Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology

Peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal.


Publisher & Founder

  • Samara National Research University


  • Vladimir A. Konev
    Samara National Research University (Samara, Russian Federation)


The mission of the journal is to disseminate in Russia and abroad new scientific ideas and the results of original research in the field of history, pedagogics and linguistics as the basic sciences of the humanitarian cycle, which have traditional heuristic relationships that create a special synergistic research effect both in mastering new trends in the development of these sciences and in revealing the features of various languages, history, culture, educational traditions in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad.

Journal research fields

  • Domestic history
  • General history
  • Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research
  • General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
  • Methodology and technology of vocational education
  • Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia
  • Languages of the peoples of foreign countries (indicating a specific language or group of languages)
  • Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics
  • Media communications and journalism


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Since 2003, the journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the List of leading scientific journals and publications in the Russian Federation, where basic scientific results of doctoral theses should be published (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science).


  • Only original articles and reviews (all manuscripts are undergone for plagiarism checking)
  • Article selection proceess is based on the double-blind peer-review.
  • NO APC, NO ASC from authors
  • Open Access with CC BY International license
  • Russian & English, German and French


Current Issue

Vol 30, No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Pedagogical talent of the professor T.I. Rudneva
Lelchitsky I.D., Bezdukhov V.P.

Имя Татьяны Ивановны Рудневой широко известно в педагогических кругах, к нему обращаются как к авторитету, на него ссылаются. Поэтому ее юбилей – не только личное дело. Есть повод посмотреть на современные проблемы образования с точки зрения вклада в него педагога, учителя, наставника.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):8-10
pages 8-10 views


Collectivization as a page of history and its place in the national ideology of modern Russia
Babashkin V.V., Tolstov S.I.

The article substantiates the necessity of the national ideology of the modern Russian Federation to be based on adequate representations of most important events of the Soviet period of the country’s history. Russian historiography will inevitably form a system of such representations in the near future. The authors confidently position collectivization of the peasant village as the central of the events in question, showing why the Soviet version of collectivization is approximately as far from the historical truth as the ideological interpretation of the 90s, which arrived to substitute the so-called «Marxism-Leninism». Local history investigations and family chronicles contain one of the principal proofs of this, confirming the consistence of Peasant Studies as a tool for historical and sociological research.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):11-19
pages 11-19 views


History of the city of Stavropol-Togliatti: historiographic aspect
Bezginа O.A.

The city of Togliatti, which has been leading its history since 1737 and is currently the first in terms of population among Russian so-called «single-industry towns», has accumulated a significant amount of its own literature. At the same time, the historiography of Stavropol-Togliatti began to develop widely only from the second half of the XX century, it still has an eclectic character and continues to progress. The author of the article when using the method of historical periodization, comparative-historical and analytical methods analyzed the literature on the history of the city, its systematization was carried out, six historiographic groups on the topic were allocated, the authors who made the greatest contribution to the study of the city of Stavropol-Togliatti were named.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):20-31
pages 20-31 views
Position of Persia on the problem of «Russian transit» in the XVI–XVII centuries: a plot about Shirvan cities
Astashkin R.S.

The article attempts to consider the position of the Persian Safavid state on the question of using the territory of the Muscovy empire for the development of the European-Asian relations in the period of the XVI–XVII centuries with the use of the method of diachronic analysis and historical periodization. The aforementioned problem is studied as a separate aspect of scientific topics related to the place of the then Russia in the process of the European expansion into the countries of the East. The object of the analysis is the practical activities of the Persian administrations, which had both a direct and indirect relationship to the conventional topic of «Russian transit». Nowadays the experience of the comprehensive and conceptual study of this issue is absent not only in the domestic, but also in the foreign historical science. The specific subject of the study is related to the repeated promises of official Iran to transfer control over the largest centers of the historical region of Shirvan to the Russian tsars. The source base for this work was an array of diplomatic documents on the history of Russian-Persian interstate relations of the XVI–XVII centuries. These materials, in particular, reflected Moscow’s reaction to the Safavid proposals for territorial concessions. The scientific works of Russian-speaking and foreign specialists, including the largest representatives of classical and modern historical Iranian studies, were also used. The analysis made it possible to fit the diplomatic issue about the fate of the Shirvan cities into the context of the general problem of «Russian transit». It is hypothesized that the Persian government deliberately initiated this discussion taking into account the economic potential of the Volga-Caspian trade route. It is concluded that if the appropriate agreements between the two states were reached, the Russian empire could in the future produce a certain revolution in the intercontinental trade, especially in the silk market.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):32-38
pages 32-38 views
Examination of the mentally ills in the Samara province in the 1860-ies
Zarubina E.G., Kryukova S.S.

The article examines the dynamics of perception of the mentally ill by the Russian society and the state authorities with the help of comparative-historical method and analysis of sources. The chronological framework of the work covers the period from the first attempts to help the insane with the help of spiritual healing in monasteries to the large-scale reforms of the 1860-ies and the revolution in the organization of public medicine. The author is most interested in the changes caused by the formation of psychiatry as a separate branch of medical science, including the emergence of expert psychiatrists and the introduction of psychiatric trials procedures by the middle of the XIX century. For a detailed study of such innovations in psychiatric practice, the procedure of examination of the mentally ill, carried out in the Samara province in the 1860-ies, was chosen. The source base for the research is archival materials from the funds of the Central State Archive of the Samara Region, as well as scientific and published written sources. These include the first Russian textbooks and manuals on psychiatry. There is a growing interest in the study of the phenomenon of «madness» in modern historiography. However, there was practically no large-scale systematic research on the history of the origin of psychiatry in the Samara province in the middle of the XIX century. The findings obtained in the course of the study give an idea of the changing perception of the insane by society and the authorities. There is a transfer of the main role in the trials of the mentally ill and, accordingly, the right to make a conclusion about their condition from representatives of the administrative authorities to psychiatrists. An attitude towards insanity is being formed and consolidated not as a social danger, but as a disease requiring specialized medical care. Thus, madness is transformed from a social phenomenon into a medical one.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):39-44
pages 39-44 views
Struggle of legalists to equalize the rights of Jews with other subjects of the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century
Rybin D.V.

In the Russian Empire, the problem of the «Jewish question» existed for a long time. The prevailing theory was about the «badness» of the Jewish people, their deceit, maliciousness and other negative qualities. Since 1880, anti-Semitism has gradually increased. At first it was fueled by the bureaucracy, then it was joined by the local bourgeoisie, and then by its minions, the marginal strata of the cities. Accordingly, after the liberal policies of Alexander II, an attack on the rights of Jews began. Updated anti-Semitic legislation was adopted, and old ones were updated. Hundreds of petty restrictions bound the Jews and hindered their development. Jews began to have a keen sense of their national identity, emigrated, joined socialist parties, corrupted officials, etc. The liberal public was dissatisfied with this government policy. In the public press, in meetings of government bodies, and in correspondence, conservative liberals energetically argued the absurdity of anti-Semitism, the injustice of claims against Jews, and demanded the liberation of the Jews. Accordingly, the subject of our research is the activities of liberal jurists (legalists) of the Russian Empire for the emancipation of Jews. We chose a problem-chronological approach as the main method. By highlighting the «Jewish problem», we trace the chronology of fluctuations in state policy on the Jewish issue and highlight the forms of struggle of legalists for the rights of Jews. This is the first time such a reconstruction has been carried out regarding the legalist movement and contributes to historical knowledge. A number of conclusions can be tentatively formulated. Through the press, liberals created a negative image of anti-Semitic policies. Sitting in meetings and commissions, they prevented the expansion of negative legislation. In the Senate, legalists defended the rights of Jews.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):45-53
pages 45-53 views
Commercial and industrial centers of the Samara region in the second half of the XIX – early XX century
Mikhailova A.E.

The article considers the formation process of the commercial and industrial centers of the Samara region in the post-reform era. Despite there are scientific works that cover the topic of the formation and development of commercial and industrial entrepreneurship in the Samara province, the issue presented in the article can be considered as one of the unstudied. The scientific literature is not yet clearly defined the main factors that influenced this process. These factors include natural and climatic conditions, pace of establishment and development of agricultural production and other branches of farming industry, modernization of transport and financial infrastructure. The source base of the article is presented by administrative documentation, guidance and statistical materials, sources of personal nature, and fiction. The most significant sources include the documentary publications that contain a large amount of historical information, for example, «Lists of populated areas» for 1859, 1889, 1900, 1910. They contain valuable information about the geographical location of trade and industry facilities. On the basis of these and other materials, comparative-historical, analytical, methods of periodization and systematization, conclusions were formulated about the stages of the formation and development of shopping and industrial centers, their geographical placement, as well as that the modernization of transport and financial infrastructure gave a powerful impetus to the development of trading -Industrial activities of both the provincial capital and county centers, as well as a number of settlements, which at the end of the XIX-early
XX centuries were shopping and industrial centers.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):54-62
pages 54-62 views
At the opinion crossroads: Kuibyshev in the days of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1943)
Kuryatnikov V.N.

The article considers Kuibyshev city (Samara nowadays) in the wartime (1941–1943), the features of its life activity and development. The solving of the large-scale tasks raised in connection with the unprecedented evacuation of the government departments, diplomatic body, people’s commissariats, factories and population to the city deeply changed the city life. Kuibyshev was the regionally governed city, but it performed many specific functions typical for the soviet capital city of Moscow. The circumstance gave occasion to call the city of Kuibyshev unofficially «alternate capital». The research task is to analyze the various aspects of the Kuibyshev city life in the wartime: to show the different interpretations of its status perception by the historians in 1941–1943; to specify the data concerning the specified All-Union people’s commissariats being on evacuation in the city of Kuibyshev and its quantitative composition; to raise the question of the final date of the acceptance of the «special objects» No. 1 (Stalin’s bunker) and No. 2 (for General Staff of the Red Army) of the Building of Metrostroi (Soviet subway construction company); to qualify the questions about the zoning of the city in the wartime; to cite new data about Bezymyanka district of the prewar time using comparative-historical, analytical and retrospective methods. The article introduces a new document material of the central archives of the Russian Federation into scientific discourse. It is proved that Kuibyshev was neither «alternate» nor «military» capital. It tasted the peak of its «capital city status» during 2–3 months while solving many issues of the All-Union scale and performing capital functions. The conclusion that the acceptance of the city services in the analyzed period was the rating of the city of Kuibyshev to the cities of republican subordination on 21st August 1943 is drawn.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):63-71
pages 63-71 views


Scientific knowledge in pedagogy about learning tools
Strekalova N.B., Sanko A.M.

A scientific review of the problems that are relevant for researchers in the field of education in the last decade is presented. The issues of the content of education and its impact on the surrounding reality were considered by researchers from different fields of scientific knowledge: sociology, cultural studies, history, philosophy, political science, psychology. Scientific publications note that changes in education and its impact on personality occur due to various tools of the educational process, which can be identified in the generalized definition of «learning tools». The analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents in the field of educational services in the Russian Federation allowed us to identify research areas that are of priority importance for pedagogical practice. It is significant for the authors to use a set of exercises, educational courses, design methods, situational tasks, and game technologies to form professional competencies of specialists. Most researchers note the need to justify the use of digital technologies to solve innovative pedagogical tasks. The scientific publications included in the review attempt to develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching tools used in educational practice, their ranking and classification on various grounds, as well as the didactic potential of digital educational resources.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):72-88
pages 72-88 views
Methodological support of the Masters’ research activities in the field «psychological and pedagogical education»
Rudneva T.I.

The article presents the experience of organizing Masters’ research activities in the field «psychological and pedagogical education» at the Samara National Research University. Gradually, students are involved in activities to obtain scientific knowledge from texts of various types in scientific work; comprehend the subject of scientific work, the subject of scientific activity and the levels of pedagogical research. Attention is drawn to the conditions for obtaining reliable scientific knowledge in the course of scientific research: methodological competence and methodological literacy of the Master. As a methodological support for the process of mastering the methodology of scientific activity in the field of pedagogical science, the content of educational disciplines is presented in the form of a set of tools, tasks on practical methodology.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):89-93
pages 89-93 views
Model of formation of tutoring competence of future educational psychologists
Rylov A.N., Solovova N.V.

The article discusses the problem of individualization of training and substantiates the importance of developing a specialist’s tutoring competence. When designing a model for the formation of tutoring competence of  future educational psychologists, the methodological foundations were identified: problem-oriented, systemic and competency-based approaches. The research used methods of systematization, generalization, synthesis and modeling. The blocks of the model are identified (conceptual-target, content, procedural and evaluative-resultative) and their characteristics are given.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):94-98
pages 94-98 views
Pedagogical support of preparation of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disastersto activity in extreme situations
Karapuzikov А.А., Uvarina N.V., Muraev N.P., Nizyakov A.D.

The article is devoted to the study of pedagogical support for training cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence using inductive and deductive methods, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for activities in extreme situations, the main concepts of training cadets for work in extreme conditions, as well as the tasks facing the teaching staff are considered. The conceptual apparatus of pedagogical support for training cadets for activities in extreme situations is considered. Based on the analysis of scientific works on this topic, a number of aspects and trailers are identified that represent the basis for effective training of cadets to solve professional problems. Particular attention is paid to the formation of necessary skills, stress resistance, decision-making in dangerous conditions and the development of significant qualities.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):99-103
pages 99-103 views
Formation of students’ subject skills in mathematics in the process of digital didactic game
Grebenkina A.S., Lyashko P.V.

The work is devoted to the study of the problem of gamification of mathematics teaching in primary school using methods of studying pedagogical experience, comparing and generalizing the results of observations, analyzing scientific articles and the content and structure of didactic games in mathematics. The urgency of the problem is due to the digital transformation of education currently taking place. Digitalization of education in the context of teaching mathematics in primary school entails the need to develop new learning tools. Such teaching tools should contribute to the development of students’ mathematical skills, while meeting the needs of students of the digital generation for the form of information presentation. Digital didactic games can be used as an effective means of teaching mathematics at school. The potential of such games in the formation of students’ mathematical and logical skills, cognitive motivation is indicated. In the mathematical content of the game, it is proposed to provide for a change of types of educational activities. This will expand the range of skills formed through digital play, make it more dynamic and interesting for students, which will contribute to their involuntary learning. To develop the skills to perform various graphical constructions using the tools of modern graphical calculators, it is proposed to include tasks at certain stages of the game, for which digital tools can be used (online calculators, electronic programs, mobile applications, etc.). The conclusion is made about the expediency of using digital didactic games in the process of teaching mathematics to schoolchildren.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):104-111
pages 104-111 views
Digital transformation of the Centre for Advanced Professional Training of Kuzbass: approaches and solutions
Lysenko V.G.

Russian education system is currently undergoing a phase of advancement that is associated with distinctive features of post-industrial society, the main characteristic of which is informatization and digitalization of economy. The efficiency of business processes and the validity (legitimacy) of enterprises and organizations are directly correlated with their digital transformation. These global trends cannot be ignored by these educational organizations. The most untouched issue concerns the creation of digital services for facilitating interaction between educational institutions and the labor market. The purpose of research: development and implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy of the Centre for Advanced Professional Training (CAPT) of Kuzbass. The leading methods of research include general scientific methods, methods of systematicity and analysis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory and legal documentation, as well as empirical methods (in the collection, accumulation and recording of data), and rational method (in the interpretation of research data). The article presents the principles and mechanisms of the digital platform interaction with the external environment are described. The author examines the internal conditions for digital services transformation. The necessity of creating and utilizing a digital replica of the HR service of enterprise on the digital platform is substantiated. The presented approaches pertain to the implementation of the Strategy for the development of digital resources of the Centre for Advanced Professional Training of Kuzbass, along with the development of a digital platform with an enhanced version, which is focused on more effective interaction of labour market agents in the region, contribute to the resolution of the most pressing issues of socio-economic development of the region. These techniques can also be applied to employment assistance services and career centers of educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):112-119
pages 112-119 views


Grammatical systematicity of request models in the modern Russian
Karpenko L.B., Liu X.

The article analyzes the grammatical systematicity of models of request expression in modern Russian language. The relevance is determined by the need to identify the grammatical systematicity of the use of syntactic models of different types in expressing a request in Russian speech practice. The aim of the paper is to study syntactic models of request expression in modern Russian language in the aspect of the theory of communicative-pragmatic complexes. The study is conducted on the material representing different contexts of request usage: samples from modern Russian plays by famous playwrighters – A. Vampilov, N. Lakutin, E. Shabalina and A. Yablonskaya, as well as samples from the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NCLR) are used. Research methods: systematic, comparative, functional, contextual, structural-grammatical. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of systematicity of syntactic models. The peculiarity of expressing the request by the models of sentences on the purpose of utterance – inductive, interrogative and narrative – is shown. The authors come to the conclusion about the peculiarity of linguistic conceptualization of request in three communicative situations – everyday request, official request, request when communicating in an unfamiliar environment, which differ in their communicative role and situations of use. The regularities of use of three types of sentences on the purpose of utterance depending on communicative situations are established. It is shown that the model of inductive sentences serves as the basic and most common grammatical form of expressing a request and is usually used in the communicative situation of a household request. Due to its special communicative characteristics, this model can also be used in the situation of communication with strangers, and with the use of grammatical extensions - and in some situations of official communication. The second most frequent type - interrogative sentences - is usually used when addressing strangers; as a rule, it is accompanied by politeness markers. Models of narrative sentences are used much less frequently than sentences of the other two types; they are most often used in situations of official communication.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):120-127
pages 120-127 views
«Confrontation of fonts: Gothic vs Antiqua» in the language politics of the Third Reich
Dubinin S.I.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the script in the modern history of the German literary language, associated with the design of its normative graphics (graphemics), in particular the «font dispute: antiqua vs gothic» in the first half of the 20th century. For a significant period of historical development, the German literary language is marked by «cognitive dissonance» caused in the linguistic consciousness of its speakers by the collision of «conflicting» variants of Latin characters. The parallel use of various graphic variants of writing (diglyph), especially at the stage of the modern history of the German language, is marked by the influence of various extra-linguistic factors (ideology, confessional, cultural differences, national and state policies, etc.). A pressing issue is the consideration of the radical and controversial language policy in the totalitarian Third Reich in 1933–1945. Declaring Fraktur as a «national script», a symbol of identity and the embodiment of basic doctrines (unity of the nation and German-speaking ethnic groups, anti-Semitism, «struggle for culture», the idea of superiority), the National Socialists in 1941, at the stage of reorienting their policy towards «Eurocentrism», declared it replacement of the previously rejected antiqua as «normative German writing». The article provides a critical stage-by-stage analysis of the scenarios of the language policy of National Socialism in the «dispute about graphics», attempts to use a «compromise font» (Futura). Ideologemes associated with this practice are analyzed as lexical markers (Sprachregelung, Kulturkampf, Schrifttum, Judenlettern, deutsche Volksschrift/Normalschrift, etc.). The result of the study was the construction of a model of «font strategy» as a special linguistic-semiotic phenomenon of the language policy of the Third Reich. The conclusions note a peculiar reflection of the «font dispute» in different types of texts of 1933–1945 and in the military discourse of the Third Reich.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):128-141
pages 128-141 views
Allusion as a means of implementing intertextuality in English-language online film review
Galiullina O.R.

The article discusses ways to actualize allusion as an intertextual element. Intertextual inclusions in the texts of the film review are designed to illustrate the degree of professional competence of the reviewer and his interpretative qualities using the comparative analytical method. Allusion, being a stylistic device for the realization of intertextuality, contains a certain pretext. This pretext performs the function of a precedent phenomenon associated with some collective invariant component of linguistic consciousness. The purpose of this article is to consider in film review the ways in which allusion functions as an intertextual reference. The empirical material of this study was a corpus of 30 movie reviews from 2021–2023, taken from the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. Direct or indirect reference to a specific cinematic phenomenon not only increases the general erudition and awareness of the reader, but also serves as a means of providing a perlocative effect when reading this film review. Allusion, being a means of realizing the author’s pragmatic intentions, performs a comparative function by building intertextual references. The referents in film reviews are the names of films, directors, actors and other precedent units of the world of cinema.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):142-151
pages 142-151 views
Functional and pragmatic parameters of speech acts with the explicit mode of ignorance in scientific dialogue
Chalova O.N.

The article is about identifying functional aspects of 1st-person statements with the explicit mode of ignorance (messages like I do not know… / We don’t know… I don’t know / We don’t know ...) in scientific discussions as a genre of scientific discourse. The relevance of the analysis is predetermined by the necessity to study various parameters of discourse (including both epistemic and pragmatic) as closely connected. The main research method is contextual and pragmalinguistic analysis. The sources of the material are transcripts of modern English and Russian scientific discussions in various fields of knowledge. The article identifies the illocutionary properties of ignorant statements, establishes their pragmatic functions, as well as determines their position in the traditional classification of speech acts. Taking into account the illocutionary orientation of references to ignorance makes it possible to identify representative, interrogative, axiological varieties of ignorance messages as well as their subtypes differentiated on the basis of the degree of their expressiveness, their vector of evaluation, the nature of the representative and interrogative role of speech acts with the mode of ignorance: fully expressive and conditionally expressive, positive and negative, preventive and hesitative, etc. The criterion “pragmatic functions” helps us specify additional functions of references to ignorance in scientific dialogue: to indicate a certain degree of the speaker’s epistemic responsibility for their words, to serve as a means of avoiding the answer, a way to prevent criticism, etc. Moreover, the work identifies factors determining the illocutionary nature of ignorance speech acts: the surface structure of the message, the general context of utterance, the position of the ignorance message in the dialogical unity, sincerity and felicity conditions of speech acts formulated as ignorance messages. References to ignorance are concluded to be quite a significant phenomenon in the structure of scientific dialogue, since they perform a number of important functions in it. The analysis scheme can be used to study statements with other explicit modes (knowledge, opinions, etc.) in various types of discourse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):152-158
pages 152-158 views
Language of the SMO in its historical and cultural context
Izmestyeva I.A.

This article analyzes the language used in special military operations from a functional and semantic perspective. Nowadays, the language used by the military (the SVO as the special military operation in Ukraine) extends beyond the professional group and, thanks to media and social networks, has become understandable to most Russian speakers. The military jargon has a history dating back three hundred years, influenced by various military campaigns in which Russia and the USSR participated. The jargonisms from the early XX century, developed during the First World War, and the active development of military language in the twentieth century, are still present in modern military language. This is due to events such as the Great Patriotic War and the war in Afghanistan. Currently, there is a growing use of military terminology, alongside well-established slang terms that refer to aspects of military life, clothing, weapons, operations, orders, etc. New terms have emerged due to advancements in science and technology, as well as changes in the military-political situation. The lexemes and phrasemes used in the military sphere serve nominative, characterizing, emotional-evaluative, and gaming functions. These terms form thematic groups that make up the semantic field of military operations, based on the denotative meaning of slang words and their possible connotations. The language of the SVO reflects the historically formed and evolving military sociolect of the national language, primarily through Russian vocabulary and phraseological units, specialized terminology, and everyday slang. A small number of foreign terms, mainly related to weapons, have been adapted to fit the phonetic and grammatical rules of the Russian language. Overall, the language of the SMO used in military-political communication reflects the national and cultural characteristics of the military.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):159-166
pages 159-166 views
Gender stereotypes in the German language: synchronic-diachronic perspective
Shamne N.L.

The article examines the peculiarities of objectification of the universal opposition «man – woman» in the German language based on lexicographic sources from different chronological periods. German language is interesting for studying this opposition because of its expanded nature, which is particularly evident within the «woman» component: «Mann – Frau / Weib». The analysis of interpretations of the concepts «man» and «woman» in German dictionaries reveals the processes of gender stereotyping reflected in them during different periods of language development. This allows us to understand the development of ideas about these concepts in a specific linguistic culture. The leading characteristics of men and women, as reflected in the semantics of key lexemes such as Mann, Frau and Weib, as well as adjectives derived from these words, are determined. Their cultural and historical context is explored. It is found that during the XVIII and XIX centuries, the concepts of «man» and «woman» consistently reflected the processes of gender stereotyping. However, gender stereotypes regarding women were more varied and complex. Starting in the XX century and especially in the XXI century, stereotypes have been presented to a lesser degree, with a noted neutralization of social oppositions within the considered opposition. It is observed that the opposition between man and woman in German initially had a dual nature, both socially and naturally. It is concluded that at present, in lexicographic sources, naturally oriented traits are the leading features of objectification in the «man-woman» opposition. The issue of the level of accuracy with which different concepts are reflected in explanatory dictionaries of the German language has been identified.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):167-178
pages 167-178 views
Types of play behavior in the expression of the category of relations in the English and Italian languages
Savvateeva I.A.

The article offers a comparative analysis of the semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the types of play relations in the linguistic world view of non-closely related languages. It involves identifying similarities and differences in the play expression of the category of relations in English and Italian languages. The purpose of the study is a more detailed understanding of the category of relations in the behavioral aspect based on lexemes expressing the concept of play in unrelated languages. The relevance and theoretical novelty of the linguistic analysis of play relations is due to the lack of comparative studies on this issue based on the material of the Italian and English languages in the behavioral aspect. We introduce the concept of observer: the subject of perception and interpretation (ObserverP) and the subject of perception (ObserverA), as an interpreter of types of play relations as a linguistic research tool. The result of the study of the types of play relations is the analysis of lexical units as markers of play behavior in the semiotic and axiological aspects. Analysis of the definitions of lexemes of the compared languages, recorded in dictionaries, showed that, depending on the type of play relations, certain differences appear in the axiological aspect, and, subsequently, manifest themselves in the contexts. In Italian language, a negative assessment is much less common than a positive one when deciphering the semiotics of play behavior. In English language, playful relations reflect the intentions of transferring real behavioural actions into the play; in Italian language, they embellish real behavioral actions. A comparative analysis of language material makes it possible to clearly identify and demonstrate similarities and differences in the understanding and expression of play behavior using material of non-closely related languages.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):179-186
pages 179-186 views
Functions and specificity of metaphorical complexes in D. Kehlmann’s novel «Tyll»
Sudareva V.S.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic representation and functional features of the metaphorical complexes death and movement in the German-language novel discourse. The research was based on the novel «Tyll» (2017) written by the modern German writer D. Kehlmann. The novel tells about the character of German medieval legends Till Eulenspiegel portrayed as vagabond and artist, placed in the landscape of the Thirty Years’ War. The relevance of the research is due to the lack of systematic studies of the novel metaphor and its dominant role in the process of meaning generation in literary texts at the «new turn of the century». The author used an integral approach to the problem under study. The initial theoretical premise of the study is the recognition of the serious cognitive potential of metaphor, realized in the process of artistic cognition. As a result of the research, it was found that the metaphorical complex death is embodied by D. Kehlmann in the novel by sequence of figurative rows that create a metaphorical connection between the arrival of the harbinger of death Till Eulenspiegel and the onset of War. The author suggests considering the process of formation of the metaphorical complex movement in a series of text fragments created with the participation of verbs with semantics of movement, spatial prepositions and adverbs of repetition. Attempting to characterize the rhythmic specificity of the novel text under study, the author comes to the conclusion that the main method used by D. Kehlmann is justification of rhythmic expectation. The rhythm of the text is consistent with the conceptual dance of the main character through subjectively ranged gradation rows with an ascending increment of semantic and emotionally expressive significance, which determine the author’s modality. Metaphorical complexes death and movement have prognostic and compositional functions. The results obtained confirm the metaphoricity of the novel under study and the necessity to analyze other metaphorical complexes as part of the central novel metaphor as an important category of modern German literature.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):187-194
pages 187-194 views
Role of dysphemisms in the English-language film space
Antsiferova A.N.

The topicality of undertaken research is determined by the constantly changing social norms in modern society, which are reflected in the cinematographic world. Cinematography provides a golden opportunity to consider and analyze a range of unique linguistic phenomena. The major purpose of the present paper is to study the phenomenon of dysphemisation in the English-speaking film space based on the set of the following films in English: Green Book by the American film director, Peter J. Farrelly, the screen adaptation of the autobiography 12 Years a Slave by Terrence S. McQueen, the well-known film The Help by Tate Taylor and the biographical drama Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi. In the films the main storyline is generally based on the aspect of discrimination against persons of certain racial backgrounds and women, based on the policy of the United States of America during the infamous period of slavery (XVII–XIX centuries) and the historical era of segregation (XIX–XX centuries). During the study theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis) and empirical methods (observation and description) were used. As a result of the conducted study, the classification of dysphemistic lexical units was determined in terms of author’s intentions (dysphemisms with an emphasis on a different skin color; dysphemisms-comparisons with animals, plants and inanimate objects; dysphemisms-designations of social status; dysphemisms expressing gender discrimination), as well as their role and reason for use in the selected set of films – demonstration of a biased, cruel attitude towards recipients and also a reflection of the socio-cultural environment that encompassed US society during the historical time period under study.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):195-200
pages 195-200 views
Constructions with reduplication of the referent in sentences with the relative pronoun который in the translation of «Il regno degli slavi» by Mavro Orbini
Shikina E.V.

The article considers some language features of the translation from Italian made by Savva Ragusinsky in the first quarter of the XVIII century by order of Peter I. The historiographic work under consideration is Mavro Orbini’s book «Il regno degli slavi». The author of the article analyses the use of the construction with the pronoun который and the repetition of the referent, which allows identifying the degree of influence of the original language on the translated text, various transformations within the construction or a gradual departure from it. Savva Raguzinsky, while working on the translation, resorts to using the construction 40 times, not always relying on the original text and often using synonyms, which may indicate its consistent destruction. The paper analyses two manuscripts dating from 1714 and currently stored in the library of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, the text published in 1722 «The Book historiography of the Commencement of the Name, Glory and Expansion of the Slavic People ...», as well as the original text in Italian. The relevance of the research topic is due to the significant influence of translations from foreign languages on the formation of a new type of language. It was in the Peter the Great era that texts appeared, the language of which modern researchers call «simple», contrasting with the «high Slavonic dialect». There are practically no Church Slavonic and obsolete forms, words and phrases in it. Until now, a generally accepted view of the linguistic situation of the first quarter of the XVIII century has not been developed, and many printed and handwritten monuments of that time have not become the object of research.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):201-206
pages 201-206 views
Intonation cues to English public discourse perception
Mitrofanova Y.N.

The study considers the discourse functions of intonation and identifies a few problems and contradictions in the current theories of intonation functioning. Particular attention is paid to such issues as the multiple functions of nuclear tones, pitch declination in utterances and perceptual identification of spoken paragraphs. An attempt has been made to handle these problems in the context of English public speeches delivered in the format of TED talks. The purpose of the auditory analysis of discourse intonation in these talks is to check the perceptual reliability of intonation cues in processing spoken discourse and the possibility of using intonation as an on-line perception strategy. The methods applied in the research are descriptive, auditory and comparative, supported by a certain amount of quantitative data. The results obtained in the auditory analysis show that intonation cues work most effectively at the level of intonation groups and utterances but are not self-sufficient in paragraph identification. The leading function of nuclear tones in public discourse organization turns out to be the information structuring of utterances, which is occasionally interrupted by the attitudinal function. Pitch declination has been found to be one of the most important cues to the integrity and cohesion of utterances, with an average length of three-four intonation groups. Multiple declinations in spoken utterances are infrequent and are triggered by particular types of syntactic relations in elongated sentences. The study contributes to the linguistic description of discourse intonation, and its results can be beneficial for language teaching practice and automated speech synthesis.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):207-216
pages 207-216 views

Book Reviews

Review: Masagutov R.F., Ibragimov M.Kh. (eds.) Western Urals in the light of the formation of the Tatar and Bashkir Republics in 1917–1922: hopes and realities: collection of documents and materials. Kazan: Redaktsionno-izdatel’skii tsentr «Shkola», 2023, 256 p.
Zaynutdinov D.R.

The publication presents an analysis of the work «Western Urals in the light of the formation of the Tatar and Bashkir republics of 1917–1922: hopes and realities: collection of documents and materials». The reviewer emphasized that the documents and materials contained in the collection reflect the goals set by its compilers. The historical materials included in the collection fairly fully characterize the processes of delimitation of the borders of the Tatar and Bashkir republics in 1917-1922, and also show the stages of the struggle of political groups of this time. The authors carried out comprehensive work to search for archival materials, organize and systematize them. The work under review is a significant contribution to the development of Tatar historiography and allows us to expand the scope of research on the history of Tatar statehood. This collection will be of interest not only to historians, political scientists, local historians, but also to lawyers involved in research into the development of Tatar statehood.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):217-221
pages 217-221 views
On a new approach to studying lexical metonymy. Review of a monograph: Ilyukhina N.A. Lexical metonymy in linguistic and cognitive comprehension. Samara: OOO «SAMARAMA», 2023, 172 p. ISBN 978-5-6050869-9-4
Shevchenko V.D.

This review is devoted to the monograph «Lexical metonymy in linguistic and cognitive comprehension» by N.A. Ilyukhina, who examines the problems of using metonymic nomination of objects, processes and persons in various denotative and discursive spheres. The relevance of the issues raised in the monograph is determined by the important role of associative thinking in the process of understanding the reality and complexity of mental connections between referents, which become the objects of metonymic nomination. The review describes the issues that have become the focus of the researcher’s attention, in particular, the typologization of lexical metonymy, substantive and verbal metonymy, metonymic transfer of definitions, metonymy in various denotative and discursive spheres. The problem of the research lies in the complexity of the linguistic representation of the cognitive mechanisms of metonymic transfer, in understanding the mental connections between the part and the whole, due to which their names can replace each other in language and speech. During the research N.A. Ilyukhina used an up-to-date method of linguocognitive analysis. As a result of the conducted fundamental research, N.A. Ilyukhina comes to a number of important conclusions. The most significant and interesting conclusions are about the unified cognitive foundations of the main transfers in the system of language and speech; about the connection of the transfer vector with the structural type of a multi-faceted concept, which contains knowledge about the corresponding referent, nominated or defined by the word; about the most significant role of the cognitive metonymic mechanism in speech activity; about the «ubiquity», universality, versatility and expansion of linguistic metonymy due to its cognitive foundations; about the possibility of using metonymy as a basis for other tropes. The monograph is of considerable interest to researchers dealing with the problems of metonymy, cognitive linguistics, semasiology, and semantics of discourse.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2024;30(3):222-225
pages 222-225 views

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