
Role of Renée of France in the diplomatic game of the XVI century

Stefanenko V.S.


The article explores women’s political activity in Europe of the XVI century. The vivid example of that were Renée of France’s actions during her staying in Ferrara (1528–1559). After her parent’s death, Louis XII and Anne of Brittany, the princess was an important element of the Valois dynastic policy for a long time. She was a potential bride in the rapidly changing combinations of the period of the Italian Wars. Being married to the Duke of Ferrara, Renée was the daughter of France, first of all, and became a guide of the French kings’ political aspirations in Italy. The Duchess also assumed the patroness role for French emigrants-supporters of Protestantism, which created a unique precedent in the dispute over jurisdiction in matters of faith between her husband Ercole d`Este and Pope of Rome. The example of Renée of France contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between diplomacy and marriage in the royal houses of Europe. The role of a high-ranking lady in conducting diplomatic practices is revealed as a mediator in the politics of France and Ferrara. Thus, the analysis of local religious and political activity of Renée of France allows correlating the realities of princess’s «political body» with her actions as a direct actor of European politics.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):8-16
pages 8-16 views

History of demographic development of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang (1970–2020)

Makeeva S.B.


The article presents the history of the demographic development of one of the Chinese northeastern provinces. Various processes of socio-political, trade, economic, foreign policy and spatial-regional transformations of the PRC in the second half of the XX century influenced the demographic processes of the Chinese border province of Heilongjiang. The purpose of the article is to consider the historical features, factors and reasons for the depopulation of the population of the Heilongjiang province bordering Russia. As a result of studying the natural-climatic, institutional-political and modernization-industrial factors of the historical evolution of Heilongjiang Province, it has been established that the current decline and aging of the population, the decline in the birth rate, the migration of labor resources from the province to other regions of China is a consequence of the reduction of state-owned enterprises, the implementation of a strategy of regional uneven development in 1978–1999, low investment attractiveness, long-term innovation and technological adaptation of Heilongjiang Province to the rapid pace of China’s economic development. In the early 1990-ies, when the Soviet Union collapsed and the economy of a neighboring state was in difficult conditions, proximity to Russia did not bring economic growth to Heilongjiang. On the contrary, it was the heavy industry that provided the leading positions for Northeast China in the middle of the XX century that became an obstacle to the economic development of Heilongjiang. In the 1990-ies the reform of state-owned enterprises led to the dismissal of workers who, having lost their jobs, left Heilongjiang province. The decline in the growth rate of the old industrial base in the Northeast of the PRC has had an impact on the fact that Heilongjiang Province has gradually turned from the territory of the main influx of population (1950–1960-ies) into the territory of the largest outflow of population (2010-ies to the present).

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Cabinet of Anna Ioannovna as a typical institution of absolutism

Krivova D.A.


The article is an attempt to consider the analogues of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730–1740) among the higher bodies of state administration in the XVI–XVIII centuries. The relevance of this issue is due to the fact that historians, when searching for analogues of the Cabinet, rarely go beyond the limits of the Russian state. On the basis of the analysis of higher state institutions of some European countries in XVI–XVIII centuries the author determined that such institutions – secret councils – had characteristic features. It is revealed that such state institutions were characterized by a narrow composition, uncertainty of competence, beginnings of specialization in the sphere of management. The article suggests that the emergence of secret councils reflected the growth of absolute power of the monarch. It is analyzed that the origins of such institutions are in the early Middle Ages, when the monarch had deliberative councils, the high role in which was played by the aristocracy. In the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, these institutions were transformed – the aristocracy was gradually replaced by specially trained officials under the control of the monarch. On the basis of the involved materials it is investigated that in different states the situation developed in a heterogeneous way. The author suggests that, unlike the Supreme Privy Council, usually referred to by historians as the prototype of the Cabinet, the supreme body of power under Anna Ioannovna did not seek to fully replace the monarch, but was a convenient tool in his hands. The author concludes that on a number of features the Cabinet of Anna Ioannovna can be defined as a typical institution within the classical absolutist model of the state.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Description of geographical conditions and cities of Penza province in the memoirs of prisoners of war of Napoleon’s army in the context of reflection of regional identity

Belousov S.V.


The article is devoted to the description of geographical and climatic conditions, features of urban and rural infrastructure of the Penza Region in the memoirs of prisoners of war of the Great Army in the context of the formation of regional identity. The main sources when considering the problem were the memoirs of Yu. von Soden, H.-L. Yelin, F. von Furtenbach, F. Baggi, F. Pisani, K.H.L. Schenck von Winterstedt, K.A.V. von Wedel, A. von Leisser, S.B. Peszke, Bűttner, L. Fleck. Currently, mutual representations of European peoples in the era of the Napoleonic Wars are increasingly the subject of close historiographical interest. The formation of the image of the «other» in various social, cultural and ethnic communities makes it possible to understand the formation of one’s own identity. One of the factors in the formation of regional identity is the identification of oneself with a certain territory. In this regard, the description by the prisoners of war of Napoleon’s army of the landscape and climatic features of the region, its urban infrastructure is very important, as it makes it possible to imagine the emergence and development of cultural, national, religious, socio-economic and political features of the organization of society.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Dynamics of the number and localization of co-religionist parishes of the Samara province in the pre-revolutionary period

Soloviev P.K.


The article examines the demographic aspect of the formation and development of the same faith in the Samara province of the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The main attention is paid to the analysis of changes in the number of the co-religionist population. Demographic data combined with information about the geographical localization of parishes make it possible to determine the extent of the spread of the same faith in the region. The dynamics of the numerical and share ratio of co-religionists in relation to the total number of Old Believers of the Samara province is presented in the study as one of the key criteria for the effectiveness of the Orthodox mission in countering local schism. Statistical data on the number of co-religionists are given in the article both separately by parishes and by the province as a whole. Counting the parishioners of the co-religionist communities allowed us to establish that the co-religionists, being in the middle of the XIX century an insignificant religious group within the Russian Orthodox Church, by 1917 in terms of the number of its adherents, it became one of the largest Old Believer «concordances» of the province. In the preparation the method of analysis of historical documents, historical-system, historical-comparative and statistical methods were used. The source base of the study was based on data from the clerical lists of co-religionist parishes stored in the funds of the Central State Archive of the Samara region, as well as materials from reports of diocesan missionaries and official church publications.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):39-48
pages 39-48 views

Research paradigms in the study of the children’s movement in Soviet Russia and the problem of «children’s texts»

Titova O.A.


The article analyzes modern approaches to the study of the children’s movement on the basis of historiographical sources, and the problem of interpretation of «children’s texts» in modern research, including at the regional level, is considered on the basis of archival sources. The scientific focus is historical anthropology. The leading principles are historicism and objectivity. In connection with the problems of research, it became necessary to turn to a micro-historical approach, political and legal, as well as systemic approaches. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the new formulation of the problem in the study of the children’s movement, as well as by the fact that at the provincial level within the borders of the Samara Region, no one addressed the topic of the «children’s movement» of the first years of Soviet power at the new historiographical stage. The aim of the study is to study modern approaches in the study of the children’s movement in the first years of Soviet power, as well as the consideration of «children’s texts» at the provincial level. In the course of the study , the following results were obtained: 1) modern researchers strive to rid Soviet childhood of mythologization and analyze the methods, ways and means used by the Soviet government to implant new «Soviet» values in children’s consciousness; 2) in separate studies, the system of educating a «new person» through children’s fiction and educational literature, periodicals, as well as cinematography is considered; 3) the authors turn to the analysis of the process of generating an artistic image based on real historical events; 4) the basis of most studies are directive and administrative and accounting documents, and «children’s» sources occupy a much smaller place. The conclusion, according to the results, is as follows: «children’s texts» allow us to expand the boundaries of the historical vision of the problem of acquiring Sovietism. The involvement of sources of personal origin helps to resolve the issue of identifying the archetype of children in conditions of extreme dependence and pressure on them from the state.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):49-57
pages 49-57 views

The Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 on the pages of textbooks of basic secondary education

Artyukov A.P., Amelin A.E.


The article deals with the problem of studying the Soviet-Japanese War in the system of basic general education, through a comprehensive analysis of information material in school textbooks from 1952 to the present. The relevance of this topic is explained by certain specifics of Russian-Japanese relations, which can be described as restrained, due to a number of territorial, economic and political contradictions. Almost every year, Japan raises the issue of the territorial affiliation of some islands of the Kuril ridge, putting forward claims and calls for a revision of decisions taken following the Second World War. But Japanese diplomacy faces a firm position of the Russian Federation on this issue. Such diplomatic battles have been going on since the middle of the last century to this day and are the reason that a peace treaty between the countries has not been concluded yet. In modern conditions of aggravation of international relations, the topic of the Soviet-Japanese war of 1945 and the results of the Second World War in the education system are becoming one of the key topics. In the study of educational materials of textbooks on the topic of the Soviet-Japanese war, the main attention was paid to the volume of historical material presented to students for study, illustrative material, the content part, that is, how much the topic is disclosed as fully and in detail as possible, as well as schematic maps. Thus, the analysis of the content of the text material in textbooks revealed the wave-like dynamics of the information volume, from the quantitative and qualitative growth of historical information, especially in the early 1980s, to its sharp reduction in the materials of modern textbooks.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):58-66
pages 58-66 views


Formation of professional self-attitude among students – sports teachers

Burkhanovа I.Y., Bystritskaya E.V.


The article deals with the problem of formation of professional self-attitude among student-athletes in the process of professional training. The essence of the concept of «self-relationship» is presented, its structural components of the professional self-relationship of a sports teacher are revealed. Functions and principles of formation of professional self-attitude at the stage of semantic transition from the status of an athlete to a coach are determined. Selected educational technologies that contribute to the development of professional self-attitude of a sports teacher. The specificity of the activity of future sports teachers is noted, which implies awareness of oneself as a visitor to a certain culture. Two subsystems of self-attitude are presented in comparison according to its aspects. It is proved that professionally oriented thinking is associated with self-attitude and allows you to show individuality to achieve positive sports results.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Development of stability of volitional regulation among cadets of military universities of the Russian national guard

Filipchenko S.N., Melnichuk P.V., Syromyatnikov O.V.


Тhe presented article discusses ways to develop volitional regulation among cadets of the military institutions of the Russian national guard, substantiates the relevance of the problem under consideration. Based on the analysis of scientific research, the definitions of the terms «volitional regulation», «volitional effort» and «volitional qualities» are given, the main conditions for the use of the academic discipline «Physical training», its means, among which the main ones are physical exercises and available forms to solve the problem of development stability of volitional regulation of cadets. Based on the understanding of volitional qualities as an integral part of volitional regulation, the main provisions of pedagogical models for their development are presented, as well as directions for achieving the goals of such experiments: determining the specifics of the development of arbitrary actions of cadets in the course of training and military professional activity; the study of the criteria of mental fatigue (satiety) in the process of performing actions with their repeated repetition and the dynamics of the manifestation of volitional efforts during their implementation.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Heuristic component in the translator’s professional competences structure

Kryukov A.N.


Тhe article deals with the problem of professional training of translators in the new realities. At the heart of the theoretical basis for creating an adequate translation methodology, a model of translation is proposed as a process of permanent promotion of semantic hypotheses with their simultaneous verification. As a working model for verifying the semantic hypothesis, a four-step heuristic “algorithm” is proposed: the semantic hypothesis is rechecked for its logical and factual consistency with other statements; the initial semantic hypothesis is tested for its compliance with common sense; the initial semantic hypothesis is checked for its compliance with the scientific picture of the world; the semantic hypothesis is checked for compliance with the real sign product.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Development of E-learning technologies in blended learning

Akchurina M.T.


This article provides an overview of e-learning technologies, highlights the effectiveness of blended learning compared to traditional teaching methods. The results of studies that confirm the effectiveness of blended learning compared to traditional methods are presented, as well as new E-learning technologies that can significantly improve learning outcomes, the didactic functions of digital educational resources are noted. The materials of the article will be useful to students who are interested in new technologies in education. The article notes the importance of innovative approaches to the organization of modern education.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):83-86
pages 83-86 views

Language-and-culture personal features of students in multicultural environment of Russian universities

Varlamova E.Y.


The purposes of educational activities at Russian universities include development of the students’ national self-identity and influence on their personal civic citizenship. Being involved in the educational activities at a Russian university, a person is under the influence of multicultural environment. The language-and-culture personalities can be represented with both the qualities, which are typical for bearers of the host national culture, and the features that are typical for bearers of foreign cultures. The mentioned facts have led to the scientific theme with the following problem: what are the features which a person as a bearer of their host national culture possesses, and what are the directions of the foreign-language teaching of students in the multicultural environment, created for development of the personal national self-identity? The following groups of research methods have been applied: theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, systematization) and empirical ones (questionnaire, generalization of experience). Based on the analysis of theoretical studies we have determined the features of multicultural educational environment, influencing the language-and-culture personalities at a university, the students’ civic citizenship and the qualities, which are typical for a bearer of the host national culture. Taking into account the results of scientific researches, devoted to the classifications and descriptions of cultures (including the Russian culture), we have conducted a survey with a questionnaire, in which the students of Moscow universities participated. The summarized results of the survey have confirmed that the students possess features, which are both typical of the bearers of the host native national culture and also ones that describe bearers of other (or foreign) cultures. The analysis of empirical data has made it possible to define the directions of educational activities, applied in professional up-bringing, realizing the content of foreign-language teaching, developing the technological issues (tactics and strategies of professional behavior)

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):87-92
pages 87-92 views

Development of critical thinking skills of students of non-linguistic specialties

Zhurbenko N.L., Sheypak O.A., Sudilina E.V.


Critical thinking skills are as mandatory for a modern young competitive specialist, a graduate of a non-linguistic university, as the ability to conduct professional activities in a foreign language and computer literacy. The lack of critical thinking skills development methods determines the relevance of the research related to the development of methodological support of the critical thinking skills development in the framework of professionally oriented foreign-language education/ESP teaching in non-linguistic universities. Critical thinking is a special kind of cognitive activity that is closely related to the use of practical reasoning and intelligence. This is the possession of a system of assumptions that is used to analyze phenomena, information and events, and allows you to make grounded assessments and interpretations, to use extrapolation, to draw conclusions, and to correctly apply the obtained results to various situations and solve specific problems. The authors propose to consider critical thinking as a set of skills such as making assumptions, analyzing arguments, drawing inferences, deduction, interpreting information and making hypotheses. We assume that the development of each skill separately should lead to the formation of a complex skill of critical thinking. The formation of the development of the above-mentioned skills can be integrated into the foreign languages teaching in the process of training technical specialists, as part of the formation of foreign language communicative competence. After testing, which revealed the level of formation of various skills that make up the complex skill of critical thinking, the authors developed a set of exercises aimed at the formation and development of critical thinking skills. The approbation showed students’ interest in new types of exercises in foreign language classes. The results of this work can be used in the framework of teaching foreign languages (ESP) in non-linguistic universities.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):93-98
pages 93-98 views


A new format of the rhetoric of university lecturing

Decheva S.V., Aristova D.D.


This article is meant to highlight the latest changes in the phonostylistic format of the genre of university lecturing. The focus is on the rhetorically diverse nature of intellective communication in the present-day multicultural English-speaking community. Our material shows that the manifestations of the innovative tendencies in American public speaking (and scientific discourse at large) are not numerous in British academic English. Not infrequently they are ousted by the linguocultural stereotypes, as well as aesthetic and ethical principles of scientific communication established in their own linguistic community. It is only in the opening and the closing part of the lecture, as well as in all kind of illustrative or explanatory digressions in its Main Body, that the American influence can be more or less clearly observed. More often than not, typically British English manner of exposition, such as understatement or hedging, comes to the fore and plays the major part in the transfer to the new, friendly and unbuttoned mode of the genre of lecturing. There are all kind of prosodic transformations in the main part of the lecture, which enable the speaker to accommodate and satisfy the tastes and demands of the new generation of university audience. This, however, is by no means to the detriment of the scientific message or information, which any lecture by definition, as it were, is designed to impart. It transpires that the well-established requirements of the prosodic and rhetorical minimums, which Russian anglicists have so far adhered to, should also be replenished, reorganized and renovated with respect to the new requisites for scientific communication in the English-speaking world. The methodology of the learner-oriented English language acquisition, however, should remain undisturbed, and the traditional stereotypes of the genre of lecturing should be reckoned with to fit the ethics of academic discourse in this country.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):99-106
pages 99-106 views

From typology of communication to typology of communicators: communicative behaviour and communicative identity

T.B. Nazarova T.B.


The present article revisits and revises one of the traditional classifications of communicators which centres on the four generally acknowledged types – the mobile, the dominant, the rigid, and the introvert communicator(s). The methodology elaborated and adhered to in the article goes beyond these clear-cut distinctions and accounts for the need to add ten new types of communicators to the traditional four types. This allows to arrive at a more comprehensive view of both the process of communication and the range of individuals participating in varying and varied communicative events across national, organizational, and corporate cultures. The complex approach prioritized in this study is based on the integration of several methods (observation, comparison, confrontation, conceptualization, categorization) as ways of ordering activity and is effected through sets of techniques that encourage the researcher to subject the new correlations to ongoing testing as they are presented at lectures, identified and observed in real communicative settings, discussed at practical seminars and gradually organized and, if need be, reorganized for better functional use in the teaching of the essentials of communication at university level across departments and specializations.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):107-115
pages 107-115 views

Some problems of investigating metaphoric domains in the linguistic cultures of different nations

Chekulai I.V., Prokhorova O.N.


The article deals with the problem of widening the scope and nomenclature, as well as methods of investigation, as connected with the phenomenon of the language metaphor. It is pointed out that the theory of conceptual metaphor which was postulated within the cognitive linguistics surely creates a general framework for the description of the metaphorical process as a whole. But if one takes some special aspects of the metaphor as a hybrid of cognitive and linguistic processes it seems insufficient to point out only the models based on substantivized notions, as ARGUMENT IS WAR. We suppose that the metaphorical architectonics is based not only on the mentioned substantive-like models, but on the predicative knots, such as formed by such parts of speech as adjectives or verbs, as well. Within this paper, in particular, the complex linguistic activity analysis of the paradigm of metaphorical models with the kernel English verb bring and its equivalents using the joined methods of grammar-morphological, syntactical, semantico-syntactical, stylistical, linguo-pragmatical and other projections of the language and speech investigations, necessarily preserving the cognitive semantic basis of the research. The possibility of simultaneous appearance of metaphor and metonymy finds its reflection in the paper, this fact giving possibility to view them not only as independent but the intercrossing one another phenomena. The necessity of similar studies of the metaphorization process according to the vector of searching for their universal properties is marked in the paper.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):116-126
pages 116-126 views

Causes and pragmatic effects of business communication integration with other types of discourse

Gabets А.А.


The article studies the interaction of business communication genre with other types of institutional discourse. Fragments of professional communication in mixed discourses where it is impossible to clarify the dominant genre by its parameters or its lexical and grammatical cliches selected from websites of various international and governmental organizations are the research material. Methods of descriptive, discourse and contextual analysis are implemented. The author identifies the reasons for the appearance of mixed genres in 2018–2023, these are traditional connection of economics and politics, COVID-19 and vital issues of environment and sustainable development on the international agenda. Depending on the revealed reasons the types of discourse which integrate in business communication most often are defined, these are political, ecological, medical and educational. Mixed forms of discourse are studied from the perspective of linguistic pragmatics. The author proves that in the course of modern tendencies to business communication deregulation the potential of discourse created as a result of integration is bigger because the speaker can use most efficient means of every included genre both from its core and its periphery. Pragmalinguistic effect of mixed discourses is formed either by common discourse markers that can give the necessary information at the same time serving as expressive means or by speech units and cliches that arrange discourse interaction.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):127-133
pages 127-133 views

Intensive training of specialists in the technical direction of professional English-language terminology within the framework of innovative development of economic sector

Terpak M.A., Sarycheva S.A.


This research project considers a specific way of studying English vocabulary. The authors believe that the use of a specialized dictionary developed by them will help to quickly and efficiently master foreign language material, which, in turn, will provide more effective training in professional English for future specialists in the technical industry.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):134-142
pages 134-142 views

On the problem of compiling a professional English-language minimum dictionary

Anisimova A.G., Eismont N.V.


The purpose of the study: to work out a professional lexical minimum for students of the 1st and 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The dictionary should meet all the criteria defined in the English language program and perform the following functions: differentiating, teaching, systematizing and normative. Procedure and methods. The review of educational literature for students of the Faculty of Chemistry conducted by the authors from the point of view of teaching a foreign language for special purposes confirms the fact that neither academic vocabulary nor terminology is provided adequately. With the help of AntConc and AntWordProfiler concordance programs, a corpus of teaching aids used by teachers of the department was compiled and analyzed; the selected list of words was minimized according to the developed selection criteria. Results: a lexical minimum for students of Chemistry department was compiled on the basis of the texts from 14 most frequently used textbooks of the Department of English. The lexical minimum contains 1123 lexemes, covering academic vocabulary and chemical terminology in the main part, as well as 99 most common words of the English language. The practical significance of the study is determined by the developed methodology for compiling an educational mini thesaurus in chemistry. Taking into consideration that special attention is paid to the study of specialized vocabulary in the framework of teaching a foreign language for special purposes, the efforts of the teachers should be directed to the selection and ordering of lexical material, since it is communication skills that allow graduates to be competitive in the labor market.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):143-152
pages 143-152 views

Linguistic means of demythologization in the novel «The Children of the Dead» by Elfriede Jelinek

Kuchumova G.V., Barabanova N.V.


The article deals the typological tools used by the Austrian author Elfriede Jelinek to describe the mythologized reality. The research material is the novel «Children of the Dead» (1997), marked by the most daring language experiments. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of the language practice of Jelinek for deconstructing modern myths of public consciousness. Its destructive method is based on the theoretical constructions of R. Barth and J. Baudrillard. Jelinek translates the procedure of demystification of consumer consciousness undertaken by French philosophers into the linguistic plane of the postmodern deconstruction method. The language in the novel appears as a carrier of the traumatic memory of the Nazi past, which continues to exist in the hyperreality of the present. The deconstruction of mythological structures in the novel is carried out in bold language experiments, in the element of language games, in new unexpected contexts. The most frequent stylistic means of Jelinek are metabola, conceptual metaphors, grotesque, oxymoron, occasionalisms, realized metaphors, metalanguage play with text and other types of tropes. All this is aimed in the text of the novel at the super-task of demythologization. Jelinek replaces «emotional catharsis», as in the perception of high culture, with a more effective «critical catharsis», which allows the reader to take a sobering position in relation to demystified reality.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Comic techniques as the means of transmitting negative evaluation in the English-language online movie reviews

Galiullina O.R.


The article discusses the linguistic means of implementing comic in order to convey negative evaluativeness in the English-language online movie reviews. The various comic techniques are a rich linguistic arsenal for showing author’s criticism. The pragmatic motivation of satirical and ironic texts is the introduction of new, different from the existing information on the object of humor. By incorporating humorous elements into the online movie reviews, the author creates a communicative situation characterized by a semi-serious tone. The purpose of this article is to consider in the film review linguistic means of transmitting the comic, bearing a negative modal-evaluative value. The empirical material for the description, classification and analysis in this study was the corpus of 45 film reviews of 2020–2022, taken from the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. The humorization of online movie reviews occurs due to a wide range of traditional comic techniques, the main ones of which include comic extended metaphor, irony, sarcasm, hyperbolization, oxymoron, pun. Among the situational stylistic techniques of comic, allusion, comparison, antithesis, colloquialisms, slang should be distinguished. The cases of internal deformation of phraseological units are noticeable, the transformation of the structure occurs due to the implementation of a lexico-semantic unit associated with the conceptual field «cinema», which leads to a comic rethinking of a fixed expression.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):160-171
pages 160-171 views

Verbal markers of the learners’ evaluation of the German language textbooks in the German educational discourse

Shukman V.E.


The article is devoted to the research of verbal markers of evaluation in the statements of foreigners studying German at the elementary level (A1) about the content of the German language textbooks in the German educational discourse. The problems of the research are connected with the low level of knowledge of the dynamic phenomenon of feedback and its verbalization in the form of evaluative statements of foreigners about the content of the German language textbooks offered to them in Germany in the field of learning German as a foreign language. The linguistic methods of the research were the discursive and lexical analysis of verbal markers of evaluation found in the evaluation statements of the foreign learners. The language material was collected at the Language Centre of the Würzburg University (Germany) during a targeted survey of foreigners studying German at the elementary level (A1). The topicality of the research is due to the prospects of studying the axiological phenomenon of feedback in the German educational discourse, the diversity of the potential for cognitive variation of the thematic content and lexical content of the German language textbooks. The results obtained with the help of discursive and lexical analysis of verbal markers of evaluation demonstrate the diversity and reactions of foreigners to the content of the German language textbooks Netzwerk A1.1 – A1.2 and certain accents in the assessments of the content, process and learning outcomes based on them. The obtained results and conclusions are debatable, since with a general positive assessment of authentic German language textbooks, verbal markers of evaluation with a negative connotation are presented in the statements of foreigners, indicating aspects, attitudes, dominant content (primarily thematic relevance) that require correction and optimization in the modern global German educational discourse. According to the model of this research, another research can be carried out from the standpoint of discursive linguistics to verify aspects of evaluating educational strategies and coding key concepts, also a comparative one.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):172-182
pages 172-182 views

Lexical-pragmatic potential of substantive phrases (based on the material of the titles of modern German-language novels)

Shtyrova V.E.


This article is devoted to the consideration of the titles of modern German-language novels after 1989, expressed by a substantive phrase, from the standpoint of structural analysis. The purpose of the study is to identify lexical-pragmatic potential of the most frequent models of titles. The phrase in the process of speech is not reproduced in its entirety, but is constructed by the speaker in the process of speech. This allows us to treat the phrase as a free lexical unit. The relationship between the components of a phrase is characterized by greater freedom than the relationship between the components of a compound word. This freedom is expressed in the possibility of replacing each full-valued word as part of a phrase with another word of the same class without losing the grammatical essence of the phrase. However, such grammatical unlimited compatibility is opposed to the limitations in lexical compatibility of words. In this regard, phrases differ from phraseologisms, which are characterized by lexical and grammatical idiomatic. The semantic integrity of the phrase is manifested in the semantic gravitation of the components towards each other. The presence in the phrase of the organizing core and its subordinate component confirms the thesis about the structural closure of the phrase. The relevance of this study is due to the special status of the phrase in the grammar of the German language and the rich pragmatic potential for creating successful communication between the author and the reader of novel literature. The results of the study revealed the characteristic features of the titles of the above type and identified a group of titles with greater intertextuality for further study.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):183-191
pages 183-191 views

Occasional words in the modern Russian language of the turn of the centuries: semantic and word-formation aspect

Godizova Z.I., Yannin S.


The subject of the study is occasional words formed at the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries. The purpose of the article is a various characteristics of occasional words in the Russian language of the turn of the centuries. Methods of continuous sampling, observation, description, word-formation, classification and functional-semantic analysis were used in the course of the study; quantitative methodology was applied to determine the ratio of grammatical categories of occasional words and the spheres of their functioning. Excerpts from subcorpuses of the National Corpus of the Russian Language provided the main language material. The analysis allowed to define styles where occasional words are most commonly encountered and to distinguish between fiction and journalistic occasional words. The result of the study identified the main problematic issues related to occasional words (their features, reasons of occurrence, a variety of methods’ classifications of occasional words formation, the differentiation of potential words and occasional words, differences between literary and newspaper occasional words, etc.). The main methods of formation of occasional words, their grammatical categories in quantitative ratio have been described based on the language material analysis; the main spheres of their functioning are identified; the types of dictionaries of occasional words are represented. The study found that active formation of occasional words in the modern Russian language, characterized by intensive expression, evaluativity, creativity in the process of speech tends to expressiveness. The thorough analysis of occasional words suggests future prospects of their existence in the modern Russian language.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):192-200
pages 192-200 views

Nouns of religion semantic on -nik in the Russian language of the XVIII century (exemplified by lexicographic works of civil press)

Feliksov S.S.


The article deals with the history of religious style formation in the Russian language. In the article carried out a comprehensive linguistic analysis of the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nik, recorded in the XVIII century Russian lexicographic works of civil press, which provide detailed representation of confessional vocabulary. The relevance of the study is due to the absence to date of special linguistic studies related to the study of the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nik, as well as functional significance of this class of words for the formation of religious style of the Russian language of the XVIII century. The work used methods of stylistic, morpheme-word-forming, grammatical, thematic, etymological and definition analysis, as well as the method of semantic field and statistical one. In the course of the study, the word-forming and semantic features of religious entities on the -nik were analyzed, their lexical and grammatical categories and thematic groups were described, within these groups neoplasms of the XVIII century were identified. It has been established that substance religionists are characterized by a system of complex word-forming relations, correlating with derogatory or verbal basic foundations, and for the most part are monosemantic specific names denoting male persons. It is shown that derivatives on the -nik having a verbal base as a basic base are mainly designated persons by action or professional functions performed, and derivatives with a basic base are called persons by rank, position or characteristic, and also indicate an object having a certain purpose. It is noted that the nouns of religious semantics in -nik firmly took their place in the lexical system of the religious style of the Russian language of the XVIII century, forming in it a special layer of a specific confessional vocabulary.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):201-212
pages 201-212 views

Linguo-cognitive models in mini-format texts in English educational discourse (based on «English Unlimited» textbook, Advanced)

Shevchenko V.D., Yakovleva E.V.


The article deals with cognitive models analysis of situations represented in mini-format texts from English educational discourse. The research is based on the texts from the coursebook «English Unlimited» Advanced. The method implied has been the cognitive modelling developed by the American linguist Dell Hymes. This includes the representation of communicative situation via meaningful constituents like Participants, Act and Sequence, Setting and Scene, Tone, Key, Instrumentalities and others. The aim of the research is to reveal the dominant components of linguo-cognitive models and their pragmatic and communicative functions. It has been revealed that the dominant components of the analyzed situations are Participants and, Key. The authors highlight these components with the help of the language means that aim at realizing emotive and affective function. It has also been revealed that the mini-format texts at the Advanced level contain more comprehensive implications, thus students must decode main themes and ideas not only with the means of the English language but also using their background knowledge and specific cognitive scenarios from their memory.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):213-221
pages 213-221 views

Writing genres at the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in English

Gulov A.P.


The article deals with evaluating a written competition at the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, in particular, the features of the criteria for checking such a genre as a story are considered. We analyze the evaluation parameters that are used by the jury experts, using the example of the written text. The card for setting the regional and final stages of the OSH 2022 is analyzed, and the specified points are correlated with the parameters. An analysis of the text on the parameters of the criterion for solving a speech communicative problem is given, some difficulties were identified when evaluating due to subjectivity.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(2):222-230
pages 222-230 views