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The article looks at cognitive and pragmatic means of language naming units which take place in discursive and communicative human activities (based on journalistic – the articles of the website of the newspaper «Komsomolskaya pravda» (Baranec V. Senior lieutenant Rashid Aryapov unravels mystery of Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster, Baranec V. Mystery of Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster uncovered, yet Russians kept in the dark), the analytical article of the website of the magazine «Voennoe Obozrenie» (Boval V. The Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster – «Battlefield observations»), historical – the series of Shigin’s books (Shigin V.V. The «Kursk» Ballistic missile submarine. 10 years later. Facts and theories, Shigin V.V. The «Kursk» Ballistic missile submarine disaster. Afterword, Shigin V.V. The Russian submarine «Kursk» disaster. Unknown chapters of history) and poetic (the poem of the Belgorodian poet I.A. Chernukhin “The submarine «Kursk». August 2000”) discursive texts. Special attention is primarily given to the ‘2000 Kursk submarine disaster’ which serves as a main source of discursive formations as well as explores their role and functions in secondary naming units which are described in the article. The study was based on various texts of discursive formations, such as journalistic articles and interviews, historical documentaries and memorials as well as a collection of poems by a Belgorodian poet I.A. Chernukhin. The main purpose of the article is to establish various intersection points of discursive formations for describing specific historic events. Research problems are determination of the main categories of a text historical event, the main forms of expression of a text historical event, conditions of a transposition of a historical event in various discourse formations, identification of ways of a transposition of a historical event in different types the discourse formations. In the field of our attention there was a representation of a historical event in texts of a publicistic, historical and poetic discourse. In this context the strategy elected by authors for creation of an image of a historical event in a concrete discourse formation were considered.

About the authors

M. S. Malysheva

Belgorod State Univetsity

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature


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