
Development of microstructures for the formation of metamaterial properties of piezoelectric elements
But V.S., Kobelev A.A., Karpeev S.V.
Сhoice of materials for producing dimensionally stable load-carrying structures
Bitkin V.E., Zhidkova O.G., Komarov V.A.
Analysis of the error of non-linearity of positional characteristics of a displacement transducer on multicomponent optronic structures
Matyunin S.A., Stepanov M.V.
Mathematical modeling of technological production process of thermo-stable resistor – capacity structures
Merkulov A.I., Laktanov P.V., Merkulov V.A.
The main trends of aviation science development
Alyoshin B.S., Chernyshev S.L.
Design of reinforced specified fatigue life capability airframe panels containing notches
Bespalov V.A.
Shock wave profiles in relaxing gas with external energy source
Anchikov D.A., Galimov R.N., Zavershinskii D.I., Makaryan V.G., Molevich N.E.
Method of production testing of electronic parts
Nasedkin A.V., Shumskikh I.Y.
Obliteration’s problems in capillary-porous structures of aerospace hydro systems’ parts
1 1., 1 1.
Analysis of determinate error of an optoelectronic angular shift sensor on multicomponent optronic structures
Stepanov M.V., Matyunin S.A.
Process of forming mirror-shaped relief plates of folded structure
Khaliulin V.I., Gimadiev R.S., Markovtsev V.A., Levshonkov N.V.
Dissipative structures of the Gierer-Meinhardt model of morphogenesis in the stochastic field
Kurushina S.E.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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