Vol 28, No 2 (2022)
Main areas of study of noble corporations in modern historiography
The article attempts to identify the main trends in modern domestic and foreign historiography in the study of noble corporations in Russia. The relevance of the study is due to both the increase in the interest of scientific community in this topic, and the revival of noble communities in the post-Soviet space. The main directions and methodology of researches are revealed, their grouping according to the problematic and chronological principle is carried out. It is noted that traditionally, researchers pay attention to the problems of interaction between noble societies and state institutions, socio-economic status and socio-political activities of both individual representatives of the corporation and regional noble societies. The main trend in the study of this topic is the predominance of regional studies. An analysis of new trends in the study of problems is given. It is noted that at the present stage in domestic and foreign historiography, a discussion continues about the time and nature of the emergence of noble corporations. A tendency to increase the number of studies in which attention is paid to the analysis of the composition of corporate employees is revealed, while it is noted that this area is poorly studied. Studies of public organizations created in the 1990-ies are aimed at identifying common features and specifics in comparison with pre-revolutionary institutions, assessing their activities in modern realities. The prospects for research of a complex nature, historical and legal, genealogical, microhistorical aspects of the problem are shown. Further study of the corps of servants of noble societies will allow not only to take a fresh look at the functioning of noble societies, but also to form a biographical narrative, which will facilitate the search for their ancestors. Of no small importance will be studies affecting the noble associations formed after the revolution of 1917.
«Institutions of memory» in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the formation of the Second World War images
The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities of memory institutions in the Slavic countries of Central and Eastern Europe in contexts of the revision of the history of the Second World War in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The author analyzes the role of memory institutions in the formation of a new memorial canons about the history of the war in national versions of historical memories. Methodologically, the article is based on the principles proposed in the memorial turn and the analysis of the politics of memory, belonging to the paradigm of intellectual history and the history of ideas. The novelty of the study lies in a comparative analysis of the activities of institutions that determine the main vectors and trajectories of historical politics as a politics of memory about the history of war. The article analyzes: 1) the activity of the Institute of National Memory (Ústav pamäti národa) in Slovakia as a participant in the revision of the history of the Second World War; 2) the role of the Institute for the Study of Authoritarian Regimes (Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů) in the Czech Republic in the perception of the war in Czech historical memory; 3) strategies for the development and functioning of war memory models in the historical memories of Slovakia and the Czech Republic in a comparative perspective. The article shows the contribution of the institutes of memory to the revision and formation of new memorial canons about the Second World War. The results of the study suggest that the institutions of memory are an important factor in the development of contemporary perceptions of war and its place in modern national identities.
Рetty-bourgeois estate: experience of semiotic analysis
The article analyzes the language of petty-bourgeois appeals to power as a semiotic problem. The cultural-semiotic approach to the problem of philistine linguistic picture of the world involves an appeal to the inner point of view of the philistines themselves. In order to analyze the picture of the world of a philistine reflected in his letter to the authorities, it is necessary to take into account many factors related to the level of education of the urban philistine environment, the upbringing adopted in philistine families, the reading circle, the possibility of obtaining information about the so-called «high culture», to which representatives of the upper class had access. In this regard, another semiotic factor plays a significant role: fashion. Fashion is like a stone thrown into water. Someone is creating a fashion sign. And it is picked up and spread in society. Romanticism, as a historical and artistic style, influenced not only the texts of behavior of the highest Russian privileged class. The nobles were not in an isolated position from the rest of society. Their life also took place in Russian cities. The emotionality of the romantic era gradually, like circles on the water, became fashionable for the townspeople. Their cruel romance, becoming a kind of text of behavior, gradually covered the epistolary culture, traces of which are very difficult to detect in the sources of personal origin traditional for the historian, but can be caught in appeals to the authorities. The article analyzes the culture of these appeals, gestures of politeness, a certain strain and attempts to erase hierarchical boundaries. The author comes to the conclusion about the semiosphere of the city, which was in the general binary opposition of the Russian culture of the XIX century: between good and evil, between power and society.
Coreligionist parochial schools of the Samara province in the second half of the XIX – early XX century
The article presents a historical overview of the emergence and formation of educational institutions of the coreligionists of the Samara province in the pre-revolutionary period. The history of coreligionist parochial schools is considered in two main aspects. On the one hand, they were an integral part of the public education system in the Samara province and were in the general context of the development of «school business» in this region. On the other hand, «Orthodox-Old Believers» schools often arose on the initiative of the coreligionists themselves, not only with the aim of spreading literacy, but also as one of the necessary tools for preserving and transmitting confessional traditions. In connection with this circumstance, the coreligionist educational institutions had characteristic features that distinguished them from the rest of the parochial schools of the province. Among the peculiar features of the «school business» of coreligionists, the following features are indicated: the emphasis of the curriculum on teaching according to «old-printed» books, the close connection of the educational process with church worship, the pronounced missionary nature of the activities of coreligionist parochial schools. At the beginning of the XX century, coreligionist schools were formed as part of the public education system of the Samara province, having confessional specifics in the organization of the educational process. The article presents statistical data on the number of coreligionist schools, the number of students, the teaching staff and the material support of educational institutions. In the preparation of the article, the method of analysis of historical documents, historical-system, historical-comparative methods were used. The source base of the research is based on archival documents of the Central State Archive of the Samara region, as well as materials of official reports of school observers and missionaries published both in separate publications and on the pages of the «Samara Diocesan Gazette» («Samarskiye eparkhialnye vedomosty»).
Struggle of the principles of universalism and specialization in the Soviet higher medical education of the post-war period (on the example of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute in 1945–1955)
The article attempts to characterize the results of the struggle between the supporters of universalism and specialization in the field of higher medical education in the post-war period, based on the analysis of sources and literature. It is concluded that in 1945–1955 the trend towards specialization was more influential. The main forms of specialization characteristic of this period are singled out – subordination, for the passage of which the sixth year of medical and preventive faculties was assigned, and specialized faculties. The most important factors that influenced both the process of strengthening specialization as a whole and its individual forms are identified. In particular, the relationship between the reform of E.I. Smirnov and the introduction of subordination, as well as strengthening the advisory and medical work of employees of medical universities. It is concluded that the formation of military medical and sanitary-prophylactic faculties in the post-war decade was the result of a correspondingly tense international situation and government changes in the field of control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. In addition, the article touches upon issues related to the curtailment of the course towards specialization in the mid-1950-ies. The problem of the relationship between the discussion about the industrial and territorial organization of health care, on the one hand, and the opposition of tendencies towards universalism and specialization, on the other hand, is analyzed. A hypothesis has been put forward, according to which the reorganization of the public health system in accordance with the ideas of the supporters of the industrial approach contributed to the strengthening of specialization in the field of medical education. The changes that have taken place in this period in the higher medical school are considered on the example of the development of the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute.
Composition of the regional Councils of the Middle Volga regions (1947–1953)
The article analyzes the compositions of the Kuibyshev and Ulyanovsk regional Councils of Workers’ Deputies of the post-war period of the II–IV convocations using the prosopographic method. The analysis of the composition of regional Councils was carried out on six grounds (age, educational, party, gender, national and a sign distinguishing deputies of regional councils by social status). The article attempts to show the dynamics of improving the educational level of deputies of regional councils of the II–IV convocations. On the example of the Ulyanovsk Regional Council, a gradual reduction of deputies of Russian nationality in the composition of the regional Council was established, but this category of deputies still maintained its overwhelming presence in this authority. In the course of the study, the number of women deputies in percentage terms in the composition of regional Councils was established. The number of non-party deputies is shown and their percentage of the total number of deputies is calculated. It should be noted that the number of non-party deputies, as well as women deputies in the regional Councils of Workers’ Deputies was controlled by local party committees. The study of regional Councils revealed a tendency to increase the number of employees among the deputies of regional Councils, and at the same time there is a decrease in the number of deputies who are workers and peasants by their social status. The article attempts to study the age composition of regional councils and as a result of the study the most representative group of deputies was determined. The article defines the number of deputies who have honorary titles, insignia and awards of the Soviet state. Based on the reports of the mandate commission and our analysis, a collective portrait of the deputies of the regional Councils of the Middle Volga regions in the first three post-war convocations was compiled.
Historical and textual analysis of the drafts of the new national anthem of the USSR of 1955–1956
The relevance of this topic is that on the basis of a wide range of archival sources, the work of a special commission under the leadership of D.T. Shepilov, which was created by the decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the end of 1955, is being considered. The Commission organized a competition to create a new national anthem and selected text works among a large number of participants who submitted more than fifty works. Textual analysis was used to study this topic, which allowed not only to identify the semantic meanings of the content of the work laid down by the author, but also to identify and see the differences in the stylistics of the works of the competition. A comparative research method was also used when comparing both the content of the texts of the works and when comparing with the text of the official anthem of the USSR of the 1943/44 model. A problem-chronological approach was also applied when considering the stages of the work of a special competition commission. The competition to create a new anthem took place in several stages. The texts of the songwriters selected at the first stage were refined by the second stage to better match the new goals and tasks facing the country. The texts of the winners of the second stage were also not final and could be subject to content adjustments in the future. This allows us to conclude that there were apparently no clear parameters for the content of the texts or were corrected during the work of the entire commission. Participation in this competition was not based on the altruistic principles of poets and musicians, but assumed a good financial incentive to the participants and winners of the competition. The texts of the winners differed in their structure and content both among themselves and from the official anthem of the USSR of the 1943/44 model.
Redistribution of powers and finances between Samara local self-government bodies during the intracity division reform in 2015–2020
In 2015, a local self-government reform in the form of the creation of intracity districts has been implemented in Samara. Formally, each intracity district became an independent municipality, with its own representative body, the Council of Deputies, the head of administration elected by it, and its own budget. This required a redistribution of powers between the city level of government and intracity areas. At the start of the reform, it was declared that its main goal was «bringing the government closer to the people». Therefore, it was expected that many important powers would be transferred to the district level. It was also expected that financial resources would be transferred along with these powers. Only in this case, the newly created municipalities at the level of Samara's urban districts could become full-fledged authorities. And the population of the districts would be able to receive most municipal services directly where they live. Also, deputies of numerous district councils would be able to perform their duties more efficiently. However, in practice it turned out that city officials are unwilling to share power and financial resources. And many powers cannot work at the district level due to the fact that their implementation requires constant coordination with the mayor of the city. In 2019–2020, the Local Self-Government Committee of the Samara Provincial Duma, under the leadership of the author, analyzed the results of the reform, which provided a lot of factual material. One of the areas of analysis was the redistribution of powers, which showed that most of the powers previously transferred to the district level were then taken back as well as finances, the self-government of the districts turned out to be a fiction. The results of the analysis of powers are presented in this publication. It should be said that the inefficiency of the model of local self-government with intra-city division obviously does not stem from its nature, but is directly related to the situation when the city level of government, together with the governor's, actually discredit it in the eyes of the population, depriving it of real powers and financial resources.
Formation of a student’s subjective position at a university
Modernization of education and its acquisition of a value-oriented foundation of the state policy of Russia assumes that the basis of pedagogical activity at the university is the creation of conditions for the self-development of a young person, his understanding of the role and personal participation in the development of the economy of the state. Currently, there is a problem of inclusion and involvement of the student in learning, which directly affects the formation of his active position in life and development prospects. One of the solutions may be the formation of a student’s subjective position in the process of learning and upbringing. In the article, the author defines subjectivity as an integrative property of personality, the system-forming components of which (motivational, cognitive and activity) reflect the orientation of the individual to understand the personal educational result. Based on the proposed structure, the stages of the formation of the student’s subjective position are considered. Each stage contributes to the formation of a certain type of universal educational actions, as a result of which there is a gradual increment of subjectivity. As a result, the student has an understanding of his own learning result, which contributes to the formation of specified competencies within the framework of external educational goals.
Readiness of teacher the interact with students of different nosologies
The readiness of a university teacher to interact with students of different nosologies has a modular basis, represented by personal, gnostic and procedural components. The article analyzes the current level of knowledge of teachers of the Samara State Institute of Culture and Samara University about the specific capabilities of students with various nosologies. This knowledge relates to the mental development of students; abilities to receive, process, store and use information; difficulties in verbal mediation of information storage and use; technical possibilities of organizing the learning process; readiness for collaborative learning. The preparation of university teachers for interaction with students of various nosologies is built on the basis of a system-holistic approach, its main principles: consistency, integrity, structurality, controllability, transformation.
Formation of digital competence of teachers of computer science
Current socio-cultural situation requires the teacher to understand the general strategy of the digital transformation of education, knowledge of the regulatory framework regulating it, the specifics of conditions for the implementation of pedagogical process in the digital environment, and the readiness to integrate digital technologies into pedagogical activities. Using the potential of the digital educational environment requires solving the problem of forming the digital competence of an informatics teacher. The authors use the ideas of competency-based and activity-based approaches in selecting the content of advanced training programs for computer science teachers. The authors use the principles of a systematic approach in determining the structure of digital competence. The authors describe scenarios of interaction between a teacher and students in a digital educational environment. The authors conclude that it is necessary to additionally prepare the teacher to create high-quality digital educational content, manage the cognitive activity of schoolchildren when teaching using digital learning environments; create a comfortable and safe educational space, and productive communication. The programs are united by a logical line of content in the formation of digital competencies from their application in everyday activities to creative use in pedagogical activities.
Modeling of control, evaluation and reflexive activity of a teacher
The problem of improving the quality of educational services occupies a leading place in ensuring the demand in the labor market and the competitiveness of graduates of educational organizations. The integration of the concepts of «quality of the educational process» and «quality of the result of education» gives the concept of «quality of educational services». The quality of educational services is influenced by the quality of teaching and the material and technical support of the educational process. The result of education is changes in the competence of the student, the formation of professionally important personality qualities, the assessment of which is an important component of the educational process. Providing students with the opportunity to develop in the educational process allows them to fully realize their own capabilities and abilities, which also affects the result of education. The article analyzes the work on the organization of control and evaluation activities in educational organizations of various levels. As this analysis has shown, most authors offer their own model of the organization of control and evaluation activities corresponding to the set goal and consisting of various components. Teachers-researchers offer various methods, types, forms, stages of control organization. The purpose of control and evaluation activities is to monitor, control, diagnose, analyze, and evaluate the quality of mastering individual knowledge, skills and practical experience in a discipline or module, the formation of competencies and professionally important personal qualities of the student. As part of the study, it was revealed that control has an impact on the motivational component of the learning process. The student’s reflexive activity contributes to the transition from control to self-control, from assessment to self-assessment, from analysis to introspection. The control process should be systematic, planned and carried out in the direction of «goal-result».
Criteria and levels of effectiveness training future officers to work with military personnel serving under contract
The article discusses the components of the effectiveness of training future officers. Modern military-political, socio-economic relations, scientific and technological progress determine the improvement of the quality of training of specialists in all spheres of professional activity, including the military one. An important aspect is the preparation of future officers to work with military personnel serving under contract, as well as the clarification of its criteria and levels. The analysis of the preparation for work with military personnel serving under the contract allowed us to determine its levels from the standpoint of three criteria: cognitive, motivational, activity. The results of studying the levels of training of cadets of military institutes to work with military personnel serving under a contract are presented.
Distance learning for primary school studends of musical art
The article deals with the self-actualizing personality of a younger student in the conditions of distance learning and the development of skills of self-motivation, self-esteem, self-correction in the development of musical art. The relevance of the topic is connected with the challenges of modernity. The purpose of the article is to quantify the qualitative indicators of the level of self-actualization in the distance learning of musical art. The task of the study is to calculate the coefficient of correlation indicators, which are conducted with a time amplitude, where the tests of SAT Shostrom, A. Panchenko, M. Rosenberg, A.V. Zverkov's test questionnaire, E.V. Eidman are used. The novelty of the work consists in combining musical art from the point of view of the psychology of learning in a distance format, where knowledge is transmitted by other teaching methods.
Specifics of interdisciplinary borrowing as a source of the Anglo-American education terminology enrichment
The given article reports on a study of the peculiarities of interdisciplinary borrowing as a source of the Anglo-American education terminology enrichment. Special focus is given to the terms built as a result of interdisciplinary borrowing that contain the cultural component of meaning in their semantic structure, since the given study was carried out in the framework of the concept of the cultural component of term meaning developed by V.A. Ikonnikova. Despite the fact that the most productive way of building education terms is syntactic, semantic term-formation is of great interest while studying terms in the socio-cultural aspect. This is due to necessity of using historical, etymological and cultural data for their analysis. In the paper the peculiarities of interdisciplinary borrowing as a source of education terminology replenishment is considered on the basis of the terminological units with the cultural component of meaning belonging to the British and US education terminological systems. Dictionary entry analysis and historical and etymological analysis of borrowed terminological units with the cultural component of meaning belonging to the terminological systems mentioned above let us make a conclusion that such units were borrowed from terminologies of the following fields: law, religion, public administration, business, geography, psychology etc. The proposed framework may be useful for studying and teaching sociocultural linguistics, linguistic and cultural studies, cross-cultural communication. The research findings may contribute to compiling special dictionaries of education terms.
Linguistic images in A.S. Pushkin’s travelogue «Journey to Arzrum»
The discursive-cognitive nature of the «linguistic image» includes: (a) a subject-sensory representation (the cognitive substrate of the phenomenon), (b) a figurative word acting as its verbal exponent (c) a discursive-associative architectonics of the communicative-event meanings of the concept projecting the corresponding linguistic image. Narrative discourse plays a special role in creating a linguistic image. In this speech-thinking environment, an image-generating context is formed with the effect of the presence of the narrator. The main idea is that narrative discourse provides the ability to convey a subjective vision of the experienced fragments of a communicative event with the help of a linguistic image. Discursive expansion fills symbolic concepts with autochthonous images and reveals in travel essays a rich and multifaceted palette of the eastern worldview. The extraction of ethno-cultural meanings is based on the selected components of the linguistic image. Ethnocultural meanings serve to create a picturesque exotic flavor in A.S. Pushkin’s travelogue «Journey to Arzrum».
On the use of manipulative techniques in Еnglish literary discourse
Manipulation is inherently incentive, aimed at exerting covert influence and inducing the recipient to the actions necessary for the manipulator. Such control is, first of all, the control of the mind, i.e. the beliefs of the recipients, and indirect control of their actions, with their beliefs being manipulated. This paper explores pragmatics of manipulative techniques in English literary discourse. Manipulation happens in implicit communication. Reading between the lines and explicating the implications of a text has become a primary focus in literary analysis. The analysis of linguistic material is carried out by means of discourse approach and pragmalinguistic method of research. The relevance of this study is determined by the need to cover all forms of interpersonal manipulation in fictional dialogue: deception, pressuring, and exploiting emotional vulnerability or character defects. The analysis showed that exploiting emotional vulnerability occurs much more frequently in fictional dialogue than other forms of manipulation. The investigation has focused on manipulative techniques as closely related to narrative irony. In a short story or a novel, narrative irony serves as scaffolding for using manipulation, viz. for creating the situation favourable for accomplishing the manipulator’s scheme.
Didactic functionality of discourse markers in teaching reading in English
This article is aimed at considering the potential of such a mechanism of text coherence as discourse markers, which can be used in teaching reading in English. The authors raise the problem of the necessity in finding effective methods for teaching reading in a foreign language to improve students’ reading literacy. The article is aimed at identifying and describing the linguodidactic technique promoting the development of reading skills in English with the help of discourse units. By applying typologization method supported by the contextual analysis the authors consider discourse markers in English academic articles and make an attempt to develop the extended functional classification of these units. Academic articles written in English were chosen as the material for the first part of the study due to the high-level structure of this genre, in which the mechanisms of cohesion and coherence are widely applied. Then, the authors are trying to involve B. Grabe’s visual schemes to illustrate discourse markers functional potential. These schemes are supplemented by the a modelling method to create various types of exercises that contribute to the development of reading skills in English with the help of discourse units. The results are characterized by novelty, since up till now discourse markers in teaching a foreign language have been applied for learning activities while the in the present paper the authors offer to consider them as a learning tool, namely a tool for speech skills development. The results obtained can be applied in teaching reading in English in secondary and high school.
Subject of linguistic pragmatics and aspects of modern pragmatic research
In the article linguistic pragmatic factors of speech impact in texts of various genres are considered. Pragmatics is closely connected with semiotics, the sign theory, the theory of speech acts. In modern linguistic pragmatic research, the subject of speech, i.e. the speaker with his own communicative attitude and intentions, is put forward. The author of the article sets the objective of defining the methods of adequate pragmatic analysis of an oral and written text of various styles, the author also underlines the fact that information relevant from the point of view of pragmatics may be conveyed by various means, both linguistic and non-linguistic ones, such as the structure of the text of online format. Functional and systematic approach has been used in the study of language means of impact on the information recipient. Traditional division of semiotics into semantics, syntaxand pragmatics may be applied in modern linguistic research. In the article syntactic transpositions of parts of a sentence, which are regularly used in speech, as well as the semantic structure of lexical units of various stylistic reference, are considered. The importance of the context, both syntactic and lexical one, in realization of the word meaning (and consequently of its interpretation by the addressee) is pointed out in practical linguistic research.
Role of pragmatic potential of phraseological units in the realization of cognitive models of situations
This article is devoted to the study of the role of pragmatic potential of phraseological units in the realization of cognitive models of situations. The timeliness of this work consists in the absence at the moment of information about the components of cognitive models of situations that can be most effectively used by the authors of articles to realize their pragmatic intentions through the pragmatic potential of phraseological units. The purpose of the study is to determine the components of cognitive models of situations that are actualized and brought to the fore through the pragmatics of phraseological units in the texts of the English-language media discourse, the reasons for the actualization of precisely these components of cognitive models of situations, as well as to establish what pragmatic goals of the authors this is due. To achieve it, the author has set the following tasks: sampling phraseological units from the English-language media discourse, drawing up schemes of cognitive models of situations, determining which component of the cognitive model is actualized with the help of a phraseological unit. The material for the analysis was articles from the British newspaper «The Times» dated May 22, 2021. The author of the article uses various methods: descriptive, contextual analysis, comparative, methods of observation, content analysis and discourse analysis. The study uses the linguistic concept of T.A. Van Dijk, which includes the analysis of the cognitive model of the situation and the allocation of its individual components: participants, their actions, circumstances and other components were identified. The analysis made it possible to identify the component «action» of cognitive models, which in most examples is brought to the fore through the pragmatics of FE, as well as to determine the cause of this phenomenon.
Punctuation means of expressing emotionality in a literary text in English and its translation into Russian
This article explores the special role played by punctuation for the expression of emotivity in modern biographical prose. Emphasizing the importance of punctuation means, the article touches upon the currently relevant problem of analyzing emotive techniques in the literary text. In this paper, the authors briefly highlight a number of approaches to the definition of the concepts of «emotionality» and «emotivity», then consider modern classifications of punctuation means of expressing emotions in a literary text. The main task of the research is to identify the most significant means of conveying the emotional state of the characters of the biography novel at the punctuation level and compare them with the translation of the work into Russian. The research attempts to compare the use of punctuation means of the English and Russian versions of novels using comparative and descriptive methods, to identify common features and differences in the transmission of emotivity. As for the preliminary results of the study, the authors of the article note a number of cases when a writer goes beyond conventional punctuation to create emotive content. The general conclusion consists in the presence of synergy between the punctuation design of the novel, lexical and semantic means that occasionally perform its functions in translation, and the final emotive component, equally powerful in English and Russian.
Innovations in modern lexicographic discourse (based on the material of appendixes to the english online-dictionaries)
The concepts of «neologisms» and «buzzwords» are discussed in the article based on linguistic illustrations from two lexicographic projects. This paper examines buzzwords registered in the on-line format of The Global Language monitor in 2020 and on-line version of Macmillan Online Dictionary in 2016–2020. Buzzwords reflect the adaptation of language to modern trends in the development of society and language, as they appear in the modern world to denote new realities. They contribute to a more accurate description of new processes in the development of the world and sociocultural realities in the English-speaking society. Due to the fast changes within the bulk of English buzzwords in the epoch of globalization the problem of their linguistic status has not been studied and described in details that is why it is reasonable to consider some aspects of their functional potential in the terms of linguocultural and sociocultural characteristics to contribute to the adequate interpretation of this word cluster relevant for modern English lexicography. Moreover, the study of English buzzwords is aimed at renewing the information about the interaction between human beings and their social, cultural setting and cognitive requirements. The classification worked out is considered as another attempt to establish the role of English buzzwords in consolidating renewed information about modern trends in the development the English language in the XX1 century.
Linguistic representation of psychotypes in the artistic discourse of W. Golding
The article is devoted to the study of specific lexical representations of psychotypes in the framework of a work of art. The relevance of this article is that linguists are concerned with studies in the field of functional linguistics and psycholinguistics, in which language is considered within the framework of an instrumental function. The aim of the work is to identify specific tokens that reflect the psychotypes of the characters. The material for the study is the lexemes from «Lord of the Flies» by William Golding. The meanings of selected language units convey the personal touch of Ralph’s and Jack’s nature. The study used contextual description and structural and semantic approach. The article describes their behavior and speech from the perspective of psychology and psycholinguistics. Ralph is a hypertim and Jack is an epileptoid. The contrast of the boys’ behavior indicates that the hypertim and epileptoid are not able to find a common language in the distribution of social roles. The characteristics of the psychotypes have an impact on the management of the group. Ralph manages the group in the following ways: relying on humanism, mutual understanding; he jokes to defuse the situation; he encourages the guys to save them from the outside, and tries to awaken the humaneness in the guys. Jack uses the following means of controlling the group: authoritarianism, mental intimidation, physical violence. Authoritarianism is expressed through the use of the imperative. Mental intimidation is achieved by using lexemes that reflect physical influences, insults. In addition, mental bullying occurs through body language (piercing gaze, looking down). In conclusion, the author comes to the following conclusion: psychotypes are transmitted mainly through lexemes that reflect body language; hypertim is reflected through language units with positive or neutral connotations, while epileptoid is expressed through language units with negative and neutral connotations.
«Sow the Wind, Reap the Storm». Review of the book: Harrison L. Language and Metaphors of the Russian Revolution: Sow the Wind, Reap the Storm. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020. 270 p.
The monograph by American researcher Lonny Harrison tells about the «language» and metaphors of the Russian revolution. In general, the book is rather a detailed essay on the history of Russian literature of the XVIII–XX centuries, actually metaphors and «language» are not given as much attention as we would like. Nevertheless, the author has written a complete study revealing to the foreign reader various little-known stories from the life and work of Russian writers of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet eras.