Vol 29, No 1 (2023)

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Russian state educational policy: in what way does it contribute to the formation of the new social reality?

Busygin A.E.


Based on the documents used, the article provides evidence of the low quality of mass Soviet education in the last two decades of the existence of the Soviet Union and reveals the reasons for this phenomenon. The purpose of the proposed study is to, based on an analysis of the state of the Soviet (later Russian) educational system, starting from the 70-ies of the XX century, as well as a number of decisions of Russian state authorities, to identify both strengths and weaknesses of domestic education and to develop certain recommendations for its improvement. Thus, the process of formation of the educational policy of the new Russia is traced and ways are outlined for improving the educational system for its fuller contribution to the formation of a new social reality. An analysis of the current situation in the country suggests that by now the state educational policy has contributed to the formation of a new education system. But this established system, developing in the realities of the reality surrounding it, was forced to «repeat» the entire set of not only positive, but also negative characteristics of the environment that created it. The attempts made to erect barriers in the way of the latter, according to the calculations of their creators, allowing the educational system to protect itself from the bad influence of the environment, such as the introduction of the Unified State Examination as a protection against corruption, turned out to be incapacitated. All attempts to make this exam more perfect did not lead to the desired result. As a result, it turned out that traditional methods of testing the knowledge of graduates of domestic schools give the best effect. In our opinion, the conclusion can only be this: the isolated improvement of educational institutions cannot be successful without improving the environment in which they exist. And such a recovery is now necessary on the basis of the full implementation in practice of the principles of responsibility and trust: the responsibility of the authorities to society, the responsibility of a citizen to the law, the responsibility of members of society to each other. Then the principle of mutual trust will prevail. Only under these conditions an effective educational system can be formed that contributes to the formation of a new social reality.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):8-20
pages 8-20 views

Discussion about the article by Busygin A.E. «Russian state educational policy: in what degree it corresponds to the formation of new social reality?»

Kabytov P.S., Konev V.A., Solovyeva S.V., Kondrashin V.V., Danilov V.N., Lyubichankovsky S.V.


The article presents a discussion about the article by Doctor of Economics, professor Andrei Evgenievich Busygin on the problem of the evolution of higher education in Russia since Soviet times, organized by the editorial board of the journal. In connection with the possible turn of the Russian higher education system from the Bologna process to the more familiar Soviet system, it is important to think over and evaluate the possible risks, pros and cons with a historical digression into this problem. Now the topic of the development of the higher education system is relevant and in demand, it is especially acute for the younger generation and representatives of higher education

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):21-30
pages 21-30 views

Dynamics of the network of evacuation hospitals in the Penza region during the Great Patriotic War

Inozemtsev I.N.


Based on the analysis of regional archival material, the article examines in detail the dynamics of the deployment of evacuation hospitals in the Penza region in 1941-1945. The features of the development of the structure of their bed fund are considered, the main places of deployment and placement are determined. The analysis made it possible to identify the following chronological stages in the development of the regional base of rear evacuation hospitals: 1) June 22 – July 1941; 2) July 1941 – early 1942; 3) February – October 1942; 4) November 1942 – early 1944; 5) early 1944 – June-July 1945; 6) second half of 1945. It is concluded that the dynamics of the deployment of evacuation hospitals was determined, first of all, by a change in the operational-strategic situation and a change in the front line, and only then by the capabilities of regional health care. By comparing local data with data on the number of evacuation hospitals in other regions of the Volga region, an excessively high degree of mobilization load was placed on the healthcare system of the Penza region, which initially had insignificant sectoral resources. It was determined that the structure of the bed fund during the war years developed towards deepening its specialization, primarily due to an increase in the number of specialized surgical beds. The vast majority of evacuation hospitals were located in settlements located on the territory of the regions of the Penza region, which have the necessary social and railway infrastructure

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Role of Councils of Ministers of ASSR in the «nationwide discussion» of the Draft Constitution of the USSR of 1977 (on the materials of the Mari, Mordovian and Chuvash Republics)

Uchvatov P.S.


The article raises certain aspects of organizing the «nationwide discussion» of the Draft Soviet Constitution of «Developed Socialism» of 1977 at the regional level. Using as example of the Councils of Ministers of three autonomous republics of the Volga region – the Mari, Mordovian and Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics, the actions of the regional governments to implement the directives of higher authorities and take into register critical applications, appeals and complaints of Soviet citizens. For this purpose, unpublished documents from the State Archive of the Republic of Mari El, the State Historical Archive of the Chuvash Republic, and the Central State Archive of the Republic of Mordovia were used as the main source of scientific work. These included resolutions of the Councils of Ministers of the Autonomous Republics, certificates and reports of the organizational and instructor departments of the Councils of Ministers on consideration of citizens’ appeals, correspondence with authorities, etc. When processing these materials, the method of content analysis, historical-systemic, comparative-historical methods were used. Based on the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the formalized nature of the “nationwide discussion”, it carried not only a purely ideological function, but also solved a rather significant practical task of establishing a feedback between the authorities and society. The Councils of Ministers of the ASSR collected and analyzed information on citizens’ critical appeals received by subordinate agencies, and then took measures to solve many economic, domestic and social problems that worried the Soviet people

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):38-45
pages 38-45 views

Samara vice-governors of the second half of the XIX century: powers, socio-cultural characteristics

Tyurin V.A.


The article is devoted to the study of the place and role of the post of vice-governor in the system of provincial administration and the reconstruction of the socio-cultural portrait of Samara vice-governors of the second half of the XIX century. The relevance of the topic under study is determined by the special significance of the analysis of personnel composition of the provincial administrative apparatus as the most important component of the entire system of imperial statehood. Governors and vice-governors were the main conductors and executors of the imperial course and representatives of the power of the monarch, which was of great importance due to the vastness and heterogeneity of the imperial space. This article discusses the duties, functions and powers of vice-governors, the schemes for their appointment, the main activities. Based on the analysis of archival documents and published sources, the biographies and main stages of service career of eleven Samara vice-governors of the second half of the XIX century were studied: M.P. Zhdanov, G.S. Aksakov, A.I. Kotlyarevsky, S.P. Ushakov, A.A. Panchulidzev, V.D. Levshin, V.V. Lukoshkov, A.G. von-Brinkman, A.S. Bryanchaninov, A.P. Rogovich, K.A. Balyasnov. The study of biographical information made it possible to compile a social portrait of the vice-governors, which includes the following parameters: the average age of taking office as a lieutenant governor, the level of education, the rank upon taking office, the term of office, and further career continuation. When analyzing digital data, comparisons were made with similar works in all European provinces and the provinces of the Ural region. Thus, the conducted research showed that most of the Samara vice-governors were educated officials with the necessary experience in administrative activities and became worthy governors in other regions of the Russian Empire.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):46-52
pages 46-52 views

Samara society in the period of dual power

Evpalov V.V.


Based on archival documents, newspaper materials and economic statistics, the article analyzes the public mood of the inhabitants of the city of Samara in the period of 1991–1993. After 29 years since the dissolution of the Soviets of People’s Deputies, an opportunity has been provided for a comprehensive study of the topic of local self-government. Such studies will make it possible to find the main patterns of the country’s development, as well as expand the methodologies of history. Topic of the history of local self-government is impossible without the use of interdisciplinary methods. In the work, in addition to historical methods: historical-genetic, historical-comparative, descriptive, the semiotic method was used, as well as the method of content analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the new formulation of the problem in the study of local self-government and the non-traditional solution of emerging issues of the relationship of the power of society. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive and comprehensive study of the problem of relations between the representative bodies of state power and the Samara society during the dual power period of 1991–1993. Dual power in practice consisted in the presence of two equal bodies of the vertical of power: the vertical of the Soviets, headed by the Supreme Soviet, the Congress of People’s Deputies and R.I. Khasbulatov and the vertical of the institute of the presidency of the Russian Federation, which relied on the appointed heads of administrations. In the course of the study, some results were obtained: 1) a painful reaction in the public mood of the Samara society in 1991–1993 on economic reforms 2) the unsatisfactory state of the material and economic basis of the Samara region 3) the phenomenon of «letter to the authorities» of the daily life of Samara residents 4) the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of local self-government 5) ignoring or impossibility of direct interaction between the authorities and residents in 1991–1993. The conclusion, according to the results, is as follows: at the end of 1993, Russia failed to implement the system of local self-government, in which the inhabitants were disappointed, as well as the unwillingness to build a system of local authorities by the new Russian government.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):53-60
pages 53-60 views

Correspondence of Anatoly Fedorovich Koni with liberal lawyers as a source on the political sentiments of legalists in 1860–1910

Rybin D.V.


In the Russian Empire, subjects wrote letters to each other daily, in which they «poured out their souls», shared their emotions and feelings, were indignant, worried. Separate letters represented samples of Russian literature. One of the most prolific «writers» was Anatoly Fedorovich Koni. He wrote daily up to 10–15 letters. Much of this correspondence has been preserved. Thanks to the letters, we can reveal the psychological makeup of the famous lawyer, establish numerous personal connections in which he was involved and in which he played an important role. Koni was a politician, one of the leaders of the legalist (legal) movement in the late empire. We felt that identifying and analyzing these letters would allow us to better understand the motivations of the leaders of this movement. Accordingly, the subject of our study is the political worldview of the liberal lawyers of the Russian Empire based on the materials of Koni’s letters and letters to him. Considering the history of correspondence, we chose the chronological approach as the main method, trying to trace the evolution of the legalists’ views from moderate optimism to deep pessimism. This is the first time such a reconstruction has been carried out in relation to the legalist movement and contributes to our historical knowledge. A number of preliminary conclusions can be formulated. The letters are an important source on the history of the political sentiments of the empire’s liberal jurists. They not only reflected emotional reactions to the ongoing processes, but also proposed ideas for restructuring the state. Along with the criticism of the state, we fix the naive faith of the followers of B.N. Chicherin into the democratization of an authoritarian state, liberalization, into the Constitution, as a way to solve the main problems, into a God-bearing people, in which some creative forces are dormant. All these dreams are dispelled by the end of the XIX century, and only a deep spiritual decline remains, which means a crisis and collapse of the movement.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):61-66
pages 61-66 views


On the problem of special methods of teaching closely related languages (on the material of Croatian and Serbian languages)

Bagdasarov A.R., Bychenko A.A.


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching closely related languages based on the similarities and differences between the Croatian and Serbian literary languages. Some aspects of special methodology of teaching a foreign language are considered, in particular, the development of skills of lexical switching from one closely related language (or variant) to another. For the first time, an attempt was made to describe the methods of teaching the Croatian and Serbian languages through the prism of their distinctive features. The Appendix contains a typical plan for conducting one or two practical classes in the academic discipline «Practical Translation Course» (Croatian or Serbian).


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):116-124
pages 116-124 views

Functional stylistics and vertical context

Lipgart A.A., Vishnyakova O.D.


Compared to the philological disciplines of general systematic nature functional stylistics and the studies of vertical context are relatively young and underdeveloped: the definitions of the disciplines in question are there, but the details have either not been investigated or have not been universally agreed upon. The aim of the present paper is to reveal the relevant points concerning functional stylistics and the investigations of vertical context as such and to study these two phenomena in their interrelation. Our analysis has shown that in the more neutral varieties of different functional styles vertical context elements are used sparingly realizing the communicative function of language. The conceptually condensed specialized (academic and official) texts contain a greater amount of these elements fulfilling the intellective function and being directly relevant to developing the main idea of the text; taken together these elements form a consistent global thematic whole. In highly expressive journalistic texts the amount of vertical context elements is equally considerable, but their function is different: instead of developing the main idea they serve as mere intensifiers and their connection with each other is thematically loose and very general or simply non-existent, for they either develop the opposition of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ or refer to facts unrelated to each other, thus flaunting the author’s sophistication only; vertical context elements here fulfill the aesthetic function of language or strive to render specialized and emotional kinds of content simultaneously. In imaginative writing apart from allusions and quotations, which one may come across in any text, special attention should be given to symbolic texts where one is likely to find vertical context elements aplenty, they perform mainly the aesthetic function of language, and deciphering them proves to be a gratifying undertaking adding significantly to the adequate interpretation of the material under study.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):125-136
pages 125-136 views

Use of deformation in the translation of a literary text: the diachronic aspect and interpretation approaches (on the material of the novel «Jane Eyre» by Сh. Bronte)

Borodulina E.S.


The purpose of this article is to consider deformation as a translation strategy, to study the classifications of translation deformations and to represent the motives for their use and approaches to interpretation. The diachronic aspect of the study is to compare two versions of the translation made in different eras. When perceiving Russian-language translations of novels, there is a sense of fragmentation, which is explained by extralinguistic factors. The relevance of the study is due to the high socio-cultural significance of deformation when creating a translated text. The scientific novelty lies in considering the deformation as a linguoculturological strategy, expanding the classification of translation deformations and studying approaches to interpreting this linguistic phenomenon. The material for the study was the work of Charlotte Bronte «Jane Eyre» and its translations into Russian, made by I.I. Vvedensky, V.O. Stanevich and I.G. Gurova.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):137-144
pages 137-144 views

Multiplicative and iterative deverbatives as a means of taxis actualization (based on the German language)

Arkhipova I.V.


The semantics of multiplicity (iteration, multiplicativity) is studied in the sphere of verbal and nominal plurality. The relevance of this study is related to the consideration of deverbative nouns of multiplicative and iterative semantics as a means of updating taxic meanings. The material of the study was German phrases with deverbative-multiplicatives and deverbative-iteratives selected by the targeted search method from the electronic database of the Leipzig National Corpus. In the course of the study, inductive, deductive, descriptive, contextual and other methods were used. The article analyzes multiplicative and iterative deverbatives used with prepositions of different adverbial semantics. The purpose of the study is to describe the functions of multiplicative and iterative deverbatives that they implement in the process of taxis actualization of the values of simultaneity and diversity. The main objective of the study is to describe the semantic and taxis functionality of deverbatives with the semantics of genetic multiplicativity and genetic and word-formation iteration. As a result of the study, it was found that when used with prepositions of temporal semantics während, seit, vor, nach, etc. deverbative-multiplicatives and deverbative-iteratives actualize multiplicative-primary-taxis and iterative-primary-taxis meanings of simultaneity, precedence or succession. When combined with prepositions of other circumstantial semantics unter, durch, vor, wegen, aufgrund, dank, trotz, ungeachtet, infolge, zu, für, zwecks, etc., the considered German deverbatives take part in the actualization of various variants of multiplicative-secondary-taxis meanings of simultaneity, in particular, modal-taxis, instrumental-taxis, medial-taxis, causal-taxis, concession-taxis, etc. Multiplicative and iterative deverbatives perform the function of multiplicative-taxis and iterative-taxis participants.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):145-151
pages 145-151 views

Action of the law of analogy in occasional word formation (based on the lyrics by E.A. Evtushenko and A.A. Voznesensky)

Dmitrieva T.V.


The article views analogy as one of the basic laws of language development. The action of the law of analogy is studied on the material of the occasional word creation of the poets of the 60-ies of the XX century – E.A. Evtushenko and A.A. Voznesensky. The relevance of the study of occasionalisms is stipulated by insufficient knowledge of the interaction of regular and occasional word formation and the role of analogy in creating a poetic image. The main research method is the word-formation analysis of occasional units, which made it possible to analyze the derivational mechanism based on assimilation to ordinary regular models. Contextual analysis is applied, revealing the semantic side of the new lexeme. Component analysis was used to detect syntagmatic connections of occasional units. The author of the article notes the importance of the law of analogy not only in the choice of formants, but also in the procedure of the derivational process. The action of the law in the formation of occasional steps of word-formation nests is substantiated. The conditional entry of new units into the usual system and their ability to fill word-formation gaps are analyzed. In the course of the research, a lexical and word formation phenomenon of a different order was discovered – a word formation paradigm, reflecting the processes of one word formation stage. The productivity of some root morphemes is traced in connection with their frequency in usage and participation in the formation of value concepts. The results of the analysis of language units confirm the importance of the law of analogy in the creation of occasionalisms and the expression of the author’s assessment in general. In general, the results of the analysis of linguistic units confirm the high degree of significance of the law of analogy in the creation of occasionalisms and their use in poetic texts. The role of analogy as text formation means and a tool for constructing poetic imagery is emphasized. The conclusion is made about the systematic nature of the formation of lexical-derivational and semantic connections in the array of occasional vocabulary of E.A. Evtushenko and A.A. Voznesensky.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):152-158
pages 152-158 views

Precedent names as a way to semiotize culture in modern German fictional discourse

Blinova Y.A.


The article analyzes the functioning of precedent proper names through the lens of cognitive linguistics, using the novel Olga by Bernhardt Schlink as a source. The precedent names and titles are being analyzed as cultural code markers and means to verbalize the key concepts in German culture of the XX century, such as ÜBERMENSCH, LOST IDEALIST, WANDERLUST. Precedent names mark the cultural codes manifested through objects, music, art, space and time which eventually form a nation’s spiritual code. The main sources of German national cultural codes are demonstrated by precedent onomasticon which, in its turn, proves the steady domineering of book culture in the XX century. Precedent mythonyms and hagionyms demonstrate that the cultural layers of Classical antiquity and Christian culture are still preserved. Functional and semantic features of precedent onyms liken them to abstract names which enables them not only to verbalize spiritual cultural codes but to manifest symbolisation of specific linguistic culture.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):159-165
pages 159-165 views

Concept «circle» in the Slavic language picture of the world (based on the material of Russian and Polish)

Reznikova E.V.


The article is devoted to analyzing the concept «circle» in the Russian and the Polish language picture of the world. The main goal of the article is to identify the common and national-specific things in this part of the Slavic language picture of the world and to find the unity base. Using the logical-cognitive method, the means of verbalization of the concept «circle», the semantic field of the concept and its structure, manifestations of regularity in the formation of secondary meanings, including in metaphors, ways of conceptualizing realities were identified and compared in two languages. The analysis shows that the concept «circle» in the Slavic language picture of the world has an invariant semantic structure consisting of a number of particular image-schemes connected by the principle of family similarity: «configuration» («form»), «isolation», «center – periphery», «movement track». Each of the particular image-schemes accumulates a complex of meanings, which is the same in different Slavic languages. In spite of some differences in the means of embodying conceptual meanings, a deep unity of the means of verbalization has been found, caused by the unity of the way of understanding both the circle itself and many realities that are associated with the circle in various ways in both languages. The data of regular ambiguity (a similar formation of figurative values) confirm this thesis. Thus, the study shows the unity of this fragment in the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian and the Polish languages, based on common ideas about the circle and its properties in the culture of the two peoples.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):166-173
pages 166-173 views

Possibilities of metonymy in the designation of a person in colloquial speech

Deryugina D.A., Ilyukhina N.A.


The article analyzes functions of lexical metonymy in colloquial speech and explores actual aspects of this issue that are caused by the history of the study of this phenomenon in linguistic literature. The aim of this article is to research manifestations of metonymy mechanism in colloquial speech recordings. The article analyzes models of person nominating by communicative and cognitive approach in different fields of communication: everyday, professional, educational and others. Since a person is the main object of nomination in colloquial speech, various transfer models are used for its metonymic designation. The article analyzes model capacious – receptacle, models of subject-object relations (function (action) – the carrier of this function (figure); object of activity (action) – the figure; instrument of activity (action) – the figure) and model the sign of a person is the carrier of this sign. The article demonstrates wide possibilities of multidimensional person characteristics by metonymy, notes the ability of metonymy to accentuate a distinctive feature of a person that is most significant for speakers in this denotative and communicative situation. The article emphasizes the mass distribution of occasional lexical metonymy in various areas of the use of colloquial speech.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):174-180
pages 174-180 views

Context awareness in the electronic format of dialogue

Pervukhina S.V.


Modern dialogical speech is undergoing a major transformation due to the use of electronic communication format, which introduces its own changes in the context of communication. Dialogical speech is characterized by a high dependence on the context. In electronically mediated communication, the situation of communication is no longer the same for the communicators: they are in different places, experiencing different stimuli and communication interference, despite the fact that the communicators continue to maintain a dialogue and exchange replicas. Accordingly, the concept of context needs to be supplemented and reinterpreted in connection with the new conditions of its occurrence that is electronic space. The aim of the study is to find the qualitatively essential components for successful mediated communication, which depend on the context of the communication situation. One strategy for achieving successful communication is to remove possible barriers in communication. For this purpose, the detailing of the context of communication, its influence on the effectiveness of communication is carried out, and the concept of semiotic field of dialogue is developed. Under the semiotic field of dialogue we understand the information, which affects the communicants’ understanding of each other: the references, the presuppositions of the addressee, the presuppositions of the addressor. The material of the study was dialogic communication within the framework of organizational communication. The specific nature of the discourse of corporations and organizations creates its own unique context that is described in the article. The author has identified several groups of interference in the electronic format of dialogical speech, such as physical interference, informational interference, semantic interference and psychological interference.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):181-187
pages 181-187 views

Semantic and lexical specifics of the emotives, nominating sadness in English

Andreeva M.I., Gaynutdinova D.Z., Galiakhmetova A.T.


The article addresses a vital issue of nominations of human emotional state of sadness in English. As a part and parcel of daily life and communication, emotions are intrinsically connected to human linguistic behaviour. The research adheres to the anthropocentric paradigm that governs multiple research areas currently, thus making it relevant. Moreover, a combination of the methods used, namely, semantic, lexical, contextual, distributional analysis, combined with online tools and corpora, contributes to the research relevance. Given many triggers of the emotional state people face with on daily basis, the problem of nomination of emotions and finding reasons that lie behind them is a one of the ways to deal with it. The article aims at revealing the semantic and lexical peculiarities of the emotives, nominating sadness in English with reference to their contexts. 40 linguistic units, nominating sadness in English were collected from the dictionaries. About 1000 example sentences were elicited from corpora. The research was implemented in four stages. The structural classification reveled prevalence of verbal emotives with preposition of KV+prep+A type. Further, we focused on the combinatorial features of the emotives based on the British National Corpus texts and Google NGram viewer tool. The verbs ‘be’, ‘feel’, ‘get’ are more common to collocate with the emotives under study. The semantics of the emotives is extended by the introduction of the semes ‘increase’, ‘decrease’ and ‘absence’ of a wide range of sadness’ triggers. Google NGram newspaper texts tend to resort to the emotives for the nomination of economic and political bodies rather than individuals.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):188-196
pages 188-196 views

B. Shaw’s play «Pygmalion» in the perspective of interdiscursivity

Alexeyev A.B.


In the article, discourse of B. Shaw’s play ‘Pygmalion’ is studied from the standpoint of view of interdiscursivity theory with the use of methods of critical, linguopragmatic and sociolinguistic analyses. The author’s definition of the term ‘interdiscursivity’ is given. Within the analyzed book, a number of discourses are singled out. Among them are mundane linguistic, philosophical and pedagogical discourses. It is pointed out that in the light of their mundane, non-institutional character, these discursive spheres have not been studied in detail even though the scientific interest to mundane discourses is growing. These considerations determine the importance of the undertaken research. The main discourse of B. Shaw’s paly ‘Pygmalion’ is recognized to be mundane pedagogical one. However, the latter is determined by the hero of the play Higgins’s mundane philosophy who takes on the role of the teacher. His pupil is Eliza Doolittle, a poor flower girl, who speaks a dialect of the English language, viz. cockney. In the process of research, it is found out that if mundane pedagogical discourse is understood broadly, it can include the sayings of other characters of the book – Higgins’s friend Pickering, Higgins’s mother, etc. The most important linguopragmatic opposition of mundane pedagogical discourse is recognized to be ‘politeness – impoliteness’ which is expressed communicatively as the result of uneven distribution of power between the teacher and the pupil which in the course of everyday mundane interaction may be significantly reviewed, for example be reversed in the pupil’s favor. The lack of institutional limitations enriches the speech genre specificity of the studied discourse which is hybrid in its essence, i.e., located at the intersection of different discursive practices.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):197-204
pages 197-204 views


University professor in a situation of total uncertainty

Solovyova S.V.


The article is devoted to the understanding of transformation of the profession and mission of a university professor in a rapidly changing world. The crisis of the theory of human capital, the return on investment in higher education is increasingly challenged, which leads to the transformation of the university. The career trajectory of a professor has been formed for decades, requires large intellectual, social and labor investments, while the institute of higher education is in a state of constant reform. The university as an institution comes into conflict with the world of uncertainty. Instability runs counter to a long-term commitment to an academic career. The educational process is conservative in nature and is associated with the development of a complex socio-cultural environment. This requires the stability of institutions, and the context is exactly the opposite. Uncertainty is generated by a huge range of forms of agency, among which proprietary agents, such as artificial intelligence, will compete with the professor in the labor market. The article raises questions about the discrepancy between the university and the market of professions, the university and the competencies of graduates, the impact of entrepreneurship and digitalization on the profession, the refraction of the conflict between investment logic and the «logic of culture» in academic communities. Comparative analysis of statistical data and the situation in advanced countries and Russia shows that this process is universal. Consideration of the professor as a profession determines the possible ways of managing and leveling uncertainty. “Liquid” modernity makes the profession of a university professor out of proportion to the situation, at most, or radically transforms it, at least in professional, social, and ethical changes.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):67-76
pages 67-76 views

Safe pedagogical communication: ethical and speech aspect

Sysoeva E.Y.


The article analyses the orientation and priorities of pedagogical communication in the conditions of humanistic paradigm of education. One of the main characteristics of pedagogical communication is the non-violent nature of pedagogical interaction. Frustration in interpersonal relations, emotional distress, insufficient level of professional self-awareness and reflection lead to the use of violent forms of communication in the pedagogical process. Pedagogical violence is a misplaced emphasis on the attitude of authority of the teacher towards the pupil. Also, it is accompanied by various forms of hostility, aggression and runs counter to the ethics and safety of pedagogical communication. The article proves the necessity of improvement of communicative competence and emotional culture of the teacher as necessary means of ensuring humanitarian adequate pedagogical relations. In addition, it describes the parameters of safe pedagogical communication: the building of trusting and dialogue relations with the pupil, insensitive behavior, the use of non-violent communication technology, clear formulas of speech pedagogical etiquette, technique of constructive critical remark, reduction of emotional tension.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):77-82
pages 77-82 views

Factors of the efficiency of the life of students

Vinogradova G.A.


The development of modern society, the events taking place in it, determine the nature of changes in the rules of life. There is a social demand to search for internal resources that can improve the efficiency of life, including the most active part of it – students. Society needs active, successful young people and the educational process at the university can stimulate their development. Self-efficacy, social desirability and awareness are considered as factors of the effectiveness of life of young people. Self-efficacy, as a cognitive characteristic, can contribute to or, conversely, hinder the achievement of goals and the implementation of plans. Social desirability is determined by the degree of severity of the orientation of young people to the approval or censure of society. Awareness of yourself, your capabilities allows young people to build life plans and implement them. The results of the study prove a positive relationship of self-efficacy with social desirability and awareness, which can affect self-efficacy. The analysis of the results allowed us to give a typological characterization of students with different levels of life efficiency, which was successfully used by us during the implementation of the course «Psychology of personal and professional effectiveness». Taking into account psychological factors will allow you to regulate the process of student life during the educational process.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Universal competencies of an HR specialist

Ezhkov D.O., Solovova N.V.


The relevance of the study predetermines the formation of universal competencies of HR specialists, including inclusive qualifications. Various approaches to the phenomenon of «inclusive satisfaction» and the selection of the content of professional specialists in personnel management are considered, in terms of issues of supporting the social and labor relations of employees with limited inclinations to health and disability. The article discusses the contradictions that require resolution in the course of professional training of personnel management specialists.

Key words: universal competences; inclusive competence; personnel management; professional training of personnel management specialists; education system.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):89-94
pages 89-94 views

Socio-medical volunteering in a non-profile university

Vandysheva L.V.


There is an increase in the number of volunteer corps and beneficiaries. The subjects of the volunteer movement are educational organizations of various training profiles. In a pandemic, the importance of medical volunteering is growing. Medical volunteering, being a retro innovation, loses its maximum professional (medical) focus during the pandemic, as the functionality and composition of volunteers expands. The concept of «socio-medical volunteering» is introduced as a type of volunteering in the healthcare sector, aimed at improving the quality of medical services and involving the participation of volunteers with a wide range of professional training. The study was conducted in three stages: theoretical method of scientific literature analysis, empirical methods (questionnaires, interviews) were used. The sample consisted of 87 volunteers from a non-core university. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that junior students predominate among the volunteers; the functionality of volunteers in the call center was specified; the motivation for the participation of students in volunteering was revealed; the problems they faced; level of readiness to continue participation in volunteering. In general, the results of the study indicate the insufficient readiness of volunteers of a non-core university for social and medical volunteering, which became the basis for the development of recommendations for the organizers of this movement in a non-core university. It has been proved that socio-medical volunteering in a non-core university is a promising area of educational work and a resource for adapting junior students to educational conditions. Scientific understanding of the issue of gender motivation of students in non-core areas of preparation for social and medical volunteering is required, as well as the specifics of the content of this volunteering, taking into account the development of information and communication technologies and digital volunteering.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):95-103
pages 95-103 views

Formation of patriotic consciousness of student youth

Samateeva M.Z.


The article emphasizes the importance of formation of patriotic consciousness of students. The main approaches to understanding the essence of patriotism as a social feeling are considered. One of the primary tasks of fundamental transformations in modern times is the construction of a civil society, the formation of a new type of civil personality. Student youth is the social stratum of society that is already at the forefront of the transformation of the world, making a great contribution to sustainable development and opening up new formats for ensuring involvement and interaction on a global scale. The younger generation is not only the most numerous: it also has the highest level of interaction. On the basis of a socio-psychological survey, the results are presented, the current state of patriotic consciousness of modern youth is analyzed. Approbation of the methodology for identifying the formation of patriotic consciousness of student youth was carried out at the North Ossetian State Institute. The study involved two age groups, respondents from 16 to 25 years old and respondents over 25 years old. The reason for this division was the fact that the age group of 16 to 25 years, these are students who have self-awareness. The second age group is respondents over 25 years old. This group is already well–formed mature people with a relatively formed worldview. The results of our research showed that patriotism is the value system of the modern younger generation, but, at the same time, is not a priority and defining value for most young people. The main aspect in the formation of patriotic consciousness is to direct young people to assimilate the spiritual and moral values of modern society. The organization of the process of formation of patriotic consciousness in a higher educational institution should be considered as a complex process, all aspects of which should be interconnected and at the same time complement each other, which implies its purposeful and comprehensive implementation. The formation of patriotic consciousness of students should be carried out both in the learning process and in extracurricular activities, through the study of humanities, the participation of students in various activities.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):104-108
pages 104-108 views

Positive experience and further prospects for online education

Luganskaya Y.V., Suslova A.Y.


The article focuses on the positive aspects of online education and discusses the lessons learned and effective practices that can be brought back into conventional face-to-face classes. Unlike numerous studies pointing out disadvantages of distance education, the authors contend that online education during the pandemic was quite efficient, enabling them to take away a lot of useful findings, techniques, and experiences. The paper describes the results of the study conducted among freshmen and sophomores, as well as lecturers of the Department of the English language and the administration of Baikal International Business School of Irkutsk State University. Using student and teacher questionnaires, a dean interview, and observation, the authors collect multiple psychographic, motivational, and behavioral data allowing to find out preferences and opinions of online education. As a result of their research, the authors come to the conclusion that the main outcomes of online teaching are more collaboration for course development and preparation of student assessment, the integration of MOOCS into conventional courses, the use of numerous interactive technologies and videoconferencing platforms for various purposes, more reflection on teaching and student learning, and more opportunities for professional growth. Overall, teachers report becoming more knowledgeable, better equipped, and more competent. Besides professional benefits, after overcoming the challenges of online teaching, the instructors seem to have become more stress-resistant and resourceful.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Book Reviews

Filling historical studies with personal memory and folk memory: new publications of the works by A.N. Minh

Artamonova M.L.


The article is devoted to the publication of two manuscripts by local historian and public figure A.N. Minh from the State Archives of the Saratov Region. A small number of researchers previously knew them. Available to a wide range of readers, these books will expand the range of historical knowledge through sources related to personal memoirs and existed in the folklore tradition. It became possible thanks to the efforts of the folklorist and memoirist of the XIX – early XX centuries and as a result of the good archaeographic and source study work of modern scientists from Saratov. «Notes on the Crimean War» adds new details to the tragic and heroic pages of Russia’s past. «Robberies and Treasures of the Lower Volga Region» give food for thought to historians, ethnographers, philologists, and everyone who works in the interdisciplinary field of studying the oral forms of collective memory. A large literature is devoted to the topics touched upon in the new Saratov publications, but the works by Minh cannot go unnoticed, they occupy a worthy place in it. «Notes» supplement knowledge about the Crimean War with new details, including its reflection in the public opinion, historical memory and cultural tradition. «Robberies and Treasures» expands the base for studying the Volga region at the expense of folklore, «oral history» and archeology materials. Published manuscripts characterize Minh as a scientist who expanded the space of historical knowledge with sources generated by personal experience and preserved in the collective memory.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Review of the monograph: Bonwetsch B. Mit und ohne Russland. Eine familiengeschichtliche Spurensuche. Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2017. 168 S. ISBN 978-3-8375-1770-5 = Bonwetsch B. With and without Russia / translated from German by L. Bashkina. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «IstLit», 2019, 240 p. ISBN 978-5-6042416-0-8

Dubinin S.I.


This review considers the last lifetime monograph of the famous German historian Bernd Bonwetsch (1940–2017) «With and without Russia», dedicated to a multifaceted study of the history of his family and its kindred clans in the context of German-Russian relations of the XIX–XX centuries. This research is marked by unique fragments on the history of a group of Russian Germans (the so-called «imperial Germans») in the Middle Volga region and in the Samara region in particular. B. Bonwetsch's historical and memoir book, subtitled «family history research», combines a number of chronological essays marked by interesting personalities and analytics of social, gender and confessional groups of Russian Germans and their ethnic subcultures. The research of Professor Bonwetsch, integral in its design, based on unique memoirs, summarizes the complexity and diversity of relations between Germany and Russia at the turning points of modern history.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):210-213
pages 210-213 views

«Female» in the epistolary heritage. Review on the book: Logunova N.V., Mazitova L.L. Linguopersonological portraits of the female resident of the Northern Prikamye on the basis of regional epistolaries of the first half of the XX century: Materials and research; Mazitova L.L. (Ed.). Solikamsk: RTO SGPI filial PGNIU: OOO «Tipograf», 2022. 199 р.

Panteleeva L.M.


The monograph under review is devoted to the linguopersonological analysis of a feminine linguistic personality, which is an ordinary representative of her time. The study is based on the material of the epistolaries of the inhabitants of the Urals, written in the pre-revolutionary period and the Soviet era. Since the information content of the epistolaries involved in the study is not the same, the linguopersonalological analysis is carried out with an emphasis on various aspects. The book solves the problems of identifying the constitutive features of linguopersons, determining a set of gender-marked features in speech behavior, reconstructing the addressee's historical personality, and characterizing the sender's psycho-emotional state. Some of the presented methods were developed directly by the authors and significantly enrich the theory of linguistic personality, and women's letters introduced into scientific circulation are quite rare sources both in terms of the nature of creation and selection by archives for storage.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2023;29(1):214-218
pages 214-218 views

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