Vol 28, No 4 (2022)

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PRC: history of regional inequality

Makeeva S.B.


The purpose of the article is to review the historical trends in the regional inequality of the PRC in the period before and after the start of the policy of «reforms and opening up» (1978). The history of China is characterized by regional inequality of provinces, autonomous regions and cities of central subordination of the main regions of the PRC: Eastern, Northeastern, Central and Western. Chinese researchers Wang Feng, Wang Yunhui, Gan Chunhui, Liang Longbin, Xiao Jincheng, Zhan Zhang conduct a comprehensive analysis of the causes and evolution of regional inequality before and after the start of the reform and opening policy. The consistent implementation of regional spatial transformation strategies has had a particular impact on regional inequality in China. After the founding of the PRC in 1949, industrialization was officially launched. There was a strengthening of the Eastern and North-Eastern regions, while the Central and Western parts of China lagged behind. In the mid 1960-ies taking into account the preparations for war, Mao Zedong proposed to carry out a «three-line construction», which involved the placement of the main production facilities of the PRC in Central and Western China. Since the beginning of the «reform and opening up» policy, China’s economic development has entered a stage of rapid growth. However, the economic growth of the territory of the PRC was extremely uneven, and the rates of economic growth in different regions varied significantly. Analysis of regional inequality indicators from 1978 to 2000 shows that 1990 marked a turning point in the evolution of regional inequality. It was not until 2003 that disproportionality in the PRC showed a downward trend.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):8-14
pages 8-14 views

Iremel mountain in the sacred topography of the Bashkirs

Absalyamova Y.A.


Iremel is one of the most significant landscape objects in the sacred topography of the Bashkirs. Despite the status, there is very little specific information about the forms of veneration of the mountain in the sources. Perhaps the high level of sacredness is the reason why the local Bashkirs did not disclose information about it. In general, the few surviving information correspond to the manifestations of the cult of the mountains among the Bashkirs: you need to climb it with pure thoughts; before climbing, it is necessary to fast, read a prayer, etc. Its importance is reflected in many folklore works, including the epic «Ural-batyr», which reveals the history of its appearance. In folklore, Iremel appears, on the one hand, as one of the notable locations, a geographical landmark, on the other hand, as a place of tribal gatherings-yiyin. It has been recorded many times in the sources that the veneration of the mountain is associated with the graves of the aulia saints located on it, but there is no more specific information about this. There is very little information on modern forms of veneration of Iremel by the Bashkirs, this is due to the fact that many Bashkir settlements in the vicinity of the mountain ceased to exist. Nowadays, it is better known as a tourist location, and at the same time as a popular object of worship in esoteric tourism

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Features of the study of the genealogy of odnodvortsy families of the XVIII century (on the example of the Astafievs family)

Astafiev D.A., Godovova E.V.


In this article, the authors present the results of historical and genealogical study of the Astafievs family of service people from Chernavsky district, whose descendants in the second half of the XVIII century became odnodvortsy. One of the results of the reforms of Peter I was a change in the class organization of the country’s population, which was reflected primarily in service people, some of whom later became nobles, while others turned into single-palaces – small landowners. The study is relevant because the emergence and formation of the estate of odnodvortsy, their culture, behavioral patterns, migration mobility are often the objects of study of modern researchers, and the genealogy and microhistory of odnodvortsy are not fully represented in scientific publications. The authors note that the study of microhistory of a particular kind allows us to see and analyze the impact of events, processes and reforms that took place in a certain historical period on the life of representatives of the odnodvortsy estate. The source base of the work is based primarily on the use of a set of unpublished archival sources from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts and regional archives. The authors, on the one hand, concretized the material based on information concerning the Astafievs family, on the other hand, identified and analyzed key features in the study of the genealogy of odnodvortsy families. As a result, a number of archival documents were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Thus, the historical and genealogical research conducted on the example of the service family, which in the XVIII century turned into a odnodvortsy Astafievs family, allowed the authors to show the influence of historical processes and reforms on the evolution of individual estates, to characterize the main sources necessary for this type of research, as well as to show the specifics of studying the genealogy of odnodvortsy

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):24-32
pages 24-32 views

Some features of censorship policy during the Crimean War of 1853–1856

Smirnov Y.N.


The article is devoted to the analysis of new sources found in the National Archives of the Republic of  Tatarstan in Kazan, which clarify the picture of the censorship policy of the tsarist government during the war years. The study was carried out based on the modernization concept of Russian history, in which the printed word appears as one of the main engines of modernization, as well as on the methods of intellectual history, in which book publishing and the press are studied in close connection with issues of censorship policy. The modern historiography of the Crimean (Eastern) War continues to be enriched with new works devoted to Russian public life and connected with the history of the press and censorship. А rich literature is devoted to the history of Russian periodicals and journalism, but not to the censorship policy of the Russian Empire. The article considers a number of circulars of the Ministry of Public Education, which was the leading state body in the implementation of the censorship policy, but in war conditions it carefully took into account the requirements of the Military Censorship Committee under the General Staff. The emperor actively intervened in censorship issues, especially in publicizing literary works in the press. For example, the newspaper «Samarskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti» shows, that the provincial press reprinted notes and reports about the war from the «capital news» that had already passed the censorship check. Despite the selection of information, these reports did not hide information about the losses of Russian troops

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Count N.A. Tolstoy in a cycle of essays of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky «In the hustle and bustle of provincial life»

Perepelkin M.A.


The attention of the author of the article is focused on the cycle of essays by N. Garin-Mikhailovsky «In the hustle and bustle of provincial life», the first and one of the key works that together make up the «Samara text». Since Garin’s essays are biographical in nature, behind many of the characters depicted in them are historical figures, real faces. Displaying on the pages of essays representatives of the Samara society, the writer sought to show the brightest and most recognizable of them. One of such bright and recognizable characters, bred by Garin, is Proskurin, the district marshal of the nobility, depicting whom the writer retained several signs that make it possible to unmistakably determine which Samara citizens were behind this figure. Carefully analyzing the text of Garin’s essays and historical documents stored in the funds of the Central State Archive of the Samara Region, the author of the article discovers and proves that the prototype of Proskurin was the leader of the nobility of the Samara district, Count N.A. Tolstoy, the father of the writer A.N. Tolstoy. In conclusion, the article concludes that the portrait of Count Tolstoy, painted by N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, is valuable from several points of view – both as a historical evidence of Samara at the end of the XIX century, and as a historical and literary document that clarifies some of the circumstances of the birth and life of the son of Proskurin-Tolstoy, the writer A.N.Tolstoy

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):38-45
pages 38-45 views 636

«Oil prospecting of the Volzhsky district shall be stopped halfway» (About the mining engineer N.S. Obukhovsky who has been the head of this prospecting authority)

Kuryatnikov V.N., Evdoshenko Y.V.


The article is devoted to the life and the fate of the unfairly forgotten mining engineer Nikolay Stepanovitch Obukhovsky who has been victim of political repression in 1930-ies and to the disclosure of the activity of the Volga oil prospecting, Obukhovsky was the head of this authority in 1919–1924. The loss of the main oil-producing regions in Russia during the Civil War, the combusted fuel crisis had moved to the agenda the search for oil in the other regions, including the Volga region, this area has been oil tested even before the revolution (exploration drilling). As a result, the authority of the Volga oil prospecting was established and the oil prospecting works were started. The goals of the study are to recall the life course of the mining engineer N.S. Obukhovsky, to discover the main directions of his management of the Volga region oil prospecting and publishing with the main accent onto the Volga region oil. The authors clear and analyze the originality and the main aspects of functioning of oil fields under extreme conditions of the famine, the chronic shortage of finances, material and technical and human resources as well. The article shows the whole number of disadvantages leading to the disruption of geological oil prospecting work in the Volga region, firstly the extremely poor financing of the performed works, abnormal food shortage, under-staffing and the ‘competition’ of the old oil-producing southern regions outperformed the Volga territory at that time. The conclusion that the Volga oil prospecting authority managed by N.S. Obukhovsky in the period 1919–1924 became the first attempt to decide a question about the availability of the Volga oil nationally and the name of the authority director must be entered into the constellation of the Soviet oil-well experts who have taken the first steps on the way to the big oil of the Second Baku is drawn

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):46-59
pages 46-59 views


Definition of the subject of fundamental acmeology

Kuzmina N.V.


The article notes the timeliness of the birth of acmeology, due to the search for patterns in the theory of the quality of education and methods for measuring it. The subject of acmeology is determined as a result of the generalization of the factors for the achievement by mature people of the heights of quality in various types of creative activity. The identified connections and dependencies have been verified and confirmed by candidate and doctoral theses (more than two hundred). Acmeology is presented as a new fundamental humanitarian science, and the acmeological approach to the study of the factors of reaching peaks in any kind of professional activity as a strategy and technology for self-promotion to the peaks of productivity and professionalism. Acmeology is considered as the foundation of modern pedagogical culture, the culture of understanding the quality of the results of one’s own activity

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):60-64
pages 60-64 views

Development of productivity of subjects of education by means of psychological training

Zharinova Y.N.


The relevance of the research is justified by the fact that modernity requires an increase in the productivity of graduates of higher educational institutions in independently formulating and solving professional tasks, increasing the requirements for their quality and the products they create. A special area is teaching the culture of communication, speech (oral, written), the culture of establishing professionally appropriate relationships between the subjects of education, ensuring their productive formation. One of the signs of productivity is the creation of innovative educational technologies. The purpose of the study is to develop a justification and approbation of a system of psychological and pedagogical methods to identify indicators of the productivity of the subjects of education, their development in the professional, educational and scientific environment of the university. The hypothesis that psychological training of personal growth and productive interaction of educational subjects develops activity in communication, confidence, emotional stability, and internal locus control has been confirmed. Sample: 3440 people, including 290 teachers of higher education and 3150 students of psychological and pedagogical, economic, information technology, service, technical, agricultural specialties, as well as specialties in physical culture and sports (18–60 years) for the period 2001–2022. To identify indicators of productivity of subjects of education, the following methods were used: a questionnaire to determine the communicative potential (R.A. Maksimova); express diagnostics of SAN (V.A. Doskina, N.A. Lavrentieva, V.B. Sharai, M.P. Miroshnikov); a test questionnaire of the level of subjective control (E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golinkina, A.M. Etkind). Results: the differences in indicators of communicative properties and features of subjective locus control in the control and experimental groups prove the effectiveness of the psychological training program developed by us. Conclusions: it is determined that the creation of innovative educational technologies play an important role in the intensification of personal growth and productive interaction of subjects of education by means of psychological training

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):65-70
pages 65-70 views

Tutor activity in the system of education

Rylov A.N., Solovova N.V.


The purpose of the article is determined by the increasing importance and necessity of tutor activity in the context of digital transformation in education system, also in the educational process of students with disabilities. The article provides a retrospective analysis of tutor activity overseas and in national education system. Authors consider different approaches to the definition of the tutor’s concept and the content of tutor activity at various historical stages, changing of the tutor’s role in the conditions of institutional and social changes in society, methodological aspects at organization of different types of education. The article highlighted the main problems of professional training of tutors and prospects for the development of tutor activity

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Pedagogical skill as a level of professional competence

Karpov V.A.


The article describes philosophic reasons of origin of pedagogical skill as level of pedagogue`s professional competence. Since Ancient Greece time, when philosophers and thinkers got interest of art nature of human, problem of skill has been an important pedagogical question which defined by interpretation: is skill art or craft, theoretical knowledge or experience conclusion of practice? The resolution of the conflict between the understanding of pedagogical mastery as an art based on theoretical knowledge and practical activity, as a manifestation of a craft, revealed the need to determine the essence of pedagogical mastery as the main criterion of a teacher’s professional competence, as well as the level of his professional skills and abilities. The article analyzes the ancient ideas of ancient Greek philosophers about mastery, among which the arguments about art in the works of such famous thinkers of Ancient Greece as Aristotle and Plato are of greatest interest. Discussing mastery, technical and creative work, Aristotle introduced a concept that most accurately reflects legal art and which later became the basis for the emergence of pedagogical mastery – techne. Later, already in the works of philosophers and the first teachers, together with the development of pedagogy as a separate branch of knowledge, pedagogical mastery became one of the main subjects for the thinking of prominent thinkers of the New Age. The results of the study testify to the necessity of understanding the pedagogical mastery, the formation of which is possible based on the scientific and practical training of the teacher. The obtained conclusions are the basis for further studies of pedagogical mastery and open a wider field for discussion of the question of what is primary for the formation of pedagogical mastery – theory or practice

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):78-84
pages 78-84 views

Specificity of the professional activity of naval aviation helicopter pilots

Savelev A.I., Valov S.N.


An important component of the military-professional training of cadets-military pilots in military aviation universities is the formation of readiness for practical activities in the troops. At the same time, the quality of training of aviation specialists does not fully meet the requirements of customers for military personnel. It is possible that the reason for this discrepancy lies in the insufficiently expressed methodological strategy of military professional training. Modern military-political conditions and trends in the development of naval aviation require that helicopter pilots have personality neoplasms that contribute to the high-quality performance of professional tasks in all types of activities. The conducted genesis of the military professional training of helicopter pilots of naval aviation revealed a number of significant problems, the solution of which is facilitated by methodological approaches of professional pedagogy. In the course of the study, based on the activity approach and the principle of identification, the leading role of interaction in all types of professional activity was established, which determines its specificity. Content- analysis of professional tasks based on a functional approach revealed a feature of professional activity, which consists in a set of professional tasks corresponding to indicators in the structure of readiness for interaction. On the basis of a system-structural approach, taking into account the specifics and features of activity, the structure of readiness for interaction (motivational-value, activity and cognitive components) and the criteria for the formation of its components (crew flight, military cohesion and tactical flight thinking) are proposed. Arguments are given regarding the need to develop readiness for interaction among helicopter pilots of naval aviation during their training at a military aviation university, as an integrative personality trait, which includes not only a set of abilities to solve professional problems, but also a number of professionally important qualities

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):85-91
pages 85-91 views

System of formation of project culture among the future state and municipal administration managers

Dyatlova E.N.


The global challenges that the Russian society is facing nowadays, including the ones caused by external sanction pressure, necessitate the state and municipal administration managers to solve a number of problems, aimed at grading the named challenges; as project-making if often the key tool for solving these kind of problems, it underlies the importance of project culture building among the future state and municipal administration managers. In the article the structure of the project culture building system for the state and municipal administration managers is compared with the structure of the pedagogical system, where the latter is analyzed using the systematic – pedagogical approach to single out the target, the contents, the tools and the framework components. The framework of the project culture building system for the state and municipal administration managers includes the following steps: introduction, formation, resulting. Within each of these steps the necessary courses and their contents were created. Project culture building for the state and municipal administration managers requires proactive educational methods. Systems approach, individual and activity approach, cultural approach were highlighted as key methodological basis for project culture building for the state and municipal administration managers. The work addresses the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches and studies their role in building project culture for the state and municipal administration managers. Interdisciplinary cohesion (academic and mentally intermediate cohesion) facilitated succession and consistency in studies, due to which the knowledge in one subject could be implemented in a different sphere. Transdisciplinary approach enables the educators to build long cohesion links addressing various subjects and practical aspects, which promotes project culture building for the state and municipal administration managers

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):92-97
pages 92-97 views

Development of soft skills in higher education: students' opinion

Rumyantseva O.V.


The need to systematize and formalize soft skills in curricula makes the study relevant. This becomes especially important in the context of a fundamental reform of the national education system in Russia. The reliance on the world's best educational practices will allow creating effective training programs in order to increase the demand for university graduates. In the article the research conducted to assess the satisfaction of university students (on the example of MGIMO MFA of Russia) with the development of soft skills during the mastering of academic disciplines is presented. At the first stage of the research, scientific articles in which the authors classify soft skills were selected and analyzed, and a list of the most professionally significant soft skills was compiled and used as a basis for the developed questionnaire. At the second stage, a survey of students was conducted. There were 135 students who participated in the survey. It was found out that a high percentage of the respondents find soft skills important for their future career. However, according to the students, insufficient attention is paid to the development of soft skills in the process of higher education, so young people mostly do not associate their mastery of certain skills with their studies at university. Despite the fact that in recent years researchers have paid attention to the study of soft skills, university curricula do not regulate the improvement of skills. The missing formalization of soft skills in university curricula creates obstacles for their development in the process of studying at the university. This study confirms the relevance of updating the curriculum and educational framework

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):98-105
pages 98-105 views


Functional synergy of the text as an object of functional linguosynergetics

Cherkunova M.V., Ponomarenko E.V., Kharkovskaya A.A.


The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of text from the standpoint of functional linguosynergetics. The relevance of the study is due to the need to rethink the basic linguistic concepts in terms of current scientific approaches, in particular those that are aimed at a holistic vision of the object of study in terms of its consistency, variability and functionality while immersed in the external environment. The authors consider the text as a synergistic semantic system that has the inherent properties of openness, non-linearity, non-equilibrium and the ability to self-organize. The process of formation of the semantic system of the text, during which the text is transformed into discourse, is interpreted as a functional and semantic self-organization, which consists in a cyclic change in the phase of the system’s exit from the state of dynamic equilibrium, followed by the ordering of the semantic construct (that is, its return to the equilibrium state) due to the well-coordinated, coherent interaction of multi-level elements of the system on the way of its advancement in the communicative goal - the functional attractor. The authors come to the conclusion that understanding the mechanisms for implementing the functional synergy of the text makes it possible to qualitatively influence the effectiveness of the implementation of the pragmatic task of the final text product

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):106-114
pages 106-114 views

Strategic media framing and attributive agenda

Pastukhov A.G.


The focus of the analysis lies on the deconstruction of media messages in mass media discourse. The justification of approaches to promote the strategic media framing explains the implementation potential of media texts through linguo-cognitive, genre and contextual analysis. In order to identify patterns of media and attributive agenda the mechanisms of media framing are actively involved in the construction of a media text, while the establishment of a media frame is ment as a reflection of the reality in the minds of the recipient audience. The construction of media frames is also associated with cognitive-evaluative and affective coordinates in the reception and interpretation of events, situations, scenarios, value relations, etc. The theoretical significance of the studied issues lies in the essential understanding of the media framing and its socio-political and economic features, as well as its role in the «agenda setting» based on the reflection of modern media texts in the Russian quality press («Nezavisimaya Gazeta»). Appealing to the theory of attributive agenda setting, this allows to get close to a comprehensive idea of the editorial and publication policy. The attributive agendas in diverse media resources are not coincided by thematic stories that can be quite indicative by understanding the fact, how particular media resource is loyal to the authorities, how it reflects the specifics of the editorial policy and its «thematic» specialization. So the formation of attributive agendas is a higher level of interpretation of reality that arises in the common media agenda (agenda setting). In general, the intentional structuring of information and the reception of the reality, as well as the study of interaction mechanisms as a behavioral matrix, fit well into the modern media practice of communicative actions of individual actors and social groups

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):115-129
pages 115-129 views

Two types of slovakization of Czech texts in the Middle Ages and Modern Age

Lifanov K.V.


The purpose of the article is to examine the nature of the Slovakization of Czech texts that were created in Slovakia in the Middle Ages and in modern times. A comparison of texts created by authors belonging to different confessions made it possible to single out the main, most common type, typical of texts, primarily among Catholics, and another type, represented in the texts of Lutheran authors. The first, Catholic, type of Slovakization originates in the texts of the XVI century and is evolving. Its final stage is the codification of the Slovak literary language by the Catholic priest A. Bernolák (1787–1790). It originates initially in southwestern Slovakia, and then spreads throughout the entire territory of Slovakia. In this regard, the Slovak elements presented in it are of Western Slovak and common Slovak origin. The second type, emerging in the XVII century, had a rather limited functioning and did not become the leading one even among the Lutherans. It should be noted that in Slovak literature the prevailing point of view is that Slovak Lutherans used the Czech language in spiritual literature without any changes, but this is not entirely true, which is proved by the reviewed work of D. Pribiš. At the same time, the Lutheran type of Slovakization had differences from the Catholic one, including of a genetic nature, since the Slovakisms represented in it characterized primarily the northern dialects of the Middle Slovak dialect. At the same time, the common Slovak elements presented in it did not coincide in everything with the common Slovak elements that characterized the language of Catholics. Moreover, the use of this type of Slovakization in spiritual literature at the beginning of the XVIII century was officially banned by the Lutheran superintendent D. Krman. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that it was the Middle Slovak dialect that was chosen as the basis of the new literary language proposed in 1844 by the Lutheran Ľ. Štúr.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):130-138
pages 130-138 views

Intertextual inclusions from a bard song as a phenomenon of implication in newspaper speech

Shumkina I.V.


The article considers reduction as a way to transform quotes and winged expressions from bard songs. The material for the study was socio-political publications with fragments of lyrics by B. Okudzhava, V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, Yu. Vizbor, Yu. Kukin. The article presents different ways of variant formation based on the reduction of the component composition of statements, as well as semantic-stylistic and lexical-grammatical characteristics of the reduction of quotations and popular expressions from song texts are given. It has been established that the reduction of quotes and winged expressions from bard songs is one of the productive types of their modification in the press, characterized by wide variability. Different types of reduction of the component composition are distinguished – reduction of the beginning and end of the phrase, contraction, isolation of key components. It is determined that reduction leads to a semantic renewal of the phrase, which is expressed in a shift of the semantic center or a change in the meaning of the statement. Implicit modifications of phrases presented in headings are often characterized by the semantics of incompleteness. Lexico-grammatical markers of incompleteness are function words, pronouns, syntactic extenders, and ellipsis. The implicational isolation was subjected to a separate consideration. The result of this type of reduction in the material under consideration was the formation of phrasemes of substantive-adjective, substantive-substantive and verb-substantive types. The isolation of phrasemes is accompanied by grammatical variation of components, which is the result of adaptation to a new syntactic environment. In addition, the isolation may be accompanied by a change in the internal syntactic links between the components. The research allows to clarify the lexicographic data and enhance the understanding of the bard song as a source of logoepisthems and precedent phenomena in modern language practice

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):139-146
pages 139-146 views

Figurative motion events in naive conceptualization of death

Shidlovskaya D.Y.


This article examines specific features of figurative representation of the concept of DEATH in English phraseological units with motion verbs. The relevance of this research stems from the need to model human experience and describe the most important worldview components by studying the linguistic expressions. The analysis of the concept of DEATH allows to extend the knowledge of stereotypical and cultural attitudes toward this phenomenon, increase our understanding of archaic thought patterns regarding the existential issues. Besides that, the study of conceptual interaction between different spheres of human experience, which allows to define conceptual systems as a complex interdependent structure, is also considered to be relevant. In this article the concept of DEATH is analyzed in connection with the concept of MOTION that not only describes mechanical movement but is also used to conceptualize the most abstract concept of human experience. This article also presents a deep analysis of the semantics of phraseological units. As the result, different metaphorical, metonymical and metaphtonimical models of knowledge representation are extracted. The research is carried out within a broader cultural context and combines the findings obtained from other fields of study such as cultural studies, mythology, thanatology, etc. Key research methods include etymological analysis, component analysis, semantic description, and interpretation methods. Quantitative method is also used to determine metaphor to metonymy ratio within the semantical structure of the analyzed phraseological units. The results of this research show the most common metaphorical, metonymical, and combined models that shape understanding of death; represent quantitative ratio of metaphor to metonymy. The findings also demonstrate how death is conceptualized in English linguoculture and describe the conceptual links between the sphere of motion and death


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):147-153
pages 147-153 views

Language economy means in modern English educational discourse at different levels of the language system

Samboruk L.A.


The present article is aimed at examining the effect of linguistic economy within the modern university English-speaking environment based on the institutional educational discourse. A huge number of people are involved in the virtual space today including both students and teaching staff, and due to that expansion, the active application of this media channel is accompanied by increasing intercultural character and fast adaption of English-speaking trends to the conditions of foreign communicative reality. It is highly relevant nowadays to identify and systematize the structural and semantic features of English texts in the format of corresponding messages. It is also necessary to mention the cognitive information variety and integrity of Internet textual chats, characterized by language economy markers. The following general scientific methods and research means are applied in the present study: a descriptive method, method of observation, quantification and classification methods accompanied by special ways and means of systematic approach to linguistic analysis, and elements of discourse analysis. As a result of linguistic analysis of the corresponding language units located on educational platforms of English and American universities, it was discovered that Internet communication tends to resist awkwardness and superfluity. At the lexical level, small-format messages are characterized by the presence of various types of abbreviations and neologisms. At the syntactic level, the desire to save time and energy finds verbal expression in the abundance of short sentences, homogeneous sentence members, passive and secondary predicative constructions. In phonetics the principle of linguistic economy is evidently manifesting itself in assimilation

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):154-159
pages 154-159 views

Thesaurus modelling of English mythological terminology (semantic field for the term «God»)

Zorina I.I., Zhuchkova I.I., Yaroslavtseva Y.A.


It is found that in the mythological discourse of English-speaking countries there are many concepts that are represented in the minds of people who study English as a fuzzy set of isolated concepts. This leads to difficulties that hinder the understanding and correct use of mythological terminology. The purpose of the study is to systematize the English-language mythological discourse and its terms using the thesaurus approach, which involves the construction of semantic fields and the identification of the information-semiotic nature of the studied terminology. To identify the meaning of the terms under study, we chose a semiotic approach, since in it each linguistic sign is considered as a sign consisting of the signified or content side of the linguistic sign and the signifier (otherwise called the MY? expression). It is in the signified of the linguistic sign that the meaning components are laid, which allow revealing the semantic nature of the term. Thus, it is the information-semiotic nature of the terminology «Greek mythology» that acts as the subject of research. In the course of the study, the semantic field «god» was constructed with two schemes of semantic relations; a dictionary entry was written for each term of this field. The study showed that the identification of the information-semiotic nature of English mythological terminology contributed not only to the differentiation of nuances in the meaning of mythological terms due to the creation of new dictionary entries, but also helped to clearly illustrate the connection of terms within the field by constructing schemes intended for the title term “God”. The results obtained can be used in the process of professional training of linguists, as well as for the development of lecture courses and for conducting seminars on foreign literature

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2022;28(4):160-167
pages 160-167 views