Vol 24, No 2 (2018)

Full Issue


Kovalskaya S.I., Lyubichankovsky S.V.


In this article, we will try, first of all, to understand how the education system becomes one of the main channels of modernization and acculturation reforms. How does education affect the process of emancipation of a person, the formation of the intelligentsia, the awakening of national identity and the emergence of various, including radical political doctrines in social and political thought, some of which directly led to a change in the political power of state. Secondly, we will try to analyze this problem by actively involving the works of Kazakhstani, Russians and foreign English-speaking researchers on the introduction of the education system among non-Russian peoples of the Russian Empire and then the USSR.
In this article, we will try to analyze the process of penetration of the idea of education into the Kazakh society, as well as the formation of Russian and then Soviet educational policy towards the Kazakhs. As a result, a critical mass of representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia was formed, all thoughts and aspirations of which began to revolve around the idea of their own national development and the realization of an independent national project, which became possible on the wave of Russian revolutions of the early 20th century.
The main method of research is a historiographic analysis of the works of leading specialists in the field under study. The method of comparative studies became the main one in analyzing the approaches that exist in historiography. In addition, methods of retrospective and prospective analysis were actively used too.
Sources of study were various types of documents. Among them, there are state legislative acts of various levels, as well as individual works of representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia. In addition, the analysis involved the works of Western scholars who develop this problem in a comparatively aspect.
The main conclusion boils down to the assertion that education, opening the prospects for development, maximally contributes to the emancipation of man, becomes the main means of its liberation and struggle for political purposes, actively stimulating the processes of formation of national self-consciousness and nation building.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):7-15
pages 7-15 views 2249


Danilov V.N.


Nikolay Alexandrovich Rozhkov (1868–1927) was a prominent Russian historian of the late XIX – early XX century, the author of major works on the economic, political and social history of Russia, the Creator of the original historical concept, which he considered Marxist. For his political activity was subjected to repression under the tsarist and Communist regimes. The article aims to consider the participation of Rozhkov in the last years of his life, when he broke up with politics and was engaged only in scientific and pedagogical work, in the work of the society of historians-Marxists, which was in the second half of 1920 – early 1930 a peculiar center of Soviet historical science. The attitude of Soviet historiography to its scientific heritage after the scientist’s death is also traced. It is shown that the cooperation in the framework of the society of historians-Marxists, there was a mutual interest of both the historian and the leadership of Soviet historical science. Despite this, the leading representatives of the official historiography continued to criticize Rozhkov’s sociological and historical views for their inconsistency with the basic provisions of the orthodoxal Marxist-Leninist concept of the Russian historical process. For the first time a detailed analysis of the historian’s speeches at the meetings of the Society and his publications in the journal «Historian-Marxist», which was a printed body of the organization is carried out. It was found that at this time, as at the beginning of his scientific career, when he worked at the Moscow University, and during the pre-Revolutionary exile in Siberia, the historian focused on historical and economic problems. First of all, it was expressed in the development of methodology of microeconomics study of history of an individual industrial enterprise. On the basis of the developed theoretical approaches and source methods, a detailed study of the specific production and economic activity of Prokhorovka (trekhgornaya) textile factory of the late XVIII-first half of XIX centuries was then presented. Attention was drawn to the fact that at first after the death of the leader of Soviet historians-Marxists M. N. Pokrovsky began to spread the version of the alleged imminent ideological and political rapprochement of Rozhkov with the Bolshevik party, which was prevented by the unexpected and premature death of him. However, soon during the various ideological campaigns of the late 1920 – early 1930 aimed at combating «bourgeois perversions of history» and affirming «purity of Marxism» in Soviet historical science, the well-known characteristic of Rozhkov as a petty bourgeois historian-eclecticism, a Menshevist trend was finally determined.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):16-25
pages 16-25 views 2612


Kuzmin V.Y.


Assisting the sick and wounded soldiers is one of the pressing problems of our country’s history. During the First World War, it was provided not only by the state, but also by public organizations. The article considers the participation of the All-Russian Zemsky Union in the provision of medical services to soldiers. It is proved that it was the All-Russian Zemsky Union that was the leading public organization coordinating the activity of the local self-government bodies in the sphere of medical support of the Russian army.
Difficulties in studying this topic are due to the state of the source base. During the preparation of the article archival sources, zemstvo periodicals, reports and essays of the activity of public organizations were used. The basis of the source base was unpublished archival materials from the funds of the Russian State Military Historical Archive, Central State Archive of the Samara Region and State Archives of the Ulyanovsk Region.
It is proved that the All-Russian Zemsky Union, created in the summer of 1914, actively joined in solving the main socio-economic tasks to meet the needs of soldiers and officers participating in the First World War. It established relations with regional self-government bodies, as well as with the Russian Red Cross Society. It is shown that the structure of the Union was widely represented both in the center and at the local level. The Russian government, based on legal legislation, gave it a legalized status, and in the general system of state institutions it was not given the last place. The All-Russian Zemstvo Union, endowed with specific powers, began to represent a significant political force. The government, recognizing the sufficient competence of the Zemstvo Union in the matter of rendering assistance to the sick and wounded soldiers, allocated considerable amounts of money to it. In its work there were both successes and shortcomings. But, the latter did not reduce the value of the activities of this public organization in the sphere of organizing the treatment of military ranks. As a result of the interaction of these public organizations, the level and quality of the treatment of the wounded improved noticeably.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views 1979


Kolesnikov B.V.


The article presents a review of Milan Rastislav Štefanik, famous political and public figure, one of the founders of the Czechoslovak state, and his contribution to the development of the Slovak national movement. M.R. Štefanik’s national views were rooted in ethnic tension in Slovakia and previous tradition of struggle for national rights. The author shows that his national convictions was formed in childhood and was influenced by famous fighters for Slovak national rights, who included his relatives. The article proves that when M.R. Štefanik was a student, he recognized, that achievement of Slovak national independence was possible only in alliance with Czech national movement. The article gives an attempt to reveal an essence of M.R. Štefanik’s Czechoslovakist viewpoint and trace a practical realization of this concept in his political activity. It is mentioned about M.R. Štefanik’s active actions before creation of the Czechoslovak National Council. After it he became Slovak representative. It was shown how Milan Rastislav Štefanik assisted to create Czech and Slovak military detachments. According to the article, it greatly contributed to the process of unification of both Czech and Slovak national movements. Milan Rastislav Štefanik believed that only politically and economically allied with Czechs, Slovaks can be free and independent nation. The article proves M.R. Štefanik’s decisive role in the Slovak national movement in the early XX century. It also proves that he was influenced by T.G. Masaryk’s political theory and he assisted to unifications of Slovak and Czechs for the purpose of creation of common state. To achieve the goal M.R. Štefanik tried to unify Slovak and Czech movements, simultaneously he fought for equal rights for Czechs and Slovaks. M.R. Štefanik’s activity was aimed to fully realize Slovak national rights in common Czecho-Slovak state. M.R. Štefanik tried to defend his own view on Slovak future in the common state.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):33-38
pages 33-38 views 2044


Karpov A.V.


This article is devoted to the industrial development problems in the provincial city of Cherepovets in the second half of the 1940. During the war, Cherepovets was the closest nonoccupied city to the besieged Leningrad with a population just over 30 thousand people. The city was regularly bombed by the German air force. However, it did not lead to a serious destruction of infrastructure. The main difficulties of urban enterprises in the postwar years are considered in the article. The author points out factors which were positively influencing the development of Cherepovets industry. This includes the lack of destruction of the infrastructure, buildings and equipment during the Great Patriotic War, as well as an advantageous geographical position and a well-developed transport infrastructure. The building process of new important industrial enterprises wasn’t stopped during the war. The long-awaited construction of a shipyard was completed in this period. The decision to built a metallurgical plant in Cherepovets is a very important moment in the regional history. It has affected the development of every sphere in the city. These advantages allowed the urban industry to fulfil the five-year plan ahead of schedule and surpass the pre-war figures by 70 % in 1950. At the same time, the industrial process was not quite effective, despite being ahead of plan. The strong disproportions in development of the light industry were peculiar for many Cherepovets companies. While some enterprises demonstrated phenomenal growth rates of productivity, others were in a state of deep crisis. Post-war production, in general, was not focused on the consumer goods production. This led to the failure of production plans for consumer goods, low-quality products and high costs. These products were mostly unavailable to the population. Such a situation was natural since the focusing on the industrial development was on group «A». Especially since the beginning of the Cold War and the questions of supplying the population with consumer goods receded into the background.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):39-44
pages 39-44 views 2251


Medinets M.Y.


The article is dedicated to the analisis of historical landscape of the cities of Transnistria from the standpoint of notions of the regional past. Among the components of historical heritage considered in the article there are monuments erected during the times of Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (TMR), objects of architecture, urban toponymy, museum exhibitions. The process of development of historical memory infrastructure on the events of the end of the 20th century in the de facto republic is revealed. Particularly, the text demonstrates that it is the memory of a brief 1992 war against Moldova that constitutes the core thematic element of Transnistrian historical and cultural landscape referring to the present period. Major concepts that are reflected in building monuments to the war veterans are «grief», «gratitude for peace» (whereas not for Transnistrian «victory» as a conclusion of the conflict could have been interpreted), and «protection» of peace. Consequently, the notion of «the peacemakers», as a part of the Russian military contingent in TMR, assumes special semantic and emotional load. Their mission is simultaneously presented as continuation of the historical aims of Russian Imperial Army and Red Army. Transnistria possesses developed museum infrastructure by which, as well as by urban toponymy, the concepts of historical continuity of that de facto state with Soviet Moldovan statehood are translated. Significance of exploitation of that Soviet symbolic heritage is, by and large, opposition to Romanian national idea under conditions of confrontation with Moldova. Specifics of Transnistria is erection of monuments to the foreign historical figures (for instance, Ivan Mazepa or the Swedish military of Charles XII) who have played any role in the regional history. An example of such use of new monuments as a tool of cultural diplomacy is an attempt to open up a monument to Mazepa in the run-up to 2010 Ukrainian presidential election, later replaced by opening of a set of memorials to more «consensual» Ukrainian historical figures.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):45-49
pages 45-49 views 1958


Orlova О.N.


The study of a modern city as a complex system presupposes an interdisciplinary approach. As a result, the urban space became an object of interest for different sciences: economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, anthropology, philology and many others. City has become the object of scientific interest for a wide range of specialists. The response to this trend was the emergence of special disciplines programs about the city and methodological recommendations for future historians, philosophers, sociologists, economists, and managers. In the article programs of special courses and methodical recommendations on city philosophy, city sociology, city anthropology, city economy, urban studies for students of humanitarian specialties in Russian universities are analyzed. The analysis of the programs was based on three educational tasks, singled out in accordance with the modern public demand for urban research: 1) development of students’ abilities to constructive interdisciplinary dialogue with other specialists in the field of modernization and research of the urban environment; 2) formation of students’ ability to analyze complex urban processes from the point of view of philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, economics, management technologies and other sciences; 3) the formation of students’ understanding of how within their narrow professional skills they can influence the development of the city, urban spaces. It was analyzed about ten educational programs about the city and methodological recommendations developed for students of humanities in higher educational institutions of Russia. It is noted that disciplines about the city for students of humanitarian specialties have many intersections in the list of literature, which can subsequently enable students of different areas of training to construct a constructive dialogue about the urban space.
The article gives recommendations on teaching and supplementing these educational programs, namely: the emphasis of students’ attention on the interdisciplinary approach to studying the city; familiarity with methods of analyzing the city from related scientific disciplines; the inclusion of «microurbanism» in the programs; enrichment of educational programs with practical tasks oriented to applying theoretical knowledge in the territory where the discipline is taught.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):50-55
pages 50-55 views 2254


Kuznetsova E.V.


At present, in connection with the accession of Russia to the Bologna Process, the problem of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education has become topical. Among the indicators that should be considered together with other criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process are indicators reflecting the degree of student satisfaction with the quality of educational programs provided by the university. Student interviews require reliable and validated evaluation tools, where reliability is one of the hallmarks of the quality of the evaluation tool, characterizing the resistance to measurement errors, validity is one of the hallmarks of the ability of the tool to measure what its developers planned. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign experience in conducting student interviews, at the Department of Applied Mathematics of Lipetsk State Technical University we developed an evaluation tool - a methodology for monitoring students’ satisfaction with the quality of educational programs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reliability and validity of this technique. As reliability of the developed evaluation tool, the internal consistency of items of the questionnaire was considered and estimated by means of calculating Cronbach’s Alfa values. As a degree of validity, the content validity was considered, that is analysis, how much the results obtained are consistent with the theory and practice of training. The results of the survey of the fourth year students of the direction «applied mathematics» were analyzed by applying the regression analysis and calculating the values of Cronbach’s Alfa. The carried out research allows to draw the conclusion that the evaluation tool developed by us has internal consistency and substantial validity. Therefore, the results of student surveys conducted through the application of this evaluation tool can be used to analyze the quality of educational programs at a university.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):56-62
pages 56-62 views 2161


Rubtsova E.A.


According to the Federal state educational standard, studying foreign languages is aimed at achieving goals, connected with developing communicative competency, ability and readiness for independent continuous learning a foreign language and using a foreign language in other fields of knowledge. With this objective in mind, the paper evaluates the efficiency of using LMS Moodle resources in teaching and stresses their role for modern language development in general. The paper also mentions the vital importance of using a foreign language in professional training of future specialists. It points out that using LMS Moodle in teaching implies developing communicative competence of engineering students.
The paper presents the results of research, aimed at studying the essence of such notions as «communicative competence» and «foreign language communicative competence». It also determines the methodological basis of the research, comprised by pedagogical and psychological theories and Russian and foreign theories of professional education and the concept of pedagogical integration. The analysis of research allowed to identify the structure of communicative competency, noting its variety, as well as the composition of foreign language speaking communicative competency by characterizing its constituent competencies.
The paper also mentions the advantages of LMS Moodle platform, used in teaching English in engineering higher educational institutions, and points to the viability of using blended learning. The paper presents planning of classes on particular topics and identifying kinds of teaching activities and means of students’ knowledge and skills control using LMS Moodle interactive tools.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):63-69
pages 63-69 views 2327

Intramural training quality monitoring

Rudnevа Т.I., Rubtsova T.P.


Development of mechanisms of educational institution functioning ensuring quality is caused by integration of Russia into global universe, reconsideration of higher education institutions management principles in the conditions of administrative decisions’ independent adoption. Requirements of the customer to quality of educational services in connection with his personal orientation to the result of training allowing to apply knowledge and abilities gained in higher education institution to successful acceptance of professional solutions have at the same time increased.
Effective management of education quality is impossible without constant process tracking. This function is performed by the monitoring allowing to obtain necessary information that increases the level of interaction of education subjects, to accumulate data arrays and to carry out accurate calculations and forecasts for the purpose of educational risks reduction. Monitoring in the sphere of science and practical activities is the way of reality research that confirms its relevance. In the article the problem of intra high school monitoring training quality is considered. Researchers note the need of objective information obtaining instrument creation on quality of functioning of all system links that in general influences quality of students’ training. Ensuring quality of training is a system task which solution is impossible without training results monitoring of students in disciplines. The quality of training in discipline is accepted as pedagogical category in the structure of which the set of personal characteristics promoting development of educational contents and developing during educational process is allocated. Monitoring of training quality is the training quality management mechanism; it is in a special way organized continuous process of tracking indicators of personality quality for the purpose of adoption of effective administrative decisions on correction of educational process, to creating favorable conditions as a result of the analysis, assessment and interpretation of the obtained information. The formula of training quality calculation in concrete discipline is presented that can be almost significant for the teacher exercising the current control.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):70-76
pages 70-76 views 2177


Lavlinsky S.P.


The theme of an old age and the complex of motives associated with it are often found in modern drama, focusing on the stage and cinema. As you know, the ancient Greek word « gerontes «(gerontes), in addition to the meaning of» old», means»elders, members of the Supreme Council, senators.» The authors of the works of art, which are analyzed in the article, as it revives the lost meaning of this concept, returning to the reader the ancient «ancestral» meaning of the concept of «gerontes».
The first part of the article draws attention to how the artistic representations of an old age in some works of the latest Russian drama look at the background of the modern Western European literary and cinematic gerontocontext. Various aspects of ontology of an old age in modern culture are discussed on the basis of some of the most representative works of cinema and literature. The artistic concept of gerontology the newest epic in the European context and different genres of the cinema is affected . The article clarifies certain patterns of gerontophobia. On the one hand, it is seen as a social and biological disaster, a time of awareness of existential and ideological collapse, despair, expressed in the speeches of the characters – the elderly. On the other – not only as an antipode of youth, but as its reverse side, creating free and/or involuntary conditions for the test of «non-old» consciousness «limit questions».
In the second part of the article special attention is paid to the analysis of the gerontocontext of the Russian newest drama («Gerontophobia, etc.» by Vadim Levanov, «I, machine gun-chick» by Yuri Klavdiev, etc.). The study of the artistic structures of dramatic works demonstrates how they develop not only the realist logic of representation of an old age, but above all the logic of grotesque and grotesque-fantastic. It focuses on how to overcome gerontophobia and artistic ingly modeled cathartic gerontosofia impossible in area exclusively for social, cultural and psychological representations of an old age, but implemented only in areas related to transcendental mystery and dramatic traditions.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):77-84
pages 77-84 views 1976


Lepisheva E.M.


The comparative-typological aspect of Russian and Belarusian dramatic art research in the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХI centuries remains actual and prior in modern literary criticism. In the article we researched plays by famous Belarusian (Russian) playwright E. Popova in the context of the «new wave» of Russian drama (L. Petrushevskaya, A. Galin, A. Kazantsev, V. Slavkin, L. Razumovskaya, M. Arbatova). We try to reveal the relationship between the plays of these playwrights in the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХI centuries at the level of the hero, conflict, chronotope. Our aim is to single out two main authorial strategies, which reflect difficult relationships between man and post-Soviet society, – social-existential and existential. It predetermined study methods: biographical, historical-literary and comparative.

The typological affinity of their plays of the 1970 – 1980-ies was a natural consequence of a uniform historical context, the general Soviet reality which have generated similarity of attitude, an author’s position, a foreshortening of a new hero aesthetic searches who has become a disturbing symptom of the “stagnant” time, and has reflected the opposites of private and public, moral and spiritual relativism and conformism. In the end of the ХХ and the beginning of ХХI centuries there was a cardinal change of social and cultural paradigms, which led to «a mutation of stereotypes deeply taken roots in Soviet period» (Y. Levada), valuable «accent changes», therefore, total loneliness, confusion and vulnerability of the person were extremely bared. The generality of genetic Belarus and Russia relations, affinity of separate aspects of social and cultural conditions which have developed on the post-Soviet territory, have defined the problems of «transitive» time which has reflected both social crisis, and destructive inwardness of the modern person (self-identity loss, loss of personal integrity, wreck of moral and ethical hierarchy).

As a result of the study we proved changes in authorial strategies of representatives of E. Popova and «new wave» of Russian dramaturgy are traced in 1990-2000-ies, which had not previously been the subject of literary analysis. For the first time, the general tendencies and principal differences in the development of Belarusian and Russian dramaturgy of the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХI centuries were revealed.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):85-92
pages 85-92 views 2264


Pieczynski Ì.


Modern Russian playwrights lead the game with traditional meanings of the category of an author. In this paper, different versions of classical writers’ images in the contemporary Russian dramaturgy are considered. While in some plays the author is «dying» and giving his way to a scriptor, who only rewrites the literary tradition, in others the writer becomes one of the characters. Anyway, playing with the category of the Author always means playing with the text, texts, or with the space of this writer’s creativity as well. Therefore, the article uses the intertextual method in the process of investigation. When analyzing, the classification of intertextual links developed by Natalya Fateeva on the basis of Gérard Genette and Peeter Torop’s theoretical works turned out to be particularly useful. According to this concept, the following varieties of dialogues with the literary tradition could be distinguished: directly intertextual, hypertextual and metatextual. It should be noted that contemporary Russian playwrights by transforming the ideological component (as in the case of intertexts) or the poetics of every particular creative work (as in the case of hypertexts) try to find an answer to the question how Russian literature has changed since the period of its «Golden Age».
Some classic Russian men of letters are mentioned in the analyzed texts. Among them Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is undoubtedly the most popular one. Besides him there are Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gilyarovsky and Griboedov as characters in the contemporary Russian plays by Ulitskaya, Levanov, Bogayev, Vyrypaev etc. All these images are combined thanks to their conditional ontological status. In the contemporary Russian drama, they do not reflect reality but they belong to the space of cultural codes, simulacra, which refer to other empty signs.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):93-100
pages 93-100 views 2675


Seibel N.E.


A grotesque in the work of Peter Hacks is not simply reception, but conceptual connection of funny and tragic, amusing and intimidating. Genre of the works (many of them) an author designated as a «fairy-tale» are addressed to the adult readers and carry in itself the palette of feelings from sad irony to cruel sarcasm. «Dramatist of the two Germanies» creates character on a joint fantastic and knowable. One of the most frequency methods of creation of grotesque character in his works is the pun related to the polysemanticism of the concept «Size» (Größe). It is an important unit of aesthetics of thin parodist and author of whole corps of grotesque plays. The physical sizes of his giants and titans can coincide or not coincide with potential of personality. In the first case personages get in the field of authorial humour, in the second – there is a grotesquely-satiric and even grotesquely-tragic effect. Authorial antitheses from that Hacks extracts a maximum of senses are no less important. An element his heroes operate in that is created on the joint of size and banality, talent and low middle class, spirit and domestic little things, force and weakness, uniqueness and repetition. An author actively uses the collision of scales, reiteration and duplicity, collision of corporality and sex appeal with the questions of politics, connection human and animal the worlds, giving the especially abstract concepts of physical properties, transformation etc. In agregate the train of his grotesques is built in authorial conception of historical progress being based on the idea of objectively nascent equilibrium, contrary often to opposite egoistical aspirations of figures, «creating» history.
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):101-106
pages 101-106 views 2182


Biryukova E.E.


The article offers a look at the metaphor as the mechanism of art reception process and at the same time as the mechanism of consciousness organization together with the unconscious area. The idea is expressed
that in this case the traditional conceptual apparatus of philological science acts as an instrument of rationalization of the sense of unity with the text, known to any reader. It is assumed that a reader/viewer holistic emotional impression can be considered in a broad psychological context associated with the metaphorization and synesthesia phenomenas.
The perception of an art work is defined as a specific communicative act in which the intention of the subject reception – its ability and readiness for an aesthetic experience, a kind of «openness» to the text – and the corresponding art work potential readiness to «be experienced» play a decisive role. This ability of the text to resonate with reader and viewer conscious and unconscious is associated with the specifics of the text metaphorical structure and the features of identification and experience of metaphor subject.
The author reveals the idea that metaphor is the language of the internal psyche structure and at the same time the mechanism of translation into the sphere of consciousness. From this point of view the author
show some trends of modern drama: the attraction to the «incarnation» of metaphors, «the object-game». The examples of modern dramaturgic works show how the metaphor is able to accumulate the viewer receptive activity.
The idea that the nature of catharsis lies in the point of the opening access to the unconscious and becomes possible due to the universal «metaphorization portal» is emphasized

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):108-112
pages 108-112 views 2031


Gerchenova D.V.


In this article, the problem of influence of cinematic visuality on the literary texts of V. Nabokov is posed. The very concept of film-mediality and its significance for Nabokov’s aesthetics are specified. A study of some features of the narrative in the Nabokov prose of the late 1920-ies and early 1930-ies, conditioned by the influence of film aesthetics, is being conducted. Those possibilities that open up to the writer and the reader the use of a kind of camera lens, a kind of «cinematic eye» are analyzed. On the material of the novels «The Luzhin Defense», «Laughter in the Dark», «The Eye», the possibilities of using techniques, motifs and conceptual models of the films in a literary work are considered with the aim of expanding the narrative boundaries – turning the plot of the narrative into a plot of observation. In view of the lack of coverage by the researchers of the issue under consideration, an attempt is made to resolve the terminological uncertainty and distinguish between the concepts of «film materiality» and «cinematography», and also to establish the meaning of the term «film-mediality» as applied to the literary (in our case – modern) text. The work is of an analytical nature and is a comprehensive study. We take into account mainly formal receptions borrowed from the cinema, transferred to the soil of literary texts and adapted to the language of
verbal art. The study of techniques helps to establish the semantic interference of cinema and literature. The influence of film-medialism on Nabokov’s narration is traced; the relationship between the observer and the observed, the object of observation and the viewer, the change of points of view and vision are explored. Theoretical reflection and practical analysis of Nabokov’s novels allow us to conclude that cinematographic
techniques and optical effects transferred to the space of the literary text help the writer to convey the fragmentation of heroes and events, and also to present the narrative as a pattern of successive moving pictures.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):113-118
pages 113-118 views 2163


Shevchenko E.S., Makarychev A.V.


In the paper the concept of artistic-legal narrative is advanced, its specificity and some features of functioning in Russian literature of the XIX–XX centuries are considered. Under the artistic-legal narrative,
the authors of the article understand the system of narrative and rhetorical «figures» that form texts describing events of a legal nature. The methodological base of the research was compiled by the works of the Russian and foreign philosophers, philologists, law theorists, sociologists – M. Bakhtin, G. Genette, W. Iser, Yu. Lotman, D. Likhachev, P. Ricoeur, V. Tyupa, M. Foucault, H.R. Jauß. Bakhtin’s idea of a dialogue, the method of communicative analysis, the method of narrative analysis, the structural-semiotic method were significant for the research. The law in artistic-legal narrative is interpreted as a socio-cultural phenomenon, while the legal code appears as a system of signs allowing you to read out information of legal nature and interpret it within a certain artistic system in conjunction with other codes. It was found that rhetorical techniques in the artistic-legal narrative correlate with various speech practices: judicial (court documents, speeches of the accuser, lawyer, etc.), legislative and documentary (Constitution, criminal law, civil law), regime-restrictive (internal regulations in prisons, the army) and other speech practices. The authors substantiate the dependence of this type of narrative on the rhetorical practices of the courtship inherent in a particular historical epoch, and also trace the similarity of the narrators to the participants in the trial. Particular attention is paid to the «hard labor» and «camp» prose narrative. In the course of the research, the influence of reporter and journalistic genres on Dovlatov is established. The artistic-legal narrative of «hard labor» and «camp» prose incorporates normative references related to various kinds of
prohibitions, and eliminates them via various compositional and rhetorical techniques. The authors argue that the legal discourse acquires such features as conflict and spectacularity through interaction with dramatic
and theatrical discourses. The influence of the developed forms of psychological analysis in the 19th century and laconic forms of an anecdote, a song, an intellectual story in the 20th century on the artistic and legal narrative is emphasized.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):119-124
pages 119-124 views 2059


Michailowski A.


The article aims to outline the methods and practice of a linguistic frame-analysis within a discourse and a cognitive linguistics at the German universities. This article gives a short overview of the establishment of
the linguistic frame-theorie and its potential to be applied in the practice. Pointing out the different approaches, the main focus of interest, however, is the contemplation of frames as an analysis instrument and as a cognitive unit of knowledge. The article introduces a method of the frame-analysis by Alexander Ziem, which is based on the lexicological approach of „Matrixframes“ by Klaus-Peter Konerding.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):125-129
pages 125-129 views 2067


Danilova N.K., Nesteryuk Y.V.


The article touches upon the verbal means of cognitive strategies and techniques used by participants of a personal interview, which is the most frequent pattern of modern media discourse, online media. The ways of overcoming conflicts and reaching consensus are described in the framework of the discourse cognitive phenomenon of intersubjectivity.
The article contains a description of an integrated methodology developed for the study of one of the hybrid forms of modern communication, a personal interview, which combines a thoughtful cognitive plan characterizing the interviewer’s behavior and the spontaneous response of the interviewer, the condition of which becomes the topic of communication. The overall goal of the participants is to reach an agreement, which is possible only if the interviewer refuses to dominate and trust him.
In the course of the research, the hypothesis of existence of modern hybrid practices of algorithms for verbal behavior was verified, with the help of which the regulation of communication process is regulated and the possibility of reaching the partners’ consent is provided. The complex methodology, which included the research methods of conversion analysis and discourse analysis, made it possible to identify the phases of
the interview, characterized by standard formulas implemented with the help of information request tactics, and highlight transactions in which the field of interaction of participants is created. Key to the success of
the interview phase of the communicative process involves, as the study shows, an equal distribution of the partners’ initiative, achieved in the event of the interviewer’s refusal to dominate.
The selection of common questions, pronominal pick-ups, development of the topic chosen by the interviewer, implement strategies for motivating the response, which allows the partner to generate a detailed monologue statement about himself. In the transcript of the interview, this phase of the communicative process is reflected in the emergence of a sequence of utterances with high information density. At the same time, the speed of communicative exchange changes significantly, replicas of participants alternate with each communicative move.
Verbal algorithms that organize communicative interaction in a personal interview are located, as the study shows, in certain phases of the communication process, and can be presented as a sequence of
transactions. The possibilities of conversion analysis, allowing to demonstrate the structure of transactions, receive meaningful content by describing communicative strategies and tactics that implement them.
The results of the research are considered in the article in the perspective of the «grammar of the language game», declared by universal pragmatics and intended to form an idea of how communicative interaction proceeds in various discursive practices.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):130-135
pages 130-135 views 2121


Gololobova N.I.


The main goal of the article is the analysis of phraseological units found in «The Prussian Officer» by D.H. Lawrence, including phraseological units (here and after referred to as «PU») with author’s modifications, and review of translation of these PUs from English into Russian. The article begins with the description of one of the leading motives in works of D.H. Lawrence, brief introductory comments on the novel «The Prussian officer», researcher’s findings concerning the character of the PUs and reasons for their selection. In the main body of the article, there is the survey of PUs found in the novel. The total number of reviewed PUs is 40. The PUs are studied with the aim to find out as to whether the author’s modifications are in place according to the classification of the leading representatives of the Kazan linguistic school. Further on, there is a review of the classification of the major methods of translation of PU including those with the author’s transformations and without them. After that, every single act of selected PU’s translation is investigated. Maria Koreneva (the official translator) performed the translation under review. And, finally, in the end of the article the conclusion is drawn, considering the fact that PU and its modifications present a challenge to translators of fiction. As for the translation of the studied PU it was proved that despite of the presence of some inaccuracies in the translation into the Russian language, on the whole, the Russian translation of the novel is a good one.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):136-140
pages 136-140 views 2374


Nedbailik S.R., Staton M.S.


This paper deals with an experimental project method applying in teaching English writing and composition in an American higher school. The authors describe their impressions of a joint research, started in the autumn of 2012 and having been carried out in Ball State University (Muncie, Indiana, USA) with several groups of scholars within three terms in the frame of ILS (Interactive Learning Space) multi-stage project. In this connection they touch upon such most problematic aspects as: interactive environment-enhanced writing and composition teaching specific aspects; project activity different forms and types using possibilities; collaborative projects implementing into educational practice advantages and problems; working out assignments, tasks and tests specially aimed at active, individual, personally oriented students, learning; modern computer equipment and digital devices, in particular, newest types applying, etc. The detailed statistical review of experiment project work results given in the article proves the effectiveness of research project methods use in teaching writing and composition in higher schools. Basing on the multi-aspect analysis of vast theoretical and practical material presented in the research the authors come to a well founded conclusion that teaching process general intensifying by means of newest interactive technologies mass introducing on all levels of modern education system can doubtlessly provide success, high results and good prospects of humanities and other subjects teaching on the whole, as well as their particular aspects practical learning.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):141-147
pages 141-147 views 1924


Chernyavskaya N.A.


In the article the problem of plurality of interpretations of a literary text is investigated. The article develops new aspects of typology of understanding, according to which linguoconceptual analysis of the short story by V. Shukshin «I want to live» is carried out. The plurality of interpretations of a literary text is explained by the objective properties of the text itself and by the peculiarities of the perceiving consciousness.
The principal properties of a literary text are the presence of implicit meanings, subtext and the ability of linguistic units to a semantic increment: the word in the work of art expresses more than it means in the
system of language, acquires a symbolic or individual author’s meaning or actualizes several of its meanings. The possibility of discovering and understanding of these features depends on the degree of social, mental
and linguistic development of the individual. The relationship between the level of understanding and the generation of different interpretations of the same text is established. At the semantic level of understanding, the reader is limited to the event series of the literary text. At the cognitive level of understanding, a more developed linguistic personality focuses not so much on the factual as on the conceptual information explicated in the text. The highest level of understanding of the literary text – approaching to the author’s idea – is determined by the reader’s ability to catch not only explicit conceptual information, but also implicit, which is hidden behind repetitive details and images and reflects the author’s experience of mastering reality. The plurality of interpretations often reveals a semantic inversion, which can be manifested even in the interpretation of realistic texts. The typology of understanding reflects the degree of complexity of the process of interpretation of a literary text and opens up opportunities for the development of a linguistic personality.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):148-152
pages 148-152 views 2038


Ponomarenko E.V.


The article considers the issue of adjacent utterances functional interaction through which discourse sense space is formed. In particular, the input of the pragmatic comment relation in this process is analysed. The topicality of the stated problem arises out of the necessity to reveal the participation of linguistic means in building up constructive and promising, or, conversely, destructive and hopeless for society, role of verbal communication. Methods of the functional linguistic analysis make an optimal research basis to this end. Examples of English discourse from books by American and British writers of the XX–XXI centuries are taken as the empirical material which models typical communicative situations. Proceeding from works by T.A. van Dijk, functional relations are defined as pragmasemantic links between utterances in a speech chain in the process of communication between the sender and the recipient of the message.
The author looks into the specificity of the pragmatic comment relation in comparison with other functional links of discourse, the range of the pragmasemantic meanings under discussion, different variants of contamination of pragmatic comment functional components with relations of other types. The pragmatic comment relation is special due to the fact that, unlike other links, it does not advance the narration propositionally; it only discloses the speaker’s personal impression and modality of his/her perception of the situation. It is this emotional sensation that makes the purport of superphrasal unities which actualize the given functional relation. The growing frequency of such emotive linguistic means is also noted in business communication, which usually shows the communicative
partners’ strife for solving their professional tasks by exerting the desired rhetorical impact on each other.
Finally, the author concludes that pragmatic comment as a special type of pragmasemantic links in English discourse reveals a variety of the meanings expressed, stylistic effectiveness and wide occurrence in fiction and actual speech.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):153-157
pages 153-157 views 2125



Artamonova L.M.


The effectiveness of an integrated approach applied by P. Kabytov to a scientist’s biography as a genre of scientific research has been shown in the review of his biographic essay about Yu. Smykov. The essay is based on written and oral sources. Reflections on the fate of the researcher and his works are presented in the context of historiographical comprehension of the problems in the national science about the Past, primarily, on the example of the agrarian history of pre-revolutionary Russia. Researches in this area became undoubted progress of Soviet historiography during its last decades. Among the most prominent scientists who carried out and organized these researches Yu. Smykov has been also. In this sketch the good example of truthful and attentive relation to merits of representative of professional corporation of historians, scientific academic community is given. The essay by P. Kabytov gives a good example of a truthful and attentive attitude to the merits of representative of historians’ professional corporation and the academic community. P. Kabytov managed to capture the main thing, showing the contribution of his colleague as the initiator
and coordinator of scientific researches, as the champion of education, as the teacher, who formatted the new generation of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. The most interesting materials identified by P. Kabytov were published in the relevant sections of the book: Memoirs, Letters, Photos. Thanks to this, readers and other researchers can familiarize with them, evaluate them, take advantage of them. The narrative about the scientist in this essay was not absolutely completed due to objective circumstances and has been consciously stopped for personal reasons. P. Kabytov himself considers his essay as the basis for creating
a scientific biography of Yu. Smykov, who has yet to write.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2018;24(2):158-161
pages 158-161 views 1970

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