
Thin coating for printed circuit boards in industrial production technology of modern equipment
Erendeev J.P.
Determining the interrelation between detonation characteristics indicators and electrodynamic parameters of hydrocarbon fuels on the basis of statistical modelling of componental structure
1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Synthesis of dynamic modes of attitude motion of spacecraft with solid propellant rocket engine
Balakin V.L., Doroshin A.V., Krikunov M.M.
Forecasting of the properties of structural materials and the choice of optimal technologies of their production
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
The limits ofdistributionin aflamealuminum-air mixture
Tizilov A.S., Egorov A.G.
Proactive maintenance of hydrosystems on the basis of the analysis of parameters of particles of contamination of hydraulic fluid
Kovalev M.A.
Design of integrated protective coatings for single-crystal turbine blades modern cooled GTE
Lesnikov V.P., Kuznetsov V.P., Konakova I.P., Moroz E.V.
70th anniversary of professor Iosif Norairovich Sisakian
Kazanskiy N.L.
Determination of large-size liner impedance based on numerical simulation of sound propagation in a duct with specified azimuthal modal structure
Korin I.A., Palchikovskiy V.V., Pavlogradskiy V.V.
Evolution of structure and mechanical properties in the single-crystal alloys alloyed by Re аnd Ru, after high-temperature excerpts
Kuznetsov V.P., Lesnikov V.P., Konakova I.P., Popov N.A.
Experimental research of wall boundary flow formation in the combustion chamber of a small gas generator with self-igniting fuel components
Shustov S.A.
New technologies of manufacturing non-rigid parts made of titanium alloys and stainless steels
Kiselev E.S., Blagovskiy O.V.
Quasi one-dimensional model and calculation of processes in gas turbineengine combustion chambers given the heterogeneity of the combustible mixture, changes in mass, composition, temperature and stirring efficiency of the working body
Didenko A.A., Sokolov A.B.
Technologies of reducing the technological environmental impact of space rocket launches
Shatrov J.T., Baranov D.A., Trushlyakov V.I., Kudentsov V.Y., Sitnikov D.V., Lempert D.B.
Device for fitting thick-film resistors
Piganov M.N., Shopin G.P., Stolbikov A.V., Erendeev Y.P.
Research of aperture characteristics of small length optical fibers
Paranin V.D., Dashkov M.V.
Algorithm of adaptation of an electronic control system of internal combustion engines to various chemical compositions of gas fuel
Shishkov V.A.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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