The article analyses specific features of how the cinematic discourse influences the visual component
of music videos by the English band Muse. The music video is viewed as a complex semantic entity, where the visual and the verbal components are linked with each other. The nature of this linkage is also studied in this paper.
The research also studies the characteristics of the visual component, which is viewed as a part of the complex polycode textual entity – music video, as well as the nature of correlation between the verbal and the visual components. The paper analyses topical features of the verbal component, or song lyrics,
and the way these thematic features are actualized in the visual component under the obvious influence on the cinematic discourse.
Оverviews different approaches to the notion of «polycode text» among both Russian and foreign scholars and compares their views on specific characteristics of this kind of texts. The influence of cinematic discourse on song discourse within the framework of the analyzed material is studied on both formal and content level.
The research has made it possible to reveal several popular scripts, or scenarios, which originated in
the cinematic discourse and keep exercising significant influence on song discourse, resulting in utilizing their elements in the visual component of music videos.
Besides that, among the results of this research we can mention determining sources of borrowing for the elements, making up the image of the world presented in music videos of the band Muse.