
History of small space vehicle progress and development at Plesetsk cosmodrome. Current problems of further development
Korotkov V.V., Vinogradov A.V.
Concept of multilevel adaptation of integrated navigation systems of small spacecraft
Fominov I.V.
Procedure of comparative assessment of the efficiency of Earth remote sensing satellites with different optoelectronic telescopic complexes
Stratilatova N.N., Kurenkov V.I., Kucherov A.S., Egorov A.S.
Ways of the development of the radar space systems of the remote sensing of the Earth
1 1.
Design of control moment gyro electric drive with strict requirements on ensuring desired rotational velocities
Polozhentcev D.S., Davidov A.A., Shipov M.G., Kazakov E.P., Malykh B.I.
Modeling external thermal influence of infrared radiation sources during tests of rocket and space equipment in VK-600/300
Dobritsa D.B., Ushakova A.A., Shabarchin A.F., Yashchenko B.Y.
Creation of infotainment support of designing of control algorithms logic of spacecraft onboard control complexeses
1 1.
Control over maintaining accuracy of integrity of reference surfaces of spacecraft components in their joint functioning at various stages of design
Yelenev V.D., Schuplyak Y.P.
Technical approach for estimation of engineering level of universal launch complexes for space launch vehicles witn use of overal parameter
1 1., 1 1., 1 1., 1 1.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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