Author Details

Кирпичев, В. А.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 5, No 2-2 (2006): Special Issue TECHNICAL SCIENCES Use of criterion average residual stresses for forecasting a limit of endurance of details at the increased temperature PDF
Vol 5, No 3 (2006) TECHNICAL SCIENCES Residual stresses and limiting amplitude of strengthened parts with concentrators in case of asymmetric cycle PDF
Vol 5, No 3 (2006) TECHNICAL SCIENCES The influence of the concentrator type on the dependence of endurance limit of strengthened parts on residual stresses PDF
Vol 7, No 1 (2008) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING Impact of smooth part residual stress distribution on additional stresses in case of leading surface plastic deformation PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2009) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING Taking account of stress concentration degree when forecasting the fatigue strength of strengthened part PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2009) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING Forecasting the endurance limit of shot-strengthened parts with a concentrator by residual stresses of a control specimen PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2009) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING Increasing the reliability of aircraft components by regulating technological residual stress PDF
Vol 11, No 5-1 (2012): Special Issue CONFERENCE MATERIALS Residual stresses and endurance strength in the specimens with V-shaped notches made of ВНС40 steel PDF
Vol 11, No 5-1 (2012): Special Issue CONFERENCE MATERIALS Fatigue strength prediction of surface - hardened cylindrical specimens of different diameters PDF
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue CONFERENCE MATERIALS Coefficient of residual stresses influence on cylindrical parts endurance limit under bending estimation PDF
Vol 11, No 3-3 (2012): Special Issue CONFERENCE MATERIALS Superficial hardened part critical depth of non-propagating fatigue crack evaluation PDF
Vol 13, No 5-1 (2014): Special Issue ISSUE WITHOUT SECTION Dependence of the endurance limit on the character of residual stresses distribution in the surface layer of hardened parts PDF
Vol 16, No 1 (2017) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING Evaluation of low cycle fatigue based on the use of Coffin-Manson dependence under zero-to-“soft” loading cycle PDF
Vol 17, No 2 (2018) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Prediction of endurance limit of hardened parts with account of operational factors PDF
Vol 10, No 3-3 (2011): Special Issue AIRCRAFT AND SPACE ROCKET ENGINEERING Residual stresses in the specimens with opennings imitating openings for coupling bolt into the turbine of jet engines PDF
Vol 10, No 3-4 (2011): Special Issue AIRCRAFT AND SPACE ROCKET ENGINEERING Influence of notch radius at advancing surface plastic deforming on endurance limit of detail PDF
Vol 18, No 3 (2019) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Determining the rheological properties of viscoelastic materials by the values of creep strain PDF
Vol 23, No 2 (2024) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Assessment of the endurance limit of light structural metal components using the fatigue surface development method PDF

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