Influence of methods of strengthening technology on the stressstrain state and relaxation of residual stresses in titanium alloys

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The results of studies of the effect of ultrasonic hardening of relaxation of residual stresses and strain hardening in titanium alloys. Shows the influence of processing parameters on the intensity of the stresses and strains.

About the authors

N. D. Papsheva

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Technical Science, Assistant Professor

Russian Federation

O. M. Akushskaya

Samara State Technical University


Senior Lecturer

Russian Federation


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  2. Марков, А.И. Ультразвуковая обработка материалов [Текст] / А.И. Марков. - М.: Машиностроение, 1989. - 269 с.
  3. Применение ультразвука и взрыва при обработке и сборке [Текст] / [М.Ф. Вологин и др.] - М.: Машиностроение, 2002.- 264 с.

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