
Optimization of operation mode and design parameters of a finely-dispersed metallic liquid-alloy generator
Egorychev V.S., Ryazanov A.I., Khaimovich A.I.
Problems of testing and operation of hydraulic power transfer units
Polyakov N.A., Frolov G.K., Tselischev V.A., Tselischev D.V.
Computer-aided system of virtual gas turbine engine testing
Tkachenko A.Y., Rybakov V.N., Krupenich I.N., Ostapuk Y.A., Filinov E.P.
Mathematical model of small-thrust rocket engine with gaseous oxygen and hydrogen in pulse operation
1 1.
Method of coordinating joint operation of air starter and auxiliary power unit and determining the gas turbine engine starting time
Popov G.M., Baturin O.V., Novikova Y.D., Zubanov V.M., Volkov A.A., Korneeva A.I.
Investigation of 11D428А-22 thruster operation dynamics with bellows flow stabilizer
Beshenev Y.A., Volkov A.V., Kazankin F.A.
Improvements in methods of analysis and control of space-rocket equipment reliability at the stage of complex electrical testing
Belova V.V.
Сalculated analysis of the influence of operation and design factors on the parameters of oxygen-hydrogen low-thrust rocket engines
Ryzhkov V.V., Morozov I.I.
Simulation of operaiting cycle by Petry nets
Zelenskiy V.A., Konnov V.P., Schodro A.I.
Limit values of the Brayton cycle with the use of reduced fuel characteristics
Mikheenkov E.L., Nekrasova S.O.
The determination of the thermoacoustic generator aspect from electrodynamic unit features by the parametric-studies
Vorotnikov G.V., Kruchkov A.N., Zynovyev E.A.
Internal controls board computer system running real time operation system as an iterative aggregate
Dolbnya N.A.
Methodology of optimization of parameter of matching the combustion chamber and turbine joint operation
Grigoriev A.V., Golubchikov P.P., Ilushin M.Y., Rudakov O.A., Solovieva A.V.
Research of technological heredity influence on setting of procedure of measurements on coordinate-measurement machine in case of out-of-flatness detecting for aircraft engineering parts
Cheveleva A.O., Bolotov M.A.
Theory of gas turbine engine optimal gas generator
Grigoriev A.V., Kosmatov A.A., Rudakov О.A., Solovieva A.V.
Problem of multistage compressor optimization while designing perspective gas turbine engines
Shabliy L.S.
Procedure of accomodation of earth remote sansing satellite external devices with regard for the satellite target operation
Akhmetov R.N., Shilov L.B., Kurenkov V.I., Yakischik A.A.
Computer simulation of forming operations of the magnetic-pulse processing of metals
Grechnikov F.V., Chernikov D.G.
Optimization of the design of a railway searchlight in the ANSYS software environment
Abulkhanov S.R.
Parametric analysis of thermoacoustic travelling-wave engine operation with external heat application
Dovgyallo A.I., Zynovyev Y.A., Vorotnikov G.V.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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