
Verification of aero-engine numerical rotor models based on virtual static structural and modal tests
Shaposhnikov K.V., Degtyarev S.A., Leontiev M.K., Anisimov S.V.
Application of decision support technology at various stages of the life cycle of space facilities in assembly with the information system of technical condition and reliability
Avtamonov P.N., Bakhmut A.D., Krylov A.V., Okhtilev M.Y., Okhtilev P.A., Sokolov B.V.
System-mathematical simulation of engine air hydraulic power supply
Goryunova N.R., Goryunov A.A.
Formation of a rotating ring-shaped three-body tethered nanosatellite system with limited control
Chen S., Zabolotnov Y.M.
Dynamics of a dual-mass resonant vibration screen in a first approximation
Dentsov N.N., Koshelev A.V.
Service-oriented distributed software complex for evaluation and multi-criteria analysis of reliability and survivability of on-board equipment of small satellites: Russian and Belarusian segments
Zelentsov V.A., Potryasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Skobtsov V.Y., Korenyako S.A., Kim D.S., Vakulchyk E.N., Kulbak L.I., Nikolaenya E.D., Lapitskaya N.V., Saksonov R.V.
Research of a sleeve connection of the aircraft pipeline under the influence of dynamic loading
Agafonov V.M., Pykhalov A.A.
Parametrical design of discrete mapping of Van der Pol oscillator
Zaitsev V.V., Nuraev D.B., Yudin A.N.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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