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The article deals with the groups of foreigners who were members of the Russian ruling elite under Peter the Great and Anna Ioannovna. Foreigners are persons of foreign origin, either born outside Russia or within the country, but in families that have retained their identity. The ruling elite is defined as a group of individuals whose formal and informal status allowed them to influence political decision-making. The article presents a comparative analysis of the groups of foreigners who were members of the Russian ruling elite under Peter the Great and Anna Ioannovna on a number of parameters – the number, degree of influence, the degree of integration into Russian society, etc. The reasons for which in some respects the position of foreigners in the ruling group was the same in both periods under study, and in others – radically different are analyzed. It is concluded that the number of foreigners in the ruling elite in the second quarter of the eighteenth century slowly but steadily increased, particularly in the 1730-ies. This was due mainly to the reasons for the opportunistic nature, primarily due to the fact that in the Annin reign the Russian ruling elite was replenished with representatives of the Courland entourage of the Empress. Also, with a number of reservations, it is concluded that in the circumstances of the rise of foreigners under Anna Ivanovna, favoritism played a greater role than in the reign of Peter the Great, and the degree of integration of these foreigners into Russian society decreased.

About the authors

O. D. Stolyarov

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer, Department of History of Fatherland, Medicine and Social Sciences


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