Vol 25, No 3 (2019)

Full Issue


Godovova E.V., Vasiliev I.Y.


A review of modern publications devoted to the study of the ethnic composition of the Don, Kuban, Tersky, Orenburg, Ural, Siberian, Far Eastern Cossack troops is presented. The ethnic and confessional core of the Cossacks was the Orthodox East Slavic population, but it also included representatives of the Turkic-Mongolian and Caucasian peoples who profess Islam and Buddhism. The article provides information provided by Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh scientists about the main ethnic groups that made up the population of Cossack troops by the end of the 19th century, when in terms of their legal status the Cossacks represented a military service class. The specificity of structuring their identity, characteristic of non-Slavic Cossacks of different troops, the organizational basis of this identity is shown. A description is also given of the interaction of ethno-linguistic and confessional factors in the formation of various identities within the Cossack troops. An analysis of research in this problem area showed that scientific research is more focused on studying the ethnic composition of troops at the stage of their formation and development. The authors of the scientific review conclude that, first of all, researchers need to pay attention to establishing the reasons for the entry of representatives of various ethnic groups into the ranks of the Cossacks, collectivity or individuality in accepting the Cossack status. Secondly, to analyze whether the groups of foreign ethnic Cossacks were the structural units of the local social organization of the Eastern Slavs, or did not depend on it. Thirdly, to what extent the organization of society of different groups of Cossacks was unified or had differences. This is especially important in conditions of absolute quantitative and organizational predominance of the East Slavic Cossacks at the indicated time. Fourth, how did acculturation in the Cossack troops take place and what social institutions and groups implemented this process.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):7-15
pages 7-15 views


Zapletin V.V.


The article studies relevancy of the historiographic tradition (it dates back to the 17th century) to consider the document «draft chelobitnaya to Peter I» by foreman V. Zorin in the events of the rebellion of 1698 as a kind of chelobithaya’s. The author proposes the hypothesis and confirms the relevance of revising the source study status of the document and giving it the status of a letter. The verification procedure is carried out in accordance with the current source classification on the basis of detailed analysis of the document form. At the same time, the facts presented by the draftsman are verified by the author as historical facts. Besides, the author formulates the new name of the document. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historism and multifactority of the historical process. The author uses historical-antropological approach as well as comparative-historical, comparative-analytical and dialectical methods. Also, the author analyzes the essence and the content of the document form. Having undertaken the substantive consideration of the text of the «draft chelobitnaya», the author notes the absence in it of mandatory signs characteristic of the petitions and tales of the end of the 17th century and concludes that there are grounds for classifying the document as a type of letter. The free style of writing best fit the hidden intentions and allowed the foreman V. Zorin to give the document the intended meaning of the «rebellious» manifesto. The author presents arguments allowing to interpret the Amen indicated in the statement as confirmation of the intention to fulfill the vow, with which the text of the document should be correlated. As a result of the study, the author formulates a new name for the document.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):16-22
pages 16-22 views


Kutishchev A.V.


The article is devoted to the military history of the late feudal period. The focus of research: marches, relocation and redeployment of troops. This mundane and, at the same time, integral part of any war in the study receives some unusual lighting for military history. The traditional view - in the military-political or utilitarian-professional perspective – remain outside the scope of this article. The study of phenomena and facts of field-marshing reality, the explanation of causal relationships in the military environment, attempts to comprehend the meaning of wars and military affairs are carried out from the perspective of a cultural and civilizational approach. From the methodological toolkit, preference is given to comparative analysis, systematization and comparison of the main march indicators during the Great Northern War (1700–1721) and the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714). The study is based on an extensive and diverse historiographic base, presented by archival materials, domestic and foreign sources, memoirs of eyewitnesses, correspondence of direct participants, descriptions of wars and campaigns, etc. The military campaigns of the Russian army of Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter the Great, the troops of Charles XII, Louis XIV, Evgeny of Savoy, Marlborough are analyzed. The length of communications, weather and climatic features, socio-economic infrastructure, state of communications and other marching factors are viewed through the prism of civilization reflection. Military progress, striving for unification, penetrates into the original cultural and civilizational environment, resulting in a common and particular in the field routine of the troops. It is reflected in the diversity of displays: in readiness to overcome difficulties of field life, in severity or comfort of conditions of service, in degree of well-being and deprivation, in moods of the soldiers’ masses. A special cultural and mental climate within a military society was formed. Ultimately, the military sphere, being a reflex of a rich cultural, historical, ethnic diversity, helps to realize semantic characteristics of civilization, role of cultures and societies in initiating wars, in pursuit of peace, their attitude to good and evil, to place of man in this world.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):23-34
pages 23-34 views


Stolyarov O.D.


The article deals with the groups of foreigners who were members of the Russian ruling elite under Peter the Great and Anna Ioannovna. Foreigners are persons of foreign origin, either born outside Russia or within the country, but in families that have retained their identity. The ruling elite is defined as a group of individuals whose formal and informal status allowed them to influence political decision-making. The article presents a comparative analysis of the groups of foreigners who were members of the Russian ruling elite under Peter the Great and Anna Ioannovna on a number of parameters – the number, degree of influence, the degree of integration into Russian society, etc. The reasons for which in some respects the position of foreigners in the ruling group was the same in both periods under study, and in others – radically different are analyzed. It is concluded that the number of foreigners in the ruling elite in the second quarter of the eighteenth century slowly but steadily increased, particularly in the 1730-ies. This was due mainly to the reasons for the opportunistic nature, primarily due to the fact that in the Annin reign the Russian ruling elite was replenished with representatives of the Courland entourage of the Empress. Also, with a number of reservations, it is concluded that in the circumstances of the rise of foreigners under Anna Ivanovna, favoritism played a greater role than in the reign of Peter the Great, and the degree of integration of these foreigners into Russian society decreased.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):35-40
pages 35-40 views


Pleshcheeva A.V.


Since the beginning of the First World War, the Polish question for the Russian state has again become the serious foreign policy problem, which required the search of new ways to solve it. Russia’s interest to Poland was a strategic character and was determined by the proximity of this state to the theater of operations, which could cause the serious complications for the Russian government. The task of Russia in the First World War was expressed in the proclamation of the Supreme Commander Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich to the Poles. But it was met ambiguously in the environment of the Russian government.
The discussion of the Polish question was devoted to five sessions of the Council of Ministers. The opinions on this problem were requested from the various government departments. The hot discussions on the Polish question caused a split in the ruling circles of Russia. At the same time, the representatives of various departments did not want to listen to the point of view of the opposite side. Generally we can distinguish two sharply opposing groups within the tsarist government. One of these groups united around Foreign Minister S.D. Sazonov and advocated for the changes in the course of the Russian state with regard to Poland. The other group, consisting of N.A. Maklakov, I.G. Shcheglovitov and M.A. Taube, was an opponent of concessions to the Poles. The article analyzes the special memorandum that formulated their «special opinion» on the Polish question. This memorandum is of particular interest, because it defines the military targets in the First World War according to the degree of their importance for Russia.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):41-47
pages 41-47 views


Koznova I.E.


At the time of the appearance in the press of «The Song of the Stormy Petrel», M. Gorky was addressed to wide democratic circles. However, the Bolsheviks, using Gorky’s proximity to his party, monopolized the multi-valued images of this work, securing the writer the title of «Stormy petrel of the proletarian revolution». It was most fully represented in the essay-book of the famous journalist M. Koltsov «The Stormy Petrel. Life and death of Maxim Gorky» (1938). Describing the life of Gorky, Koltsov combined in it the socialist realistic canon of «a native of the people» and a «fighter of the proletariat» with the modernity of the enlightener and the encyclopedic, the man who «made himself». Although the influence of the cult of the leader and political repression on the ideological and substantive concept of the book was strong, it offered the correct version of Gorky’s death, and Koltsov in his journalistic practice himself contributed to the formation of the Gorky myth, thanks to his close personal friendship with Gorky. He touched upon aspects of creative collaboration and his literary talent, especially those that stirred the writer in his search for a new person – the antipode of the tradesman.
Gorky appears as a cultural hero of the era in the apotheosis of youth, energy, movement. At the same time, Koltsov integrated into the essay important for the social practice of his time questions of searching for the past, meeting the needs of socialist construction, and ways of narrating about it. The essay reflected the nomination for the first in politics of the national-patriotic version of the past and the transition to the second plan for its revolutionary version.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):48-57
pages 48-57 views


Konovalov I.N.


The article examines the problem of participation of representatives of the cooperative movement of pre-revolutionary Russia in the political life of the country. This issue is still a debatable topic among experts, especially since the cooperators themselves have repeatedly declared their apoliticality and neutrality.
The purpose of this article is to analyze an episode related to the participation of cooperators in the creation of a cooperative group in the State Duma of Russia. This story from the history of cooperative movement is of undoubted interest for researchers. Touching upon little-known plots of direct participation of cooperators in the election process, it broadens and supplements our ideas about the insufficiently known aspects of the activities of cooperation in creating a cooperative group in the State Duma. To achieve this goal, archival sources were identified and reviewed, the views of theorists of cooperation and the statements of representatives of cooperative organizations on this issue were analyzed. The preparatory work of the cooperators is investigated, examples of the attitude to the creation of a cooperative group in the Duma of political parties are given. The article is based on the general scientific principles of cognition, such as historicism and objectivity. These principles helped to evaluate the essence of the problem under study, taking into account the different points of view of both scientists and contemporaries of the events studied. An analysis of the policy of state institutions in relation to the cooperative movement showed that the system of state power has traditionally been directed against emerging public associations and movements, the government did not want to transfer at least a small part of its authority into the hands of cooperative institutions. While the ever-increasing role of cooperation in the economic life of the country at the same time increased its political claims. Political parties also encouraged the participation in the work of the State Duma of cooperators, which strongly supported the opposition sentiments of the cooperators.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):58-62
pages 58-62 views


Galina G.F.


The article deals with topical issues of international cooperation in the development of the medical sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan after the collapse of the USSR. The aggravation of socio-economic problems in the post-Soviet space caused a crisis in the public health sector. According to the analysis of materials, the article demonstrates the validity of involving different resources to improve the situation in the health and public health sectors, including cooperation with international organizations in the formation process of national healthcare system oriented to the world level. There are main directions of cooperation with foreign states and organizations in the process of reforming and adapting Kazakhstan health care system to the new social and economic conditions of the transition period. It is signed that Kazakhstan – as one of the major states in the post-Soviet space could build stable and mutually beneficial relations with Russia and many other countries, without prejudicing its national interests. The author indicates the most significant sides of communication with international organizations (WHO, UN structures, various foreign centers), as well as intergovernmental contacts with foreign countries aimed to exchange experiences, to develop and to improve new areas in medicine and healthcare, facilitating the entry of an independent Kazakhstan into the world space.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):63-69
pages 63-69 views


Rudneva T.I., Solovyova S.V.


The education system in the field of culture and art has a historically established structure. This structure is the most stable and undergoes the least changes, in contrast to training in other areas of sociocultural relations. Success in professional activity and the self-realization of its graduates largely depends on the organization of interaction of all participants in educational relations.
The heads of structural divisions of an educational organization in the field of culture have the main responsibility for the effectiveness of the entire educational organization as a whole, regardless of what level of education this organization implements. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation developed criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of subordinate educational organizations, including all aspects of its activities: criteria for the main activities of an educational organization; criteria for financial and economic activity, executive discipline of an educational organization; indicators for determining the size of incentive payments for employees of educational organizations of performing arts. In addition, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation has developed a professional standard that defines the labor functions of senior employees of educational organizations. The presence of these regulatory documents made it possible to justify the validity of the competency-based approach to determining the effective characteristics of the heads of educational departments of educational organizations in the field of culture (managerial competence) and to develop its structure taking into account the behavioral approach adopted in the management to determine the essence of the concepts of “competence” and “competence”.
The article substantiates the conditions that determine the effectiveness of activities of any team in the long term, and the formation of threshold and deep competencies that are part of the managerial competency structure of a leader will contribute to the development of art and socio-cultural education in the Russian Federation.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):70-74
pages 70-74 views


Kapranova V.A., Solovova N.V.


In the article, the authors analyze the problem of training the teaching staff of universities to carry out organizational and managerial activities. This problem is considered in the context of modern trends in the development of higher education (democratization, internationalization, increasing the openness of educational systems, expansion of integration processes, informatization, transition from mono – to inter – and transdisciplinary research), which put forward new requirements for educational programs of higher education and cause their transformational changes. It is shown that the traditional approach to the management of educational programs is replaced by an innovative one, involving the delegation of the powers of the head of the educational program to a separate specialist competent in forecasting, implementation, reflection and making effective management decisions.
In this regard, there is not only a substantial change and complication of the traditional types of professional activities of the teacher, but also the appearance of elements of the business process in it, in particular, an increase in the “share” of organizational and managerial functions in the processes of design, design, implementation, quality assessment and guarantee of competitiveness educational program. In the management of educational programs, the separation of management contours into academic management and administrative management is noticeable. Academic management is represented by the academic head of the educational program and the academic Council of the program, and administrative management is carried out by the Manager of the educational program.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):75-81
pages 75-81 views


Reznichenko M.G., Pomelnikova E.A.


Information security specialists’ training in the higher education system is considered one of the primary national tasks on account of the expansion of the information technologies application that is stipulated by a number of factors. Success of the information security specialists’ professional activities is a characteristic of their professional activity in case of recognition of completed ensuring the information protection from information threats by the society and the specialists themselves. The analysis of the researches which were conducted before is given. It is stated that there is a lack of works devoted to the development of personal qualities needed for information protection. It is proved that the development of the readiness to successful professional activity as an integrative personality characteristic for information security specialists is necessary. Such readiness becomes a base of the implementation of the professional functions as an information security specialist has to exercise a number of functions: information-analytical, projecting, technological, interactive, reflective. According to these functions the components of the information security specialists’ readiness to successful professional activity are defined. They are orientational, goal setting, operating, communicative, evaluative. The components require special personal qualities. The orientational component needs a sense of responsibility, the goal setting one needs subjectness; the operating component requires professional mobility and the communicative one – sociability; creative activity is required by the evaluating component. The criteria proving that such components are formed are ethical consciousness, professional self-consciousness, professional, social and acmeological orientations.
The process during which the components of the information security specialists’ readiness to successful professional activity are formed on the base of personality-oriented approach is described. According to its principals of individuality, subjectivity, self-actualization, trust and support, creativity and success the methods are defined. These are verbal and visual methods, inductive and deductive methods, reproductive and problem-searching ones, methods of interest stimulation.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):82-88
pages 82-88 views


Nikulina I.V., Snezhkova A.E.


Motivation for learning is one of the key aspects of learning. Conducted psychological, pedagogical studies have proved a significant role of motivational variables in the effectiveness of educational activities. The urgency of the problem of motivation for educational activity is due, on the one hand, to the growing interest of the state in realizing the potential of the individual for its further achievements, which are the basis for the development of modern information and high-tech society, and on the other hand, to a decrease in internal educational motivation in the learning process. The internal motivation of educational activity guarantees the success and significant achievements of the student in the educational process, which, in turn, is directly related to the further progress not only of him personally, but also in the aggregate of people – the whole society as a whole. The intrinsic motivation of educational activity is determined by a system of motives reflected in interest in the content of educational activity, in creating a productive result, in enjoying the process of cognition, and solving intellectual problems. Internal educational motivation determines academic achievement, positive dynamics of academic performance, and is also a condition of psychological well-being.
Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific ideas and research results in the field of motivation; generalization and systematization of facts and regulations on the motivation of educational activities; study of the motivation of learning activities of students.
The article presents the definition of motivation for educational activities, gives a comparative analysis of the concepts of «motivation» and «motive». The motives related to external (motive of social approval, fear of punishment, motive of communication, extracurricular school motivation) and internal (cognitive interest, motivation to achieve, awareness of social need, motive of self-realization) motivation for learning activities are considered. The results of a survey of students in grades 5–11 are analyzed, the leading motives of educational activity at each of the age stages are highlighted.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):89-94
pages 89-94 views


Godizova Z.I., Qian V.


The article deals with the verbs of final negative way of acting, which are one of the brightest representatives of the group of ways of acting.
The verbs of final negative way of acting haven’t attracted the researchers` attention yet. Meanwhile it is rather interesting and actual to explore the given verbs from the functional stylistic and aspect correlation points of view as well as to find out what causes the negative consequences of acting semantics and the in different contexts. The term negative consequences of acting should be also qualified.
In the research process the following methods were used: observation, description and functional semantic analyses. The quantitative methodology was used in analysis and generalization of language phenomena.
As a material for the study, examples from works by Russian writers selected from the Russian National Corpus (F.M. Dostoevsky, V.P. Astafyev, M.M. Zoshchenko, V.I. Shukshin) were used.
A wide range of issues related to the principles of word formatiоn meaning, definition of its essence, patterns of interaction of affixes and motivating basis, etc. is considered in the given article.
The research proves that the semantics of word formation model itself plays an important role in creating of the negative consequence of acting до-…-ся as well as the usage of stylistically marked words (colloquial) as motivating verbs; in addition, the semantics of the negative result of acting is created by the context and situation. The semantics of the negative result of acting is manifested as the occurrence of the subject“s negatively assessed state (fatigue, unfitness, exhaustion), negative development of events,  negative situations as a result of the subject`s acting. The functional stylistic features of the verbs of the final negative mode of acting are determined and it is established that functioning in colloquial speech is one their characteristics. We have also established that the imperfective forms of the given verbs are rarely used and in addition the obstacle to their formation is the total meaning of the perfect form.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):95-102
pages 95-102 views


Ovshieva N.L., Poshtanova M.S.


The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient development of the issues associated with the analysis of situational irony. In the present study, the objective of the study is to identify the linguistic features of the ironical mode of literary discourse in accordance with the idea of situational irony as mode of literary discourse. In accordance with this goal, the work sets the following tasks: 1) to consider approaches to the analysis of situational irony in modern linguistics; 2) to explore the characteristic features of ironic situations; 3) to consider the types of situational irony in English short stories. The analysis of language material is carried out by means of genre approach, pragmalinguistic and stylistic methods of research. In this study, the principle of organizing a short story is based on the classification of events by J. Lucariello, which represents 7 types of ironical script. The principle of organizing a story is based on a certain discrepancy of an ironical script with the generally accepted script. The classification of ironical events by J. Lucariello, therefore, can rather be called the classification of violations or deviations. Ironic schemes are activated when some combination of the following four characteristics is found in a situation: unexpectedness, human frailty, outcome, and opposition.
The analysis of the material showed that the imbalances script is most frequently used, viz. such subtypes as temporal, contextual imbalances and role reversal. The stories abound in emotional lexis, lexical repetition, syntactic parallelism and indirect politeness strategies. They are designed to create an ironic effect, thereby involving the reader in the dialogue with the author. In addition, by way of situational irony the writer conveys a certain moral message to the reader. These linguistic features of short stories characterize them as a sample of the ironical mode of literary discourse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):103-111
pages 103-111 views


Svoikin K.B., Arestova E.V.


Currently, the problem of unspoken text components analysis is gradually becoming more and more relevant, especially of those within the economic media discourse because it covers the most topical issues and problems, both namely economic and related – social and sociopolitical issues viewed in their communicative expansion. At the same time articles analyzing non verbal or non explicit components of the above mentioned discourse are quite few in number meanwhile the textual and contextual cognitive backgrounds are getting more and more topical as far as the media discourse itself obtains open and interactive forms in contemporary information trends. This article explores the components (namely, the implicit reflections of the authors’ conventional and individual value systems) actualized in texts focused upon economic and related phenomena published in numerous Internet sources. The media texts under analysis have been explored either isolated or proceeded with comments written in open forum discussions and panels. The focus has been made on the conventional value system (as a component of both discourse and the personality of the authors as well as of their evaluative paradigms within common value paradigms) from the perspective of the subject set in the media discourse as the chronotopic context of the author’s subjective implications and the phenomenon/object oriented at argumentation within extensive variety of the evaluative statements. The material under analysis represents media discourse of various designs written in English and issued in the Internet: articles from Internet journals, political and business blogs, twits, forums and discussions – all that represents dialogic or interactive characteristics in media communication.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):112-122
pages 112-122 views


Plotnickiy Y.E.


The article analyses specific features of how the cinematic discourse influences the visual component
of music videos by the English band Muse. The music video is viewed as a complex semantic entity, where the visual and the verbal components are linked with each other. The nature of this linkage is also studied in this paper.
The research also studies the characteristics of the visual component, which is viewed as a part of the complex polycode textual entity – music video, as well as the nature of correlation between the verbal and the visual components. The paper analyses topical features of the verbal component, or song lyrics,
and the way these thematic features are actualized in the visual component under the obvious influence on the cinematic discourse.
Оverviews different approaches to the notion of «polycode text» among both Russian and foreign scholars and compares their views on specific characteristics of this kind of texts. The influence of cinematic discourse on song discourse within the framework of the analyzed material is studied on both formal and content level.
The research has made it possible to reveal several popular scripts, or scenarios, which originated in
the cinematic discourse and keep exercising significant influence on song discourse, resulting in utilizing their elements in the visual component of music videos.
Besides that, among the results of this research we can mention determining sources of borrowing for the elements, making up the image of the world presented in music videos of the band Muse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):123-129
pages 123-129 views


Kotelnikova N.N.


From the perspective of urban communication studies, that explore various aspects of human communication in an urban environment, the city is interpreted as a complex communicative formation, which is reflected in the signs of various semiotic systems. One of such systems forming the semiotic landscape of a city is signboards representing the names of urban infrastructure facilities.
The article reflects the results of linguistic analysis of signboards texts of five China megacities: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou. A brief retrospective review of the development of the urban signboards language as a part of Chinese cities’ linguistic appearance is given. The structure of Chinese signboards’ texts is considered and the main features of its identifying (the general name of an urban object that determines the type of an enterprise), qualifying (the component that clarifies the profile of an urban object, as well as the range of products and services offered) and differentiating (the individual name of an object) components are determined.
The article shows how the technique of foreign graphics, inclusion of toponyms and anthroponyms in the text, advantages of Chinese ideographic writing system are used in signboards texts’ creation. Using the owners’ names, surnames and even nicknames, based on their appearance, can be considered as a traditional way of commercial objects’ nominating in China. The creators of signboards texts, taking into account the peculiarities of Chinese language as one of the most homonymous languages, actively use the language game technique that is based on the words with the same pronunciation, but different meaning and writing. The use of phrases from ancient Chinese poetry as a differentiating component is pointed out as one of specific features of Chinese urban signboards texts.
The author emphasizes that the urban signboards texts are a valuable source of information, that shows not only how the globalization processes influence the urban discourse of Chinese cities, but above all, clearly accentuates their unique characteristics, originality and identity of the language portrait of these cities.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):130-138
pages 130-138 views


Domysheva S.A., Kopylova N.V.


The article addresses the issue of using peer review in writing within the field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the university level in Russia. Although peer review has been recognized by teachers around the world as an effective technique for improving students’ writing skills, there are very few publications on this topic in Russia.
The research aims to determine how often peer review is used in EFL writing classes at Russian universities, what attitudes teachers and students have toward peer review and whether these attitudes are influencedby inherent cultural characteristics.The data for analysis was obtained through online and offline anonymous surveys conducted in a number of Russian universities among random samples of teachers and students.
Based on the findings of these surveys, the authors conclude that peer review is not a very common practice in EFL writing classes in Russia although it is viewed mostly in a positive way by both faculty and students. The study also shows that limitations on using peer review are caused by such inherent cultural characteristics as a high degree of collectivism and high power distance. These cultural values, believed to be typical of Russians, are manifested in educational settings; yet, there is no unanimity among faculty and among students about the extent of this manifestation. Moreover, there is a considerable discrepancy between teachers’ and students’ views on whether learning should be student- or teacher-centered.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):139-147
pages 139-147 views


Gorbunov Y.I., Gorbunova O.Y.


The current article deals with the essence and content of the professional linguist-translator’s competence. The authors strongly consider that professional competence implies complex multi-dimensional category representing a range of separate key competences among which primarily is figured out a communicative competence including all its basic components. Communicative competence is viewed as an ability to use the language correctly in all the range of socially-determined situations. Communicative competence consists of several principal competences such as linguistic competence, discourse competence and sociocultural competence forming its core. Along with communicative competence within a structure of linguist-translator’s professional competence one can figure out a set of special competences depicting the specificity of a translator’s job. The key ones are presented by text-forming competence, technical competence and information-technological competence implying the practical usage of modern information technologies connected with a foreign text’s automatic processing, automatic annotation, abstracting and a foreign text’s translation.
The article displays the model of future linguist-translators’ professional competence formation, which includes above all previously mentioned competences, the teaching materials along with practical course of technical translation’s curriculum, bilingual learning automotive thesaurus and special manual training French-Russian technical translation skills. The main goal of our pedagogical model, above introducing it into educational process, is to ensure the efficiency of future linguist-translator’s professional competence.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):148-155
pages 148-155 views


Sytko A.W.


This study is dedicated to the problem of semantic and functional variability of deontic constructions. Deontic is an invariant characteristic of any discourse, which, depending on its type, organizes modal structures in different ways. In relation to the actions of an obligatory change in the state of affairs in the world, this modality is expressed by a statement in which there are two plans: informative, (action to perform) and deontic, including information about various factors that require creating a different state of affairs, about the nature of the modal attitude to action (mandatory, prohibited or permitted) and about the performer of the action, i.e. about the modal source, modal force and modal agents.
The functional features of deontic expressions and the various combinations and variations of their components depend on the type of discourse. In this paper the types of modal agents in the nuclear genre of political discourse – political speeches in German and Russian linguistic cultures – are described using contextual analysis. The study shows that the set of deontic agents is predetermined by this discursive practice, its functional and system-forming characteristics, and has a similarity in the implementation of a modal agent regardless of linguoculture. The method of functional-semantic description reveals that various types of deontic agents, their variability and semantic flexibility allow deontic utterances to realize different functions, thus determining the peculiarity of deontic modality in political discourse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):156-164
pages 156-164 views


Cherezova М.А.


The article is devoted to determining the place and role of such type of strategies as contact strategies in interactive paired complex «electronic article – electronic comment» in German discursive political practice. As the material for this study, primary messages about political occurrences from the leading German newspapers «ZEIT ONLINE», «Süddeutsche Zeitung» and the journal «SPIEGEL ONLINE» as well as secondary texts in the form of comments from the readership were selected. The language analysis proves that the strategic activity in given form of discourse is a complex multi-faceted process caused by the intentions of the message addresser on the one hand, and by the conditions of interaction within the Internet space on the other hand.

The rationale of this study is determined by considering the language realization of one or a combination of contact strategies allocated to the working classification. The author focuses on using means of various levels of the German language as well as non-verbal components in the processes of imposition, intentional change or substitution of strategies. It is noted that the strategic program of the addresser of the electronic message is not always correctly recognized by the recipient and does not always find a continuation in the electronic comment often the secondary product radically contradicts the original text.

The author thinks that scientific novelty of the study is in the case of the political discourse of electronic German media commentators choosing certain strategic models can transfer the polemic based on what they read in an electronic article into a completely new direction focusing on their own given strategic course. Contact strategies organizing interaction and mutual understanding of participants in indirect, but close in electronic space to direct communication are an important key in discovery the underlying author’s strategy and often the strategy of the German press as a whole.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):165-171
pages 165-171 views



Kabytov P.S.


The review is devoted to the analysis of the monograph of M.I. Rodnov which leaning on legislative materials, normative documents of the City Council of Ufa, office work materials, using the central and regional press (including advertizing) undertook reconstruction of process of automobilization of the provincial city of Ufa in the beginnings of the 20th century. This problem is considered by the author through a prism of acceleration of modernization processes in the Russian Empire.

In the monograph three stages of automobilization which introduced essential amendments in everyday life of city society and became the major factor influencing development of transport and formation of new infrastructure are allocated.

The scientific analysis of literature and complex of various sources, is supported with new conclusions and observations that gives to the book by M.I. Rodnov the status of a modern research of everyday life of the provincial city society which entered an era of automobilization.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(3):172-175
pages 172-175 views

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