Development of thruster chamber operating on oxygen-hydrogen fuel

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The article presents the results of the development chamber thruster in the perspective oxygen-hydrogen fuel. Was established experimental model, whose main element is the chamber body, taken from the production engine and newly developed mixing head comprising a spark plug, fuel injectors, fuel manifolds, fittings for supplying fuel components, fittings for the pressure measurement. Ignition of the fuel mixture when starting chamber is electric plasma method. Fire tests were conducted camera manufacturer in terrestrial conditions on the experimental setup, which allows to measure the thrust, pressure in the combustion chamber and fuel reservoirs, determine the cost of fuel components. The test results are presented in the form of values of thrust, specific impulse, the coefficient of specific impulse at different total fuel mass flow and the fuel components ratio (different ratios of excess oxidant), suggest the achievement of acceptable energy characteristics. During the tests also confirmed the launch of a reliable chamber in a wide range of variation of the coefficient of excess oxidant confirmed efficiency of the engine during long hot work.

About the authors

V. L. Salich

Research & development institute of mechanical engineering, Nizhnyaya Salda

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Leading research engineer of research development department

Russian Federation


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