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Information security specialists’ training in the higher education system is considered one of the primary national tasks on account of the expansion of the information technologies application that is stipulated by a number of factors. Success of the information security specialists’ professional activities is a characteristic of their professional activity in case of recognition of completed ensuring the information protection from information threats by the society and the specialists themselves. The analysis of the researches which were conducted before is given. It is stated that there is a lack of works devoted to the development of personal qualities needed for information protection. It is proved that the development of the readiness to successful professional activity as an integrative personality characteristic for information security specialists is necessary. Such readiness becomes a base of the implementation of the professional functions as an information security specialist has to exercise a number of functions: information-analytical, projecting, technological, interactive, reflective. According to these functions the components of the information security specialists’ readiness to successful professional activity are defined. They are orientational, goal setting, operating, communicative, evaluative. The components require special personal qualities. The orientational component needs a sense of responsibility, the goal setting one needs subjectness; the operating component requires professional mobility and the communicative one – sociability; creative activity is required by the evaluating component. The criteria proving that such components are formed are ethical consciousness, professional self-consciousness, professional, social and acmeological orientations.
The process during which the components of the information security specialists’ readiness to successful professional activity are formed on the base of personality-oriented approach is described. According to its principals of individuality, subjectivity, self-actualization, trust and support, creativity and success the methods are defined. These are verbal and visual methods, inductive and deductive methods, reproductive and problem-searching ones, methods of interest stimulation.

About the authors

M. G. Reznichenko

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Social Systems and Law

E. A. Pomelnikova

Samara National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1381-6992

senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language


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Copyright (c) 2019 Reznichenko M.G., Pomelnikova E.A.

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