
Bringing spacecraft into solar-oriented attitude by the measurements of a single-axis angular-rate sensor and an optical solar sensor
Shipov M.G., Steklova A.A., Davydov A.A.
Research of the technology of developing sensitive elements of rocket engine system pressure sensors
Trofimov A.A., Pecherskaya E.A., Zbodnov S.A.
Optimization of the parameters of a ground speed meter of low-flying aircraft based on the application of the theory of optimal filtration
Ivanov M.E., Yezerskiy V.V.
Calculating the dynamic error in measurement of electrohydromechanical system parameters, taking into account the operating speed of sensors
Gareyev A.M., Gimadiev A.G., Stadnik D.M., Popelnyuk I.A.
Approximation of characteristics of linear displacement inductive sensors using modified Gaussian function with a first order difference argument
Tingaev V.S., Matyunin S.A., Mednikov V.A.
Autocalibration measuring channel on the input channel conversion electric values
Vilop L.E.
Use of approximative analysis outcome of experiment in problem of diagnostics technical conditions of hydraulic systems
Malchikov K.Y., Logvinov L.M., Kovalev M.A.
Pilot study of frequency characteristics of an acoustic probe for measuring pressure pulsations in the gas turbine engine inlet device
Ivanenko V.N., Alexandrova T.G., Dyagileva E.C., Gimadiyev A.G., Bystrov N.D.
Network digital fiber-optic displacement sensors with closed opticaletwork digital fiber-optic displacement sensors with closet optical chanel
Leonovich G.I., Matjunin S.A., Akbarov R.R., Ivkov S.V., Livochkina N.A., Glushkov A.I.
Analysis of determinate error of an optoelectronic angular shift sensor on multicomponent optronic structures
Stepanov M.V., Matyunin S.A.
Using signals from the gas-turbine engine shaft speed sensor in the diagnosis of the technical condition of its reduction gearbox
Avramenko A.A., Kryuchkov A.N., Plotnikov S.M., Sundukov E.V., Sundukov A.E.
Indirect determination of the presence of vibration combustion in combustion chambers of turbine engines by a three-channel sensor for measuring movement
Limanova N.I., Yudin P.Y., Limanov I.A.
Measurements of pulse pressures within the volume of a melt in terms of intense impulse interferences
Yusupov R.Y., Kostryukov E.E.
Criteria of discrete phase control of blade working condition and their feasibility in systems of turbine driven set automatic control
Danilin A.I., Tchernyavsky A.Z.
Experimental research of staff LTRE with hypergolic propellant under impulse engaging conditions
Shustov S.A.
Fiber-optical pressure transducer for the UA engine control system
Leonovich G.I., Matyunin S.A., Glushkov A.I., Livochkina N.A., Solovyov V.I.
Small-sized two-coordinate sensor of the Sun’s angular position with enlarged field of view
Dyuldin R.S., Blinov V.D.
The devices for the diagnosis and control of turbine blades deformative condition during operation
Danilin A.I., Chernyavskiy A.G., Kapustin A.S.
Metrological analysis of a device rof nondestructive control of flight vehicle fuel tank current conductive coatings
Samsonov A.S., Blinov D.I., Skvortsov B.V., Zhivonosnovskaya D.M.
Method of parametric optimization of each component of adaptive compensatng inertial sensors operating in a self-oscilation mode
Fominov I.V.
Research of the dynamics of condensed product deposition
Tsaplin S.V., Bolychev S.A.
Converting sensor capacity into standardized signals with structural and time redundancy
Artamonov P.I.
Dynamics of the hydromechanical system of a production machine with an adaptive tool-feeding drive
Sidorenko V.S., Poleshkin M.S., Rakulenko S.V.
Electrization of the surface of low-orbiting small spacecraft “AIST”
Syomkin N.D., Bragin V.V., Piyakov A.V., Telegin A.M., Ryazanov D.M., Matviets M.G.
Sensor equipment “Shtil-M” for carrying out experiments on the “Resource-P” spacecraft
Semkin N.D., Voronov K.E., Pomelnikov R.A., Shatrov S.A., Piyakov A.V., Bragin V.V.
Single-coil eddy-current transducers for measuring mechanical parameters
Borovik S.Y., Sekisov Y.N.
Thermal control of spacecraft star sensor attitude control system based on the solution of a coupled thermoelasticity problem
Tsaplin S.V., Bolychev S.A.
Differential bynary optical-mechanical sensors for automated management and control systems
Korban D.V.
Development of a small-sized acoustic probe for the measurement of pressure pulsations in the gasdynamic duct of gas turbine engines
Gimadiyev A.G., Bystrov N.D., Ilyinsky S.A.
On-board algorithm for SamSat-218D nanosatellite orientation and stabilization system
Kramlikh A.V., Melnik M.E.
Optimization of model positional harakterstik of the electromagnetic sensor of the linear peremeshchny
Tingaev V.S., Matyunin S.A., Mednikov V.A.
Mathematical model of the inline sensor based on matrix photodetector
Kornilin D.V.
1 - 32 of 32 Items

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