Vol 27, No 4 (2021)
The precedence conflict of Princes A.B. Trubetskoy and P.M. Shcheniatev in Polotsk in the spring of 1564: To the question of the position of the Trubetskoy's Princes in Moscow State on the Oprichnina's eve
The article attempts to identify the circumstances of the parochial conflict of the princes A.B. Trubetskoy and P.M. Shchenyatev in the Polotsk voivodeship in the spring of 1564, as well as the reasons for the final transition of the Trubetskoy princes to the sovereign service with the help of comparative and histotical method, analysis and synthesis, literature and sources on the investigated topic. As a result of the study, it was found that up to the 1560-ies the Trubetskoys occupied military and administrative posts sporadically and were not firmly embedded in the system of service relations of the Moscow state. Adopted in the early 1560s. the new land legislation jeopardized the further existence of the Trubetskoy estate and forced them to intensify their official activities. The conflict in Polotsk was the first attempt by the Trubetskoys to find out their real parochial status. Prince A.B. Trubetskoy was guided by the old ideas about the exclusive role of service princes, characteristic of the first third of the 16th century. He entered into a parochial dispute with an obviously superior enemy and did not emerge victorious from it. The author concluded that, faced with the new realities of the sovereign service, the Trubetskoys, who, due to their official passivity, were inferior to many less noble families in a parochial relation, sacrificed their relative independence and went over to the tsarist service. During the years of the oprichnina, they actively served in the oprichnina estate of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, won his favor and were able to raise their parochial status.
Place of the Muscovy state in the expansion of the Europeans to the East in the XVI–XVII centuries (for the statement of the problem)
The article attempts to pose the research problem of the place of the Russian state in the process of the expansion of Europeans to the East in the period of the XVI–XVII centuries. The actual basis of the proposed topic consists of the numerous attempts by the representatives of the conditional «West» to use the specifics of the geographical location of the then Russia in order to establish and further develop the contacts with the particular Asian states. The experience of the complex, consistent and comprehensive coverage of this problem today is practically absent both in the domestic and the foreign historiography. The study of the place and role of the Muscovy empire in the process of penetration of the Western European powers, commercial and clerical corporations to the East is possible on the basis of an analysis of a wide range of written sources of Russian and foreign origins. This publication includes an approximate plan (a program) for the subsequent study of the stated issues. It seems appropriate to highlight the independent thematic aspects, among which the following should be named exclusively: the characteristics of the individual routes connecting the Russian lands with the East, the circumstances and consequences of the European travels to Asia in transit through the Russian territory, the participation of the Asian side (in particular, Persia) in the processes and events under consideration. One of the central places in the research program should be occupied by the little-studied question of the Muscovy empire’s own position on the problem of the European-Asian transit. In addition, the analysis of the historical experience of the intercontinental dialogue directly in the dominions of the Russian tsars is of considerable interest. The article concludes about the unconditional scientific value, prospects and novelty of the formulated problem.
«Pastoral works» in the memories of A.F. Koni: problems of freedom of conscience in the Russian Empire on the eve of the First russian revolution
This publication examines the unexplored topic of the Senate jurisprudence regarding the legal status of Lutheran priests in the Baltic States at the end of the XIX century. The author defines the significance of the policy of state pressure on Protestant pastors in the context of the general attack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Synod on non-Orthodox religious organizations under K. Pobedonostsev. Consideration of the issue from the position of the higher court of the Empire has not previously been undertaken in the scientific literature. During the preparation of the work, mainly narrative material was used – the memoirs of the Chief Prosecutor of the Senate. Due to the small number of cases and the semi-secret nature, the materials of the Senate were not particularly reflected in the collections of decisions and sentences. The problem-chronological approach was applied to study this subject. As a result, the reasons of the weak pressure on Protestant pastors the author associates with the deep rootedness of Lutheranism in the popular environment, the brutal activity of the police and the church, fears of a quarrel with the Lutheran countries of Europe, etc. Few sentences against pastors who «seduced» the «Orthodox» into another faith reached the Criminal Cassation Department of the Senate, where they met with resistance a group of senators led by the famous lawyer, humanist A.F. Koni. Among the numerous schismatic and sectarian affairs that A.F. Koni, as chief prosecutor and senator, draw attention to the so-called «pastoral affairs», which have not been sufficiently researched in the domestic scientific literature, and yet they well illustrate the church-state policy of the Russian state on the outskirts of the empire on the eve of the first Russian revolution. The author concludes that “pastoral affairs” are interesting not only from the point of view of the struggle of Russian infidels and the domestic educated intelligentsia for freedom of conscience in Russia, but they also allow to look «from the inside» at the work of the bureaucratic apparatus of the empire, to understand the work («internal kitchen») of the Governing Senate: internal intrigues, the indirect «influence» of the monarch and the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod on senators and, accordingly, the decision on religious matters, informal consultations of the Minister of Justice with the chief prosecutor of the criminal cassation department (probing the atmosphere in the case, including through an intermediary), the selection of a senator-rapporteur on a particular important case, etc. Thanks to A.F. Koni, attempts to persecute pastors did not develop, and after 1900 the persecution of priests on religious grounds in the Baltics stopped. The subject is interesting and requires further development and study.
«The Klutkoism». Saransk Case of 1934.
The article is devoted to the events of the first part of 1930-ies in the Mordovian Autonomous Region. The politics struggle between different groups of the soviet and party ruling elite, which accompanied the process of the formation of Mordovian statehood and the korenization of the State machinery are considering as well. On the example of Mordovian oblast committee and Saransk town committee of VKP(b) some features inherent in the regional Soviet nomenclature of the 1930s are shown. The article acknowledges that in Mordovia, the struggle between various groups of the Soviet and Party elite was significantly influenced by the national factor and the process of indigenization of the administrative apparatus. At the same time, there was tension between the First secretary of the regional Party Committee sent from the outside, who tried to rely on his own proteges, and the regional nomenclature clans formed from local national cadres. Meanwhile, in the existing system of close-knit corporate groups and bureaucratic clans based on personal ties and mutual responsibility, there was a rapid degeneration of Party and Soviet executives. This led to the spread of such negative phenomena as «leaderism», embezzlements, abuse of official position, etc. In preparing the article, the method of analyzing historical documents, historical and systemic, historical and comparative methods were used. Archival documents (from the Central State Archives of the Republic of Mordovia), as well as materials of the Soviet periodicals from the newspapers «Volzhskaya Kommuna» and «Krasnaya Mordovia» served as the basis for the source base of the article.
Organization of economic activity of the Mari, Mordovia and Chuvash economic councils in the first year of their existence: successes and failures
In the article, the author investigates the insufficiently studied topic of transformation of the organization of economic activity of the economic councils of individual territories at the suggestion of N.S. Khrushchev at the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1957 using comparative historical, quantitative methods, analysis and synthesis. As a result, on the basis of the adopted Law «On the further improvement of the management of industry and construction», a territorial management system was created, suggesting that the management of industry and construction should be implemented on a territorial basis on the basis of economic administrative regions. Initially, 70 economic administrative regions were formed, including Chuvash, Mari and Mordovia, in each of which a Council of National Economy was created. The economic councils were state bodies for the management of enterprises, construction projects and organizations of the Union-republican industry located on the territory of the economic administrative region. The article defines the first results of the activity of the Union of National Economy of the Mari, Mordovian and Chuvash ASSR in 1957; the personnel situation, which has become one of the main problems in the development of economic councils, is presented; disclosed the main planned performance indicators of the SNKh, which, on the whole, received a satisfactory assessment. However, despite the positive growth of the main economic indicators, serious difficulties and miscalculations were observed in the work of the economic councils, which were indicated, among other things, by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. On the basis of documents from the State Archives of the Russian Federation, regional archives and research literature, the author of the article highlighted the main successes and failures in the activities of the SNKh of the republics of the Middle Volga region. The author concluded that for the national regions, the period of activity of the economic councils was a breakthrough in the national economic complex. The Mari, Mordovian and Chuvash economic councils have done significant work to develop the industry in the peripheral regions of the country, significantly enlarging the existing ones and building new powerful and promising enterprises.
Preparing teachers for interaction with gifted students
In the article, the authors consider the problem of forming a teacher's readiness to interact with gifted students in their professional activities. The educational policy of Russia today is aimed at supporting gifted children and young people, which are becoming one of the priority tasks of the education system (The Сoncept of a National System for Identifying and Developing Young Talents, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2012, № Pr-827). The main contradiction is the need to introduce pedagogical strategies of interaction with gifted students to implement the trajectory of their continuous development at all levels of education and the lack of a system for forming teachers ' readiness to interact with gifted students. The article presents a methodological justification of the developed system of forming a teacher's readiness to interact with gifted students, which includes three interrelated elements: methodological, substantive and procedural. It is proved that the system of forming the teacher's readiness to interact with gifted students in professional activities ensures their continuous development during the implementation of certain educational strategies.
Application of the «pecha-kucha» format in the organization of practical classes at the university
An important component of the organization of the educational process is currently the use of innovative educational technologies, including modern tools of pedagogical activity. In addition to professional competencies in their field of activity, a university teacher must be able to creatively implement innovative pedagogical technologies. In the presence of various methods, forms and means of information and digital pedagogical technologies, the problem of the effectiveness and adequacy of their application becomes urgent. The article discusses the use of the «pecha-kucha» format in the training of undergraduates in the field of study 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (Secondary general education (Teacher of basic and secondary general education (by subject area)) of the Sevastopol State University discipline «Standardization of school education». Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the use of the «pecha-kucha» format is effective. The article provides practical recommendations for creating presentation material, organizing a speech and conducting a discussion.
Methodological substantiation of the spheral approach to the training of specialists in the social sphere
The activities of specialists in the social sphere are aimed at creating conditions for the successful development of society as a whole and the welfare and prosperity of each of its members. At the same time, the quality of training of such specialists does not always correlate with the expected results. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the absence of a clearly expressed methodological strategy for training specialists in the social sphere. This article is devoted to the substantiation of the spheral approach to the training of specialists in the social sphere, which serves as a kind of methodological guideline, since the social sphere itself is a kind of «springboard» that launches this process. The study confirmed the assumption of the spheral approach as a global strategy, following which it is possible to predict with a certain accuracy the results aimed at transforming both the social sphere itself and the social institutions that make up it.
Comparative and correlation analysis of experimental work on the formation of readiness to conduct intra-university quality monitoring
The problem of the formation of the teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of students' education is considered. On the basis of the developed system for the formation of a teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, it is currently a mechanism for managing this process. The article presents the materials of the correlation analysis of the results of experimental work on the formation of a teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, considered as an integrative personality trait, a system-forming information-research, operational-activity, analytical, reflective and managerial components reflecting the level of knowledge and skills to apply methods, technologies and means of conducting intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, to assess the quality of mastering an academic discipline. Based on the materials of experimental work, the relationship between the components of readiness and between the dominant indicators in their structure is proved. In the course of a comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and formative experiments, a connection was established between the types of teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, which proves its integrative nature, and their compensatory role was also revealed due to the dominant indicators. In the course of the implementation of the developed system, the teachers' need for solving innovative problems increased (an indicator of the managerial type of readiness). The results obtained indicate the development of all components of readiness in the process of professional development. The analysis carried out allows us to speak about the possibility of forming the types of teacher readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning due to the compensatory properties of the types of readiness.
Transformation of pedagogical consciousness in the context of digitalization of society
The transition from the informatization stage to the stage of digitalization in the world, including in our country, occurred very quickly. This gives society advantages, but also makes you think about the problems that have appeared in connection with this. Digitalization in education opens up wide opportunities for learning people of different ages throughout their lives, but at the same time requires cardinal changes in the entire education system. All this leads to the transformation of pedagogical consciousness. Since colossal changes in digital technologies, including in the education system, are proceeding rapidly, the consciousness of many teachers does not have time to rebuild. As a result of the study, it was found that this leads to stress, dissatisfaction, fears and irritation. Only a few are interested and excited. There is a process of awareness of one's Self in a changing pedagogical space, one's place in it. The results of the study confirm that the speed of introduction of new digital technologies in the education system depends on the «pain» of the transformation of pedagogical consciousness. The course «Active Methods of Socio-Psychological Learning» on the basis of the Master's program «Psychological and Pedagogical Education» of Samara University allows you to prepare teachers to solve problems related to the transformation of pedagogical consciousness in the context of digitalization of education.
Command-methodological competence of cadets-military pilots as a factor of flight safety
The military professional training of cadets-military pilots in a military aviation university is conditioned by the trends in the development of military education, its prompt response to the personnel needs of the troops. Aviation units need military pilots who are ready to fulfill the official duties of crew commanders, to solve the urgent task of ensuring flight safety. Training of flight personnel for military aviation does not fully take into account the need to form cadets' competencies as an aviation commander and teacher, which will contribute to ensuring flight safety and increasing the combat potential of aviation units and subunits. The article deals with the problem of flight safety as a factor affecting the national security of Russia, paying attention to the causes of accidents and pilot errors. In the course of the study, it was proved that the military-professional activity of cadets-military pilots is the process of solving professional tasks that ensure the combat readiness of aviation units while observing flight safety conditions. Based on the content analysis of the command and methodological professional tasks based on the activity approach, the leading role of the command-methodological activity has been established. The functional approach and the principle of identification made it possible to identify the functions of the leading command-methodological activity (military flight training and educational, organizational and managerial). Arguments are given regarding the development of cadets not only a set of abilities for command-methodological activity, but also professionally important qualities that integrate command-methodological competence. The structure of competence (motivational-value, cognitive, activity components) is determined taking into account the specifics (leading type of activity) and features (a set of command and methodological professional tasks) of military professional activity. The criteria for the formation of the components of the command-methodical competence (professional purposefulness, intellectual potential, professional responsibility) have been identified. The methodological basis of the pedagogical system for the formation of the command-methodical competence of cadets-military pilots was formed by the system-structural, personality-activity, functional, modular, adaptive, technological and competence-based approaches. The results of the experimental work carried out in the branch of Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy» in Syzran confirmed the dependence of the cadets' readiness for flight safety activities on the formation of command-methodological competence.
Systematic approach to ensuring the information security of childhood
The article deals with significant changes that are associated with total informatization, which is a powerful converter of economic, social and other types of life activity of society. The author notes that at the same time, the satisfaction of information needs, the state of the information space for minors should be subject to moderate regulation. Attention is drawn to the fact that the intensive growth of the diversity of information and communication technologies is today the dominant environment for the development of a modern child. The characteristics of information harmful to the health and development of children are given. It is proved that relying on the principles of a systematic approach makes it possible to competently organize and correctly carry out the process of achieving the state of protection of children in the information space by various methods and means. Ensuring the information security of childhood is defined by the author as a system; the components of the system of ensuring the information security of childhood (methodological, regulatory, organizational and activity, effective) are highlighted.
Digitalization of the economy as a pedagogical problem
The article provides an overview of trends in the digital economy that affect the professional training of a modern specialist. The essence of the concept of «digitalization» and its main components are determined, the author's interpretation of this concept is given. Particular attention is paid to the signs of a digital economy: the presence of a high-tech IT infrastructure, processing of big data based on modern digital technologies, the creation of digital solutions (products, platforms), the design of new business models. A theoretical analysis of scientific literature was carried out and a list of competencies that a specialist in the digital economy should possess was identified. To confirm the results obtained, an analysis of the opinions of employers was carried out, on the basis of which the most significant competencies and professional qualities of a specialist in the digital economy were identified. Based on the results of the analysis of employers' requirements for modern specialists, the tasks of vocational education for the training of a specialist in the digital economy were identified.
Interdiscourse as Inherent Characteristic of Institutional Discourse (on the Example of Educational Discourse)
The article is devoted to the types of interaction of educational discourse with other types of institutional communication: political, economic and medical. The author studies how fragments of discourse function and form semantic potential in official styles of speech where interdiscourse is traditional and describes forms of discourse genre interference caused by global events of 2020: coronavirus epidemic, presidential election in the USA and others. In the article educational discourse is understood in its broad sense which allows to examine the periphery of discourse practice where communication of individuals of equal status and variety of functional styles are natural. The process of interference is studied on micro and meso levels of discourse where certain lexico-sematic fields, key-words, clichés which characterize professional genres of communication serve as markers of interdiscourse and on macro level where historical and social context is considered to define functional styles. Methods of descriptive, discourse and contextual analyses are implemented. The author draws the conclusion that on all levels of institutional interaction the elements of educational discourse are semiotic components of communication, can serve as means of representation of political, economic or medical discourse practice, have pragmatic potential and can be used in argumentative or informative speech strategies the choice of which depends on the type of discourse. On macro level elements of educational discourse often extend beyond specific concepts limited to professional subjects and the discourse itself becomes a part of a bigger «subordinating» discourse formation.
Principal stages of speech pragmasemantic sense formation and methods of its analysis
The article is devoted to peculiarities and differences of two linguistic fields – semantics and pragmatics. The objective of the work is to state the extent of participation of semantic and pragmatic parameters in the process of sense formation. The relevance of the study is beyond doubt, since the pragmasemantic analysis of discourse functional space helps to identify the potential of linguistic means in the process of forming meanings and their transformation into integral sense under the influence of contextual factors, and to determine optimal ways of expressing communicative intention of the author of the discourse and of providing adequate understanding of the sense by the referent. The author also describes main features, differences and similarities of the concepts text and discourse. The specificity of semantic and pragmatic meanings, their correlation and the degree of participation in formation of discourse functional space are analyzed. On the basis of this, the algorithm for pragmasemantic sense formation is deduced. The author emphasizes that the initial meaning is formed by a semantic meaning, in the process of speech actualizing it is supplemented with a pragmatic meaning, which is further transformed into a pragmatic and semantic and communicative-pragmatic sense. This process is illustrated by fragments from works of fiction by contemporary English-speaking authors. The research uses semantic and pragmatic analysis and discourse analysis as the principal methods. The author describes their features, and proves the viability of their application to the object of the research. The author comes to the conclusion that the pragmasemantic analysis of English discourse makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of formation of meanings and sense of a speech work. The contribution of both semantics and pragmatics to the overall communicative interaction is undeniable, since any communication is necessarily analyzed taking into account semantic and pragmatic aspects.
The Different Types of Interaction of the Modus Category of Evidentiality with Authorization and Approximation in the Mass Media Discourse
The article deals with the specifics of interaction of evidentiality with the modus categories of authorization and approximation. The central aspect of the study is to identify the types of interaction of these categories in the mass media discourse. Evidentiality, initially considered as a grammatical category associated with the characterization of the source of information, reveals additional modus semantics within the framework of the linguosynergetic approach to the analysis of discourse. The study of the discursive space indicates that evidentiality unites three communicating subject zones – the author's zone, the communication subject's zone, and the addressee's / reader's zone. Taking into account these zones in the course of updating the linguosynergetic method of discourse analysis helps to identify the specifics of polymodal evidential meanings and allows to form a synergetic evidential model, within which the features of synergetic coupling of evidentiality with authorization and approximation are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that these categories implement two possible types of interaction based on the interpenetration and complementarity of modus meanings in the discursive space of mass media. During the deployment of the evidential discourse context, the author refers to these principles to provide the necessary impact on the addressee / reader. The results of the study contribute to understanding the nature of the organization of messages of the subjects of communication and can be used to study the relationship of evidentiality with other modus categories.
Evolution of the English-speaking song discourse in the XX–XXI centuries.
The article analyses various tendencies in the development of the English-speaking song discourse, that have revealed themselves in the course of the previous 50 years. The aim of the research is to identify these tendencies and to determine the reasons of their emergence. The goals of this research were to trace the evolution of this type of discourse by way of analysing a vast corpus of song lyrics and to identify the factors that had influenced the changes that followed. The focus of our attention was mainly on rock song lyrics due to their obvious non-commercial nature. The results of the research allow us to state that in the course of evolution of the English-speaking song discourse such tendency as a tendency to simplification/sophistication manifested itself persistently. Moreover, both vectors either replaced one another or developed simultaneously. Besides, a tendency to melodicism, related to the abovementioned one, also revealed itself. We should also mention a tendency to commercialisation, typical of mass culture in general. Another one is a tendency to technological dependency, mainly of synthesizers and computers. Among the most influential tendencies we can name a tendency to visualisation, which actually brings the song discourse close to cinematographic discourse.
Comparative phraseological units: features of the subclass (by an example of the German language)
The article analyzes the features of comparative phraseological units, which are distinguished by researchers into a separate subclass existing in different languages. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the unquenchable interest in comparative phraseological units from the linguistic point of view and a new perspective of their consideration – within the framework of the author's phraseology in works of artistic discourse. The article identifies cognitive mechanisms common to different linguocultures that underlie the structure of comparative phraseological units, as well as national and cultural differences manifesting in semantic variation where there is lexical equivalence of comparative phraseological units in different languages. In this regard, the importance of the culture-oriented and the research approach by the translation of comparative phraseological units is emphasized. A comprehensive analysis of comparative phraseological units as a phraseology phenomenon is necessary for an adequate consideration of their place within the author's phraseology – on the basis of selected works of the German-speaking Swiss writer Urs Widmer. Artistic discourse is presented as a literary communicative phenomenon, actualizing linguistic parameters. The selected works are saturated with phraseological units demonstrating examples of language game at the phraseological level, while in quantitative terms, comparative phraseological units make up a small percentage – 13 % and 10 %, respectively, of the total volume of phraseological units in two texts. It is noted that not all comparative phraseological units used by Widmer are recorded in dictionaries. The author of the article assigns them to this subclass not only due to the presence of formal signs (structure, idiomaticity), but also on the basis of the corpus approach, which reveals enough evidence of the prevalence of comparative phraseological units in the language. Among the methods used, it is also necessary to note content analysis and a comparative approach, which enables to draw parallels between different languages (between German, Russian and English). It is stated that in spite of all the expressiveness of comparative phraseological units, their rigid logical structure limits the game potential and excludes them from the language game, which the author implements in the works selected for analysis.
Concept freiheit in German language chronicles of the XV–XVI centuries (on the material of town chronicles of Bern and Worms)
In the history of the German written language, the XV–XVI centuries became a turning point: in the sphere of both administrative writing and informative literature, new genres and types of texts are developing, and relations within the genre system are being rebuilt. Chronicle texts, including town chronicles, become one of the most popular textotypes. According to researchers, their primary function is legitimization of the respective town as a political and legal entity. This legitimation was based primarily on the rights and privileges granted to the town by its former or current lord. Accordingly, the semiotic space of chronicle texts is organized around the concept of freiheit meaning «privilege, right, freedom». The purpose of the article is to analyze the nominative field of the concept freiheit and to conclude on the semantics and functioning of lexical units in the text that verbalize this concept. Over hundred text examples extracted from the chronicles of Bern (the first third of the XV century) and Worms (the second half of the XVI century) were used as the research material. The core of the concept freiheit, its nominate is built by the homonymic lexeme, whereby the lexeme recht also belongs to the nuclear part of the field. Based on the analysis of text examples, five components of meaning of freiheit were identified, which form the slots of the corresponding concept. The largest number of concept nominations is concentrated in the slot «right, privilege»: these are the lexemes gerechtigkeit «the right to adjudicate», herrlichkeit with a similar meaning, obrigkeit «the right of possession», indult «temporary privilege», erlaubung «permission». On the periphery of the concept freiheit lie the lexemes herkommen and gewohnheit in the meaning of «legal customs». The analysis of material allows us to conclude that in the view of chroniclers, urban legal customs were as important for the legitimization of town as its privileges. It is worth saying that the lexeme freiheit is often used as a collective one, without specifying the content of a specific right or «privilege». Obviously, for the chroniclers, the very existence of rights in their totality was of paramount importance, since this determined the status and power of their town.
Typological originality of secondary dialects with the south Russian basis in the Middle Volga Region
The article highlights the problem of the typology of dialects of the Middle Volga region. Particular attention is paid to secondary dialects with signs of South Russian dialect bases, the status of which in the Volga atlases is determined ambiguously. The area of the described dialect type is indicated. It is indicated that in the left-bank part of the Middle Volga region, in the so-called Trans-Volga region, there is a high probability of the existence of secondary Central Russian dialects with the preservation of signs of southern Russian maternal stems. The main source is data from regional atlases. The materials of dialectological expeditions to the villages of the Samara region are used. The description of the typological characteristics of the secondary dialects with a southern base, which are designated on the maps of regional atlases as Central Russian, is based on the analysis of isogloss of phonetic, grammatical and proper lexical dialect phenomena. In dialects with a completed transition to Central Russian, typologically significant South Russian features are types of yakany with the preservation of vowel dissimilation, obstruent pronunciation of g of secondary origin and other phonetic, morphological and lexical features that make up the series of two-term dialectal correspondences. According to the linguistic basis, such dialects are often polydialectal. In some dialects, the South Russian basis is not in doubt, and we can only state the beginning of the transition to the Central Russian type. The question is raised about the existence of secondary dialect types, formed as a result of the assimilation of dialects of the South Russian dialect with other dialects, not only in the Volga region, but also in other territories with favorable conditions for inter-dialectal contact. It is concluded that the presence of the Central Russian type and South Russian bases in the described dialects is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of information on typologically significant levels of the dialect language, in which systemic relations are clearly manifested and which are represented on linguistic maps by stable isoglosses. Data on secondary types of dialects should be based on the structural-typological classification of dialectal phenomena of various levels, including the lexical one.
Mini-texts of English web-literature in the context of contemporary digital discourse: system-dynamic approach
The article is devoted to the study of modern mini-format literary works of English web literature. This subject is addressed due to the fact that there exists an urgent need to study ways of ensuring effective communication in the light of modern tendencies of verbal optimization of the cognitive processes and the reduction of the physical length of the texts. Mini-texts of web literature are considered from the standpoint of the system-dynamic approach, namely from the point of view of the dynamics of the formation of a complex semantic construct in the process of interaction and mutual influence of different-level elements of the discourse system, including the factors of the exterior environment. The methods of discourse, contextual and linguosynergetic analysis are employed for the analysis of the texts, which allows to understand how systemic interaction of speech elements within a small-format text is organized. In particular, the article describes the mechanisms of the emergence of additional semantic combinations due to the interdiscursive interaction at the level of form and content within the mini-format web narratives. Another mechanism of creating additional semantic structures consists in the violation of the proportionality between the structural and semantic plans of the mini-texts. Besides, attention is paid to ways of expanding the semantic plan of the discourse system due to the specific interaction of lexical operators that form the verbal layers of the text. In general, it is concluded that the synergetic interaction of different-level textual elements is of fundamental importance for ensuring pragmatic effectiveness of small-format web narratives, since on its basis an integral semantic system is formed which does not only influence the cognitive sphere of the recipients, but also is capable of fulfilling their aesthetic needs.
Modelling of communicants' strategic plans in personal German-language interview
This article describes and tests the author's methodology for analyzing the specifics of interaction and the implementation of communicants' strategic plans in personal German-language interview. The author's understanding of the personal interview as a communicative event, in which the interaction of communicative processes of varying degrees of complexity and structure is implemented, implies a detailed study of the conditions and nature of each of them. In order to study communicative activity and features of interaction in the personal German-speaking interview, which has such characteristics as goal-setting and spontaneity, ritualization and self-organization, the presence of subject-logical and psycho-social plans of interaction development, the author undertakes to develop a comprehensive method of analysis. The material for the study in this article was an interview with the renowned German literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki «Hasste Marcel Reich-Ranicki wirklich die Frauen?». The linguistic material was examined in detail using a transcript of the video interview created with the FOLKER / Exmaralda programme (Institut für Deutsche Sprache) in accordance with the GAT2 transcription system. The complex method of analysis described in this article is based on the theoretical postulates and practical methods of the current trends in modern linguistics and communication research. It enables the study of the peculiarities of communicative interaction and the analysis of verbal realization of communicants' strategic programs. As a result of the application of the described complex method of analysis the author identified structural and discursive units of analysis and made a conclusion that the core of the interviewer's strategic program forms the strategy of information request with the dominance of tactics of argumentation and establishing and maintaining intersubjective relations. The interviewee's strategic program is constituted by the strategy of self-presentation, the core of which in this interview are the tactics of enhancing one's own image and the tactics of informing.
Functional set of axiological dominants within English discourse-communicative space
The article is devoted to the problem of multifunctionality of value dominants in the discourse space of English communication. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that it is aimed at clarifying the conceptual guidelines of discourse-communicative linguoaxiology as a direction that is experiencing a stage of development of its own theoretical platform. English communication acts as a zone of manifestation of axiological attitudes, which serve as nuclear elements of both personal axiospheres of speakers and the social value system of English-speaking linguocultural communities. Nevertheless, the analysis of the functional system of axiological vectors has so far been sporadic and fragmentary. The article makes an attempt at the analysis of multifunctional loading of axiological dominants within the boundaries of the discourse field of English-based interpersonal communication. The purpose of the study is to develop a functional axiological set, i.e. a complex of interrelated functions fulfilled by value dominants in English discourse-communicative practices. The relevant methods of comparative content analysis and comparative analytical systematization have been employed as the methodological apparatus of the research. The results of the study consist in the formation of a five-component system-functional axiological set, implemented in the process of English communication, the analysis of functional potential of value dominants in terms of axiological levels, as well as the identification of the specificity of each component within the developed paradigm. Based on the results of the study, the authors formulate a reasoned conclusion that value dominants lay deep foundation that systematically defines the entire area of interpersonal communication due to the simultaneous realization of multifunctional potential. The components of functional axiological set, namely the social-regulatory, motivational, cultural-integrative, structure-forming and pragma-axiological functions, in the process of communicative actualization determine the speech behavior of those who participate in verbal interaction.
Linguopragmatic capability of quotes and sayings from the bard songs (based on media articles)
A review of the memoirs of the Governor of the Samara region Konstantin Alekseevich Titov in the journal Samara Destinies. Samara, 2019, no. 9
The review analyzes the memoirs of the first governor of the Samara region in the modern history of Russia Konstantin Alekseevich Titov. The ex-governor recorded the most important events of his political career, presented the personal characteristics of statesmen of the period of the 1990-s and early 2000-s. As a result of the study, it was found that in the memoirs of K.A.Titov, the relationship of the Samara governor with statesmen and representatives of the political elite of the Russian Federation is presented and fragmented his activities as a regional head of one of the largest regions of the Russian Federation.