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The article touches upon the verbal means of cognitive strategies and techniques used by participants of a personal interview, which is the most frequent pattern of modern media discourse, online media. The ways of overcoming conflicts and reaching consensus are described in the framework of the discourse cognitive phenomenon of intersubjectivity.
The article contains a description of an integrated methodology developed for the study of one of the hybrid forms of modern communication, a personal interview, which combines a thoughtful cognitive plan characterizing the interviewer’s behavior and the spontaneous response of the interviewer, the condition of which becomes the topic of communication. The overall goal of the participants is to reach an agreement, which is possible only if the interviewer refuses to dominate and trust him.
In the course of the research, the hypothesis of existence of modern hybrid practices of algorithms for verbal behavior was verified, with the help of which the regulation of communication process is regulated and the possibility of reaching the partners’ consent is provided. The complex methodology, which included the research methods of conversion analysis and discourse analysis, made it possible to identify the phases of
the interview, characterized by standard formulas implemented with the help of information request tactics, and highlight transactions in which the field of interaction of participants is created. Key to the success of
the interview phase of the communicative process involves, as the study shows, an equal distribution of the partners’ initiative, achieved in the event of the interviewer’s refusal to dominate.
The selection of common questions, pronominal pick-ups, development of the topic chosen by the interviewer, implement strategies for motivating the response, which allows the partner to generate a detailed monologue statement about himself. In the transcript of the interview, this phase of the communicative process is reflected in the emergence of a sequence of utterances with high information density. At the same time, the speed of communicative exchange changes significantly, replicas of participants alternate with each communicative move.
Verbal algorithms that organize communicative interaction in a personal interview are located, as the study shows, in certain phases of the communication process, and can be presented as a sequence of
transactions. The possibilities of conversion analysis, allowing to demonstrate the structure of transactions, receive meaningful content by describing communicative strategies and tactics that implement them.
The results of the research are considered in the article in the perspective of the «grammar of the language game», declared by universal pragmatics and intended to form an idea of how communicative interaction proceeds in various discursive practices.

About the authors

N. K. Danilova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Yu. V. Nesteryuk

Samara National Research University

Russian Federation


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files



Abstract: 2121

PDF (Russian): 869


CrossRef: 1

  1. Nesteriuk YW. Modelling of communicants' strategic plans in personal German-language interview. Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2021;27(4):176. doi: 10.18287/2542-0445-2021-27-4-176-183



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