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Author Guidelines

For the publication of scientific works in the journal «Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Ekonomika i upravlenie Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management» articles that correspond to the scientific requirements, general trend of the series of the journal and articles that are able to interest sufficiently wide range of Russian and foreign scientific community are taken.

Suggested in the article material should be original, not published earlier in other printed publications, written in the context of modern scientific literature and also contain evident element of creation new knowledge.

All the presented articles undergo a checkout in the program «Antiplagiat» ( and are sent on independent (internal) peer review. Period of peer review is 1–2 months. The solution on publishing the article is taken by the editorial board on the basis of the peer review.

Frequency of publication is 4 issues a year.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • The article is presented in Russian or in English language in printed (size A4) and electronic (e-mail: variants. The text of the article should be prepared by means of the LATEX2 publishing system using the ecovestnik.sty style (rules for authorstemplate)

    Before the title of the article you should put UDC cipher (

  • Place of work, list of authors in alphabetical order (family name, name, patronymic name, place of work, index and address of place of work, academic degree, position, e-mail, mobile telephone), abstract, key words, reference list (see this example), should be presented in Russian and in English language.

  • Text of the article should be set up in the word processor Word for Windows with the extension doс or rtf by typeface Times New Roman size 14, through 1,5 interval.

    The volume of the main text should be in the range of 8–20 pages.

  • Drawings and tables suppose the title and continuous numbering.
    Reference list is formed according to the GOST R 7.05–2008 according to the proper order of citing after the main text. Not more than 20 sources is allowed.

    References to the literature in the text are obligatory and are given in square brackets, for example [14, p.28]. References on foreign sources are given on the language of the original.

  • XBM: drawings and photos, scanned and prepared in Photoshop, Paintbrush, Corel Photopaint, should have extension not more than 300 dpi, format TIF.

    Vector format: drawings presented in program CorelDraw 5.0-11.0, should have line weight not more than 0,2 mm., text in them should be set up by typeface Times New Roman or Arial. It is not recommended to convert drawings from Corel Draw in XBM. Drawings must be distinct and easy-to-read.

  • Units of measurement in the article should be expressed in the International System of Units.

    In the article only foremost, final formulae are presented. The set up of formulae is carried out in the formula editor Microsoft Equation with the parameters: common – 14, large size index – 7, large symbol – 20, small symbol ¬– 14.

    Insert in the text of the article of formulae as drawings is impossible.

    All the used in the formulae symbols should be deciphered in explicatum.

  • At the end of the article should be a block of the authors (see this example author's info)

    Articles that are designed not according to the rules will not be viewed by the editorial board of the journal.

  • Consent for the processing of the author's personal data. The authors are familiar with the consent for the processing of the author's personal data

  • Consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution. The authors are familiar with the consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution


Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright to their work and provide the right Journal publications are licensed under a CC-By 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) which permits anyone unlimited download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, copy and create new materials on their basis, subject to attribution and source.


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses presented on the site of this journal are to be used only for the purposes specified by the journal and will not be used for any other purposes or supplied to other people or organizations.


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