Vol 14, No 1 (2023)

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Innovation project as a transformation process

Dektyareva A.V.


In order to develop the economy and achieve the goals of the strategic development of the state, more and more attention is paid to the management of innovations and projects implemented on their basis. Since 2005, the main directions of the state policy in the field of science and innovation development have been approved in Russia, and since then the concept of «innovation project», which combines two terms – innovation and project, has become especially significant for the development of science and the Russian economy. The article provides a brief excursion into the historical formation of the term: the thoughts of the ancient Greek philosophers who became the founders of the term – Aristotle, J. Schumpeter, who invested in the term the meaning of innovation, innovation, as well as creative activity, as a result of which manufacturers create a new product or service, are considered. unknown to the population or the market, or endow already known objects with new properties. The paper determines that an innovative project is a complex process, which, in turn, can be considered from three positions: as new knowledge, from the point of view of introducing innovations into practice, and as the dissemination of innovative experience in various areas of public life. This paper presents a historical digression into the concept of an innovative project. analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of the term «innovation project»: a review of the definitions given by domestic and foreign authors in their research is presented, the role of innovation in modern economics is studied. Particular attention is paid to the study of the definition, essence, criteria for innovative projects in the framework of the International Standard for Project Management ISO 21500:2012. In addition, the paper considers the stages of implementation of innovative projects at the enterprise, as well as the content, characteristics, classification and features of the implementation of innovative projects within the framework of enterprises in modern economic conditions. An overview is presented on the innovation project management model, as well as statistical indicators of the implementation of innovative projects in industries and the reasons why enterprises initiate their start.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):7-18
pages 7-18 views

Measures to support small and medium-sized businesses during the crisis on the example of light industry

Denisova I.V., Antonov V.G.


This article discusses the relevance of diversification in the current economic conditions, as one of the possible ways to develop small and medium-sized businesses and increase its strategic sustainability, efficiency and flexibility in today's difficult economic conditions. The authors identify a series of problems that exist today in the light industry and present possible solutions to these problems, which is reflected in the need for state support, primarily administrative, for small and medium-sized businesses in order to effectively import substitution. The main focus of the authors is on the need for close cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses and the state, since it is small and medium-sized businesses that can reduce the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and become growth drivers. And there is a huge need for this cooperation right now, when quite a lot of foreign manufacturers have stopped production and supplies in Russia, thereby providing enough opportunities for Russian enterprises to occupy the shelf space of Russian retailers. In addition, the authors also note that small and medium-sized businesses are a good basis for using innovative technologies in the production of various products, due to their flexibility and mobility, but unfortunately, for the most part, they do not have sufficient financial opportunities for innovation, and this another way of close cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses, but with large businesses, the moderator of which should be the state.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):19-25
pages 19-25 views

Analysis of the dynamics and forecast of mortgage loans according to Goskomstat data in the Russian Federation for 2018–2022

Zolotareva D.E.


The modern Russian economy shows that mortgage lending is an important market tool capable of solving economic and social problems. Mortgage lending is the most important link in the financial market. The most common way to use a mortgage in Russia is for an individual to buy an apartment on credit. At the same time, as a rule, newly purchased housing is mortgaged, although it is possible to mortgage an apartment already owned. When mortgaging real estate, the authorities registering transactions make appropriate records that the property is encumbered with collateral. Any interested person may request an extract from the State Register of Rights to Immovable Property and Transactions with It. In Russia, no more than a hundred banks are active in the mortgage market. This article discusses the features of mortgage lending in the Russian Federation, as well as statistics on the activities of commercial banks engaged in mortgage issuance. To study the process of mortgage lending, the main statistical indicators were taken according to the Central Bank and Rosstat, the use of which allowed us to consider in detail the procedures for issuing mortgage loans. In addition, it is shown that the adaptive multiplicative Holt-Winters model and correlation analysis should be used to make the forecast. The Holt-Winters model is an extension of the Holt method to three-parameter exponential smoothing. Investigator, this method is characterized by three parameters that must be selected in order to obtain a forecast. The choice of these parameters can be made by simple iteration. Holt-Winters models can take into account seasonality in multiplicative and additive variants. Thus, the multiplicative case represents seasonality as a product, and the additive case as a sum. The object of the study: the volume of mortgage loans issued by commercial banks. The subject of the study is the analysis of the dynamics and short-term forecast of mortgage lending. The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics and forecast of mortgage loans in the Russian Federation in 2018–2022. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that in many countries the housing problem is solved with the help of mortgage lending. The development of mortgage lending has a positive impact on the real sector of the economy, suspending the decline in production in some industries, therefore, there is a need to modernize production.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):26-33
pages 26-33 views

International cooperation as a factor of scientific and technological development in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation

Kachelin A.S.


The article examines the technological development of the oil and gas industry in the context of an unprecedented sanctions regime by unfriendly countries. The importance of the oil and gas complex for technological re-equipment, in order to reduce dependence on foreign technologies, was noted. It is shown that in the conditions of sanctions restrictions and the worldwide drop in prices for hydrocarbons in the short term did not have serious consequences for the oil and gas complex. In order to reduce dependence on technological equipment of unfriendly countries, the form of international cooperation in the form of technological partnership is considered, which can be extremely useful, and not only the experience of partnerships for the development of new technologies, but also the experience of cooperation for the transfer and adaptation of existing technologies. Despite the obvious importance of the oil and gas complex in providing the federal budget with foreign exchange earnings, the current situation is marked by several important negative factors that have a certain impact on its development. It is shown that in conditions of global instability, large investments are needed in the development of modern Russian technological equipment at the level of the global average (2-8% of GDP) of highly developed countries. The main solutions of technological development in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation are proposed.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):34-52
pages 34-52 views

Networkization of higher educational institutions as a factor in increasing the innovative development of the region

Kiseleva O.N., Vasina A.V., Sysoeva O.V.


Transformation of the Russian system of higher education resulting from an escalation in international relations, and as a result, an unreasonable severance of scientific and educational ties with many European universities and research centers (for example, the termination of support for domestic scientists by the German academic exchange service – DAAD), exit and from the Bologna system of education, have become a kind of bifurcation point for the further development of the national higher education. At present, it is necessary to concentrate on the use of the country's internal scientific resources, as well as the search for new and promising solutions. This issue is currently one of the most pressing and requires special attention from the state. The purpose of the article is to analyze the level of development of Russian universities and propose directions for networking higher education institutions in accordance with the requests of various subjects. The analysis of the competitiveness of Russian universities in international rankings was carried out and the ranking of regions with the best universities was given. Data on the integration of universities are presented on the example of clusters as one of the forms of networking with various subjects of the ecosystem. The research methodology is based on the analysis of theoretical and practical work in the field of university management in order to identify the most promising areas for the development of network links. The scientific novelty consists in consolidating the developed and proposed areas for practical application by universities in order to intensify the processes of interaction through the development of network links. The proposed areas of cooperation between universities are practically applicable regardless of the place in the rankings in order to increase both the prestige of the educational institution and the innovative attractiveness of the region.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):53-60
pages 53-60 views

Harmonization of the strategic priorities of bordering regions based on the strategy of «smart» specialization

Kurnikova M.V., Khmeleva G.A., Bolgova E.V.


The most important direction of cross-border cooperation of the EAEU countries is the development and use of tools to reduce the lack of knowledge of the Union’s regions about each other’s potential in the field of industrial and scientific-technological development, identify the interconnectedness of regions and stimulate the development of interregional projects. In this respect, another major integration grouping of countries – the European Union – has already gained sufficient experience in developing strategies for cross-border and interregional cooperation to enhance the capacity of research and innovation, as well as the harmonization of strategic priorities of territorial development, where the European «smart specialization» is used as a methodological basis. The purpose of this article is to develop methodological principles of smart specialization in the implementation of cross-border cooperation based on the experience of the EU and other countries, proposals for their use in the development and implementation of programs and projects of cross-border cooperation of the regions of the Russian Federation. The authors have identified that the specificity of harmonization of strategic priorities of bordering regions is based on the identification of regional priorities from «internal» point of view and their subsequent interregional harmonization in two dimensions: 1) an innovative one, involving the formation of a cross-border regional innovation system; and 2) a socio-economic one, based on the potential of the border situation when forming a strategy for the socio-economic development of bordering territories. The conditions for the harmonization of strategic priorities of bordering regions are: 1) common problems, goals and objectives in the field of innovation, sustainable and digital development; 2) strengths and key competencies of participants of cross-border regions; 3) interested parties such as: territorial authorities, HEIs and research organizations, business, only if they have motivation in solving the identified problems.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):61-70
pages 61-70 views

Formation of strategic direction of the company using tools for adapting the possibility of formalizing approaches

Lapshina M.L., Lukina O.O.


The main problem faced by managers of commercial companies in the process of strategic management is the lack of tools that allow monitoring the implementation of selected business strategies in the short and long term time intervals [1]. Previously, in a planned economy, the strategy of each company's activities was determined "at the top" and implemented in practice through a centralized planning and management system. In modern economic realities, significant problems have arisen in this matter. Due to the increasing nature of the changes taking place, the managers of commercial companies used tactical management tools – operational and short–term plans to control the selected business strategies, but the disadvantage of using these tools is the lack of coordination with the strategy of the company organization due to the discrepancy between the views of today and the dynamically changing market environment. In this regard, the task arises of finding the appropriate methodological tools for decision support in the implementation of the company's strategic line. As such tools, it is proposed to use methods of optimizing the company's business processes based on the selection of suitable mathematical tools.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):71-78
pages 71-78 views

Analysis of the dynamics of exports of agricultural products as a key factor in changes in customs payments from non-primary non-energy exports in Russia

Larina T.N.


According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in 2021, the volume of non-primary non-energy exports in value increased by 36,2 % to the level of 2020 and reached 191.4 billion US dollars. The share of exports of agro-industrial complex products in non-primary exports amounted to 19,4 %. The author analyzed the export of products of the agro-industrial complex as one of the components of the country's non-primary export potential, as well as a significant factor in increasing customs payments and revenues to the country's budget. The aim of the study is to quantify the contribution of agriculture to the dynamics of customs payments from non-primary non-energy exports of Russia. The author studied the dynamics and structure of exports of agricultural products, the rates of customs payments on exported agricultural products, and made a quantitative assessment of customs payments associated with the export of agricultural products. The information base of the study includes data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Russian Export Center, the Federal Center for the Export of Agricultural Products of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, specialized Internet portals for 2019-2022. Methods of empirical research are statistical methods of analysis of dynamics and structure.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):79-86
pages 79-86 views

Green technology & innovation: its implications on the sustainable development in Indian context

Pandey M., Pandey M.K.


One of the top trending areas of research and development in science and technology is green technological innovation. Its primary objective is to develop a sustainable innovation paradigm that would allow for the introduction and development of environmentally friendly inventions to aid in the alleviation of environmental plight and conservation of natural resources. Green technological innovations, also referred to as environmental technological and clean technological innovations, are primarily intended to cater to novel technological products and processes in to avoid dependence on conventional non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels as well as to move toward the restoration of the health of the earth. Additionally, green technology innovation strives to meet the societal needs and amenities in a way by reducing the exploitation of natural resources and, as a result, conserves the environment. Given that India has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and a population of about 1.4 billion, the country's constant need for resources like energy, water, food, etc. is having a negative impact on the environment and the country's ability to curb the depletion of natural resources. As a result, efforts to develop green technologies are a necessary response to this problem. As a result, the present chapter is cantered on the state of green technology innovation in India and its implications for accomplishing sustainable development goals while preserving the country's environmental health.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):87-98
pages 87-98 views

State regulation of the system of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency operations

Mironova E.A.


Digital technologies are increasingly penetrating various spheres of society, including the economic one. Blockchain – the technology has existed for less than 10 years, however, it has successfully established itself in the Russian and world markets. Today, many organizations prefer to invest in specific systems based on blockchain technology. In the Russian Federation, blockchain technologies are also developing rapidly, which means they require clear state and legal regulation. The object of the study is the processes of state regulation and procedures for the use of blockchain technologies in the public financial sector. The subject is managerial, legal, organizational and economic relations, manifested in the development of blockchain technologies in the financial sector of the state. The published article reveals the essence and content of the blockchain platform in the development of a modern payment system, in particular, it substantiates the need for the use of blockchain technology by financial market participants as an innovative tool to accelerate the development of the economy, and considers the interest for the state, since the amount of taxes levied on the crypto industry is a significant share in the specific volume of taxes collected. The risks of using blockchain technologies in the financial system of the state are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the state regulation of the cryptocurrency industry. The main provisions of the «road map» for cryptocurrencies are considered; the main provisions of the Concept of regulating the circulation of digital currencies; the main provisions of the bill of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the regulation of cryptocurrencies. The tools of state regulation of digital currency and the sphere of cryptocurrency are given.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):99-107
pages 99-107 views

Transformation of regional industrial policy in the context of sanctions and priority areas for its development, taking into account the processes of import substitution

Oruch T.A., Zhuravleva T.A.


The regional industrial policy of import substitution is currently of particular importance for enterprises that find themselves in a difficult economic situation caused by international sanctions. The regional authorities see the solution to this problem in the development of knowledge-intensive industries, which can be a breakthrough for industrial enterprises in terms of import substitution. The ongoing assistance programs are being implemented for the sustainable development of the region and ensuring its independence from import supplies and broken logistics ties with foreign companies that previously supply equipment and components to enterprises in the Samara region. For the smooth operation of industrial enterprises, conditions are created for state regulation of the industrial complex and its development within the framework of innovative processes, based on the existing potential of all types of resources. For this, the main directions of import substitution with the involvement of the scientific potential of the region have been determined, which makes it possible to form a staff of qualified specialists from the field of science and entrepreneurship. In this situation, predictive analytics, automation of production processes and artificial intelligence are of particular importance. The indexes of industrial production in the Samara region considered in the article for the second half of 2022 show positive trends and opportunities for reorientation, both to new logistics and to import substitution of many types of products to meet the needs of the regional market. The decrease in the export component of the region also led to changes in the regional policy aimed at supporting industrial enterprises and consolidating the business community in terms of existing innovative developments that can be introduced in the near future and create competition for imported components and finished products. At the same time, development programs are being developed with countries interested in cooperating with industrial enterprises of the Samara region.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):108-118
pages 108-118 views

Development of theoretical and methodological issues of resource conservation and resource efficiency in Russian industry

Podbornova E.S.


At present, during the period of economic instability, total economic sanctions against Russia, military conflicts, issues of ensuring resource efficiency and increasing resource conservation of industrial enterprises, increasing their competitiveness, as well as ensuring import substitution processes, due to the partial withdrawal of foreign enterprises from domestic markets, resource conservation policy is becoming particularly relevant for enterprises industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The paper provides a theoretical analysis of the category of resource conservation, various approaches to its interpretation, determines the need for a resource conservation policy and directions for the development of resource efficiency of industrial enterprises, through the introduction of material and non-material factors of resource conservation research, based on the methods presented in the valuation. The paper proposes a methodology for assessing resource conservation based on the use of indicators of the functioning of enterprises of the industrial complex. The methodology is based on the use of the production function, taking into account the variation of the evaluation parameters, determining the amount of costs and resources.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):119-127
pages 119-127 views

Main directions of the implementation of import substitution strategy in the industry of the Samara region

Tyukavkin N.M., Anisimova V.Y.


The economic war, the conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine, the aggravation of the negative geopolitical situation and total sanctions against Russia are currently the reasons for the preservation and development of state sovereignty, the organization and improvement of state policy in the field of import substitution. In addition to this, a complete ban on the supply of high-tech imported products, the withdrawal of foreign enterprises from the Russian market, created an unstable economic situation in the domestic markets of the country, in terms of substitution of imported products, the reorientation of the domestic economy to the markets of China and Southeast Asia. Under these conditions, under the influence of unfavorable large-scale factors from unfriendly countries, the role of the state in organizing the import substitution strategy in the industrial sector of Russia is expressed imperatively and represents the main factor guaranteeing the growth and development of national security of the economy. Assessing the scale of the negative consequences of sanctions and economic war, Russia has formed a new economic model for the functioning and development of domestic industry, based on an import substitution strategy and a state program to preserve sovereignty and replace imported analogues of products with domestic ones. The article reflects the main directions of the implementation of the import substitution strategy in the industrial complex of the Samara region, reveals the role of import substitution in the development of the internal market of the region and increasing, on this basis, the economic security of the Russian economy as a whole. A form of import substitution is proposed as a structural transformation of the industrial complex of the Samara region, consisting in diversification, activation of its innovative potential for the formation of competitive manufacturing enterprises and innovative development of the real sector of the regional economy. The necessity of implementing the state industrial policy of diversification aimed at increasing the production of domestic products on the basis of existing industrial enterprises is substantiated. The issues of production of domestic products and their testing on domestic markets are presented, the directions of ensuring the independence of the state from imported products and priority areas of import substitution policy are proposed.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):128-138
pages 128-138 views


Changing the requirements for state civil servants in the conditions of building a service state

Anisimova S.V., Pilipchuk N.V.


Trends in changes in the institution of public service give rise to changes in the requirements for public civil servants in the conditions of building a service state. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main directions of changes in the activities of the public civil servants, starting with the definition of requirements for their skills, competencies and education. The article reveals the content of the concept of "service state", describes the specifics of the formation of a service state in Russia. Among the main trends of changes are: digitalization, customer orientation, organization of work with the use of project activity technologies, including agile methodology; self-management and self-motivation. Among the methods it is worth noting general: analysis, classification, analogy; particular: comparison, description, modeling. The authors conducted a theoretical analysis of the economic, managerial and regulatory literature on the research topic. The authors grouped the requirements for the skills and competencies of the public civil servants in the service state with a division into digital and other; the types of professional service activities are highlighted, from which it is logical to start replacing public civil servants with services / bots. The need to change the attitude to the education of future officials and to increase the requirements for them, starting from the lowest positions, is justified. It is suggested that it is important to change the thinking of GGS, their attitude to education and the need to change the requirements for it.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):139-147
pages 139-147 views

Impact of organizational culture on innovative behavior of staff

Gerasimov K.B., Ozernov R.S.


: Innovation is the key to the survival of an organization, and therefore the study of the processes that support innovation should be of interest both to the scientific community. Edgar Schein's layered model of organizational culture offers a framework for thinking about the processes that drive innovation. The defining characteristic of the model is the subtle but important differences between different levels of organizational culture (i.e. values and norms, artifacts and behaviors). The main assumption of this study is that Shane's model offers an acceptable explanation for the cultural processes that support organizational innovation, especially in service firms. Despite the intuitive appeal and practical value of Shane's conceptual framework, empirical research related to this model is limited. This article develops a rationale for an empirical model based on Shane's conceptual model. The results obtained generally confirm the hypothetical relationships. A key result is how levels of organizational culture, in particular norms, artifacts, and innovative behavior, partially mediate the impact of innovation-supporting values on firm performance. The results obtained have implications for theory and practice, especially in relation to the formation of an organizational culture in professional services companies that promotes innovative behavior.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):148-156
pages 148-156 views


Economic and mathematical models of transformation manufacturing enterprise, taking into account the dynamics of its innovative potential

Aksinin V.I., Saraev L.A.


In the published article, economic and mathematical models of an enterprise are proposed, taking into account the influence of its innovative potential on the dynamics of growth in output and production factors. Models are a system of differential equations regarding the resources of the enterprise and the function of its innovative potential. Three options for the formation of the innovative potential of an enterprise from the product, process technological innovations of mixed technological innovations introduced into production are considered. In the first case, innovative potential is formed from product technological innovations that bring new or improved products to the market. In the second case, the innovative potential is formed on the basis of providing a new or significantly improved way of producing products. In the third case, the innovative potential is the result of a simultaneous combination of product and process technological innovations. Scenarios for the development of an enterprise are constructed that correspond to the absence of innovation potential, product innovation potential, process innovation potential, mixed innovation potential and the case of full implementation of innovation potential. A variant of scenarios for the development of an enterprise is presented, in which the innovative potential is introduced from the very beginning, and a variant of scenarios for the development of an enterprise, in which the innovative potential is introduced from a certain point in time.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):157-171
pages 157-171 views

On the theory of profit capitalization of a multifactorial manufacturing enterprise

Ilyina E.A., Saraev L.A.


The published article proposes new economic and mathematical models of the dynamics of development of multifactorial enterprises, the restoration of production resources of which is ensured by the capitalization of profits. The features of these models are that to calculate the profit of enterprises, multiplicative production functions with variable resource elasticities, functions describing proportional, progressive and digressive volumes of production costs, and functions describing proportional, progressive and digressive volumes of depreciation deductions are used. To predict the volume of production costs and the volume of depreciation deductions, systems of differential equations are established. It is shown that the effectiveness of the dynamics of the development of enterprises depends on the choice of values of capitalization coefficients. An unsuccessful choice of these coefficients does not allow the company to ensure its maximum profit. A system of equations has been obtained for calculating effective capitalization ratios, using which the enterprise is guaranteed to enter the operating mode with maximum profit. Variants of enterprise development dynamics for proportional, progressive and digressive costs and proportional, progressive and digressive depreciation charges are considered. Various modes of operation of enterprises are shown, which include stable output by enterprises, temporary suspension of work of enterprises during its technical re-equipment, and temporary partial curtailment of production.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):172-191
pages 172-191 views

Development of economic and mathematical models of dynamics and analysis of insurance markets in the regions of the Volga federal district

Morozova S.A., Rostov A.A.


: Insurance is an integral part of the financial system of any state. As of October 1, 2022, there were 143 insurance companies, 57 insurance brokers and 19 mutual insurance companies operating in the Russian Federation. The insurance market of the Russian Federation is characterized by the dominance of large insurers with an extensive network throughout the country. Regional insurance companies are represented by a small number of organizations due to the high requirements for insurers and the difficulty of competing with the leaders of the insurance market. The insurance market of the state and individual territories has developed gradually in an evolutionary way under the influence of market mechanisms and regulatory documents that establish requirements for insurance companies. The regions of the Volga Federal District, which are the object of analysis of this article, are diverse in terms of territorial location, GRP volume and its structure, and differ in dominant sectors of the economy. The analysis of insurance markets presented in the article revealed a stable composition of regions leading in terms of collected insurance premiums. In the regions of the Volga Federal District, there are no significant differences in the structure of collected insurance premiums by type of insurance, which indicates that there is no direct dependence of demand for insurance services on the GRP structure. The leaders of the insurance markets in the regions under consideration have been identified – the TOP 5 insurers are companies registered in Moscow. Among the leaders are such companies as JSC «Sogaz», PJSC IC «Rosgosstrakh», CAO «VSK», LLC IC «Sberbank Life Insurance», SPAO «Ingosstrakh», JSC «Alfa Insurance». The competitive advantages of large insurance companies allow them to occupy more than 50% of the regional insurance market. The concentration of the markets of the VFD regions, estimated using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, ranges from 0.235 to 0.367, which indicates a high concentration of markets. The dynamics of collected insurance premiums in the analyzed regions has a different growth rate for the period under review from 2004 to 2020 and is described using exponential and linear trend functions. The analysis of the unprofitability of the insurance markets of the regions made it possible to determine the most unattractive for insurers, as well as to identify differences in the unprofitability of various types of insurance in the regions of the Volga federal district.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):192-201
pages 192-201 views

Econometric modeling as a development tool of Methodologies for analysis of banking indicators

Trusova A.Y.


The development of the country's economy without the competent and correct operation of commercial banks is complicated. The activities of commercial banks help the economy develop and meet the needs of customers. One of the main commercial banks in the country is PJSC Sberbank which holds a leading position in the modern banking system of the country. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that in the conditions of non-stationarity of the economic, social and political systems, it is important to constantly diagnose current banking and financial indicators. The objects of the study are the financial and banking indicators of PJSC Sberbank. The study examines the bank's financial performance under non-stationary external conditions using dynamic and econometric modeling. The Bank is steadily increasing the return on capital and assets, which, first of all, shows the successful solution of management issues. The bank's balance sheet is growing faster than the market average, as Sberbank is the country's largest credit institution.The presented in the study results of financial performance indicators of PJSC Sberbank make it possible to determine its place in the banking services market of the Russian Federation. The study also examines the issues of minimizing risks in banking. The paper also presents some internal and external factors that affect the work of the bank. By means of econometric modeling, the influence of these factors was studied and the form of the relationship between the indicators was determined. In addition, in non-stationary conditions, when it is difficult to predict changes in external data, and most indicators become unexplained variables, it is important to constantly monitor the dynamics of financial indicators to adjust the development strategy. This is necessary to preserve them in conditions of instability rather than to multiply own results.The combination of dynamic analysis when studying financial indicators, analyzing the risks of investing in shares of the banking sector, subject to the presence of economic and social crises in the data, makes it possible to comprehensively study the indicators of the banking sector and draw conclusions that are advisory in nature for the activities of Sberbank. The results of the study can be useful for banking analytics in order to adjust the methods and indicators that can affect the maximization of financial results.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):202-218
pages 202-218 views

Models of the dynamics of maximal and optimal profits of a manufacturing enterprise implementing technological innovations

Ilyina E.A.


The published article presents new mathematical models that describe the dynamics of the development of manufacturing enterprises using innovative technologies. It is shown that the level of use of innovative technologies in an enterprise depends on dimensionless coefficients that describe the diffusion process of introducing technological innovations and affect the increase in output and cost reduction. The dependence of the enterprise's profit on the levels of production and transaction costs has been studied. It has been established that the formation of transaction costs arising from the search and processing of economic information, financing of negotiation procedures, conclusion of contracts with partners, protection of property rights and payment for the opportunistic behavior of employees and management of the enterprise, force the management of the enterprise to maximize not only the profit function, but also the target a transactional utility function that takes into account the redistribution of profits in the interests of the enterprise's management and for the implementation of socially-oriented programs. Dimensionless redistribution coefficients are calculated, which determine the size of the part of the profit that is used for non-production purposes. It is shown that in the presence of transaction costs, the limiting value of the enterprise's profit is not its maximum possible value, but its lower optimal value.

Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2023;14(1):219-231
pages 219-231 views

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