
Study of the efficiency of the application of gas dynamic stabilization of the flame in a current engine
Belonozhkin V.V., Teslya D.N.
Increasing the overall performance of a two-stroke engine with spark ignition by fuel injection
Dovgyallo A.I., Krasheninnikov S.V., Shchepetov D.A.
Turboprofan jet modeling and equivalent specific fuel consumption optimization subsystem construction on the seminatural modelling stand
Pogorelov G.I., Krivosheev I.A., Godovanyuk A.G., Danilin O.E., Badamshin B.I.
Optimal control of the angle of attack of a hypersonic flight vehicle
Bebyakov A.A.
Development of a procedure for the synthesis of a micro gas turbine engine neural controller with account for fuel consumption constraints
Kuznetsov A.V., Makaryants G.M.
Progressive thermodynamic cycle of internal combustion engine based on сrank a rod the mechanism with dual kinematic communications
Grabovskiy A.A.
Command control of hypersonic cruising aircraft during climb
Balakin V.L., Kotchyan A.G.
Guaranteeing of ecological and economic indicators of internal combustion engine
Grabovskiy A.A., Mironov V.A.
Test bench for investigation of thrusters intra-chamber working processes
Pervyshin A.N., Ryazanov A.I.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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