Volga region and the government of the Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch) was created in Samara, claiming all-Russian status, was studied fragmentarily in Soviet times. For a hundred years after these events, in the 1920-ies, only a few collections of documents related to Komuch were published, when censorship was developing in Soviet Russia. The review emphasizes that a number of documentary publications from the funds of Russian and emigrant archives published in the post-Soviet period do not diminish the importance of the actual meaningfulness of new editions of collections of documents. It is the sources, and not their interpretations, even scientific ones, that are important to both researchers and readers seeking to independently comprehend the dramatic events of that time. It is noted that the collection «Under the Banner of Komuch» provides such an opportunity. The compilers pay special attention to the previously published collections of orders and decrees, many local materials that usually remain on the periphery, which contain historical information about the people of that time and their, including everyday needs: improvement, supply, law and order, and so on.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(2):159-165
pages 159-165 views