Assessment of gas turbine engine airfoil surface microstructure

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We propose a new approach to the assessment of surface roughness of gas turbine engine airfoil after polishing. The micro-geometry of the blade surfaces was investigated with the use of an electrooptical system on the basis of computing the average amplitude of the variable component of the autocorrelation function obtained as a result of computer processing of the surface video images. The use of the electrooptical method of assessing the surface micro-geometry of compressor blades and turbine blades makes it possible to construct the fields of surface roughness and stress concentration factor, as well as to analyze the technology of finishing treatment in more depth.

About the authors

N. V. Nosov

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor
Head of the Technology of Machine Building Department

Russian Federation

A. D. Abramov

Samara State Technical University


Candidate of Science (Engineering)
Associate Professor of the Electronic Systems and Information Security Department

Russian Federation

S. I. Kosulin

Samara State Technical University


Postgraduate student

Russian Federation


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