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Motivation for learning is one of the key aspects of learning. Conducted psychological, pedagogical studies have proved a significant role of motivational variables in the effectiveness of educational activities. The urgency of the problem of motivation for educational activity is due, on the one hand, to the growing interest of the state in realizing the potential of the individual for its further achievements, which are the basis for the development of modern information and high-tech society, and on the other hand, to a decrease in internal educational motivation in the learning process. The internal motivation of educational activity guarantees the success and significant achievements of the student in the educational process, which, in turn, is directly related to the further progress not only of him personally, but also in the aggregate of people – the whole society as a whole. The intrinsic motivation of educational activity is determined by a system of motives reflected in interest in the content of educational activity, in creating a productive result, in enjoying the process of cognition, and solving intellectual problems. Internal educational motivation determines academic achievement, positive dynamics of academic performance, and is also a condition of psychological well-being.
Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific ideas and research results in the field of motivation; generalization and systematization of facts and regulations on the motivation of educational activities; study of the motivation of learning activities of students.
The article presents the definition of motivation for educational activities, gives a comparative analysis of the concepts of «motivation» and «motive». The motives related to external (motive of social approval, fear of punishment, motive of communication, extracurricular school motivation) and internal (cognitive interest, motivation to achieve, awareness of social need, motive of self-realization) motivation for learning activities are considered. The results of a survey of students in grades 5–11 are analyzed, the leading motives of educational activity at each of the age stages are highlighted.

About the authors

I. V. Nikulina

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education

A. E. Snezhkova

Samara National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1381-6992

master of the 3rd year of study, Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education


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