Author Details

Пономарёв, Ю. К.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 5, No 2-1 (2006): Special Issue TECHNICAL SCIENCES Development of vibration isolator mathematical model with the spherical elastic-damping element from the МR матerial PDF
Vol 5, No 2-1 (2006): Special Issue TECHNICAL SCIENCES Research of the quantitative characteristics technologies of manufacturing of products from a material МR PDF
Vol 5, No 2-2 (2006): Special Issue TECHNICAL SCIENCES Using of the liquids with the high absorbing ability in lamellar vibration isolators PDF
Vol 7, No 3 (2008): Special Issue AIRCRAFT AND SPACE ROCKET ENGINEERING Characteristics of metal rubber material for large short-term loading PDF
Vol 8, No 3-1 (2009): Special Issue AIRCRAFT AND SPACE ROCKET ENGINEERING Methods of calculating the load characteristics of ring dampers of the MR material with partial coverage of a bearing with precessional loading PDF
Vol 8, No 3-2 (2009): Special Issue AIRCRAFT AND SPACE ROCKET ENGINEERING Method of calculating of the load characteristics of cylindrical support with a discrete location of elastic damping elements of the MR material PDF
Vol 14, No 3-2 (2015): Special Issue ISSUE WITHOUT SECTION The influence of residual technological stress and service heat loads on the strength of railway wheels PDF
Vol 14, No 3-2 (2015): Special Issue ISSUE WITHOUT SECTION Research of repeatability of characteristics of multilayered corrugated dampers of aircraft and rocket engines using the Monte-Carlo method PDF

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