
Results of conjugate modeling and analysis of the thermal state of a high-pressure turbine blade
Matveev V.N., Melnikov S.A., Popov G.M., Zubanov V.M., Kudryashov I.A., Shcherban A.I.
Structure and physico-mechanical properties of heat resistant gazoplazmennyh coating NiCrCoAlY/ZrO2 for turbine blades of gas turbine engines
Tarasenko Y.P., Tsareva I.N., Berdnik O.B., Fehl Y.A.
Automated system for measuring geometric parameters of turbine blades in production conditions
Aleksentsev E.I., Shavrin P.A., Fedoseev O.B.
On the issue of research of the properties of the heat-resistant nickel single-crystal superalloys
Tikhomirova E.A., Zhivushkin A.A., Getsov L.B., Rybnikov A.I.
Assessment of gas turbine engine airfoil surface microstructure
Nosov N.V., Abramov A.D., Kosulin S.I.
Criteria of discrete phase control of blade working condition and their feasibility in systems of turbine driven set automatic control
Danilin A.I., Tchernyavsky A.Z.
Influence of the stressed state of the surface layer on the endurance of gas turbine engine compressor blades
Sazonov M.B., Solovatskaya L.V.
A technique to estimate efficiency of turbine underplatform friction dampers
Nikhamkin M.S., Sazhenkov N.A.
Discrete phase converters moving elements rotating units power units
Danilin A.I., Grechishnikov V.M.
Comparative analysis of facilities for the implementation of thermoplastic hardening blades of gas turbine engines and pumping units
Karpov A.V.
Laser powder weld reconditioning of gas turbine engine blades
Korsmik R.S., Turichin G.A., Klimova-Korsmik O.G., Zemlyakov E.V., Babkin K.D.
Operational testing of thermoplastic reinforced blades
Krutsilo V.G., Krotinov N.B.
Analysis of the possibility of using topology optimization in the design of uncooled turbine rotor blades
Vasilyev B.E., Magerramova L.A.
Research of a heat-resistant intermetallic underlayer for the heat-shielding coating of gas turbine engine turbine blades
Tarasenko Y.P., Tsareva I.N., Berdnik O.B., Fel Y.A., Krivina L.A.
Methodology of optimization of parameter of matching the combustion chamber and turbine joint operation
Grigoriev A.V., Golubchikov P.P., Ilushin M.Y., Rudakov O.A., Solovieva A.V.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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