
Simulation of the processes of spraying and combustion of kerosene and liquid oxygen in the chamber of a liquid-propellant rocket engine
Senchev M.N., Zubrilin I.A., Yurtaev A.A., Benedyuk М.A., Komisar Y.V.
Mathematical model of small-thrust rocket engine with gaseous oxygen and hydrogen in pulse operation
1 1.
Particularity of thermal condition computation oF LRE with cooling by liquid oxygen
1 1.
The influence of swirling of a flow with axial countercurrent on the process of burning of hydrogenoxygen mix in the stream of water steam
Guryanov A.I., Vereshchagin I.M.
Thermal physics of hydrogen-oxygen combuster chambers for high-temperature turbines combined-cycle power plant
Guryanov A.I., Piralishvili G.S., Vereschagin I.M.
Character creator of electropneumatic valve for 49 MPa gaseous oxygen working pressure. Statement of problems and problem solving ways
Kazankin F.A., Kalnitsky I.D.
Development of thruster chamber operating on oxygen-hydrogen fuel
Salich V.L.
Development of turbopump unit design for hydrogen liquid-propellant rocket engines without generators developed at the design bureau of chemical automation
Dmitrenko A.I., Ivanov A.V., Rachuk V.S.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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