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The purpose of this article – within the framework of the lingvocultural approach is to consider the features of linguistic and cultural opposition of us/them in the text of the historical novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House» through the prism of the real historical and cultural situation, on the example of the opposition of two historical eras – the reign of Anna Ioannovna (Biron) and Peter's time. To achieve this goal contributes the solution of the following tasks: the definition of dichotomy us/them as the basic cultural analysis of the opposition of this world duality in the text of the novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House». The research methodology was determined by its purpose and objectives, respectively, we used the following methods: continuous sampling method, the method of definition, component and contextual analysis. The article attempts to trace the representation of the dichotomy of us / them at different levels of embodiment of the writer's linguistic personality: lexico-grammatical, cognitive (conceptual) and pragmatic, as well as to determine its place in the disclosure of the essence of the individual author's picture of the world of the novelist.

The binary opposition between friends and foes is one of the oldest in the world picture of any nation. The conceptual dichotomy of us / them refers to the base Constantan axiological picture of the world. On its basis, the ways and nature of the author's reconstruction of the literary text of historical reality are determined. Opposition us/them is the basis of both the national picture of the world and the picture of the individual author, which is clearly reflected in the texts of artistic discourse. This opposition is peculiar represented in the texts of historical novels, a striking example of which can be considered a novel by I.I. Lazhechnikov «The Ice House». This opposition expresses conceptual information that corresponds to the thesaurus level of linguistic personality of the artist of the word. The dichotomy is built in accordance with the ideological views of the writer: the carriers of cultural ideals of the era, carrying light and good, are described as their own; others are opposed to them – sinister, dark forces. Turning to the reconstruction of the historical era of the reign of Anna Ivanovna, I.I. Lazhechnikov in the center put forward a dichotomy of us/them, playing a key role in his individual-author's picture of the world.

About the authors

L. V. Proskurnina

Belgorod National Research Univetsity

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

assistant, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature


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