Vol 27, No 3 (2021)
The image of the Russian peasantry in A. Platonov’s the stories and plays during the Great Patriotic War
Fiction embodies the diverse cultural and historical memory of society and offers its own answers about the impact of war on a person, the long-term humanitarian consequences of the war. In his military stories and plays A. Platonov presented a wide panorama of images of the fighting people, among which the image of peasantry occupies a central place. Memory is considered as the leading concept of the writer’s creativity. Features of perception of war, life and death, good and evil by ordinary soldiers are revealed. A. Platonov’s military stories are very significant for the cultural memory of Russian society. Focusing on the peasant roots of the fighting people, the writer warned of the danger of forgetting this. Platonov’s constant interest in the memorial aspects of culture is realized in his military prose largely from the point of view of the world picture of Russian peasants. Village and its inhabitants, faith and family, land, bread, labor-symbols of the Motherland in Platonov, the embodiment of historical continuity. These aspects were reflected later in popular memories of the war, in the peasant perception of the war as «sacrificial heroism».
Composition of the Council of Ministers of ASSR at a time of reform of 1985–1991: changes and main features (on the example of Mordovia)
In the article the senior management of the regional executive and administrative authority as an example of the supreme body of State governance of an autonomous republic – the Council of Ministers of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is considered. The changes in the Council of Ministers in the last years of the existence of the USSR is analyzed. The reforms initiated by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev affected practically all sectors of society, including the functioning of public administration. Meanwhile, the system of power in Mordovia had some peculiarities, largely associated with the conservatism and external cohesion of the regional elites, which have had to respond to processes in the country at the same time. In the chronological period selected in the article, there were two compositions of the Council of Ministers, which were formed on March 15, 1985 at the first session of the MASSR Supreme Council of the 11th convocation and on April 10, 1990 at the first session of the MASSR Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. The authors provide information about age, social origin, nationality, educational level, tenure for members of the MASSR Government. In preparing the article, materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Mordovia, the regional press, published memoirs of participants in the events, as well as biographical information about the Soviet, Party and economic leaders from open sources were used.
The purpose of the article is to analyze conceptual approaches in understanding the process of implementing agrarian policy in the USSR in the period 1922–1991. The research strategies that have developed in modern Russian historiography in recent decades and reveal the content of radical transformation of the agrarian system in the USSR are examined in this article. An assessment of comparability (the possibility of conducting a comparative analysis) of various methodological approaches and criteria for constructing concepts is described. The theses about the preservation or break of the historical continuity in the choice of the civilizational perspective, as well as on the methods and means of achieving the goal were recognized as key. It is concluded that it is necessary to move to the level of interdisciplinary and methodological synthesis as a necessary condition for explaining the civilizational mission of the Soviet project and national specifics in the context of world history. The high cognitive value of the concept of institutional cycles of civilizational development in relation to the agrarian history of Russia and the USSR is noted.
Worker of public education and spiritual enlightenment: A.P. Cheruvimov in Samara (XIX – early XX centuries)
The article is devoted to the study of social and cultural factors in the development of public education, the formation of a professional group of its workers and organizers in Russia in the last quarter of the XX – early XX centuries. The particular attention is paid to the relationship between school, society and church. The methodological basis of the research was the theory of modernization and the techniques of the biographical method. In the article on a large source base the administrative-pedagogical and public-educational activities of A.P. Cheruvimov in the Samara Region, aimed at developing new forms of the school organization while preserving national spiritual traditions, were investigated. As a result of his efforts the successful secondary educational institution in the form of the Samara Real School was created in the provincial city and an effective channel was created to support needy students through the Society for the Promotion of Education was created too. Cheruvimov's contribution to the works of the Aleksievsky Orthodox brotherhood, aimed at supporting parish schools and at the religious and moral education of residents, has become significant and fruitful. For two decades on a voluntary basis he served in the brotherhood in the responsible position of the Chairman of the Council with a wide range of the real responsibilities. His example shows a figure of Russian modernization, whose personal desire for his own social mobility and the promotion of the progressive cultural trends was combined with the traditional religious foundations and the conservative political views. This example demonstrates that the social movement in imperial Russia took place in more complex forms than the paradigm of opposition between the «progressive» and «reactionary» forces, which was established in historiography and often was reduced to the social origin or position of persons belonging to one political camp or another.
Discussions about Russian muslims future on the pages of the Crimean journal «Asri Musulmanliq» (1924–1927) (on the example of the publication of the Samara theologian-educator M.-F. Murtazin)
For the first time in Russian historiography, a Russian-language translation from Turkish (literary version of Ottoman) of a manuscript of an article by the Samara imam Mukhammet-Fatykh Murtazin (1875–1938), sent to the religious and educational journal «Asri Musulmanliq» («Modern Islam», published in Simferopol in 1924–1927) – editorial board of the People's Administration of Religious Affairs of Muslims of Crimea (NURDMK). The article entitled «Islam and Civilization» was planned for placement in № 13 for 1926, its translation was carried out by an employee of the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Crimea and sent for approval of the text to the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Moscow. Murtazin's manuscript contains a number of reformist ideas, loyal to the current political moment. He tried to adapt the Islamic tradition to new reality. The article was not allowed for publication due to the desire of its author to present the priority of Islamic civilization over the European and American worlds, which, obviously, did not correspond to the ideological attitudes of the workers of the Soviet special services. The authors also draw attention to the course and nature of intense theological discussion and the development of «renovationist» thought in the Muslim world of the Soviet Union in the 1920-ies, a discussion that took place under censorship and the emerging ideological pressure.
Octobrists and nationalists in the III and IV State Duma
The State Duma of the third and fourth convocations were represented by a wide range of factions, among which were intermediate groups, namely nationalists and Octobrists, conservative-liberal and liberal-conservative, respectively. In historical science, it is generally accepted that the only allies of the Octobrists (in the full sense of the word) were the All-Russian National Union. The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of the relationship between Octobrists and nationalists in the III State Duma and in the Duma of the fourth convocation. The study is based on an array of sources on the work of both state dooms, as well as on articles and monographs on this issue. Based on the analysis of these sources and special literature, the main areas of activity of the two factions, the places of their rapprochement, the reasons for the separation of nationalists from the right-wing forces were identified. The work of the III State Duma is connected with the fact that not a liberal majority was formed, but the right, but at the heart of it was not the extreme right, but the October-nationalist bloc, but its stability was very controversial. The novelty of the study is a systematic and multilateral study of all the specifics of relations between the Union of October 17 and the All-Russian National Union, which may call into question the full solidarity of these factions on all issues from the III State Duma to 1917.
"Friend / Foe" - intergenerational relationships between Russian historians of the first quarter of the XX century.
The article is devoted to the analysis of intergenerational relations of historians of the late XIX – early XX century and young historians, students of the Institute of Red Professors. On the example of the text of the review by A.A. Kizevetter for a collection of works by young historians edited by M.N. Pokrovsky highlighted the key problems through which the conflict of generations of historians is revealed within the scientific community of the first quarter of the twentieth century. The first problem is that A.A. Kiesewetter, like other historians of the «older» generation, assessed the «young» generation of historians through the prism of a personal attitude towards M.N. Pokrovsky, hence the negative attitude towards the works of historians. The second problem is the disagreement with young researchers in assessing the activities of historians of the «senior» school. The third is the inaccuracy in the interpretation of historical sources and, most importantly, the categorical nature of young historians. According to A.A. Kiesewetter, young researchers lacked the critical thinking necessary when working with historical material. Pre-revolutionary historiography was rejected as «obsolete.» The situation of the socio-cultural crisis and the revolution of 1917 created the basis for the formation of a generational conflict. The pre-revolutionary system of evolutionary development and conflict-free transfer of experience was destroyed, and as a result, dialogue between generations did not work out. Each of the generations tried to prove its own significance in scientific activity.
Der Duden, die Genera und die Geschlechter
Anlass für diesen Aufsatz ist die Tatsache, dass die Duden-Redaktion bei zahlreichen Personenbezeichnungen das sog. ‚generische Maskulinum‘ wegdefiniert hat. Das Anfang 2021 erschienene online Wörterbuch gibt als Bedeutungserklärung des Substantiv der Arzt folgende Beschreibung an: „männliche Person, die nach Medizinstudium und klinischer Ausbildung die staatliche Zulassung (Approbation) erhalten hat, Kranke zu behandeln (Berufsbezeichnung)“. Demgegenüber hieß es im Duden Universalwörterbuch von 2015: „jemand, der nach Medizinstudium und klinischer Ausbildung die staatliche Zulassung (Approbation) erhalten hat, Kranke zu behandeln (Berufsbezeichnung)“. Der Aufsatz versucht, wieder einmal zu überprüfen, ob es das generische Maskulinum als geschlechtsübergreifende oder besser: geschlechtsneutrale Bezeichnung gibt oder ob es, nicht zuletzt aufgrund des jahrhundertelangen Einflusses des Patriarchats auf die Sprachentwicklung, sich doch um den Ausdruck männlicher Vormacht handelt. Dabei werden sowohl das Problem ‚Genus‘ als auch der Begriff ‚generisch‘ untersucht und auf seine Bezeichnungsfunktion hin getestet. Schließlich soll auch überprüft werden, ob die Sprache tatsächlich die Wirklichkeit widerspiegelt und ob die Sprache wirklich alle Phänomene in der außersprachlichen Realität benennen muss. Dazu kommt natürlich auch die Frage, ob die Duden-Redaktion ihre Kompetenzen richtig interpretiert (hat).
The structure of second-grade diminutives in czech and slovak. A corpus-based synchronic-diachronic analysis
In Slavic languages, diminutivization is a highly productive morphological process. A diminutive marker can be attached to nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Secondary or even multiple diminutives are also possible. Considering the combinability of diminutive suffixes in nouns, Manova and Winternitz (2011) claim that only productive DIM1 suffixes function as DIM2 suffixes. The aim of this paper is to verify this idea on the basis of the analysis of data from Czech and Slovak. The DIM2 for the analysis were excerpted from the corpora. Neither Czech nor Slovak current sources apprehend diminutive markers as combinations of primary and secondary diminutive suffixes. The complex character of secondary diminutivizers is understood as a diachronic issue. Therefore, a historical analysis of all secondary diminutives was necessary. The research proved the assumption about the combinability of diminutive markers. The analysis also revealed that unproductive DIM2 suffixes are attached by substitution in both languages.
Discursive structures in political communication
This article is devoted to the study of discursive structures in political sphere, represented in the English-language source Twitter of the President of the United States. The purpose of the study is to analyze the discursive structures that arise as a result of the interaction of political discourse with other types of discourses. To achieve it, the authors set the following tasks: identifying specific markers in the political discourse that characterize the presence of other discourses, analyzing the features of the communicative situation of message transmission, identifying the features of interdiscursiveness and polydiscursivity. The material for the analysis was the statements of Donald Trump on Twitter from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2020. The authors of the article use various methods: descriptive, contextual analysis, comparative, methods of observation, content analysis and discourse analysis. The study uses the linguistic concept of the American scientist D. Himes S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G, which includes an analysis of the components of the situation: Participants, Ends, Act Sequence etc. Using the situation model in the messages, participants, their actions and other characteristics were highlighted. President is the author of the messages, while the addressee is a collective one. The same participants, depending on the context of the message, become participants of other types of discourses. The article examines such types of discourses as economic, educational, medical, which are part of political discourse. Their choice is due to the socio-economic significance of the issues of economics, education and health care in the life of society. In addition, the media function of political communication is reflected. The texts are posted on the Internet platform, due to which the political discourse is drawn into the space of the Internet discourse. The analysis made it possible to identify the features of large-scale interdiscursiveness and to highlight the levels of discursive heterogeneity.
Poly-predicative conditional constructions in Catalan (in comparaison with Spanish and French)
By poly-predicative conditional constructions we mean complex sentences that contain at least three simple sentences, each representing either a condition or a consequence. Poly-predicative sentences can in addition contain other simple sentences that represent neither condition, nor consequence. Poly-predicative constructions that, apart from one condition and one consequence, also include other simple sentences, are not classified here as poly-predicative conditional constructions. While poly-predicative constructions in general have already been in the focus of researches’ attention, this article seems to address them on Catalan material for the first time. The purpose of this article is an analysis of syntactic relations in poly-predicative conditional constructions. Its objectives include their comparison in Catalan, Spanish, and French, identification of the main types of these constructions, and an analysis of their characteristics. Since the use of tenses and moods in the constructions addressed coincides with that in prototypical bi-predicative conditional constructions, we do not examine it here. The methods, used in this study, included: sampling during corpus collection, classification, description, comparison, transformational analysis and synthesis. The study is based on Catalan texts and their translations into Spanish and French. The findings of the study include: 1) Poly-predicative conditional constructions with several condition and/or consequence clauses are possible. Condition and consequence clauses can occupy different positions in poly-predicative conditional constructions; 2) In contrast to Catalan and Spanish, French admits the replacement of the conditional conjunction si by que; 3) Prototypical conditional and poly-predicative constructions are invariably characterized by subordination relations, with coordination parataxis possible as well. In addition, more complex syntactic structures are possible like, e. g., parallel co-coordination; 4) A prototypical conditional construction being a complex sentence, this limits possible syntactic types of poly-predicative conditional constructions. They cannot be structured as a string of simple sentences connected by coordination or subordination. Consecutive subordination of three or more subordinate sentences is not characteristic of conditional constructions; 5) The study identified a similarity between poly-predicative conditional constructions in Catalan, Spanish, and French. The present research is a contribution into the syntax of Romance languages.
Dynamics of the development of the participle as a special hybrid form of the verb
A participle is a special form of a verb in which verb grammatical features are conjugated with adjectival ones. This is manifested both at the level of categorical meaning, and at the level of grammatical categories and syntactic functions. The participle is a verb form located on the periphery of the verb system, so verbal grammatical categories often manifest themselves in a flawed form. Due to this hybridity, syncretism, participles are subjected to changes in the process of historical development. This determines the relevance of the study, identifying the reasons for a dynamic development of the participle system, determining current trends in their functioning. In the course of the research methods of observation, description, functional and semantic analysis, quantitative methodology were used to assess the dynamics of functioning of future participlesin the process of historical development. As sources of language material we used Russian writers' works selected from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. On the basis of the research, it was found out that the system of participles underwent significant transformations during the period from the Old Russian language to the modern one. This is manifested in significant grammaticalization processes that led to the restructuring of the verb system and the temporal and collateral verb paradigm. It is revealed that in the modern Russian language participles remain an unstable form, which is manifested in the processes of transformation of verbal grammatical categories in participles, leading to their transition to the system of adjectives. The study of the language material allowed us to establish a wide range of gradual transitions from participles to adjectives. We analyzed the reasons for the activation of future participles in modern publicistic and artistic texts, the dynamics of their functioning from the XIX century to the present, the possibilities of participles in overcoming paradigmatic limitations in the process of functioning in the text.
Formation of skills of working with cultural codes in classes in philological disciplines
The article deals with the formation of skills of working with cultural codes in the process of teaching literary disciplines in bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies. The author proceeds from the modern understanding of the cultural code as an integral concept, which includes a large number of interrelated elements (mythological archetypes, ideologems, intertextuality phenomena, behavioral stereotypes). The interest in this problem is relevant. The totality of cultural codes is the symbolic capital of nations, social groups, and generations. From a scientific point of view, the use of the concept of a unique writer's code is very productive. A great artist of the word passes on a certain creative code as a baton to subsequent writer's generations – a unique system of artistic signs (quotes, characters, keywords, plot schemes, genre models, narrative techniques, etc.), recognized by both readers and writers-followers. There are such personal cultural codes as Gogol's, Leskovsky's, Chekhov's, and Dostoevsky's code. The cultural code is usually implemented in a literary text in both explicit and implicit forms. These are satirical and humorous works, associative lyrical prose, alternative historical and quasi-documentary texts, and fantastic literature. The very presence of hidden semantics and complex intertextual references sets the reader the task of adequate creative decoding of the work. Literary works created with the use of cinematic code (editing effects, «freeze-frame», detail enlargement, visual dynamics) are also difficult to decipher. The article deals with the choice of literary disciplines that have large resources for the purposeful study of cultural codes. The assessment of the means of identifying the cultural code in a literary text is given. Attention is paid to developing an accurate understanding and targeted use of the system of concepts that each discipline has. This is due to the difficult metamorphoses in our era of the philological thesaurus due to the development of the sometimes contradictory conceptual apparatus of relatively autonomous foreign-language literary scientific systems. In the process of deepening the knowledge of such a conceptual apparatus, undesirable eclecticism should be avoided. The main result of such work is seen by the author of the article in the gradual acquisition of all the knowledge, skills and abilities that allow students to find the optimal balance between the practice of scrupulous concrete analysis of a particular literary text and a holistic vision of the cultural era and the literary process as a large-scale dynamic system.
Information and cultural approach to the evaluation of educational literature
The article considers the place of the book in modern media information society, its changing role in the system of education. The book is represented as an information phenomenon (a source and means of transmitting information) as well as an artifact of culture, reflecting the values of the society of the current historical period. The essence of the information-cultural approach for the formation of scientific knowledge and its application in the educational environment in the form of educational literature is revealed. The modern definition of the book as a cultural phenomenon, a means of communication and scientific knowledge is given. The article analyzes the situation of creating and functioning the textbooks for bachelor and magister programmes, parallel existing of manuals in printed and electronic forms. The textbook as an academic manual is a unique phenomenon of educational environment represented simultaneously in accord to the sphere of spirituality and technology which is the essence of information and culturological approach.
Constructive activities of actors: strategy of intensification of added value of higher education
Digitalization of the economy is fundamentally changing the professional environment. Artificial intelligence is becoming a full-fledged participant in professional activity along with humans. The creation of a product with in-demand properties is ensured by the interaction of a changing environment, natural and artificial intelligence. It is important to train a specialist-actor who is able to create technical systems with artificial intelligence and build productive relationships with such systems in real time. The new reality has exacerbated the problem of the intensification of the increase in the value of higher education. The article argues that the added value of higher education is realized in the transition of a university graduate from a passive and reactive acquirer of knowledge to an active specialist-actor, creator of a qualitatively new product in almost any area of interest due to holistically presentation of productive activity and a conscious choice of the type of relationship with participants in professional activity including artificial intelligence. The necessity and possibility of transition to the strategy of organizing the structure and content of higher education based on the transfer of the ontological status of both subjects and the environment on the relations between them, providing the effect of interaction of heterogeneous participants in a distributed network of relations and mediating the interobjectivity (integrity of activity) of the impact on the object of all participants in the creation is proved.
Foreign language as a means of educating a professional
Rethinking the goals of vocational education, integrating into the international professional community, required rethinking of the academic disciplines role, which primarily affected the foreign language. Researchers note its importance for successful professional activity, for the development of special qualities. At the same time, the problem of educating professional responsibility, conditioned by the outlook of the individual, the conviction of the need to make professional decisions with an orientation towards their consequences for society and the country as a whole, has ceased to be a priority. The article focuses on the means of implementing the educational function of a foreign language in the unity of the content (context of the language) and methods of comparison with regional natural history, which activates creative thinking and affects the social position in the perception of the modern worldview, on the formation of a person's motivational-value attitude to his native culture. Comparative analysis of the native and foreign language culture allows a deeper understanding of the native culture and the formation of patriotic beliefs. The conclusions obtained in the course of understanding the educational function of a foreign language are based on the results of a comprehensive study conducted by graduate students of Samara University on the theory and methodology of vocational education, the purpose of which was to determine the effective personal characteristics of students in different areas of vocational training.
Impact of optimization of the structure of rural general education network on improving the quality of education
On the example of the Samara Region, the question of the influence of the processes of optimizing the structure of the rural general education network on improving the quality of education of students in rural areas is investigated. The relevance of the processes, the elaboration of the topic through the presentation of research by Russian and foreign authors devoted to the development of social and educational space, social and educational networks are considered. The definitions of the educational network and optimization of the structure of the general educational network are given; the tendencies of changes in the structure of the rural general education network of the Samara Region are traced since the end of the 90-ies of the last century on the example of 19 schools of the Samara region subjected to reorganization. The analysis of changes in the quality of education of students based on the results of the main state exam and the unified state exam depending on the type of «optimization» is presented: reorganization of a small school, which is an independent legal entity, into a branch of another school; change in the level of educational programs being implemented.
«If a screw falls, then another will be screwed» (Review of the book: Memory from the flame of Afghanistan: Interviews with the internationalist soldiers of the Afghan war of 1979–1989. Book 4. Kyrgyzstan. Edited by Elmira Nogoibayeva and Eleri Bitikchi. The methodology of Marlene Laruel, Botagoz Rakisheva, Gulden Ashkenova was used. Bishkek, 2021, 252 p.)
The book «Memory from the flame of Afghanistan: Interviews with the internationalist soldiers of the Afghan war of 1979–1989. Book 4. Kyrgyzstan» is being reviewed as part of an international scientific project to study the historical memory of Soviet soldiers – participants of the Afghan campaign. Presenting to the historian and the reader a complex of 21 in-depth interviews with participants, the book is analyzed from the point of view of its scientific and socio-political potential in the context of preserving historical memory about this war.
Review of the monograph: V.E. Golovchiner, T.L. Vesnina. Comic features in plays by M. Bulgakov in the 1920-ies. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 2021, 140 p. ISBN 978-5-7511-2628-5
The present review is devoted to monograph by Valentina E. Golovchiner and Tatiana L. Vesnina «Comic features in plays by M. Bulgakov in the 1920s», which examines the dramatic language of Bulgakov’s plays through the prism of the artistic and journalistic genre of feuilleton. The author comes to the conclusion that the published monograph is a major study of the actual problem of constructing an artistic language and contains significant theoretical and practical results that can be used in the scientific and educational activities of teachers, teachers, students, graduate students and doctoral students.