
Modeling of redistribution of residual stresses in the cylindrical specimens after advancing surface plastic forming
Chirkov A.V., Sazanov V.P., Samoylov V.A., Larionova Y.S.
Investigation of preliminary surface rolling influence on the fatigue resistance of threaded specimens
Sazanov V.P.
The dependence of detail fatigue resistance on the thickness of hardening layer under outstripping superficial plastic deforming
Vakuljuk V.S.
Superficial hardened part critical depth of non-propagating fatigue crack evaluation
Kirpichev V.A., Semyonova O.Y.
Research of notch radius and depth influence on residual stresses distribution character in the smallest cross-section of surface hardened detail
Sazanov V.P., Larionova Y.S.
Forecasting the endurance limit of shot-strengthened parts with a concentrator by residual stresses of a control specimen
Kirpitchyov V.A., Vakulyuk V.S.
Impact of smooth part residual stress distribution on additional stresses in case of leading surface plastic deformation
Pavlov V.F., Kirpitchyov V.A., Deniskina Y.A., Semyonova O.Y.
Influence of notch radius at advancing surface plastic deforming on endurance limit of detail
Vakuljuk V.S., Kirpichyev V.A., Pavlov V.F., Chirkov A.V.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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