
Influence of surface roughness on the heat transfer coefficient of fluids in an additively manufactured supercharger
Smekalkin A.S., Ivanov A.V.
Control metods of hardening process in the time of SPD
Volkov A.N., Sazonov M.B., Mashinnov K.Y.
Influence of the strengthening-finishing treatment on structure-energy state of surface layer and fatigue resistance
Sazonov M.B., Volkov A.N., Schigrinyev I.A.
Influence of the stressed state of the surface layer on the endurance of gas turbine engine compressor blades
Sazonov M.B., Solovatskaya L.V.
Increase treatment high strength steels 30HGSN2FA based on a minimum of energy consumption
Trusov V.N., Zakonov O.I., Shikin V.V.
Assessment of gas turbine engine airfoil surface microstructure
Nosov N.V., Abramov A.D., Kosulin S.I.
Research of influence of methods SPD on stpucture surface layer and resistance of fatigue
Volkov A.N., Sazonov M.B., Schigrinyev I.A.
Mathematical model of surface layer formation during hydroabrasive jet machining
Meshcheryakov A.V., Shulepov A.P.
Investigation of processing performance on finish turning of high strength steel 30HGSN2A
1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Estimation of tension of the surface layer of parts after hardening by different methods of surface plastic deformation
Sazonov M.B., Solovatskaya L.V.
Research of roughness of surface rollers with modified contact on the basis of analysis of thear autocorrelation functions
Nosov N.V., Abramov A.D., Haustov V.I.
Experimental research of the surface layer quality and cutting forces in flat grinding of the BT6 titanium alloy
Fedorov D.G., Skuratov D.L.
Mathematical modeling of the evolution of a tribosystem in the process of formation of equilibrium roughness of a frictional contact
Kolesnikov I.V., Koropets P.A., Manturov D.S., Shakhmatov Y.V.
Research of the influence of the diamond burnishing process parameters on the surface roughness of a steel 15CR12NI2MOVWANB-S workpiece when using an indenter made of natural diamond
Shvetsov A.N., Skuratov D.L.
Milling and microballs strengthening conditions influence on high-temperature alloies and steels part’s coating surface quality experimental investigation
Zhidyaev A.N., Mesheryakov A.V., Pronichev N.D., Shulepov A.P.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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