Issue Title File
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue EDM laser alloying and texturing the sliding surface mechanical seals PDF
Antoshevskiy B., Tarelnik V.B., Martsinkovskiy V.S.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Improvement of efficienсy of the automated control system of nonrigid shafts surface contour in lathing PDF
Kravchenko S.A., Nabilkin A.U., Birukov V.P.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Investigation of the causes of the auger-centrifugal pump bearing destruction PDF
Gafurov S.A., Rodionov L.V., Shahmatov E.V.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Doppler method for measuring fluctuations of elements rotationg parts power PDF
Danilin A.I., Gretskov A.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Determination of accuracy of the form and arrangement of working cylindrical and conic surfaces when processing details with small rigidity PDF
Dyomin F.I., Polyakova T.V.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Computation of tip clearance effect on characteristic of low pressure compressor of engine RD-33 PDF
Abdelwahid M.B., Fedorov R.M., Fedechkin K.S.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Formation in the channels of the block catalyst the micro vortex gas flows with intense twist PDF
Knysh Y.A., Zibizov Y.I., Dmitriev D.N., Gorshkalev A.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Volume and mass mathematical models of single-stage centripetal ultralow power turbines PDF
Grigoriev V.A., Kalabukhov D.S., Rad'ko V.M.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Methods of increase of wear resistance and vibroakusticheskikh of parameters of knots of the friction of space equipment PDF
Gromakovsky D.G., Kovshov A.G., Kotcherov E.P., Makaryants M.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Investigation of fluid flow in the gap between eccentric cylindrical and conical surfaces PDF
Bondareva M.V., Korzhov E.N.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue On plasma support of fuel burning in a combustion chamber of a gas-turbine facility PDF
Bulaeva M.N., Kravchenko I.V., Riaby V.A., Tkachenko D.P.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue To the question of cooling power components of radio-electronic equipment by impinging freon jets PDF
Lopatin A.A., Gortyshov Y.F.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue The development of mathematical models of acoustic characteristics of the elastic porous material «metal-rubber» PDF
Safin A.I., Igolkin A.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue MR vibration dampers development to reduce vibration and noise in gas turbine locomotive and their equivalent vibration tests PDF
Ermakov A.I., Lazutkin G.V., Parovay F.V., Troynikov A.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Modeling of process energy supply and consumption of energy resources industrial enterprises PDF
Biryuk V.V., Myatishkin G.V., Uglanov D.A., Klentak A.S.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Of non-linear spectral transforms to evaluate the quality of the metal surface PDF
Bekasov L.S., Salimov S.R., Salimova N.R.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Main results of use CAE/CAD-systems in the process of design and calculation of the working processes in internal combustion engine PDF
Biryuk V.V., Uglanov D.A., Kayukov S.S., Gorshkalev A.A., Vakarchuk A.A., Burdanov A.M.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue The study of the laws of distribution of the angular errors in production PDF
Ismaylova E.Y.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue About some directions in development avation engine buildings PDF
Zamtfort B.S.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Calculation methodology of intermittent burning chamber main parameters PDF
Solodovnikov A.V., Vishegorodcev E.N., Golubyatnik V.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Effect of the new aircraft types on the environmental situation PDF
Kopiev V.F., Munin A.G., Medvedev Y.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Numerical modeling on dynamic process of injection in supersonic part of the nozzle PDF
Yakovchuk M.S.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Dynamic process modeling of aircraft engine control system PDF
Blyumin K.V.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue The parameters of turbulence models and grids investigation on CFD results of plane turbine cascade PDF
Zubanov V.M., Krivcov A.V., Shtraub A.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Effect of ultrasound on precision when cutting threads PDF
Golovkin V.V., Druzhinina M.V.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue The formation of the contoured surface roughness level of optical purity by using a CNC machine PDF
Abulkhanov S.R., Sazonov M.B.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Simulation of manufacturing processes within the concept of «lean production» PDF
Smelov V.G., Kokareva V.V., Shitarev I.L.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue The application of technology microarc oxidation to repair and restore characteristics of products from aluminum alloy AK9 PDF
Krishtal M.M., Yasnikov I.S., Ivashin P.V., Polunin A.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Optimization methods pilotage aircraft in take-off and approach cycle for decrease square his sound track PDF
Zamtfort B.S., Medvedev Y.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Robust research of the fuzzy logic controllers using a fuel flow control loop of the gas-turbine engine as an example PDF
Chicherova E.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Development liquid roket engine on component fuel liquefied natural gas and oxygen for reusable space launching systems PDF
Efimochkin A.F., Khrisanfov S.P., Golubyatnik V.V., Kafarena P.V., Yeliseyev A.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Theoretical basis of forming forging impellers of blade machines in multichannel stamps PDF
Vorobjev V.M.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Resources management and planning of product realization in ERP “1C” and MES “Sprut” (ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning; MES: Manufacturing Execution System) PDF
Abramova I., Lisitsin M.S., Abramov D.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Problem of multistage compressor optimization while designing perspective gas turbine engines PDF
Shabliy L.S.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Methodology systems approach in models of technological subassembly in the aircraft industry PDF
Barvinok V.A., Tlustenko S.F.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Dimensions of controlled on CMM flat surfaces as an influencing factor of their coordinate-positional parameters measurement errors PDF
Cheveleva A.O., Bolotov M.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue On the structural and object approaches to modern training for the aerospace industry PDF
Bezmenova N.V., Prodanov M.Y.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Shock wave profiles in relaxing gas with external energy source PDF
Anchikov D.A., Galimov R.N., Zavershinskii D.I., Makaryan V.G., Molevich N.E.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Management of properties of heat-shielding plasma coverings of details of gas-turbine engines PDF
Barvinok V.A., Bogdanovich V.I., Dokukina I.A., Karasyov V.M.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Research of influence of methods SPD on stpucture surface layer and resistance of fatigue PDF
Volkov A.N., Sazonov M.B., Schigrinyev I.A.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Improving the processing accuracy of spherical ends of bearing tapered rollers PDF
Nosov N.V., Mikhailova L.N.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Authenticity of the vibration tests. Diagnosis and prediction of fatigue failure PDF
Ovchinnikov I.N., Ermishkin V.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Fluctuations of pressure in rail gas injection of engines with spark ignition PDF
Shishkov V.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Gas turbine engine simulation strategy in CAE systems PDF
Krivcov A.V.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Oxygen-hidrogen liquid rocket engine using turbo-pump developed for aviation hidrogen liquid two-spool turbo-jet PDF
Ivanov A.I., Borisov V.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Ultrasonic hardening of specimens made of ЭИ698 alloy optimal regimes choice using average integral residual stresses criterion PDF
Pavlov V.F., Filatov A.P., Shadrin V.K., Chirkov A.V.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue On a method of practical training fulfillment for course of studies “Design of Main Units and Systems of Engine” PDF
Borisov V.A., Zhizhkin A.M.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue State of the art analysis in the automotive hybrid drives PDF
Sinyiakov A.F., Gimadiev A.G., Ilukhin V.N., Sverbilov V.Y.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Influence of methods of strengthening technology on the stressstrain state and relaxation of residual stresses in titanium alloys PDF
Papsheva N.D., Akushskaya O.M.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue The equipment for research of properties of hydrocarbons at pressure from above 150 MPа PDF
Rednikov S.N.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue The use of gas turbines in small-scale installations of synthetic fuels PDF
Filipchenko S.A., Faridonov R.R., Gushchina T.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Test verification of flow stabilizer calculated parameters provided flow stabilization of propellant in wide range of input parameters PDF
Beshenev Y.A., Volkov A.V., Kazankin F.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Cycled pressure of the multilayered multispan packagrcorrugated package PDF
Eskin I.D., Alkeev R.I., Ivashchenko V.I.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Test of kinematic model by pneumatic manipulator PDF
Gribkov A.M., Shilin D.V., Filin I.P.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Off-line long-life unservice close gas organic fuel-powered turbine PDF
Arbekov A.N.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Reduction of variable resonance stresses in the last stage of medium pressure compressor PDF
Shklovets A.O., Sen'chev M.N., Dzhibilov P.T.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Dispersion of magnetoacoustic waves in media of heat instability PDF
Zavershinskii D.I., Molevich N.E., Galimov R.N., Makaryan V.G.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue The analysis tochnostnykh of parameters of the turning and milling equipment changing in the operation procession when manufacturing high-precision GTE PDF
Kondratyev A.I., Kuznetsov A.V., Pronichev N.D.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue The speed function of intensity of one-dimensional moving wave and it’s analysis for shock and compression waves PDF
Arkhipova L.P.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Increase treatment high strength steels 30HGSN2FA based on a minimum of energy consumption PDF
Trusov V.N., Zakonov O.I., Shikin V.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue The limits ofdistributionin aflamealuminum-air mixture PDF
Tizilov A.S., Egorov A.G.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Influence of high technologies on production technological prototypes of missile engines PDF
Kodencev S.N., Suhochev G.A.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Designing of the aviation engine's hydrodynamic bearing PDF
Parovay Y.F., Gordeev V.B., Falaleev S.V.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue The task of creating the bypass engines of various thrust levels using the given gas generator PDF
Kocherov E.P., Kuzmichev V.S., Kulagin V.V., Fedorchenko D.G.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Modelling system of cooling nozzle-sprayer hydrogen steam generator PDF
Lazarenko I.N., Prigozhin A.A., Shmatov D.P.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Improving the efficiency of gas turbines by regenerating heat PDF
Kulagin V.V., Sokolov M.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Coefficient of residual stresses influence on cylindrical parts endurance limit under bending estimation PDF
Semyonova O.Y., Kirpichev V.A., Deniskina E.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Experimental research of vibrations of pipeline of GTD with support from MR for working off method of calculation in environment of ANSYS PDF
Shvetsov A.V., Lezhin D.P., Ulanov A.M.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Obstacles of on-board mathematical models application in ACS PDF
Gayday M.S., Dobrodeev A.V., Muhammedov N.A., Chervonyuk V.V.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Selection of the design and application of plasma technology protective coatings parts gas turbine engines PDF
Dokukina I.A.
Vol 11, No 3-1 (2012): Special Issue Research of influence the processes to afterhardening glass transition temperature of PKM PDF
Postnov V.I., Burhan O.L., Rahmatullin A.E., Mantusova O.Y., Nikitin E.K.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Effect of shady areas orbit of damping natural oscillations of solar panels PDF
Belousov A.I., Sedelnikov A.V.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Aviation engine’s hydrodynamic bearing modeling PDF
Parovay Y.F., Shklovets A.O.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Computational research of multistage turbine flow taking into account flow spatial structure and associated volumes PDF
Baturin O.V., Senchev M.N., Dzhibilov P.T.
Vol 11, No 3-2 (2012): Special Issue Gas-turbine unit development experience for rotors wedging correction PDF
Kozlyakova I.S., Krupin V.P., Potkin A.N., Fadeev V.A.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Application of the artifical neyral networks theory methods for generalization and representation charachteristics of aviation gas turbine engines axial compressors PDF
Grigoriev V.A., Kalabukhov D.S., Rad'ko V.M.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Study of residual strained state components distribution in the smallest section of superficial hardened part with a circular cut by finite-elements modeling method PDF
Sazanov V.P.
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue Research of influence of the thermal stream from the mid-flight liquid rocket engine on parameters of operating liquid rocket engines of small draught in the conditions of perspective razgonnogo's propulsion system of the block PDF
Ageenko Y.I., Galperin R.N., Ivashin Y.S., Nigodjuk V.E., Ryzhkov V.V., Sulinov A.V.
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