Vol 27, No 1 (2021)

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Cooperation of small rural commodity producers in post-reform Russia: factors and conditions

Kabytov P.S., Bezgina O.A.


In this article, the authors, based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, using the statistical method and a systematic approach, analyzed the first steps in the development of cooperative societies in the rural environment using the example of the Volga region provinces. The factors and conditions were identified, the totality of which influenced the rate of spread and development of cooperative forms of management in the peasant environment during the post-reform period. This is, firstly, the urgent economic need for the peasant in «inexpensive» credit: the lack of financial resources forced them to borrow from usurers at a high interest rate; secondly, the efforts of representatives of the aristocracy, intelligentsia and zemstvos to draw attention to this problem, to promote and demonstrate the first experiences of cooperative work; thirdly, the actions of the state to create and develop cooperative legislation. The authors analyze examples of cooperative endeavors that were initiated by the most enlightened people of their time; trace the activities of the zemstvo in the dissemination of cooperative ideas in the peasant environment, the promotion of cooperative knowledge, assistance in opening cooperative partnerships and the provision of initial loans to peasants by rural credit and savings and loan associations; state measures at the legislative level to activate peasant self-help. The analysis of all the above factors in the development of cooperative societies in the peasant environment allowed the authors, following the ups and downs of the processes described, to draw a conclusion about their interaction and influence on the development of the cooperative movement in Russia. In zemstvo and state circles, an understanding has been formed that without the inclusion of peasants in a market economy, it is impossible to develop the infrastructure of the agricultural sector. At the same time, the authors are convinced that without the gradually emerging objective conditions, all these efforts would hardly have been justified.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):8-14
pages 8-14 views 1062

Role of the «place of memory» in the preservation of religious traditions in the post-war collective farm village

Khasyanov O.R., Migunova L.R.


The authors conclude that numerous reports on the performance of prayers on the days of religious holidays, even in settlements where there were no religious buildings and registered communities of believers, indicate that in the daily practices of the post-war collective farm peasantry, religion was assigned a major role.  The study is based on archival documents (State Archives of the Ulyanovsk Region, Central State Archives of the Samara Region, State Archives of the Russian Federation), most of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. As in the previous period, in the post-war collective farm village, which was in difficult material conditions, suffered from a lack of social infrastructure and socio-cultural benefits, representatives of rural society used the compensatory function of religion to preserve their peasant identity.  They saw in religious traditions not only a means of consolidating society, but also a mechanism of cultural continuity, capable of uniting the past and future into a single whole, filling it with hopes for positive changes that could alleviate the difficult fate of the collective farm peasantry.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Local transformations of museum «places of memory» in post-soviet era: historiographical notes and direct observations

Ryzhenko V.G.


The problem of transition from soviet era to modern Russia and associated transformations attracted the attention of scientists (sociologists specially). Within the framework of recent sociological research (the project «Russia reforming»), it was noted that in the historical memory of the population, the collapse of the USSR and the realities of the new Russia have ambiguous manifestations, and the collective memory is declining. It is necessary to refer to the characterization of the situation with assessments of ongoing transformations by representatives of other scientific fields in the context of the memory paradigm. The article is devoted to modern interpretations of local museum transformations like places of memory. It is necessary to compare approaches to the problem of museologists, cultural scientists and historians. The basis for historiographical notes and observations is intellectual history as an interdisciplinary subject field of actual historical knowledge about various types of creative activity, creative processes and its results. The novelty of our research is that the «memory studies» uses a historical and cultural model for the analysis of Museum «places of memory» with a separate emphasis on the assessment of the modern specifics of the representation of images of the Soviet past. As the obtained historiographical results, we record the greatest activity in considering the problem of transformations in Museum publications. However, their authors reduce the essence of the problem to the inner world of museums (the appearance of additional functions and forms of activity). At the same time, since the mid-2000s, there has been a convergence of museology with historical science (the project «Role of museums – libraries – archives in the information support of historical science»). The problem of possible creation of a Museum of local history of a new type has been raised. The first publications which connecting museum and historical memory in modern Russia are most important to «memories historiography». Specifics of source base for research of local transformations museum «places of memory» are considered information from direct observations. Transformations of museums in culture space of some Siberian cities are used for example.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):23-31
pages 23-31 views 1019

«Everyday practices» in the «history of everyday life»: how the method works

Kobozeva Z.M.


The article analyzes the modern methodological paradigm within the boundaries of the theory of the «history of everyday life» and its methods associated with the concept of «everyday practices» (tactics, strategies) on the example of studying the everyday history of the bourgeois class. Despite the seeming «peacefulness» of the «history of everyday life» approach, in its epistemological field, academic relations associated with the struggle of traditionalists and postmodernists, supporters of descriptive history of everyday life and followers of discourse analysis, as well as researchers working with material within the boundaries of developments of linguistically oriented historiography. Research reflection in modern conditions is also associated with the historian's moral choice: to continue to study great dates, events, names, or to shift research optics towards a little-known, unremarkable person, torn from the jaws of time by just an accidental written document that caught a moment of his life. Ethical research reflection, asserting that the «little man» is the same equal creator of history, like his great contemporary, is associated with methodological ethics, which does not allow formalizing the methodological approach, formulating in the introductory part of the work those principles that are not implemented in practice in research. This article does not so much polemize with respect to the methodological approaches of modern Russian historiography, as it suggests not to follow the «fashion», but, taking into account the specifics of the source base, to apply those methods that «work», that is, they help to compose a kind of explanatory model of history, those related to the scientific interests of a particular researcher. In this regard, the German school of the history of everyday life – A. Ludtke – represents that analytical explanatory model of the past, which allows the «little man» to be made not only the creator of history, but also responsible for all its events.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):32-38
pages 32-38 views


Blended learning tecnology for philology students' foreign language teaching

Kozyreva M.P.


The article is devoted to the problem of foreign language distance teaching, the choice of methods, technologies and techniques for the development of philology students’ informative and communicative competence. The author uses analysis, synthesis and systematization methods to consider the results of research achieved by the specialists in the area under consideration; pedagogical observation. Current distance teaching technologies are analyzed, the effectiveness of foreign language teaching process organized in the form of Blended Learning technology is proved and its numerous advantages are described: the possibility of individual teaching process in groups with different level of foreign language knowledge and abilities, students’ individual and psychological characteristics consideration in the studying and teaching process, beneficial conditions for students’ interpersonal communication and communicative competence development in class, development of independence, responsibility and ability to use information technologies while working with online platforms. Experience of Blended Learning technology usage in the process of philology students foreign language teaching is presented. The author describes face-to-face driver and rotation models chosen for the purposes of teaching; the possibilities of online platform Zoom for videoconferences held in real time and replacing eye-to-eye teacher-students contact under the circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic; and proves the importance of digital educational platform Skyes University introduction into the process of foreign language teaching as a source of additional material in face-to-face studies and for students independent learning process. The author comes to the conclusion that foreign language teaching process organized with the help of Blended Learning technology contributes to information skill successful formation and effective communication in native and foreign languages.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Formation of creative potential of students-philologists

Chausova O.V., Ilyukhina N.A.


In the article the authors highlight the results of work with students-philologists when teaching disciplines of pedagogical orientation (methods of teaching Russian at school, methods of speech development, etc.). The novelty of the research is seen in the application of the methodology for the development of students' creative abilities in the classroom at the university by organizing the educational process based on the problem-based teaching method. It is reported that the combination of methods of logical and creative solution of the assigned tasks contributes to the formation of a creative approach in the educational system at the university. The classification of methods of logical and creative mastering of the knowledge system is carried out. It is emphasized that the teacher must create conditions for the development of the student's creative potential by introducing methods of creative cognition into the learning process (the method of brainstorming, the method of constructing definitions of concepts, the method of experiment, the method of modeling, the method of design, the method of conversation / discussion, the method of consultation, the method of reflection). The article presents examples of tasks of creative orientation according to the methodology of teaching Russian language, a methodological commentary on the tasks is given. The authors of the article argue that creative work not only contributes to deepening and expanding the knowledge and capabilities of students, but also has a positive effect on their personal growth, increases cognitive interest in learning in general and helps modern students in socialization and interaction with the team. It is concluded that creative methods of working with students described in the article can be used in teaching university disciplines.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):46-50
pages 46-50 views 1065

Research of the digital competence of teachers in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment of the school

Boronenko T.A., Fedotova V.S.


The authors describe the significance of the problem of forming digital competence of future teachers. In the period of rapid technological development of a digital society and the introduction of digital technologies, the creation of a digital educational environment, there is a need to resolve the contradiction between the demand for teachers with developed digital competence and their insufficient training in the aspect of the digital component for the successful use of digital technologies in professional pedagogical activity. The formation of digital competence is carried out in the process of implementing educational programs of higher education, as well as advanced training and professional training programs. The authors of the article aim to identify the current state of digital competence of a teacher based on the analysis of empirical data obtained during a survey of current teachers and future teachers – students of the pedagogical direction on the use of digital technologies in the educational process. Based on the analysis of the list of relevant digital competencies in the field of education, the authors develop the questionnaire questions. The authors analyze the results of the questionnaire and conclude that the level of digital competence of teachers, the degree of readiness and desire of teachers to use digital tools and services in the educational process suggest the need to develop issues of organizing effective online communication of participants in the educational process, productive feedback with students by means of digital technologies; forming a critical assessment of the behavior of students and adjusting their actions when working in a digital educational environment, control over the independence of students in completing educational tasks; applying the results of student digital footprint analysis to eliminate and correct educational deficits of individual students; using the potential of digital tools and services in organizing group work and project activities of students, communication and involvement of students, and others. The authors propose pedagogical tools for the formation of digital competence of a teacher.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views 1761

Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in students during the pandemic period

Egorova U.G.


The article focuses on the need to introduce health-saving technologies in the process of distance learning for students. The definition of the culture of a healthy lifestyle of students is given, the results of a pilot experiment aimed at the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle of students are presented. Attention is drawn to the idea of а healthy lifestyle among students during the spread of coronavirus infection. It is proved that during the period of self-isolation, the majority of students think about a healthy lifestyle, and students begin to actively implement the ideas of a healthy lifestyle in order to support the body's resources.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):62-67
pages 62-67 views

Readiness of students for the perception of knowledge in the condition of digitalization

Kretova I.G., Belyaeva O.V.


In the article authors investigate the problem of readiness of students of the University for the perception of knowledge in the condition of digitalization. Due to the dramatic changing role of the Universities in rapidly developing high-tech environment there is a need for new educational technology, which can provide preparing of young people for life in modern informational society. The purpose of the study is to analyze the readiness of students of the University for the perception of knowledge in life safety in the period of distance education via Internet. Questionnaire survey covered 395 students (245 girls and 150 boys) of Samara University aged from 17 to 24, the research was done with using of Google Drive, section «Forms». The research includes the analysis of managing of study and recreation by students, their physical health, changes caused by distance education and students` attitude to different forms of education. We revealed the readiness of students for awareness the necessity to obtain quality and full knowledge, time – management that encourages the developing of responsible attitude to personal improvement, adaptation to changing living conditions. Organizers of educational process must provide digital educational platforms, improve and apply new educational learning technology taking into account unequal conditions for students in using the capabilities of the technical equipment. In order to keep all participants healthy it is necessary to take into account time spent for mastering curricula, to use actively digital technology for better messaging information and for checking knowledge when developing new forms and methods of teaching in the condition of digitalization. It is necessary to choose carefully the format of education because of the specificity of subjects. Academic discipline «Life Safety» includes enough specific training material that demands offline explanation. Especially it is necessary to attend practical classes which develop skills of first aid, behavior algorithms and emergency rescue. The authors conclude: а completely distance education will dramatically lower the quality of teaching, learning, getting necessary skills for students in their future daily and professional life.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Quality of professional training of IT specialists: strategy for interaction between employers and secondary vocational education

Nuretdinov R.I.


The article is devoted to the problem of the quality of vocational training of graduates of educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the field of information technology. The urgency of the problem is the fact that the popularity of secondary vocational education in the field of information technology is growing: every year a large number of middle-level specialists enter the labor market, who are required to be ready to work, adaptability to work's conditions, which minimizes the need to retrain them. There is a need to control the quality of education and the results of professional training of graduates. The article analyzes the documents regulating the educational process of secondary vocational education on the example of the specialty 09.02.07 – Information systems and programming: the decree of the government of the Russian Federation «On the approval of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education», the procedure for organizing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education, order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia «On the approval of the list of the 50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education», federal state educational standard for the specialty – 09.02.07 Information systems and programming, the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia «On the approval of the professional standard “Programmer”». The conclusion is made that educational institutions have the ability to ensure the quality of vocational training if they involve employers and specialists from the industry close to the educational program in the educational process. However, educational institutions should involve external, independent experts from the industry to organize the educational process and monitor its results.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Experimental model of professional training of pedagogical college students

Popova V.A.


The article substantiates the necessity to create an educational space for student development to solve «problem nodes». The aim is to substantiate an experimental training model of students in the Pedagogical College. The organization of the educational process partly transfers to school base. This model of student training includes four components: the educational program, the results of student training, resources, and the «college – school» interaction. The emphasis is placed on preparing students for professional activities through the development of professional competencies and solving professional problems. The article reveals three forms of organizing classes: immersion, workshop, and club. The student's training in this model is checked by a demo exam, in the playback of the model situation of the project task. Analysis of the results of the pilot study demonstrated that the implementation of the experimental model of student training provides productive interaction with employers. Introduction of experimental models of training contributed to enrich the psycho-pedagogical knowledge, improve professional skills, acquire terminology of project activities and methodology to students of pedagogical college. However, the model also helped to identify issues in need of improvement: the adjustment of the content of work programs in order to strengthen the practical training of students, the formation of a unified system of control assessment tools for assessing students' professional competencies for school teachers and college teachers, and also emphasized the need to organize and conduct reflexive analytical seminars.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of social responsibility in the educational process of cadets

Rukavishnikov A.V.


This article presents the results of the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of social responsibility of future officers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. The author, in the course of conducting training sessions in various disciplines, creates organizational and pedagogical conditions that promote the development of social responsibility of the cadet's personality, modifying the traditional format of conducting classes: the technology of «inverted class» is introduced in the lecture classes; the technology of storytelling and the case study method are used in practical classes. In the seminar classes, the order of assessment of students is changed from individual to collective (inverted assessment). The pedagogical experiment has shown its effectiveness, which is confirmed by the analytical data presented in the content of the article. The organizational and pedagogical conditions tested during the educational process (the development of social responsibility as an important component of the professional training of future officers, the organization of a system of joint activities of the subjects of the educational process, the change in the system of evaluating the activities of cadets in the context of changes in the information presentation of material and the inclusion of various pedagogical technologies) can be recommended in pedagogical practice.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views


Overcoming non-linguistic barriers to effective speaking in Russian adult ESP classroom

Domysheva S.A., Kopylova N.V.


The problem of teaching speaking in the adult ESP classroom has not been sufficiently studied in Russia, although the challenges it poses differ significantly from those that traditional research on pedagogy can address. One of these challenges is that some Russian adult ESP students do not feel comfortable speaking English in front of their teacher and classmates, which leads to communication barriers. The review of the literature on andragogy, our observations, and the anonymous survey conducted among Russian adult ESP learners have revealed that this discomfort may be caused or compounded by such socio-cultural and psychological factors as the fear of appearing incompetent and difficulty assuming the subordinate role of a student. The given study explores these factors and suggests creating a number of conditions maximizing the benefits of speaking activities for adult ESP audiences. The first condition is a flexible class organization, in which students are mostly encouraged to interact with equals in respect of their social characteristics and language proficiency. It creates a favorable anxiety-reduced classroom atmosphere in which all learners are given an opportunity to demonstrate their strengths. Another condition is the students’ exposure to relevant learning content with interactive speaking activities representing real-life communicative situations. It raises adult learners’ motivation and reduces the impact of psychological constraints. The third condition is the teaching style of a facilitator rather than a superior, which involves recognizing that both the teacher and the adult learners are competent in their respective fields of expertise and therefore equal in status. This setting proves to foster the development of speaking skills in Russian adult ESP classrooms and thus may be recommended for this audience. Further research into the topic may reveal more factors underlying verbal interactions in adult ESP classroom.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):87-94
pages 87-94 views

Contemporary methodology of teaching English punctuation: problems and new vistas

Mikhailovskaia E.V., Sapunova O.V.


The article outlines the way the English system of punctuation marks is presented in contemporary ELT research and practice. The following types of sources are considered and analyzed in the article: grammar books for teaching English as the first, second or foreign language; reference books and web-sites aimed at preparing students for IELTS and TOEFL; books belonging to the genre known as ‘popular science’; purely scientific works on punctuation in general and the semicolon in particular. The main goals of the research are to reveal the central tendencies in teaching English punctuation on the example of the so-called ‘weighty’ stops of vertical segmentation, namely the semicolon, and to see whether they manage to present a certain norm of using the stop. Thus, the present paper focuses on the semicolon – one of the most controversial stops in the system, which has been proved to function both at the syntactic and stylistic levels. It is shown that a formal / grammatical approach is the most common way to treat punctuation in ELT literature; however, it does not take into account stylistic and prosodic peculiarities of the stops and thus fails to show the whole spectrum of its usage, as well as its phonetic and stylistic potential. Consequently, such an approach should not be applied to English – one of the languages exhibiting a semantic-stylistic type of punctuation. It is proposed that the approach to be used in teaching English punctuation most effectively is pragmalinguistics, since it exploits a wide range of methods and means of analyzing a text, and also considers and highlights all the aspects of using the stops (their syntactic function, stylistic capacities and prosodic characteristics). Moreover, the article poses the question that the current methodology of the approach has to be further developed.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):95-102
pages 95-102 views

«Würzburg mark description» as an early monument of the Old High German language

Dubinin S.I.


The article concerns the issues of discussion about the composition of the monuments of ancient German writing that are relevant to the history of the German literary language of the initial period, in particular the texts of agrarian law of the 8th century – descriptions of land detours and demarcations of the Main Franconian region. The thesis of the «clerical exclusivity» of ancient German writing dominates by inertia in Russian historical Germanic studies. The relevance of the research carried out on the material of the unique monument of the so-called «second description of the Würzburg mark» is associated with the approbation of an integrated approach to the analysis of the language and genre and stylistic affiliation of the text. The place of this source in the corpus of autochthonous texts of the VIII century from Würzburg is determined. The research solves the problem of decoding the semiotic meanings contained in this old-written text, which is identified as a protocol for oral presentation. The main research methods are onomastic and component analysis (toponyms, anthroponyms), a toolkit of historical-stylistic, discursive and hermeneutic approaches using digital technologies. The genre content and linguistic characteristics of the monument are specified. The description of the Würzburg demarcation and related texts is considered in the context of the linguistic situation of the VIII–XI centuries. The main conclusions of the study: as a small-format legal text, this monument has a special semantic nature, encodes valuable historical and cultural information, unique relics of the transitional early feudal era in Germany; its reference (referential) function, areаlogy, toponymic and anthroponymic semiotics are revealed through intertextual connections with other Old High German monuments of the XVIII century.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):103-115
pages 103-115 views

Child as an object of affectionate attitude in the russian linguistic view of the world

Alfalki S.


This article presents the composition and structure of the associative-semantic field «Child» and the structure of the image (concept) of the same name in the Russian linguistic view of the world. According to the results of the conducted research and other scientific works related to the study of this object we describe the basic lexical-semantic groupings within ASP, which are called the most important meanings that characterize child with age, size, gender, physical, physiological, psychological, cognitive, behavioral and active characteristics in terms of education, in his social relations. These meanings determine the structure not only of this lexical field, but also the structure of the mental formation of the same name. First proposed and justified the selection as a separate aspect of the structure of ASP and the structure of the concept of the dimension of the attribute «child – emotional object (sweet, tender, love) relationship». The emphasis on this aspect is justified by the fact that the system of the Russian language has a significant number of units of lexical, morphemic, word-formation levels that regularly convey this meaning. Along with the use of these means in the direct meaning for the characteristics of the child, they are used as genre-forming means in various speech situations, including metaphorically, in order actualizing the affectionate attitude towards adult speech participants. For the article, we also wrote about (diminutives) containing suffixes of subjective evaluation, as defined by many authors, its role in our work and how to make nouns with diminutive or affectionate suffixes that indicate a small size, a small age of the child and at the same time an affectionate, loving attitude.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Actualization of interjections’ potential in the English-language multimodal text (based on ‘Disney Magic Kingdom Comics’)

Panina N.V.


In the article the author analyzes interjections as signals of emotions in order to determine their functions in creating the perlocutionary effect of comics, which is especially relevant in the era of ever-increasing emotionalization of the global communicative space. The research is based on 'Disney Magic Kingdom Comics' anniversary collection, which presents comics created by various authors and artists, which thereby indicates the objective nature of the research. The block of empirical materials includes both interjections that autonomously form the speech acts of comic book characters, and those which pragmatic potential is revealed in combination with verbal and iconic components. The research is carried out on the basis of linguistic description methods of the qualitative-quantitative and functional-semantic characteristics of interjections. In the course of the study the author is revealed that interjections are able to participate in the formation of speech acts of comic book characters. Interjections in the imperative function represent directive speech acts. However, the most numerous and variable group is made up of interjections expressing the emotional state of the characters, which may be explained by the nature of interjections. Further on the concentration of interjections in speech balloons is recorded and it is revealed that interjections occupy 1/5 of the entire communicative space of each of the analyzed comics. Actualizing the emotional component of comics, interjections are involved in creating the maximum similarity between the formation of a speech act in a speech balloon and in live speech. Graphic tools and illustrations allow the reader to determine the intensity of the emotion transmitted by this or that interjection, and the nature of its expression. According to the results of the study, the author is found that comics, revealing the unity of narration and visual action, serve as a valid platform for actualization of the potential of interjections, which are an integral element of this type of a multimodal text.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):122-128
pages 122-128 views

Realization of «Victory» and «Defeat» frames in sports Internet-discourse: problem of focusing

Pisareva A.G.


The relevance of the problem of realization of the frames «Victory» and «Defeat» that are linguistically represented in the sports Internet-discourse is due to the fact that in the recent decades scholars both in Russia and abroad develop the theoretical grounds of discourse analysis and pay special attention to different kinds of institutional and professional discourses, and sports discourse possesses two important features – aims and participants; thus, sports discourse belongs to the group of institutional discourses and is of great interest for researchers. The aim of the research became the identification of methods that are applied in order to change the focus of the frame; in the course of the study the author solves the following tasks: description of the constituents of the cognitive event model, carrying out linguistic research of sports Internet-discourse fragments and defining the pragmatic goals of the author that in turn influence the frame as a whole. The match reports which are found in the news sections of sport teams` websites were used as the research materials. The study is devoted to the headings of the reports and introductions to them. It is these parts of the articles that contain information about the match outcome that is the basis for the frames under analysis. In the article the following methods were applied: critical discourse analysis as well as quantitative and qualitative methods in the framework of content analysis. Lexical units that were singled out were analyzed from both morphological and semantic perspectives. The study of modern sports Internet-discourse has demonstrated that the authors of match reports tend not only to convey the information about the match results to the readers of the web-site but also to influence their opinion by forming a particular interpretation. The conducted analysis makes it possible to conclude that an intentional shift of focus frame is achieved with the help of various lexical units, word combinations and, especially, evaluative adjectives.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):129-135
pages 129-135 views

Functioning of the author's terms of the social sciences in professional discourse

Anisimova A.G., Kosarina A.A., Fedotova A.E.


Today studying author terms in different fields of knowledge remains a highly topical issue since they form the basis of every LSP (Language for Specific Purposes). Though many terminological issues have already been studied, the status of author's terms remains ambiguous as well as their functioning within the professional discourse, i.e. professional communication in a particular field of knowledge. Having chosen the terminology of social sciences as the material for the given research, the authors of the article single out author's terms within its framework and make an attempt to describe the main functions of author's terms in different contexts. The methods of the research include the following: information analysis and synthesis, contextual and contrastive analysis, comparative analysis of definitions. Theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that it allows to get a better understanding of what the author's term is and to distinguish between the term and the author's term. The described functions of author's terms in professional discourse are a step forward towards studying general terminological issues. The research has revealed that author's terms perform three main functions: the nominative one, the emotive one and the expressing polemics with the author, who coined or popularized a particular term.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):136-141
pages 136-141 views

Integral nonprototypical conditional and imperative constructions in Catalan (in comparison with Spanish and French)

Repnina T.V.


This article examines one type of constructions that can express both conditional and imperative meanings. They represent complex sentences, the first part of which expresses a condition and urging and the second, the consequence with future reference. It is important to distinguish constructions of this type from prototypical imperative conditional constructions built as complex sentences, in which the condition is introduced by a subordinate clause with a conjuction meaning «if» and the conseqence verb is encoded for the imperative. The aim of this article is to identify, describe, and analyze the main types of integral nonprototypical conditional-and-imperative constructions, as well as the relevant conjunctions, tenses, and moods used in Catalan as compared to Spanish and French. While nonprototypical conditional / imperative constructions are actively studied in many languages, they have been apparently barely touched upon in Catalan. Our analysis revealed the following types of integral nonprototypical conditional / imperative constructions with: imperatives in the first clause; imperative verbs and verb periphrases in the first clause; a nominal phrase in the first clause; the conjunction «or» repeated in both clauses; present indicatives in the first clause and the conjunction «and» between two parts. The use of conjunctions meaning «and» (i (Cat.), y (Es.), et (Fr.)), «or» (o (Cat.), o (Es.), ou (Fr.)), as well as»otherwise« (si no (Cat.), si no (Es.), sinon (Fr.)) coincide. Only conjunctions meaning «if» are conditional in their basic meaning; conjunctions «and», «or», and «otherwise» are coordinating: «and» is copulative (it shows conditional meaning in the constructions addressed), «or» is delimiting, and «otherwise» adversative, with the latter two signaling negative condition in the targeted constructions. The research was conducted by the following methods: sampling, classification, description, contrastive and transformational analysis, and synthesis. The examples used were borrowed from texts by Catalan authors with their Spanish and French translations that were analyzed and classified. The whole sample of the conditional constructions analyzed is over 1000 examples for each of the three languages.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):142-150
pages 142-150 views

Pragma-linguistic and stylistic features of the English online movie review

Galiullina O.R.


The paper deals with linguo-pragmatic and semantic-stylistic characteristics of the English-online movie review. Internet communication provides a fertile ground for the development of the modern genre studies due to the emergence and development of digital genres, or Internet genres. The amateur online movie review is one of the most widespread Internet genres due to its high degree of the audience-oriented intention, focus on the wide range of readers, as well as the dialogical nature of communication. The aim of this paper is to reveal and systematize pragmatic and stylistic parameters of the English amateur online movie review. The empirical study is based upon the movie reviews taken from the IMDb website. The analysis of online movie reviews has revealed that their pragmatic function is determined by the use of the wide range of linguistic and stylistic evaluative means. In most cases the ascription of explicit evaluative characteristics to the film and its components in the text of the amateur online movie review is done with the help of the evaluative language. The important finding is that the creation of perlocutionary effect and the attribution of dialogization and intimization to the speech act are created by the use of personal pronouns of the first and second person singular, imperatives, appeals, question-and-answer structure. We have come to the conclusion that various lexical and syntactic means of expressiveness belong to stylistic markers of online movie review carrying evaluative, emotional and emphatic connotations. All the analysis conducted allows us to conclude that online movie review beside the initial function of informing also performs perlocutionary force.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):151-161
pages 151-161 views

Translatological perspective of the concept of terminological doublet reflection in the context of teaching specialized translation

Shamilov R.M.


The article attempts to ground the importance of developing by the future translators/interpreters dealing in specialized translation the skill of consideration of peculiarities of a communicative situation of specialized translation. The necessity of developing this important translation skill seems natural since it is dictated by the circumstances of realizability of translation activity which is always carried out in a certain communicative situation. The particularity of each communicative situation of specialized translation conditions the linguistic composition of a target text which may vary from one communicative situation to another from either the formal and structural or contextual and conceptual point of view. To prove the fairness of his assertions the author, in particular, appeals to the concept of terminological synonymy/terminological doublet reflection and studies it through the prism of theoretical principles of communicative and functional approach to translation. Such a translatological view of the synonymy/doublet reflection helps the author to find a balance between opposite ways of understanding of this concept by various terminologists and offer a general translatological definition of doublet terms. This definition is fully responsive to a whole variety of communicative situations of specialized translation the particularity of which in each single case instead of a source standardized term may condition in a target language the use of its doublet represented by a professionalism, substandard language unit, conversation vocabulary unit, jargonism, dialectism, slang. Such real life examples of fulfilling professional translation activity as well as others worth becoming subjects of separate researches which contribute to the confirmation of the fact that the translator’s/interpreter’s behavior, the progress of a translation process and its result depend on the peculiarities of a certain communicative situation of specialized translation, should be taken into account when teaching students translation from the very first practical studies of specialized translation. Securing the achievement of the goal of acquiring by the students the ability of analyzing and considering the particularity of the given communicative situation in which he/she is supposed to make a translation of a specialized text should be listed among the competencies of a translator trainer.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):162-171
pages 162-171 views

Objective / subjective information strategies in electronic German media

Cherezova М.А.


The article is devoted to the research of linguistic implementation of objective / subjective information strategies in the complex of electronic texts (article + comments) from modern German media. The material of the research was the primary texts of messages on topical issues from the newspaper «ZEIT ONLINE» and the magazine «Focus Online» as well as secondary texts of messages in the form of comments from the general reader. According to the analysis it is obvious that the strategic program in the studied discursive space is a complex multicomponent system due to both the intentional attitudes of the sender of the message and the special conditions of interaction in the Internet space. The topicality of the research is determined by consideration of verbal organization and implementation of the information strategies chosen for analysis and sorted on the «objectivity – subjectivity» scale. The author emphasizes the use of means of different levels of the German language in the process of overlapping and intentional change of strategies. The emphasis is made on the fact that the strategic program of the message sender in the electronic environment can be guessed by the recipient, but there is no further continuation in the comments. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that in electronic German media a commentator, choosing suitable strategies of his own can turn the polemics based on what he read in the article into a new direction. In the course of the language analysis, it is noticed that for an electronic article, strategies of objective information are the most typically ones (detail strategy, information and interpretation strategy, logical persuasion strategy and evasion of the truth strategy), and for an electronic comment, it is more common the choice of subjective information strategy (control over the topic strategy, feelings appeal strategies and evaluation strategies).

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(1):172-177
pages 172-177 views

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