
Models and methods of optimizing the procedure of measuring gas turbine engine parts using coordinate measuring devices
Bolotov M.A., Lyozin I.A.
Experimental determination of acoustic loads daunches of Strela LV and calculation of test modes for a spacecraft to be delivered by it to space
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
Development of the design procedure of the shaping rigging with the use of the integrated information systems
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Decrease in toxicity of transport diesel engines by neutralisation nitrogen oxide of the fulfilled gases
1 q., 1 1.
Procedure of designing a pilot operated gas pressure regulator for launch vehicle fuel tanks
Gimadiev A.G., Sverbilov V.Y., Stadnik D.M.
Analysis of temperature separation efficiency in vortex gas flows
Biryuk V.V., Kurnosov N.Y., Tarnopolsky A.V.
Numerical method for determining the parameters of a creep curve on the basis of Soderberg law
Makarov R.Y.
Unit impulse input tests of a system of the «Frigate» upper-stage rocket
Mikhalenkov N.A., Yermakov V.Y., Utkina Y.I.
Development of a single-section demonstrator rotary engine on the basis of a modern complex design procedure
Kostyuchenkov A.N., Zelentsov A.A., Semenov P.V., Minin V.P.
Research of technological heredity influence on setting of procedure of measurements on coordinate-measurement machine in case of out-of-flatness detecting for aircraft engineering parts
Cheveleva A.O., Bolotov M.A.
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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