Vol 25, No 2 (2019)

Full Issue


Matveev M.N., Turganova O.V.


The reform of zemstvo self-government held in 1917 by the government was meant to construct the inner basis of the state organism, covering the local life Russia having tied it into the whole. Introduction of volost (area division in Tzarist Russia) zemstvo (country council) was one of the most important zemstvo reforms in 1917. This was driven by several factors justified by the authors of the article.

 Firstly, introduction of volost zemstvo self-government was one of the most prepared and long-waited reforms for which country councils were fighting from the beginning of the XIX century. Secondly, the reform included into the system of local power multi-million peasant Russia through volost’ meetings and municipal councils. Thirdly, with the introduction of the lower level of zemstvo structure there appeared a well-developed and complete system of self-government covering the state life from volost’ till the All-Russia Zemstvo Union. Fourthly, elections to the Constituent Assemly depended on the elections to volost zemstvo as they were kind of a rehearsal and a new experience of All-Russia elections. In the long run, the creating of volost zemstvo was the basis of all other zemstvo reforms of the interim government. The fate of the democratic organs in the country depended on the success of the reforms.

 Taking into account the fact that by the time of February Revolution the preparation for volost zemstvo introduction in Russia has been developing for a decade, the law on volost zemstvo was the first in the reform package of the the interim government. The introduction of volost zemstvo was considered by society not as a revolution in the system of power, but as the logical conclusion of an effectively functioning structure of local self-government.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):7-12
pages 7-12 views


Dubman E.L.


The article describes the characteristics of the development of the Southern Middle Volga Region by the yasak indigenous population of the Kazan Region in the second half of the XVII century. During this period the military administrative and economic integration of its territory into Russia took place.

The source base of the work consists of published documents and archival materials from the funds of the RGADA and other archives.

The purpose of the study is to study the characteristics of participation of the indigenous peoples of the Kazan Region in the economic colonization of the Southern Middle Volga and the formation of a new society on its space. An attempt was made to determine their place and role in this process.

It is shown that in the second half of the XVII century Chuvash, Mordovians and Tatars are becoming one of the most significant categories of inhabitants of the region. Until that time, they were engaged in the exploitation of “hitting” of the region’s natural resources. In the second half of the century, in the course of mass economic development of new lands, the indigenous peoples of the Kazan Region, along with the Russians, became almost equal participants in agricultural colonization. It was revealed that in the process of resettlement various ethnic groups were in close social, legal, economic conditions. The government policy was directed on such conditions of the colonization process.

It was concluded that in that period a peculiar process of “finding a homeland” took place on the territory of the South Middle Volga Region. A single regional socio-cultural community began to emerge from different ethnic and confessional groups of immigrants.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):13-23
pages 13-23 views


Bezgina O.A.


In the article on the example of cooperative societies of the Middle Volga Region one of the ambiguous problems of the development of cooperative movement in Russia in the early XX century is raised: the participation of cooperation in the political life of the country. In domestic historiography, various points of view have developed on this subject: from the complete denial of the participation of cooperatives in political life to the proud recognition and even exaggerated their role in political processes. The latter, as a rule, characterized Soviet historiography, which declared the active participation of representatives of the Bolshevik Party in the work of cooperative organizations. In the pre-revolutionary period, representatives of gendarme offices were periodically informed about the danger of cooperation as a potential hotbed of revolutionary sentiment. Theorists and practitioners of cooperation themselves, as a rule, declared the apolitical nature of cooperation. The purpose of this article is to determine the place of politics in the life of cooperative organizations and the degree of actual participation of cooperative majority and leaders of cooperation in political life.
To achieve this goal, an analysis of historiography was carried out, the experience of cooperative activity in the provinces of the Middle Volga Region was studied, and corresponding examples were given. From a methodological point of view, we proceed from the fact that cooperation is a dual phenomenon, which closely combines both economic and social functions. The article is based on the general scientific principles of knowledge, such as historicism and objectivity. These principles helped to assess the essence of the problem being studied, taking into account the different points of view of both scholars and contemporaries of the events studied. The dynamics of the processes that characterized the cooperative movement of the Middle Volga Region in the early XX century were studied using the statistical method.
The systems approach allowed us to see the place of political processes in the life of cooperative societies and the cooperative movement as a whole. And to conclude that the closer the cooperation entered into interaction with the state, the more cooperative leaders were involved in political life. The latter, in turn, led to disagreements and even to a split in the cooperative ranks.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):24-29
pages 24-29 views


Mkrtchyan L.G.


The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the Samara regional Armenian diaspora in the period of the Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century. The task of the study is to reconstruct the social portrait of Armenian refugees who were arriving to the Samara Region. On the basis of documents from the funds of the Central State Archive of the Samara Region (passports, refugee certificates, questionnaires), a database was created that allowed the task to be solved. The author used quantitative methods to determine the dynamics of the number of Armenian refugees who received certificates in Samara in the period 1915–1921, the distribution of refugees by gender, age, marital status, place of departure. According to calculations, the total number of Armenian refugees in Samara in 1915–1921 was more than 400 people.

As a result of the study, it was proved that the Armenian diaspora of the Samara Region in the years of the Genocide was formed from the refugees who arrived mainly from Eastern Armenia; Armenian refugees with their families began to arrive en masse to the Samara Region in 1919. Samara was the arrival center, but the refugees stayed also in the entire Samara province and neighboring regions. In terms of social composition, the refugees were representatives of the middle artisan strata, mostly the younger generation (the predominant age group was from 20 to 44 years); a quarter of the total number of refugees were children. Some of the refugees subsequently remained in the Samara Region, that is confirmed by statistical data and archival sources. The study allows us to characterize the period of 1915–1921 as an important stage in the formation of the Samara regional Armenian diaspora.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):30-35
pages 30-35 views


Mozokhin O.B.


The purpose of the article is to reflect the mechanism of decision-making of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) with regard to cases having socio-political nature considered at the political commission of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) on the basis of introduction of new archival documents into scientific circulation.

The reform of the judicial system at that time was necessary to maintain the revolutionary rule of law  in the country. Despite the fact that it was of a pronounced political nature full trust to it from party bodies as it was visible wasn't.

The author found that after the introduction of party control over the activities of state security bodies, since the mid-1920-ies party control and the consideration of court cases. With this purpose the Political Commission of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) was created. It is established that in the process of its activity there were double standards in making decisions on criminal cases, this was clearly manifested in the consideration of the so-called «Chita case». Its public consideration was extremely negative political result. In this regard, the crime committed by members of the Communist party, members of the Politburo, explained the complete lack of understanding of the committed act on their part. The highest party body of the country, as an exception, made the decision to limit the use of non-criminal and party punishment to criminals.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):36-41
pages 36-41 views


Gomanenko O.A.


After the war began water ways became one of the most important means of transportation. The goal of the article is to determine the significance of river transportation during the 1941 navigation. The task is to show fulfillment of the target amounts of people and cargo transportation for the Front, as well as transportation of the wounded, civilians and industrial facilities to the rear. The study is based on the objectiveness and historical principles as well as the systematic approach. The general scientific, special historical and quantitative methods were applied. The study uses both published sources and archival ones.

It has been established that after the beginning of the war the significance of river transportation grew dramatically and it came to be of the utmost importance. River cargo traffic and turnover of goods changed, the Volga included. The strategically important goods transportation (oil included) grew. At the same time the amount of ships at river transport organizations (at the Volga organizations particularly) across the country fell sharply due to mobilization for military needs. This greatly affected the amounts of civil cargo and passenger transportation that had to be risen. Besides river transportation suffered from the lack of workforce. Workers were supplied from various sources, the workforce-training system included. Nevertheless this problem had been acute until the war was over.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views


Kondrashin V.V., Selemenev V.D.


The article describes the types and scale of assistance provided in 1943 – 1945 by the Belarusian SSR by the Union center in the restoration of the destroyed by the Nazi invaders agriculture of the Republic.

It states that this assistance was part of the state program of restoration and development of the national economy of Belarus, developed by the Soviet government with the participation of the republican leadership of the BSSR.

The authors of the article touch upon such important types of assistance of the Belarusian village from the Union center as the allocation of funds for the restoration of the agricultural economy, the import of cattle and agricultural machinery from the Eastern regions of the RSFSR to the BSSR and due to the reparations from the defeated Nazi Germany, etc. The article also highlights the problematic issues in obtaining the help of the Belarusian SSR from the Union center.

The authors conclude that the assistance provided by the Union center of the BSSR in 1943–1945 played a crucial role in the process of restoration of the destroyed agriculture of the Republic.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):48-54
pages 48-54 views


Ablazhey N.N.


The article is devoted to the history of repatriation of the children of Russian emigrants from Yugoslavia, who were removed to the USSR from the German city of Annaberg by the decision of the government of December 19, 1945 and located in the orphanage № 25 in the village of Kuzkino, Kuibyshev region. Among the repatriated, there was a group of former students of the Kharkov Girl Institute and its director M.A. Neklyudova, a graduate of the Smolny Institute. The removal of children to the USSR caused a collective protest from a group of Russian emigrants who were in the camp for displaced persons of the American occupation zone in Austria, who claimed their parental rights.

Based on the materials from the Office of the Commissioner for Repatriation of the USSR Council of Ministers, the author reconstructs the circumstances of the children’s repatriation, their living conditions in the orphanage and arrangements for preparing their removal to Austria for transfer to the parents – Russian emigrants that was done with the mediation of the American side.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):55-63
pages 55-63 views


Golenkov S.I.


The article discusses the concept of teaching university philosophy course. The current teaching of philosophy at the university does not correspond the requirements of the time, as it is focused on gaining knowledge of philosophy. Such an orientation is characteristic of a classical university, which can exist only in a situation of stability and relatively slow changes in the social world around it. Modern University prepares its graduates for professional activities in a continuously and rapidly changing world. The present dynamic life requires from a specialist the skills of independent, critical work with information, responsible use of it. The purpose of the article is to determine the conceptual foundations of a university philosophy course that correspond contemporary realities. The necessity of orientation of philosophy to the formation and development of the student's skill of reflection problems and issues of professional activity and daily life is justified. In this regard, the task of the university philosophy course seems to be equipping the graduate with the philosophical tools of reflexive activity. Solving this task is promoted by such methods of mastering philosophy as self-reflection, reading and analysis of philosophical texts and discourses. Experience shows that these methods work most effectively in thinking about questions of moral and existential choice, individual freedom, professional mission, the search for the meaning of life, etc., that is, in the analysis of real life situations.

In conclusion, it is concluded that the conceptual basis of teaching philosophy in higher education today must be transformed from the study of philosophy to the practice of philosophy.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):64-70
pages 64-70 views


Filipchenko S.N.


The phenomenon of patriotic culture is considered in the state and regional programs on patriotic education of youth, which is a strategic course of the state policy of the Russian Federation.

Socio-political changes in Russia have led to a change in spiritual and moral values among young people. There is a tendency of losing patriotic consciousness in the younger generation. In this situation it is patriotism and culture which ensure the integrity of Russian society, state immunity, independence and preservation of historical and patriotic heritage.

The concept «patriotic culture» is studied by many researchers. Researchers pay attention to the complexity and multidimensionality of the interpretation of this phenomenon. The author defines patriotic culture of students as scientific knowledge of the history of state, its traditions, ideology, the essence of patriotic duty and love for your motherland. The author distinguishes cognitive, sensory-emotional and activity components in the structure of patriotic culture.

The formation of patriotic culture of university students is defined as a specially organized step-by-step process of students acquiring the ideal objectivity produced by culture in the context of identifying patriotic culture according to the goals and objectives facing future professionals.

The formation of patriotic culture of students on the basis of the components mentioned above should be based on understanding of internal needs of an individual that emerge in the process of studies at university. The process of the formation takes place in the classroom during the study of disciplines of the chosen specialty, as well as during psychological and pedagogical practice, which clearly shows the level of the acquired patriotic culture and the culture of interpersonal and interethnic relations of students.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):71-75
pages 71-75 views


Kalmykova D.A., Solovova N.V.


The article deals with the problem of readiness of a university teacher for knowledge management in conditions of formation of a cognitive university. The modern process of development of the information society is continuously associated with the changing role of knowledge, which is a separately created public good and a separate resource. The development of knowledge economy transforms the conditions for the functioning of a higher school, orienting it to the training of graduates who would have an individual set of necessary competences on a multi- and metadisciplinary basis. The urgency of the problem is determined by new educational conditions that give the teacher the functions of a mentor, coach, consultant and manager-organizer of the educational process, which is identical to the process of knowledge management.

In the course of changing the role of a teacher in an educational organization of higher education, his scientific activity acquires special significance. The authors presented the specificity of scientific activities of a university teacher in the context of the development of a fourth-generation university, revealed the concept of a university teacher's readiness to manage knowledge.

The main research methods are the analysis and synthesis of scientific information, research results in the areas of knowledge management in educational institutions of higher education and teacher’s professional activities; generalization and systematization of scientific facts and provisions.

Based on the principle of identification, to determine the structure of a university teacher's readiness for knowledge management, the types of scientific activity are correlated with the main stages of knowledge life cycle management and his official duties.

As a result of the research, the authors proposed a knowledge management readiness structure that integrates value-motivational, instrumental-digital, research, appraisal-analytical, interactive-communication and academic-entrepreneurial components.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):76-83
pages 76-83 views


Strekalova N.B.


The article deals with the historical background of transition from informatization of education to its digitalization: from the stage of fragmentary application of information technologies in the educational process, the consolidation of tasks solved with their help, the development of e-learning, equipping universities with e-IOS and the use of its resources in educational activities to the stage of introduction of new digital technologies in the educational process. Theoretical analysis revealed the essence of the term «digitalization», established a list of significant digital technologies for the development of society (cloud, cognitive, big data technologies and the Internet of things), defined and systematized list of key digital competencies of modern specialists (skills of working with digital technologies, the ability to diverse and effective online communication, analytical skills, critical and flexible thinking, multitasking skills, integrated work in interprofessional teams).
Empirical data of the pilot study confirmed the need for the formation of digital competencies, changes in the content of training, equipping teachers with relevant knowledge, skills, competencies. Along with positive aspects of digitalization of education, the article presents possible negative changes in this area (loss of basic cognitive competencies, reduction of the general level of training, reduction of the need for an «intellectual» specialist, departure from the fundamental, redistribution of the functions of administration of universities and teachers, high requirements for the psychological qualities of the teacher, reduction of personal contacts, the growth of conflicts, «leakage» of talented youth and teachers abroad, reduction of the contingent of higher education, loss of the status of domestic higher education, reducing the number of students). The task of ensuring the quality of digital education and ways the actual pedagogical research (the digital model of the teacher; technology of development of digital educational content, methods of evaluation of its quality with ergonomic, health, psychological and pedagogical requirements; methods of monitoring of progress and the formation of educational outcomes in terms of the transfer of learning process to the global network; means of ensuring the quality of training, prevention of possible risks of its reduction) are actualized.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):84-88
pages 84-88 views


Anisimova А.G., Pavlyuk M.I.


The article deals with the semantic changes of the terms of the Humanities and those of social and political sciences, the majority of which are consubstantial. It is universally acknowledged that a lexical-semantic way of coining new terms is the most productive one, which makes the majority of terms consubstantial.

Words borrowed from the general literary language more often than not undergo the process of terminologisation and turns into terms proper whose meaning becomes more precise and narrow. Besides the process of terminologisation the article also considers the processes of determinologisation and reterminologisation. The research has also shown that the meaning of the term changes due to its transition from the category of the author original terms to international ones. These conclusions are also applicable to metaphor-based terms and terms coined on the basis of proper nouns. Having become part of terminological word combinations, proper nouns lose the meanings common for all participants of the speech community.

The growing level of terminologisation results in the change of meaning of the term to such an extent that it becomes understandable only to professionals. The common seme which the term shares with the word of the general language disappears.

The material for the research includes terminological dictionaries of various fields of the humanities and social and political sciences (economics, politics, law, art criticism). The authors have tried to present the studied material as a whole, to address certain problem caused by the change of meaning and to identify regularities of terminological meaning change.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):89-94
pages 89-94 views


Kapustkina E.S.


The present article deals with a shift in the social perception of an English governess in the 1830-ies in view of sociolinguistic markers by means of which her image is created. The shift was caused by rising living standards of Victorians, especially of those involved in industry and trade. The eagerness to emulate their landed aristocracy, which middle-class English people have always been well-known for, is reflected by the fact that the eligibility of employing a governess for one's children is no longer restricted to aristocratic families. Instead, it is regarded as a matter of pride and a symbol of wealth and prosperity by middle-class people. As a result, Victorian literature sees the arrival of a new genre − the governess novel where the main character falls a victim of her financial situation and has to tolerate the brutal working conditions and suffer from both her employers' and her pupils' undisguised contempt. The article studies the anthroponymic space of the novels «Agnes Grey» by Anne Brontё and «Jane Eyre» by Charlotte Brontё and analyses the dictionary definitions of key lexemes, which reveals some class prejudices a governess has to face and the reasons for her intermediate social position in a Victorian house.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):95-99
pages 95-99 views


Proskurnina L.V.


The purpose of this article – within the framework of the lingvocultural approach is to consider the features of linguistic and cultural opposition of us/them in the text of the historical novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House» through the prism of the real historical and cultural situation, on the example of the opposition of two historical eras – the reign of Anna Ioannovna (Biron) and Peter's time. To achieve this goal contributes the solution of the following tasks: the definition of dichotomy us/them as the basic cultural analysis of the opposition of this world duality in the text of the novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House». The research methodology was determined by its purpose and objectives, respectively, we used the following methods: continuous sampling method, the method of definition, component and contextual analysis. The article attempts to trace the representation of the dichotomy of us / them at different levels of embodiment of the writer's linguistic personality: lexico-grammatical, cognitive (conceptual) and pragmatic, as well as to determine its place in the disclosure of the essence of the individual author's picture of the world of the novelist.

The binary opposition between friends and foes is one of the oldest in the world picture of any nation. The conceptual dichotomy of us / them refers to the base Constantan axiological picture of the world. On its basis, the ways and nature of the author's reconstruction of the literary text of historical reality are determined. Opposition us/them is the basis of both the national picture of the world and the picture of the individual author, which is clearly reflected in the texts of artistic discourse. This opposition is peculiar represented in the texts of historical novels, a striking example of which can be considered a novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House». This opposition expresses conceptual information that corresponds to the thesaurus level of linguistic personality of the artist of the word. The dichotomy is built in accordance with the ideological views of the writer: the carriers of cultural ideals of the era, carrying light and good, are described as their own; others are opposed to them – sinister, dark forces. Turning to the reconstruction of the historical era of the reign of Anna Ivanovna, I.I. Lazhechnikov in the center put forward a dichotomy of us/them, playing a key role in his individual-author's picture of the world.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):100-108
pages 100-108 views


Shevchenko V.D., Pisareva A.G.


The present article is devoted to the analysis of Internet discourse represented on web-sites of the British rugby teams. The aim of the research is identification of communicative situation features in the sport Internet discourse. The following tasks were fulfilled in order to achieve the aim: investigating peculiar features of language representation that is typical of a referential situation (an event, in this case – a sports competition) and the analysis of communicative discursive situation that takes place during transmission of the message covering this event. The articles from the news sections of the web-sites were used as the source of empirical data.

The research focuses on representation of a socially important event in the sports discourse – a sports match. The constituents of a situational model (Participants, their Actions, the Conditions) were singled out by means of the analysis of an extract belonging to the studied discourse. The analysis was carried out with the help of the traditional model of a news item: Event – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. The analysis of linguistic representation of a situational model revealed that the event is performed on a macro- and a micro-levels. That aspect depends on the author’s focus either on the match, on the team as a whole or on the specific aspects of the event. The linguistic representation of both levels is demonstrated in the tables and illustrated by the relevant examples.

The following methods were used during the research: descriptive method, contextual-semantic method, method of content analysis as well as the method of discourse analysis. The peculiarities of communicative processes in the sports Internet-discourse were analyzed with the use of Hymes’ pattern S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G. The study of such elements as Setting and Scene, Participants, Ends, Act of Sequence, Genres is presented in the article.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):109-115
pages 109-115 views


Malysheva M.S.


The article looks at cognitive and pragmatic means of language naming units which take place in discursive and communicative human activities (based on journalistic – the articles of the website of the newspaper «Komsomolskaya pravda» (Baranec V. Senior lieutenant Rashid Aryapov unravels mystery of Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster, Baranec V. Mystery of Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster uncovered, yet Russians kept in the dark), the analytical article of the website of the magazine «Voennoe Obozrenie» (Boval V. The Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster – «Battlefield observations»), historical – the series of Shigin’s books (Shigin V.V. The «Kursk» Ballistic missile submarine. 10 years later. Facts and theories, Shigin V.V. The «Kursk» Ballistic missile submarine disaster. Afterword, Shigin V.V. The Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster. Unknown chapters of history) and poetic (the poem of the Belgorodian poet I.A. Chernukhin “The submarine «Kursk». August 2000”) discursive texts. Special attention is primarily given to the ‘2000 Kursk submarine disaster’ which serves as a main source of discursive formations as well as explores their role and functions in secondary naming units which are described in the article. The study was based on various texts of discursive formations, such as journalistic articles and interviews, historical documentaries and memorials as well as a collection of poems by a Belgorodian poet I.A. Chernukhin. The main purpose of the article is to establish various intersection points of discursive formations for describing specific historic events. Research problems are determination of the main categories of a text historical event, the main forms of expression of a text historical event, conditions of a transposition of a historical event in various discourse formations, identification of ways of a transposition of a historical event in different types the discourse formations. In the field of our attention there was a representation of a historical event in texts of a publicistic, historical and poetic discourse. In this context the strategy elected by authors for creation of an image of a historical event in a concrete discourse formation were considered.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):116-123
pages 116-123 views


Shchekochikhina M.A.


The article is devoted to the comparison of the work of Mabillon «Diplomacy» with the «Introduction to the distinction between fake and authentic letters» by Papebrokh. Through a consistent thematic comparison, we explore the question of priority in paleography. Mabillon's work is considered to be fundamental for paleography and diplomacy. Today, the work of Mabillon, despite the fact that it is recognized as a classic, remains poorly understood. «Diplomacy» is remarkable in that Mabillon gave the systematic approach to the study of ancient monuments characteristic of the science of rationalism. It seems that the innovation of Mabillon can not be assessed without finding out to what extent it is a new word in relation to the preceding scientific tradition and, first of all, to the work of Papebrokh, which served as a direct reason for writing the work of Mabillon. Through an essential analysis, we will demonstrate that Mabillon’s work is completely independent in relation to Papebrokh’s «Introduction» as far as the approach to the study of material and conclusions is concerned. Mabillon's «Diplomacy» is a work devoted specifically to the problems of diplomacy and paleography, unlike the Papebrokh’s work, in which the problems of authenticity and dating are only interesting as one of the methods of genealogical research. We will also show that Pepebrokh's refutation was not the main goal of Mabillon. It should be noted that most researchers focus exclusively on the event canvas, there is a widespread interpretation of the controversy between Mabillon and Papebroch as a purely legal dispute – as if writing «Diplomacy» was primarily caused by the desire of Mabillon to protect the authenticity of Merving letters stored in the Abbey of St. Denis. Such a study would help to draw conclusions about how innovative Mabillon’s work is. Although Mabillon and Papebroh consider many features of monuments (print, monograms, material, etc.), in this article we limit ourselves to a comparison of their views on the letter.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):124-128
pages 124-128 views


Mironova E.A.


The period of church reforms of the middle of the XVII century is one of the important stages in the development of the Church Slavonic language, in which the norm stabilizes as a result of editing and printing of liturgical texts, and the Russian literary language in the new conditions of correlation with the Church Slavonic language and expansion of its own borders. Textual approach allows to determine the main directions of changes in the systems of these languages. Genetically correlated reflexes of the Slavonic diphthongic combinations are the diagnostic signs of the East Slavic and South Slavic languages. Multiple-editions of the First petition of Archpriest Avvakum chosen for study. The analysis shows that the full-voice / non-full-voice vocabulary recorded in the message is represented mainly by South Slavic correlates, with different preferences for equivalents of correlative pairs of the -глад-/-голод-. The implementation of heterogeneous reflexes * dj as a whole corresponds to the Old Russian manuscript tradition and suggests that the strengthening of the South Slavic <жд> is not the result of the so-called “second South Slavic influence” period, but is determined by editing of the church literature of the XVII century. Against a wide background of the South Slavic designation of the suffixes of real participles of the present tense, the realization of reflexes *tj is genetically diverse, which causes the emergence of transplants of the type <тружающiися>. Editorial editing of the First petition in the XVIII and XIX centuries was directed towards strengthening the realization of the South Slavic-derived reflexes. Each of the analyzed groups creates a complex pattern of implementation of genetically correlated reflexes, which leads to a heterogeneous genetic background of the text, including due to the content of the First petition, close to «The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum by Himself».

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):129-137
pages 129-137 views


Vazhdaeva E.A.


The article presents a system of indirect method to present high quality products and services that are used in the texts of modern commercial advertising. Direct and indirect presentation models of high quality are described, as well as subtypes of these models. Among the indirect method of presenting the quality of goods and services, the model identifies high quality with an appeal to an expert, through correlation with price, with an appeal to a narrow segment of the target audience, and also with an appeal to the authority of the producing country. Among the method of quality presentation with appeal to an expert, five models are designated: an appeal to a professional expert, to a media personality (“star”), a representative of the target audience, a character and a blogger. The method of presenting quality in relation to price is divided into two subspecies: the model “price is low, quality is high” and the model is “price is high, quality is high.” The method of presenting quality with appeal to the authority of the producing country is divided according to the nominations of certain producing countries; the most popular among them are designated Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Japan. Some conclusions about the effectiveness of certain models and their subspecies were made. The study was carried out on the material of 474 advertising texts collected by direct sampling. Advertising texts were used, appearing both in the virtual space and media space, and in the Samara city space. The results of the presented research are recommended for practical application in commercial organizations advertising activities.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):138-145
pages 138-145 views


Shekhovskaya Y.A., Peretyatko A.V.


This article discusses various definitions of the concepts of metaphor and metaphorical model. The meaning of the somatic metaphor in sports discourse is analyzed. Subspecies of somatic metaphor - physiological metaphor, morbial metaphor and social metaphor are identified. Conclusions about similarities and differences of the English and Spanish sports discourses are made. A large number of metaphors are created in the areas of language functioning that are in the center of special public attention, and on issues that are debatable in society, such as politics, economics, ecology, etc.

Modern linguistic studies, interpreting metaphor as a mental and cognitive phenomenon, make it possible to speak about the universality of metaphor, its presence in the conceptual structures of human thinking.

The study used the methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of comparison. Work has been done on the study of somatic metaphors in English and Spanish; comparisons of physiological metaphors, morbial metaphors and social metaphors are made in the sports discourse of Spanish and English.

In the course of study, it was found out that the physiological metaphor is used both in English and in Spanish, but differs by objects of comparison, i.e. those with which parts of the body the association takes place. If in English sports discourse such parts of the body as head and face are the source of metaphorical images, in the Spanish version bones and muscles dominate.

Consequently, the widespread use of anthropomorphic metaphor in the texts of Hispanic media is not accidental. Possessing all these properties, sport functions as an organism. This gives grounds for highlighting the metaphoric model “SPORT-BODY”, within which we can say that the names of body parts can be a source of metaphors in sports discourse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):146-152
pages 146-152 views



Barinova E.P., Leonov M.M.


Review of the monograph by young author P.A. Mistryugova, devoted to the problem of the formation of local emergency bodies during the years of the Civil War, which was insufficiently studied at the regional level, offers a critical look at the presented research, which involves a comprehensive analysis of the book and the material used.

Highly and positively assessing the work done by P.A. Mistrugov work, we note that, unfortunately, outside the author’s attention remained such an important issue as the form of public perception of the activities of emergency authorities. The protest movement is also represented in the monograph quite schematically. It would be interesting to trace the reaction of the inhabitants of the Samara province to the activities of emergency structures, especially since, characterizing the source base, the author declares the use of ego-documents, and positions as a task the recreation of the appearance of participants in revolutionary events.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):153-156
pages 153-156 views


Kharkovskaya A.A.


The review is devoted to the analysis of the present monograph by E.O. Mendzheritskaya dealing with the description of both discourse formation factors and discursive markers correlating with the genre, national-cultural and typological features of the English-language printed mass-media  which includes the commonly accepted examples of journalistic communication  accompanied by  tabloids and popular glossy publications analysis.

 A thorough approach to the analysis of factual material that is large in size and apropriately structured in relation to genre is provided in the monograph . Moreover  this analysis is based on  solid  theoretical issues (the bibliographic list includes 454 book titles by Russian and foreign authors specializing in the scientific interpretation of mass media technologies on the one hand, and analysis of authentic newspaper materials covering a wide range of different topics about dynamics and transformations of the national cultural life of the modern English and American society. It is a valid scientific interpretation of modern phenomena and facts supported by carefully selected linguistic illustrations placed in the Appendices together with very interesting author ‘s comments that provide the peer-reviewed work by  E.O. Mendzheritskaya a status of a serious monographic research project devoted to  modern English mass-media products studies. In view of the above said it’s only fair to mention that  the monograph by .O.Mendzheritskaya can be applied both in discussing the printed products debatable issues  and in teaching the basics of mass-media communication in the epoch of globalization.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(2):157-159
pages 157-159 views