Assessment of the endurance limit of light structural metal components using the fatigue surface development method

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The paper presents a numerical method developed by the authors. The method consists in obtaining a three-dimensional component fatigue surface model according to the results of tests corresponding to two to four values of the operational factor, making it possible to plot the fatigue limit – operational parameter curve. A description of the algorithm of the method is presented, its validity is confirmed. The results show good agreement with outside empirical data for other values of the operational parameters. A model of the fatigue surface is constructed. The model specifies the calculation of strength of aircraft elements operating in rarified atmosphere (e.g. engine compartments of space complexes and upper stages of carrier rockets). The model increases the endurance calculation accuracy and enables structural mass optimization.

About the authors

R. A. Zalyaev

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Space Engineering named after General Designer D.I. Kozlov

Russian Federation

V. A. Kirpichev

Samara National Research University


Professor of the Department of Space Engineering named after General Designer D.I. Kozlov

Russian Federation


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